Monday 9 June 2014

How To Run A Sub 3 Hour Marathon - How To Run A Marathon - How To Train For A Marathon

Theres nothing like finishing your first marathon, but alot of runners would say there is: Beating the 3 Hour Mark!
Now alot of runners have said 3 hour mark is the "Holy Grail" Of running marathons! Now I have been one of the lucky ones to enjoy the "holy grail" and boy did I feel Great! Of course my legs had went to pure jelly and I nearly needed oxegyn but looking back at that moment it had to be one of the proudest moments of my life!
But! This isn't about me! Its about the tips! Heres some mararthon Tips that might help to break 3 hours & how to run a marathon!
~ You NEED a proper marathon training program! It is a MUST!
I used BreakYourPR, written by: Julie Bruyere & Ben Greenfield From BruyereFitness & BenGreenfieldFitness, they have been like the two gurus of marathon running I've always needed in my life! :D
Now I know it may sound funny these people being younger then me but I really admire these two! In their marathon training guide they set out for you a fully training schedule, ways to avoid most common marathon injuries, advice from Julie & a few mental experts on the mental side of running (I Found Most Helpful!) And Real nutrional advice and what your diet should be coming up to & after a marathon! I'd really recommend these two gurus to you! If you want to check out their website here's the link: www. tinyurl .com/ marathon-training-guide (PLEASE JOIN THE URL TOGETHER IS IT IS SEPERATED :)
Their ebook only costs something like $80 but I think theres some special deal on right now where she throws in a few extra informative dvds, Trust Me! Don't waste your money anywhere else! It worked for me!
~ Stay on the mental side of things (Dont lose concentration at the last 30 min sprint) FOCUS, FOCUS FOCUS!
~ Work on your speed training not just long distance, you'll need some spurts of sprints around some of the course when your down on time!
~ Do some tempo runs, they're running your miles at your marathon pace and building up the number of tempo miles you run before a marathon

FAQ : Q: How to run a marathon beginner? A: Just follow some simple techniques, also for newbies I'd really advise the training guide above! My cousin (26) ran his first marathon last year just under 4 hours after I recommended the product to him aswell!
Q: How To run a marathon in under 3 hours? A: Stay Focused! The mental side of marathon running is more important when it comes to breaking 3 hours some times!
Q: How To run a marathon under 4 hours? A: Follow my tips, but really you should purchase a marathon training guide.
Q: How to run a marathon in the rain?
Q: How To Run marathon book? A: Check out my guide above
Q: How To run a marathon faster? A: Try Some tempo runs
Thanks For Reading!
Article Keywords: Marathon training marathon training schedule Marathon training plan marathon training for beginners marathon training for beginners ebook marathon training ebook 201 0 marathon

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