Wednesday 11 June 2014

Training for a Half Marathon

Many people want to complete a marathon but some prefer to complete a half marathon first, some even want to do it as part of their marathon training. So what is the difference between training for a half marathon and a full marathon.

Well training for a half marathon obviously means you dont have to run as far. So the distance is going to be shorter. Which means your training will consist of shorter distance runs but you still will need to put in the hard work. When training for a half marathon you must set out a correct training program you can follow and stick to it.

Training for a half marathon requires dedication and discipline. You will need to set aside time each week when you are training for a half marathon. Write it out and make sure that those hours are free and dont book anything in that time. When you are training for a half marathon you need to be strong and let other people know about it, if something conflicts with your marathon training schedule make sure that you stick to your training and reorganise whatever it is that is causing the conflict when you are training for a half marathon.
Training for a half marathon consists of training sessions five days a week with two rest days. Typically these rest days will be on a Monday and Friday while the rest of the days will be when you are actually training for a half marathon. When you have setup a basis like this you will find it easier to stick to. Training for a half marathon like this will have you doing your short to medium runs on week days and your long run on the Saturday.

On Sundays you will do some form of cross training. Cross training is a very important part when training for a half marathon because it helps to prevent over use injuries and helps with recovery. Some good cross training exercises are walking, swimming or riding a bike. It is a good idea to include the cross training session the day after your long run while you are training for a half marathon because it gives the body a break from running and helps to quicken recovery.

Training for a half marathon is a great way to prepare for a full marathon. You still go through the same time type of training and experiences it is just not as much as you would with a full marathon. Training for a half marathon can also be for the people who only want to compete in half marathons and try and better their times each half marathon they complete. For some people the distance of a half marathon suits them better than a full marathon also when training for a half marathon people can find it easier to find the time to train. So all in all training for a half marathon is a fantastic rewarding experience.

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