Saturday 28 June 2014

Setting Up a Half Marathon Training Program

A half marathon training program is something that you want to setup when you have made the decision to run a half marathon. It is a great way to get fit and it is good preparation for a full marathon. Having a half marathon training program is very important, some people dont take the half marathon seriously and dont train specifically for it because they dont believe it holds the same prestige as a full marathon. This is a big mistake, it is very important to have a correct marathon training program in place.

A half marathon training program will differ from a full marathon training program because you dont have to have the same level of endurance. Endurance is still required as a half marathon is still a large distance in anyones language but it doesnt require as much endurance as a full marathon.

So you want to slowly build up your mileage each week by increasing the amount of distance you run in each session. Your half marathon training program should have you running at least 4 days a week and increasing the distance each time you run.
There are a lot of different half marathon training programs out there so it is important that you take your time and work out what is going to fit you best. Knowing how to train correctly for a half marathon makes all the difference so it is vitally important that you have a half marathon training program that is going to provide you with quality results and hold you in good stead for your half marathon.

Setting goals is a very important factor when it comes to your half marathon training program and you should take it very seriously. Having goals gives you focus and direction and keeps you motivated. You should write out your goals on a piece of paper and look at them everyday, this helps you stay motivated and reminds you of what it is you are training for. It is also important to have long term goals and short term goals. You want to have a big picture goal like completing a half marathon and then have smaller goals leading up to it such as getting the most out of your training.

You must commit to your half marathon training program and stick to it. The best way to do this is to look at your current daily schedule and re-organize yourself so that you can fit your half marathon training program into your daily routine. It is very important that you are serious about your training and dont skip sessions. You cant just train whenever you feel like it and still expect to cruise through your half marathon. So if you take the time out to prepare a schedule where you will have time set aside for your half marathon training program it will be easy to follow. When you are unorganized that is when it becomes very easy to skip sessions or run out of time and not complete your half marathon training program.

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