Monday 30 June 2014

Marathon Training Schedule For Beginner Marathoners

Many marathon training beginners get very enthused and start out full blazes with every good intention to see their training through, only to fall short with fatigue and or injuries and little progress after only two weeks. In fact, a full 98% of those who embark on a marathon training program give up within two weeks!This year is the one, you've decided to run a marathon and achieve one of your long term goals. You're ready, willing and able, but what do you do next? At this point most people would look for a marathon training schedule. You can download them for free from most running or charity websites and generally they'll give you a bunch of numbers, either distances or times that you need to run for each day.

More and more people are running a marathon these days. But many of them struggle to complete the event. Selecting the right training schedule to follow is a huge factor in deciding how well a runner will finish the race. I was brand new to running, living with diabetes and training for my first marathon. I had a great start and now it was time to get serious about my training. As I quickly learned, this was about much more than physical preparation. When you're reaching for a goal, it's your early work that provides the foundation you'll need to keep going.

# 1 - A marathon is a 26.2 mile run. Notice that I said run!You've decided to run a marathon and have started to follow a schedules. If you follow these 10 essentials of marathon training, you will arrive at the start line in fine form.

This article shares the insider secrets and tips how as a first timer, training for my 1st marathon helped me Feel Good, Lose Weight and achieve optimum health and fitness. Running using the running easy approach has given me a zest for life and an enthusiasm to embrace a healthy lifestyle. I started as an absolute beginner with no previous running experience and went from completing my very first marathon to completing multiple marathons and ultra marathons using the running easy approach. The endorphin lift running gives you is simply poetry in motion. No need to head for any "feel good" pills.Today I want you to take a good hard think about your breathing. Correct breathing is essential.

As a beginner training for a half-marathon, one of the most common questions asked is "What should my time be?" A few tips on race timing and the factors that determine the time to finish the race are outlined below.If you are thinking of running a marathon but don't really know what to do in terms of how much running to do, when to do it, when to take rest days or how difficult it ought to feel, then you may benefit from employing the skills of a marathon coach? These days a number of people seek the guidance of professionals when they have a goal or objective in mind.

There's three crucial areas you will need to evaluate when deciding upon a marathon training programme. They are; eating routine or nutrition, running accessories and equipment and of course the actual running and training plan itself. The actual plan you choose to use will probably be dependent on your own personal knowledge of these topics.If you're going to start training to run a half marathon you need to have a basic level of fitness. It's all too easy to be inspired by seeing the Great North Run or the London Marathon and think "I can do that".

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Sunday 29 June 2014

The Importance of Half Marathon Training Plan

It is important that you know all the little things about running especially when you are aiming to take part in half marathon. A half marathon training plan could be of great help to you. Even if you are a beginner runner or an expert runner, there is still a need for you to be equipped with half marathon training plan. It is important that you need to give attention to some tips that you will learn from half marathon training plan to improve your running skills, to provide you race preparation and to impressively improve your opportunities in becoming successful in running.

Historically speaking, there were many people who dared to participate in half marathon and long distance races. However, there were only few who made it to the last minute and succeed. Why was that so? It was simply because, most of the runners who joined the marathon were not properly trained to do long distance run. With half marathon training plan, there will be a big possibility that you can make it to the finish line with less risk of pain and injury.

The half marathon training plan plays a vital role in every runner. Indeed running or taking part in a marathon is extremely difficult. You need to be stirred with motivation and discipline. It is important that you should not give up in the middle of half marathon training plan as pitfalls sprout just uncontrollably. Listed below are some of the common obstacles that might impede you to continue your half marathon training plan.

1. Motivation

This is very important if you are aiming to join a half marathon. You should have the answer to question: "why do you want to run a half marathon?" If you already have a concrete answer to this question, then you are most probably ready to do a half marathon training plan. Whatever the reasons are, it is best to be prepared with half marathon training plan.

2. Nutrition

If you go for half marathon training, it is important that you take in some good nutrients to nourish your body. A half marathon training plan is absolutely exhausting that it could weaken your body. A good nutrition is enough to keep you on the go until the last day of your half marathon training plan. Make it sure to eat fruit, vegetables, carbohydrates, rich in protein food and avoid alcohol, junk food and caffeine. Doing this help you finish your half marathon training plan.

3. Shoes

In order to be successful in doing your half marathon training plan, you need to get your self a very good pair of running shoes. Your running shoes play a vital role through your training. If you happen to pick the wrong shoes, it could cause pain to your feet and that becomes a reason that you stop you half marathon training plan. It is advised that before jumping on the first day of you half marathon training plan, visit a running shoe store and purchase a good pair that would fit comfortably to your feet.

4. Rest and Recovery

It is a rule of thumb that you need to give rest to your body. No matter how strong you think you are, it is important that you do some rest while doing along with your half marathon training plan. This should be done in between your workouts.

5. Hydrate your Body

Water is the best weapon when you go running or when you are doing your half marathon training plan. You need to hydrate your body since your body emits fluid as your jog, or run around.

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Saturday 28 June 2014

Setting Up a Half Marathon Training Program

A half marathon training program is something that you want to setup when you have made the decision to run a half marathon. It is a great way to get fit and it is good preparation for a full marathon. Having a half marathon training program is very important, some people dont take the half marathon seriously and dont train specifically for it because they dont believe it holds the same prestige as a full marathon. This is a big mistake, it is very important to have a correct marathon training program in place.

A half marathon training program will differ from a full marathon training program because you dont have to have the same level of endurance. Endurance is still required as a half marathon is still a large distance in anyones language but it doesnt require as much endurance as a full marathon.

So you want to slowly build up your mileage each week by increasing the amount of distance you run in each session. Your half marathon training program should have you running at least 4 days a week and increasing the distance each time you run.
There are a lot of different half marathon training programs out there so it is important that you take your time and work out what is going to fit you best. Knowing how to train correctly for a half marathon makes all the difference so it is vitally important that you have a half marathon training program that is going to provide you with quality results and hold you in good stead for your half marathon.

Setting goals is a very important factor when it comes to your half marathon training program and you should take it very seriously. Having goals gives you focus and direction and keeps you motivated. You should write out your goals on a piece of paper and look at them everyday, this helps you stay motivated and reminds you of what it is you are training for. It is also important to have long term goals and short term goals. You want to have a big picture goal like completing a half marathon and then have smaller goals leading up to it such as getting the most out of your training.

You must commit to your half marathon training program and stick to it. The best way to do this is to look at your current daily schedule and re-organize yourself so that you can fit your half marathon training program into your daily routine. It is very important that you are serious about your training and dont skip sessions. You cant just train whenever you feel like it and still expect to cruise through your half marathon. So if you take the time out to prepare a schedule where you will have time set aside for your half marathon training program it will be easy to follow. When you are unorganized that is when it becomes very easy to skip sessions or run out of time and not complete your half marathon training program.

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Friday 27 June 2014

The Importance of Having a Marathon Training Schedule

If you have made the decision to run a marathon it is vitally important that you have a marathon training schedule you can stick to. Running a marathon requires strict planning and discipline and the best way to achieve this is to have a correct marathon training schedule set up.

So how do you prepare a marathon training schedule that will hold you in good stead throughout your marathon training? Well you need to organise yourself and work out what the best times would be for you to train.

Working out what your daily routine is now is important because that way you can work out the most busiest times during your day and the times where you are not so busy. A marathon training schedule is all about organisation so you need to organise your day so that you will have time to train. But it is important to remember that you must make time for your marathon training schedule because you cant just try and work around other things and fit in a session here and there.

This all comes back to organising your day. You will need to set aside time each week specifically for your marathon training schedule and not break it. Write it out and make sure that those hours are free and dont book anything in that time. Also be strong and let other people know about it, if something conflicts with your marathon training schedule make sure that you stick to your training and reorganise whatever it is that is conflicting with your marathon training schedule.
Now, a correct marathon training schedule will consist of training sessions five days a week with two rest days. Typically these rest days will be on a Monday and Friday while the rest of the days will be when you complete your marathon training. A marathon training schedule like this will have you doing your short to medium runs on week days and your long run on the Saturday.

On Sundays you will do some form of cross training. Cross training is a very important part in any marathon training schedule because it helps to prevent over use injury and helps with recovery. Some good cross training exercises are walking, swimming or riding a bike. It is a good idea to have a marathon training schedule that has the cross training session the day after your long run because it gives the body a break from running and helps to quicken recovery.

Your marathon training schedule should be very detailed and contain exactly what you will be doing throughout the coming weeks. It also has to allow for progression as you want to be running longer distances over time. A good marathon training schedule will have you slowly increase the amount of miles you run each week. For a beginner you will want to build up to around 45 to 50 miles each week before you attempt your first marathon.

When you prepare your marathon training schedule you will want to increase the long run distance and the mid week run distance evenly over time. Some people believe that a good guide is to increase your mileage by about 10 percent each week. For your long run you want to be able to eventually get to the stage where you can comfortably run 20 -23 miles in one session. If you have a marathon training schedule that slowly builds up to that mark and it is a schedule you can stick to and commit to then you are going to have a fantastic marathon and will love every second of it.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday 26 June 2014

If you take to reach that complete marathon training schedule and marathon training plan

The leading prospect to marathon training is to foremost check that you are efficient to give in the competent preparation required to successfully accomplish a marathon. Whether you are into professional marathon training or just applying a marathon training plan for your health agenda, you should preserve in mind that you should be certain to have the discipline and impulse to end the arduous marathon training. This would be fundamental if you want to finish your marathon successfully and not merely be an also ran. So it is really pressing that you train matching to your marathon training schedule in case you want to compete in a marathon.

Planning for marathon training? Recall that one of the stuff that you should keep in mind while preparation for it is to keep maximizing your running length. This of course would be followed in case you have been practicing running for about a year antecedently. Fit weekly goals to reach and watch those exha ustively while maximizing them steadily. Make certain that you start and stop the race in a healthy shape and this should be one of your better aims while running a race. Ascertaining that your body bears the marathon training in a solid way should constantly be kept in mind. It would be stupid to drive your body to its limits just to participate in a marathon and finish up being severely injured or burnt out. Make certain that you are able to step the fine line between training pretty and growing hurt or indisposed.

Want to keep your stride while going over your marathon training. You could do it by beginning running the full distance of the marathon 4 weeks pre-existing to the event. Build your marathon training slow and see that you do your marathon training plan with recuperation days and walk breaks to assure no burn out. In fact marathon training well for about three or four days should do the trick. Determine that you are utilizing your marathon stride on a regular basis and keep extending it slowly.

During your marathon training, be secure to keep ingesting good sums of carbohydrates during breaks and after lasting runs as this will fill again your energy charges.You might wish to supplement your breaks with a spot of protein and water as well. Eat Up foods that are rich in iron sources and vitamins to facilitate your body observe that serious healthy balance.

Are you a first time marathon runner? Design your marathon training plan cautiously by interpreting these critical pointers which will be highly advantageous for your designing. Ensure that your marathon training has an associated assortment of several training exercises. The drive should be on running fairly and not on sprinting. Take it easy on the first and last couple of weeks of your marathon training. Try and ensure that you grant appropriate warm up and cool down time to your body to fend off hazardous injuries during the training.

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Wednesday 25 June 2014

What is The Best Marathon Training Schedule for Beginners?

Running a marathon is one of the important goals of a runner. Many people say that running a marathon is never an easy task. There is a need that you will undergo training especially is you are still considered a beginner in running. For novice runners, it is important that they follow a marathon training schedule for beginners to achieve progress and direction. Perhaps, you will be wondering why a marathon training schedule for beginners is very important. Indeed, a marathon training schedule for beginners is a lot essential since it could serve as their foundation to prepare for the marathon. It is a training that aims to develop every runner to achieve satisfaction and victory in the running marathon.

What is a marathon training schedule for beginners is all about?

The marathon training schedule for beginners is designed to encourage every runner to set a direction, a goal and a target in order to be motivated during the training. The marathon training schedule for beginners aims to develop the fitness skills and endurance level of every runner.

A running training is very important for beginners to avoid injury and frustration. Many of us feel so agitated to participate in any running activity most especially a running marathon without doing appropriate training. Now, what happens when a novice runner engages in a running activity without doing any proper marathon training, and what's worst, they do not follow the marathon training schedule for beginners? Always remember that a marathon training schedule for beginners is a simple step-by- step guide that covers everything that you need to know about running marathon.

A marathon training schedule for beginners will give you helpful information about nutrition advice, effective techniques in running, information on injury prevention, strategies on staying motivated and focused and most of all, a marathon training schedule for beginners is equipped with structured marathon training. In addition, a marathon training schedule for beginners also gives you innumerable tips in running.

What happens when you do not follow a good marathon training schedule for beginners?

A good marathon training schedule for beginners as mentioned earlier is a good structured plan of your training. Without a good marathon training schedule for beginners, even if you are healthy, strong and you believe that you possess a great speed in running, still you will be running for disappointment and injury. No matter how enthusiastic you are but if you do possess a good foundation for running, everything will still be for naught. You can find an online source about a comprehensive training guide juts like the marathon training schedule for beginners that could be of great help to you as you start the first day of your training until the day that you will be joining a running marathon.Marathontraining schedule for beginner is no doubt a helpful guide for everyone.

If you do not have a running buddy, the manual about a marathon training schedule for beginners can be your partner during the training. If you feel down and almost about give up, turn to your marathon training schedule for beginners manual and be guided in order to boost your energy and motivation. The marathon training schedule for beginners will help you stay focused on your goals and keep you motivated to attain them. It is really a plus if a runner has done a good marathon training schedule for beginners in order to develop a runner's fitness skills and to maintain the endurance level of the person. Remember that a running marathon is a long distance run; therefore every runner only needs to be prepared physically and emotionally

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Tuesday 24 June 2014

Stress Management Tips – Great Ideas to Manage Stress

Getting stressed is a perfectly normal reaction if you have too many things coming at you at the same time. But always getting frazzled and cracking under pressure isnt the way to handle it. You need to apply some stress management tips to toughen yourself up in the face of pressure and to keep yourself from breaking down.

One of the biggest causes of stress is the workplace. From worrying about job security, dealing with heavy workload, and going through the daily commute, your job carries with it a lot of pressure.

Studies have shown that stress can have a severe negative impact on your health and well-being. Heart problems are just one of the physical manifestations of the tension you feel. If you bring your stress home as well, it can also severely impact your personal relationships.

Before your life reaches this point due to stress, you must take action to keep it from happening. Instead of always resorting to dealing with stress negatively, there are other means for you to approach stress in a healthier way. Here are a few stress management tips to help you overcome stress.
Stress Management Tip # 1: Take a break. Yes, thats right. To be able to cope with stress better, you need to step away from what youre doing and get your energy together. Working under pressure and completing your duties while youre stressed will only wear you down and could also affect your performance. Removing yourself from a stressful situation, even for a brief moment, will help you breathe more easily and give you a fresh perspective.

Stress Management Tip # 2: Pamper yourself throughout the day. It doesnt have to be anything elaborate and lengthy. You can do it by enjoying a hot soothing cup of herbal tea, particular ones with calming properties, or buy yourself a small massager to soothe your aches and pains.

Stress Management Tip # 3: Be organized. If youre juggling too many things all at once, you tend to forget how to schedule your work properly. Make a list of everything you need to do, and then arrange them in order of urgency and when they need to be completed. This will help you stay focused on the things that need to be done right away instead of turning your attention to the ones that arent as urgent.

Stress Management Tip # 4: Say no to more responsibilities. You already have too much on your plate and not much time to work on them, which is why youre getting frazzled and stressed. You dont need more responsibilities. But dont worry; this wont make you look irresponsible and incapable. If you have a hard time saying no to extra work, simply think of all the work you need to do and the time you dont have to accommodate more work.

Stress Management Tip # 5: Get help. You might want to talk to a friend or a loved one to help you vent out your frustrations or perhaps even distract you from whats causing your stress. Acknowledge that youre not capable of doing everything, and dont be afraid to get help around the office too.

These stress management tips dont sound too hard, do they? Once you get stress under control, youll be able to work more efficiently and then go on to enjoy a happy and fulfilling life.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday 23 June 2014

SEO Training Course with Sitepoint SEO Business Guide

Optimizing a website to get the best rankings possible for certain keywords can be complicated. I've started reading up about it and there are plenty of contradicting schools of thought on this subject. For a beginner like me, it is therefore hard to make any progress whatsoever. Of course, you can choose to follow only one guru or coach or whatever you call them but what would happen to you if what you are following is not really the best?

This is why I think a good SEO training course is the best thing for SEO newbies to look into. At the same time, we should not only be looking at any SEO business course just because. If you have no need for it, why should you spend money for such a course? Also, I have this belief that I can only truly learn how to optimize a website for search engines from people who have already been there and done that.

That said, I think that Sitepoint's SEO Business Guide is the best choice for internet marketers who would like to learn the basics as well as advanced tips in search engine optimization. Unlike most SEO books or training course, this is a physical product. What's more interesting though is the fact that it is made by the people behind and even

The aforementioned sites are not only great in terms of ranking well for many keywords but they are also managed well. Both sites are easy to use which is why I really want this course. I want to learn from these people how to integrate SEO with any business. For example, if I want my site to be flashy because my target market likes that stuff, I would like to know how I can make sure that my site is still being read by search engine spiders.

So basically, this SEO training course is not only about search engine optimization per se. It also contains information about managing a business hence the title. I would gladly recommend this to anyone looking to learn about SEO and marketing online in general.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday 22 June 2014

Learn Affiliate Marketing

Having started out as an affiliate six months ago, I had not envisaged how far I would come within this time; now, not even one year on, I am pleased to be in the position where I can pass some of my experience and advice on to anyone who is thinking about setting up their own affiliate business. It is always best to take advice from someone who has already travelled the road, and if I can help just one person to make the right decision about building their home based online business, then I am a happy affiliate.

There is so much information online about affiliate marketing and some of it is useful and some not so. You can probably pick through the bits that will prove to be liquid gold and dispense with the information that is just spam. I would start out by issuing a word of warning along these lines; just beware of the online scams because there are very many people out there who think nothing of relieiving you of your hard-earned cash. Make a simple rule, never to part with money in return for information, and you won't go far wrong. With that out of the way, let's talk about how to get you started.

There are many affiliate marketing training programs out there, all of them promising to make you an overnight success. This is not possible. It will take hard work, effort and copious amounts of time to reach your end goal; to learn affiliate marketing. You will only get out of this what you put in, so start out by investing some valuable time and resources in finding the right program from which to learn affiliate marketing.

The most reputable affiliate marketing training programs will offer the following. A comprehensive, structured plan about what you will learn and how you will learn it, so an action plan of sorts. The tools with which to learn affiliate marketing, so resources such as keyword research tools, a link-cloaking tool, and website editor or creator tools and article writing tools. Resources such as a list of website submission directories, article submission sites, social bookmarking sites, keyword lists. Comprehensive support and mentoring so this includes information and advice, hints and tips and keeping you abreast of market trends and the best techniques to use. This is about it, although the list is not exhaustive. If a program can offer you all of this and more, then you are on the right path to learn affiliate marketing the right way.

If you are not sure about how to go about finding an affiliate marketing training program then you can use the program I have suggested as a model comparison to find the right program for you. Be sure to investigate fully though, and do not part with money to find out about the program, any information about what is being offered should be free of charge. I wish you luck with your efforts to learn affiliate marketing.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Saturday 21 June 2014

Growing your VAR Business

Given this backdrop of explosive growth opportunities, the challenges for VAR executives becomes managing for revenue growth and targeting the highest margin opportunities - in initial sales and throughout ongoing client relationships. Professional services automation software applications give VARs a competitive edge and make the difference between struggling to grow and harvesting profit from the abundant growth opportunities.

Advantages for VARs who use Professional Services Automation Software

1. Executive Insight

VAR businesses usually start by selling a primary set of products and services. As they become more successful, they add more products and services, ultimately bundling them up in ways clients want to buy them. Most VARs look at their business through "business practice" lenses - areas of marketing and delivery that bring together the multiple disciplines needed to constitute a client solution. Basic start-up system tools don't fit any more, VARs need professional services automation software tools that manage and report products the way clients buy them, through the lens of a practice.

#Example of how PSA Software can help improve executive insight

As an example of this, think of a network practice that combines elements of hardware (servers, routers, and hubs) with software (security messaging and e-mail), along with client education and even network monitoring and management.

A CEO view lists all the practices and ranks them by key performance indicators: revenue, growth rates, and margins. Practice managers can see how their projects are unfolding and with drill downs, identify what's working and what�s not.The important point is that with the help of PSA software, VARs can put their fingers on the pulse of the business and tell where the market is expanding or contracting.

2. Client Visibility: All clients are important, but in reality, some are more important to your bottom line than others. Once you understand a client�s lifetime value - revenue, projects, invoices, and opportunities with the help of a PSA software - you can shape your interactions with them better.

Look at yourself from your client's point of view

Clients see their relationship with the VAR as the sum total of their experiences with sales, receivables, service incidents and other interactions.

For a VAR, getting such specifics for even one client is usually a tedious one-off spreadsheet exercise. And when it's done, the rest of the organization usually doesn't share in the insights. As a result, the type of effective follow-up activities you want to have routinely - whether it's having an executive make a remedial call or initiating an incremental sales opportunity don't happen.

Professional services automation software changes all that. It gives executives the most critical elements of any client's transactions at a glance: practice revenues and margins, buying patterns, service incidents, and invoice payment. It gives insights about the client's experience with the VAR and shows the value the client brings to the VAR.

Using this knowledge can trigger a well placed call from a senior executive at the right time to reinforce your position and lead to a deeper relationship. It's the information you need to set priorities, ensuring you take care of your best clients and nurture the most promising ones.

#Keep tabs on ongoing interactions to improve revenue growth

Many executives measure the health of a client relationship by the number of interactions between the firms, recurring order patterns, and by increasing order size. The converse is an increasing number of calls to a support center about a repeating, nagging problem, or too many on-site visits that do not lead to any sales. Finding shifts in buying patterns through PSA software can act as an early warning system to help you prevent a good client from getting away and recognize where new strategies may reignite purchases.

#Making yourself visible to your clients increases trust

The ultimate deliverable is your ability to create trust and business value for your clients. Opening up to let clients see their own daily interactions with you saves your client time and money, and you too.

By using PSA software portal clients can answer their own questions like have my payments been received (and applied to the right invoices), which invoices are outstanding, which orders are still open (and is any delivery info available), how many service calls have been placed recently, and how many (which ones) are still open.

Once an order is placed you set up a project to design, install, get the system operational, and ultimately accepted. During the project your clients can use the PSA software portal to understand the status of a project, use it for internal reporting purposes, and use it as a communication platform.

Forward thinking VARs are using professional services automation software to monitor the acceptance process and even ensure that a project delivers on its business improvement or ROI projections. During this process, a savvy practice manager will be looking for sales opportunities for after market services.

3. Marketing Effectiveness: Capturing true marketing costs and performance improves your capture rates and minimizes wasteful spending.

There is an old marketing saw that says 50% of advertising dollars are wasted - we just don't know which 50%. Unfortunately, that principle is true for VAR marketing expenditures too. Through professional services automation software, you can collect true costs for all aspects of your lead generation efforts and compare them to sales achieved. It's powerful information that ensures winning propositions are used again and less than stellar efforts are jettisoned. Knowing the cost per lead and success rate of every campaign brings marketing operations closer to the company's mission of growing revenue and high margin opportunities.

#Watch pipeline activity to identify where you can stimulate growth

Pipelines are hard enough to manage, even if you aren't dealing with sandbagging or missed executions. Professional services automation software generates real-time reports for the sales executive, CFO, and CEO that detail the movement from proposal to order to shipment and acceptance. Reports that help you understand proposal conversion rates, internal execution, and how successful your employees are when visiting on site. Knowing this can help you identify good sales execution, spot remedial work for individual sales people, and decide what needs to be done to help cement a good relationship with a client.

#Use client feedback to productize opportunities

Every VAR maintains a support center for ongoing client support and project installations. Data from these interactions can be a treasure trove of new opportunities. PSA software identifies important call issues so you can examine them for add-on product and sales opportunities. Getting a lot of calls about start-up issues at the end user level? Perhaps an onsite introductory training class is needed. Do clients have insufficient skills in their IT departments? Maybe it's time to consider a managed services offering.

PSA software for VARs can provide the facts to make informed decisions about when to productize services for repeatable, high margin sales and to help you spot emerging areas clients are inquiring about.

#Accelerate upgrade opportunities through insight into your clients' installed environments

By its very nature, the technology industry is always racing towards the next breakthrough. Unfortunately, end user clients can't possibly keep up with the relentless adoption of the next big thing. In fact, they often don't maximize the use they get out of any piece of equipment and may not be aware of savings opportunities that come with some upgrades.

It's easier to sell when you know how and when the client buys. Many IT directors have a budgetary model that subscribes to the notion of being fully depreciated. Knowing when equipment depreciation occurs can trigger sales activities to harvest this built-in financial understanding. Creative sales executives will also see this as an opportunity to offer new contractual terms that extend beyond a single project or delivery. For example, they may take a deal off the street by replacing all of a company's PCs over a three-year period, as the systems become fully depreciated, and offering special payments terms to take the sting out of lump sum payments.

4. Internal Operations: Managing technology implementations means running projects on-time and on budget. Real time awareness can detect margin leakage before it becomes a problem.

#Tight control of new technology introductions can speed revenue and contain ramp-up costs

Becoming market ready for each new technology is not a small or inexpensive undertaking. PSA software with good project management functionality enables you to identify and control key ramp-up tasks such as obtaining licenses, employee training and certification, setting up development environments, arranging your product distribution network, and so on. Technology ramp up is a huge internal project that requires costly capital outlays and profitability often depends upon skillful project and budget management and preventing cost overruns. PSA software tools give you time and cost management insights to use to help guarantee a prepared staff and an on-time rollout at a cost you expected.

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Friday 20 June 2014

Signs You Are Boring Someone

7 Silent Signs That You May Be Boring Someone

I urge you to develop an essential element of Emotional Intelligence -- Have Social Awareness. This includes knowing how you're being perceived by others. Do you know when someone finds you (yikes!) boring?

As someone who speaks for a living, I can assure you that *many* people have missed some crucial signs that others have mentally tuned them out because the speaker is not aware that they're not engaging the other person. Emotional Intelligence and social awareness are critical components in cultivating social savvy and the success that comes with it.

It doesn't take a lot of intelligence nor is it an ego booster when you realize that what you think is a great story you've been telling is actually driving someone to the brink of a coma with boredom. However, with proper training and conscious effort, you will commit this social crime a lot less often and probably improve your popularity if you do something about those telltale signs of boredom as soon as they arrive on the scene. The critical point, of course, is being able to recognize boredom at its first blush.

Below are seven nonverbal signals you'll want to pick up on quickly about emotional intelligence and body language so you won't be considered boring by others:

Remember; consider the entire context of body language. Don't put too much meaning in a single gesture. Rather, notice the eyes, head, arms, body, the whole body; this allows you to "read" their messages in the proper context. With a little self- training, you'll become a master at understanding if you are boring people when you speak.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #1: Rotating the head from side to side. You know, like there's a cramp in the neck. While the side to side bob should raise your radar, rest assured that the good old nod up and down pretty much means what you think it means. The person you're talking with is with you and, assuming there's eye contact, is also agreeing with your take on the matter.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #2: Keeping hands hidden. The main reason we shake hands and military people salute, by the way, is to show that we're unarmed. Hidden hands might suggest some kind of breakdown in communication if accompanied with a severe break in eye contact.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #3: Emotional intelligence skills gathered through training will help you realize what "micro gestures" mean. Narrowing the eyes with the head turning away from you. Not only might you be boring them, but if they also shake their heads, they may be second guessing your honesty or sincerity.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #4: Eyes glazed over. Yes, it's the most obvious sign of boredom, and it doesn't take much social awareness to recognize this one. The unfocused eyes are not a good sign, especially when their facial expression fails to even come close to matching your own expression at the moment.

Those zoned out, non-blinking eyes with emotion-free facial clues tell you that, wherever their mind is right now, it's not on what you just said.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #5: Emotional intelligence training, also indicates that rubbing the ears, eyes, or nose while turning slightly away from you and even shuffling the feet can indicate that someone is bored with you. They may be trying to put a physical barrier between themselves and you.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #6: Picking at their clothes as eye contact stays persistently broken or looking around the room. Are they smoothing wrinkles that aren't there? Removing link only they can see? Inside they may be thinking when is this person going to stop talking, and do I need to fake cardiac arrest to get out of this conversation? Gently turn the talk back their way.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #7: Showing a clinched fist with tightened facial muscles. Yikes! How long have you been talking? The frustration has escalated. Quickly, before they do something drastic, let them talk!

Of course, it's impossible to assume an entire conversation behind a single gesture, and there's no reason at all for you to take offense at a single one of these signals in isolation.

Like words themselves, body language in the form of gestures must be interpreted as part of the entire communications package. What else are these people doing? Be sure to look at the whole picture before rushing to conclusions. Develop your skills in emotional intelligence training so you will become more socially aware and less socially boring.

And remember, of course, when in doubt, it's always a good idea to toss the conversational ball back in their court to keep them engaged in the conversation and minimize boredom!

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Thursday 19 June 2014

Best Way To Lose Belly Fat And Reduce Belly Fat With Ab Training

Warning: 2 Worst Foods That Make You Fat One May Shock You

The 2 fattening foods that Im going to talk about in this article may actually shock you most people falsely believe these 2 foods are healthy. In all of my years working as a Certified Nutrition Specialist, this usually surprises people when I mention they should consider eliminating these foods from their diet.

**Click Here for the Free Truth About Abs Training Videos by Mike Geary Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist

Everybody these days knows how bad trans fats and high fructose corn syrup are for you, so I figured Id spare you yet another lecture on those Instead, read on to see a couple foods that may shock you that they may be packing on the blubber.

The first type of food that is often falsely believed to be healthy is wheat products this includes most breads, cereals, bagels, muffins, pasta, crackers, and so on. And yes, I am including whole wheat in the category of this fattening food.

First of all, a large percentage of the population has some degree of intolerance to the gluten in wheat and some other grains. Full blown celiacs are the most sensitive to it, but what most people dont realize is that the majority of the population was never meant to eat large quantities of wheat. The human digestive system has never adapted to large amounts of wheat in the diet.

The introduction of wheat into the human diet has only been in the last couple thousand years, and it has NEVER been in such large quantities in the human diet until the last 80-100 years. This is a small time frame compared to the traditional diet that the human digestive system developed over several hundred thousand years eating a hunter-gatherer diet of meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

From my experience with many of my clients, when they heed my advice and eliminate wheat from their diet for 2-3 weeks to see if they start to lose weight and feel better, this almost always makes a HUGE difference. Many times, they not only start losing body fat much faster, but they also finally get rid of headaches and indigestion that has plagued them for years. Sometimes even skin problems go away when eliminating wheat from the diet.

**Click Here for the Free Truth About Abs Training Videos by Mike Geary Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist

The 2nd example of the worst fattening foods that shocks many people because it is thought to be healthy is fruit juice.

Dont get me wrong, Im not an anti-carb advocate per se I actually think most fruits are VERY healthy for us. However, we were NOT meant to separate the juice from the rest of the fruit and only drink the high calorie sugary mixture and leave behind the fiber and other beneficial components of the fruit.

When you only drink the juice of fruits (apple juice and orange juice being 2 of the worst culprits in the western diet), you are not getting the appetite satisfying effect of the fiber in the fruit, and youre left craving more carbs. Also, the fiber in whole fruit helps to slow the blood sugar response when eating whole fruit compared to fruit juice.

Bottom line overconsuming fruit juices makes you fat. On the other hand, eating whole fruits including all of the fiber helps you maintain a healthy balanced diet and high nutrient density (as long as the rest of your diet is whole unprocessed foods as well).

If you want the REAL truth on eating strategically for permanent fat loss, read these 5 tips for Losing Body Fat the smart and effective way.

Enjoy, and good luck with your nutrition endeavors!

**Click Here for the Free Truth About Abs Training Videos by Mike Geary Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist

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Wednesday 18 June 2014

Stay emotionally fit with group therapy

Have you cut back on expenses by bidding your hair stylist, barrista and weekly psychotherapy sessions good-bye? Though you can't "share" a hair cut or want to split your morning coffee fix with a friend, you can take advantage of group therapy and stay emotionally fit without breaking the bank. Here are the financial and mental health benefits of group therapy, according to leading New York City-based psychologist Dr Stacey Rosenfield.

Cut back on expenses, but not on your healthcare

Dr Rosenfeld, who has a private practice and is on staff at Columbia University Medical Center, is concerned that people are not taking care of themselves as a result of cutting expenses. "People are giving up their psychologists and personal trainers, and neglecting their physical and mental health due to the recession. [However], now more than ever, people need to manage their stress with professional help," the mental health expert explains. Dr Rosenfeld, who specializes in the treatment of eating disorders, body image, addictions, and sports psychology, and is also certified as a personal trainer, suggests thinking more about "groups" when it comes to both professional therapy and fitness training.

Group therapy is an economic way to manage your mental health

According to Dr. Rosenfeld, group therapy sessions can cost less than 40 percent of an individual session, and, in the current economy, tending to your mental health is ever more important. She says, "Recession-related anxiety is on the rise -- job loss, losing homes, relationship struggles, alcohol/substance abuse, emotional overeating - - and people need professional support. But because of the recession, people cannot afford it. Groups led by an experienced health professional not only have a financial advantage, but also a host of other benefits."

Benefits of group therapy

In addition to the financial benefits of group therapy, there are many other advantages to going from one-on-one sessions to a group setting, according to Dr Rosenfeld.

1. Group therapy is universally appropriate. Group therapy can help people who have addictions, unsatisfying relationships, difficulty with assertiveness, social anxiety, issues with loneliness, trouble communicating emotions, and difficulty handling conflict.Group therapycan also prove effective for those who simply want to improve their interpersonal relationships and learn about themselves in the process.

2. Group therapy gives you the opportunity to relate to others. Participation in group therapy and group training offers comfort in the knowledge that others experience similar struggles, challenges and hurdles. It's nice to know you aren't alone and that the things you are going through are normal.

3. Group therapy offers feedback. In group therapy, there is the possibility to learn from other group members both from the feedback they provide, as well as by hearing how they have addressed their own concerns.

4. Group therapy improves your coping and communication skills. Group therapy offers a "microcosm" of the real world and provides a safe place in which to try out new ways of interacting with others.

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5. Group therapy can help improve your relationships. Group therapy provides the ability to develop relationships in the room and to try out new ways of being in these relationships -- of expressing emotions, asserting oneself, and dealing with frustrations or conflicts as they arise. Positive things you learn in group can then be applied toother relationships in your life.

6. Group therapy provides motivation. Like group fitness training, group therapy can offer increased motivation through camraderie. Your group members provide accountability as well as support, giving you more reason to not only attend the sessions but to also make your mental health a top priority.

Find a group

If your therapist can't reduce the cost of your individual sessions, let her know you'd like to try group therapy. She may already have an appropriate group in place or be able to direct you to another mental health professional who does. You can also check with other mental health care providers in your area to learn more about the existing groups or ones that may soon be forming.

It may seem daunting to go from a one-on-one situation to sharing your thoughts and feelings with a number of people, but remember they are likely in the group for reasons similar to yours and have some of the same goals. And, if a group doesn't feel right to you after you've given it a try, simply find another group.

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Tuesday 17 June 2014

Fitness Mantra for Your Mind, Body and Soul- Ashtanga Yoga!

How are you maintaining a balance with the fast paced world? Do you sometimes feel tired of life? Do you want to strengthen your body so that it can withstand the daily pressures of life? Are you sick of the daily exercises which are boring and which actually you want to avoid every morning? If your answer is a yes', then read on. And if it is a no', then I must say, there is something special for you too.

One of the biggest drawbacks of your regular exercises is that it can provide fitness to your body only; what about your mind and soul? One simple answer - Try the age-old practice of Yoga. Yes, whatever you call it, yoga, dance yoga, kickboxing yoga, yoga workout or anything else, the point is that it can certainly give you a solution.

What you need is to join a yoga class. You can go for a yoga centre or a yoga studio, whatever it is and start practicing. One advantage of joining such classes is that you can have the proper training from the yoga teachers. Once you have learnt Ashtanga Yoga you can easily practice it at your home. You just need to buy some equipment like a yoga DVD, a yoga bag and a mat to perform the exercise.

No matter where you practice, at home or at a class, doing the yoga correctly is very important for a positive outcome. Whereas a right posture can cure many diseases, a wrong one can create troubles too. Here are some types of yoga which are very popular nowadays.

Pilates Yoga- Developed by George Pilates, this type of exercise is very popular in the United States. Though it is referred as yoga, actually it is not. The only resemblance is that it also gives an exercise to the mind. It can be referred to as a yoga with movement or yoga with machines. Bikram Yoga- Bikram yoga is a more aerobic and a physical type of yoga. It was founded by Bikram Choudhry. This type of yoga is not meant for everyone. It is carried out in a warm room with a temperature around 90 to 100 degrees and therefore it is also called as hot yoga. Power Yoga- This is actually a modified version of Ashtanga yoga, which will be describedlater on. It is a practice of doing yoga poses' in a continuous series of exercises. This type of yoga helps you to enhance your inner power and to make a connection with your soul. Ashtanga Yoga- In Sanskrit, Ashtanga means eight limbs' and it refers to the eight limbs of the Yoga Sutras. It was taken from Yoga Korunta, a very ancient text. A student has to progress through six different series in this type of yoga.

This method helps in realignment of spine, detoxification of body, building strength and flexibility and also in strengthening of the nervous system.

There are three different levels of Ashtanga yoga. The first level helps you to align the body and gets the toxins out of your body. The second level helps to clean and open the energy channels. The last level is for the advanced ones and it helps in measuring power and grace.

Ashtanga yoga is a very popular type of yoga. It is a very energetic and athletic form of practice. It has many benefits like relieving from sore muscle and joint pain. Along with these physical benefits, it does have some mental and emotional benefits also. If you practice this yoga, you gain the ability to focus mentally and release the negative energy. It will give you relief from unwanted tensions as well.

If you are searching for a perfect yoga fitness program, Ashtanga yoga can be a good choice for you. If you are a beginner in the field of yoga then this can be quite tough for you to start with. You can start with some other simple methods. After bringing yourself up to its level and gaining the required fitness level, you can surely give it a try and reap the benefits!!

How are you maintaining a balance with the fast paced world? Do you sometimes feel tired of life? Do you want to strengthen your body so that it can withstand the daily pressures of life? Are you sick of the daily exercises which are boring and which actually you want to avoid every morning? If your answer is a yes', then read on. And if it is a no', then I must say, there is something special for you too.

One of the biggest drawbacks of your regular exercises is that it can provide fitness to your body only; what about your mind and soul? One simple answer - Try the age-old practice of Yoga. Yes, whatever you call it, yoga, dance yoga, kickboxing yoga, yoga workout or anything else, the point is that it can certainly give you a solution.

What you need is to join a yoga class. You can go for a yoga centre or a yoga studio, whatever it is and start practicing. One advantage of joining such classes is that you can have the proper training from the yoga teachers. Once you have learnt Ashtanga Yoga you can easily practice it at your home. You just need to buy some equipment like a yoga DVD, a yoga bag and a mat to perform the exercise.

No matter where you practice, at home or at a class, doing the yoga correctly is very important for a positive outcome. Whereas a right posture can cure many diseases, a wrong one can create troubles too. Here are some types of yoga which are very popular nowadays.

Pilates Yoga- Developed by George Pilates, this type of exercise is very popular in the United States. Though it is referred as yoga, actually it is not. The only resemblance is that it also gives an exercise to the mind. It can be referred to as a yoga with movement or yoga with machines. Bikram Yoga- Bikram yoga is a more aerobic and a physical type of yoga. It was founded by Bikram Choudhry. This type of yoga is not meant for everyone. It is carried out in a warm room with a temperature around 90 to 100 degrees and therefore it is also called as hot yoga. Power Yoga- This is actually a modified version of Ashtanga yoga, which will be describedlater on. It is a practice of doing yoga poses' in a continuous series of exercises. This type of yoga helps you to enhance your inner power and to make a connection with your soul. Ashtanga Yoga- In Sanskrit, Ashtanga means eight limbs' and it refers to the eight limbs of the Yoga Sutras. It was taken from Yoga Korunta, a very ancient text. A student has to progress through six different series in this type of yoga.

This method helps in realignment of spine, detoxification of body, building strength and flexibility and also in strengthening of the nervous system.

There are three different levels of Ashtanga yoga. The first level helps you to align the body and gets the toxins out of your body. The second level helps to clean and open the energy channels. The last level is for the advanced ones and it helps in measuring power and grace.

Ashtanga yoga is a very popular type of yoga. It is a very energetic and athletic form of practice. It has many benefits like relieving from sore muscle and joint pain. Along with these physical benefits, it does have some mental and emotional benefits also. If you practice this yoga, you gain the ability to focus mentally and release the negative energy. It will give you relief from unwanted tensions as well.

If you are searching for a perfect yoga fitness program, Ashtanga yoga can be a good choice for you. If you are a beginner in the field of yoga then this can be quite tough for you to start with. You can start with some other simple methods. After bringing yourself up to its level and gaining the required fitness level, you can surely give it a try and reap the benefits!!

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday 16 June 2014

Women's Running Tips: Top 40 tips for women over 40 runners

Being a runner over 40 has presented new areas of interest (and concern) for me on the road and more importantly in my training and recovery off the road. I love to run and it's great to see research being done on older runners...the Yale study that shows that older marathon runners (women in particular) are improving their running times more than younger runners.

I would like to share some insights and tips that I have learned along the way. Many of these women's running tips can apply to all runners, but they definitely take on a new perspective as the years go on and we get older, wiser, and perhaps, faster... (due to format restrictions, many links have been removed, to see full text with links, go to

Training Tips:

1. Adding Miles: SLOWLY! Use the 10% rule. Add no more than 10% increase of the mileage each week.Here's more detailed explanation and chart from FitSugar.

2. Warmup: As we get older, the body need s time to get going and giving it that time will help avoid injuries. See "The Perfect Warmup" from Runner's World.

3.Cross-Training: Is a must for any runner, but as you age the relationship between cross-training and running becomes even more important. For a different, low impact, cross-training option, see our recent post on Aqua Running (or Pool Running). Core exercises have become another essential, here's some good ones from Runners World. Running Planet has done a nice job w/ laying out The 8 rules of Strength Training". We have some good videos on our Resources page.

5.Stretching/Yoga: Another must for the aging runner (and this has certainly been debated by many). Dara Torres proved this in her Olympic effort that stunned us all. She adhered to a strict resistance stretching regime (see previous post Doing the Home Stretch with Dara Torres). I am not a huge fan of yoga, but here's a good article by Runners World about a runner w/ a ITB injury who did n't like yoga at the beginning, then became a convert. My always injury free LDF ("Long Distance Friend") swears by power yoga!

6.Rest: This has become one of the most important parts of my training. If I don't get enough rest, my body begins to break down. Listen (very closely) to your body.

7.Massage: Another Dara Torres staple and one of my personal favorites. It does not matter if you have a fabulous husband like I do or get from a pro, it works to relieve the stress of training and tired muscles. You can even do it yourself w/ some videos by Rich Poley who wrote "Self Massage for Athletes".

8.Set a Goal: Having a goal or a race to strive for makes the training have a purpose and keep me focused.

9.Training Programs: A little planning goes a long way. If possible, try to plan your training to run more often on softer surfaces like trails, dirt roads, grassy parks, or even the track. A few good programs are on our resource page. There are many good ones out there--find one that suits you.

10.The Track: Most marathon training programs will include track work as it helps develop the fast twitch muscles to build speed and lung power during a race...getting older does not mean getting less competitive:) If I am training for a marathon, it really makes a difference for me especially in the later miles of the race. Good article from Runner's World called "Running in Circles".

11.Injury/Recovery: This one is hard for me as I have had many... at 46, I still like to run fast. There are several common injuries to running and I think I have had them all. See Coming back from an injury" posts. I have learned to recognize my body's warning signs and back off. Many of these tips (see Rest, Diet, Stretching/Yoga, Massage, Weight/BMI, Orthotics, and more) are meant to help avoid injuries or help w/ recovery.

12.Running with Music: Running with music can help motivation and provide a needed distraction. I have also learned about the importance of BPM (beats per minute) and ensuring that if you are listening to a song, be sure it is not too slow and unconsciously slowing your pace.Find 70's, 80's, and 90's music along w/ best bands of today and learn more about BPMs in this post: Best Running Music Ever

13.Weight/BMI: It seems that fast marathoners have a low Body Mass Index (BMI). Marathon Guide has a quick tool to calculate your BMI. Knowing yours can help to find the "right" BMI for your best running performance. See also post: What's the 'right' BMI for a woman marathoner?"

14.Running in Different types of Weather: I am not a treadmill runner, so I will run in anything short of a blizzard. With the right layers of clothing this is possible. However, if you are training in summer for a fall race, beware of weather differences. The weather during your race may be very different then when you are training. Don't be discouraged if you are not able to run 17 miles the way you think you should when you are in 80-90 degree heat and high humidity.

15.Travel Running: Always bring the running shoes along! Some of my best runs have been among the monuments of parks, cityscapes and beaches of sand. Hotels (see this post that mentions WestinRun) now will provide maps (and sometimes runners) to guide you. With the help of MapMyRun you can find a route from anywhere. Take a look at some of our Travel running posts.

16.Running and Sex: Here's an interesting article by Running Times that quotes an Israeli scientist who declared "Women compete better after orgasm, especially high-jumpers and runners"...who am I to argue w/ Israeli scientists?

17. Fartlek Training: Sports Fitness Advisor has some good tips on how to incorporate fartlek into your training (psst...if you don't know what fartlek is, check out's "Runnerspeak - Dictionary of Running Jargon and Other Sport Terms" ).

Nutrition and Hydration Tips:

18. Type of Diet: Adhering to a well-balanced, low-fat, wholegrain diet that is higher in carbs has always been the best route for me. I love a good smoothie (see post Smoothie Operator --quick nutritional training meal") while training. Here's an interesting article w/ good tips on eating from Cool Running called The Runner's Diet".

19.Hydration: It used to be all water and Gatorade for me, but now as I get older I don't want the same amount of calories. I opt for the lower calorie alternatives like electrolyte powder mixes (see post: Water log: Hydration and road recovery options for runners").

20. Eating after Running: The window for eating after running is small, but important. See post Refuel 'Right' after a Run"

Gear Tips:

21. Running Clothes/Bra: I like my running clothes sporty--not funky, but this is obviously personal preference. A good running bra will go a long wa y...avoid cotton at all cost. I have learned that running skirts are the most polarizing of all apparel items. However, if you love wearing a skirt, check out the Skirtchaser Race Series...looks like fun!

22. Running Shoes/Socks: Running shoes are so personal the only way to really find a pair is to go to a running store and keep trying them on until you find one that feels comfortable. There are tons of shoe guides for different types of feet that are helpful in narrowing it all down. Learning about pronation and choosing a shoe that fits whether you have normal pronation, underpronation (or supination), or overpronation (or hyper-pronation) is key. Runner's World has a good article along with videos on pronation. I have changed my shoe once. I alternate pairs of three for marathon training (it used to be two but with my foot issues, it's now three). Here's Runner's World's "Spring 2009 Running Shoe Guide". The Asics Gel Kayano 15's are the "Editor's Choice" winners and also the shoes I use.A few other quick tips:

Measure your feet: As you age, your foot size may gradually change. Make sure salesperson measures your foot while you are standing up

Shop later in day: As the day goes on, you feet get slightly larger.

Orthotics and socks: Wear socks you use and bring orthotics to store when trying out shoes. Find "dry-wick" type of socks instead of cotton.

Check wear: Most shoes give you between 300 - 500 miles of running. Keep track of the miles (see #24- Running Log). Replacing shoes can avoid unnecessary injuries. Check for wear on soles and inside the shoe as well. Once you've found the shoes that work for you, you may be able to find the shoes again on-line at places like Runners Warehouse (a bold pace readers get 15% off), Overstock, or Holabird Sports.

Break in the shoe: Don't wear a new shoe to a marathon, be sure you have had time to break it in. However, when buying a new shoe, it should feel good when you are trying it on.

Thumb-width: Have a thumb width between the end of your longest toe and the end of the shoe. I wear a 1/2 size bigger to make sure I have room in the toe box.

Get medical advice: If you have a persistent problem with your feet, get the advice of a medical professional. Believe me, waiting for a foot to heal can be agonizing. Don't make it take any longer by waiting to get help.

Here's a great video from Howcast that covers many of these tips: How to Choose a Running Shoe"

23. Orthotics: I overpronate and could not live without these. If you have foot issues (plantar fasciitis, heal spurs, significant overpronation or underpronation, etc.), I'd recommend seeing a sports doc to consider orthotics as your new sole-mates:)

24.Running Log: Memory is not one of my strongest assets, so having a log to record my training keeps track of: weekly mileage, meals, shoe purchases (so I know when to retire shoes), favorite routes/runs, etc.

25. Running Watch/GPS: At heart, I am more of a zen runner (would rather not wear a watch or calculate each mile's pace...just run), but the NYC marathon last year changed that for me. I went out too fast and had a hard time at the end. I now wear one again. There are great watches and GPS devices (see article from NY Times) that make it easy to calculate pace/time/distance. Another option in a marathon is to make use of "pacers" at a's Clif Bar's Marathon Pace Team info.

26. Running Bag: See What's in your Running Bag? 10 Essential Items for Taking your Run on the Road"

27. Chaffing: Avoid blisters, use BodyGlide, Vaseline or new Asics Chafe Free. Apply anywhere that rubs...feet, nipples, etc. For more on Asics, see The End of Run Chaffing?"

28. ipods: The must have for runners (even if you need to borrow from your child). I understand why a lot of runners do not like to use during races , but if you love mu sic, this can be a great way to relax and keep going (ipods are now allowed at some races, see post Music to my ears"). Be sure to choose songs that work w/ your pace/BPM.

29. Reading about Running: There are so many fabulous books out there on running that are fun to read. They can motivate and excite you. We have a few posted on our Amazon Store.

Racing Tips:

30.Finding a Race: Marathon guide or Racevine can help you find a marathons and other shorter races. These sites not only list races, they rate them.

31. Racing for a Charity: Millions of dollars a year are raised by runners for charity. It can make the race more meaningful if you have someone in mind as you run the miles. Supporting a good cause can also be a way into a sold-out race.

32. Women only Races: More magazine's Marathon/Half-Marathon (they have the best expo), Zooma Women's Race Series, Nike Women's Marathon and See Jane Run are just a few of the women on ly races out there. They are fun, lively and a bit more polite then the co-ed races:)

33. Pace your Race: It is helpful to know your race goal and have the mile split times easily accessible. PaceTat is a durable, lightweight (actually weightless), and unobtrusive way to keep track of your pace while racing. These are simple transfers that you apply before you race and shows your mile split goals in clear large font. Brilliant idea, and only $2.00 - $2.99 per transfer. Or go the simple and FREE route w/ this tool from Clif Bar.

34.Speed at 40/Beating your PR:There have been numerous articles about how women are older women are getting faster and staying there (see ABC News article on Yale University Study). As we gain experience, we become more efficient runners. We know to run the tangents, prepare properly, and read tips like many we have listed here. We also have more time to train as our children get older.

35.Qualifying for Boston/The Boston Times: Boston is a great, tough race. It is an honor to run it. This is not one to be missed if you qualify. See some of our posts about the Boston Marathon. Check out the Boston Marathon Qualifying Times.

36. The Race Day Survival Kit: You don't want any last minute surprises on race day. Having a race day kit can help you to know you are prepared and keep you focused on the race. Assuming you already are wearing your clothes, shoes, have your watch, etc...there are still some items you need. There are two options... you can use a "check-in bag" where you have to wait in-line to get a claim ticket or use a "disposable bag" that has just the essentials and can be tossed. Here are checklists for both:

Check-in Bag:

____Extra Clothes: Nice to have a spare top, shorts, and socks to change into after the race.

____Sunglasses and sunscreen: If it's a hot and sunny day, you'll be glad you have these.

____Towel: There may be a shower at the end of the race, but even if not, nice to have to towel off.

____Phone: To contact friends after race

____Money: For any emergency needs

____Pre-race food and fluids

____Post-race food and fluids

____Race Number (if already have) and safety pins: Bring a few extra and you'll make lots of friends:)

____Race Chip (if already have)

____Course map/Race instructions

____Band-aids/Athletic Tape/First aid

____BodyGlide/Vaseline/Chafe Free


____Large garbage bag: Helpful if windy or raining before the race or just to sit on.

____Wipes: Useful for nasty porta-potty

____Magazine: Nice to catch up on Vanity Fair while waiting in line for race to start:)

____Extra Goo packets: Use safety pin to keep a couple with you for during the race.

Disposable Bag:

____Pre-race food and fluids

____Wipes: Useful for nasty porta-potty

____Th rowaway old clothes: Sweatshirt or long-sleeve shirt. Most races donate discarded clothes to charity.

____Race Number (if already have) and safety pins: Bring a few extra and you'll make lots of friends:)

____Race Chip (if already have)

____Magazine: Nice to catch up on Vanity Fair while waiting in line for start:) Put in garbage before start.

____Large garbage bag: Helpful if windy or raining before the race or just to sit on.

____Extra Goo packets: Use safety pin to keep a couple with you for during the race.

The Running Psyche Tips:

37. Making time for yourself: Running = sanity. Alone or with friends it has fantastic therapeutic results that last all day. I find doing it early in the morning is best as I know I'll get my run in and "life stuff" during the day will not get in the way.

38.The Running Group: One of my LDFs and I always joke how we are going to write a book about the nuances of our runn ing group. Finding friends to share running with is a wonderful thing and helps you to stay motivated and enjoy the company along with the run.

39. Running Websites/Blogs: There is so much on the web now that you can tap into for running advice, training, support...see our blogroll. It's a great time to be a runner. If you're not getting automatic e-mail updates from <b>a bold pace</b>, don't miss out! Or if you prefer, get our RSS feed.

40. Going beyond your limits: I have to add this because it is the reason I give my son every time he asks why I run..."running for me is about going beyond the limits I have of myself in my mind". He's very logical and always answers..."limits are definitive--you can't go beyond them"...I keep trying to prove him wrong.

Perhaps it is the fresh air or the hours of laboring over one subject with LDFs but from running has come some profound realizations. My LDF Heidi and I have decided that everything our child ren need to know about life we can relate to running. A life manual in the making perhaps? There is always "One for the THE Book..." decided on a run.

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Sunday 15 June 2014

Five Simple Steps Toward Creating The Perfect Weight Loss Plans

There are many different weight loss plans that can be used for losing unwanted body weight. But in this article you will discover how instead of using an "in-effective" weight loss approach like a low calorie diet or a fad diet, you can design your own personal weight loss program that can help you to create permanent fat loss!

By the way, permanent fat loss is when you reach your ideal body weight and then maintain it for life! I also like to call it "irreversible, long-term weight loss success" because once you reach your main target weight -- you never re-gain the unwanted body fat that you worked so hard to lose! Isn't this what you truly want to achieve when you decide to start a weight loss program?

Diets, diet pills, appetite suppressants and other "flawed" weight loss strategies and products are simply a waste of your precious time and hard-earned money! To create a lean, healthy body in the long term, a completely different approach has to b e used, and it should include only proper nutrition and exercise.

There are a few serious problems with using someone else's weight loss plan for creating permanent fat loss. The first, and most obvious, is that it wasn't custom tailored to your wants and needs. Second, it doesn't take into account your physiological characteristics. The person that designed it didn't know if you have an endomorph, ectomorph or a mesomorph dominant body type.

Without taking into account your own personal wants, needs and your body type it is impossible to design an effective nutrition and exercise program that will help you to "effectively" lose unwanted body fat and eventually create permanent fat loss.

Conventional diets, fad diets, diet pills, appetite suppressants that promise quick weight loss in reality lead to muscle loss, water loss, and slow down your metabolism. When this happens your body can't burn calories efficiently and eventually you always hi t a weight loss plateau.

In addition to this -- your organism will continue to increase your appetite because it is not getting what it needs to function properly on a daily basis -- and eventually "massive hunger" will force you to start consuming more food than your body can realistically burn during the day!

Obviously, when this happens, the little weight that you lost using in-effective weight loss approaches and products will be all gained back!

Considering that conventional diets, fad diets, diet pills, appetite suppressants have an almost 100% failure rate -- I would recommend that you avoid using them -- if you want to reach your ideal weight and then maintain it for life.

Your first step toward designing your own weight loss plans is to always start at the end!

What result do you want to create when you arrive at the end of your weight loss journey? Answering this question should be the first step that you take when you start to design your own personal weight loss plans that will help you to create permanent fat loss.

The process that you will use to create the body of your dreams should be designed taking into account the end result that you want to bring into reality. The reason for this is simple: Before you start taking your first steps you must know exactly in what direction you are heading!

If you want to go from where you are right now to reaching your ideal body weight and bringing into reality the body of your dreams I would strongly recommend that you spend some time on creating a goal chart with all the steps that you will take in your weight loss journey!

This brings us to the second part of the first step, which is to objectively observe your current circumstances. Current reality is the only place where you can begin to create the body of your dreams. So before you actually start to use proper nutrition and exercise in order to create a lean, healthy body, decide exactly where you are going and simultaneously observe where you are right now.

This means you have to honestly write down your currently total body weight, your current body fat percentage, your current nutrition strategy, and your current exercise strategy. If you don't have nutrition and exercise strategies -- simply write down what you eat on a daily basis and the exercises that you do.

When you take these two first steps, only then you are ready to start working on the process that will help you to get from where you are right now to where you want to be in the future when you create a lean, attractive body that is filled with health and vitality!

The major reason why most people can't bring into reality the body of their dreams is because they do not know how to create the drive and the non-stop motivation to keep moving toward their major health goals through the toughest parts of their weight loss program wit hout quitting, giving up and throwing in the white towel!
Before we continue, I want to mention that the process for losing unwanted body fat is very simple to describe, but it is not that easy to implement for most people. And if you were born with an endomorph dominant body type, and have a slow metabolism -- it can be very hard!

Knowing this can help you to accept this part of reality -- and can help you to keep moving toward your major health goal -- even if you fall off the wagon a few times during your weight loss journey!

Your second step toward designing your own weight loss plans is to create your own weight loss chart!

The second step that you should take toward reaching your ideal weight is to create your own weekly weight loss chart. This is actually part of tracking current reality and helps you to track your weight loss results on a weekly basis.

By simultaneously focusing on what you desire and where you are in the present moment you will create the energy that can hel p you to keep moving and moving toward reaching your ideal body weight!

The weekly weight loss chart is what will keep you on track, and at the same time it will help to fuel your movement toward your major goal. This is the approach that I used to lose over 110 pounds of unwanted body fat in 12 months. By focusing on my current reality on a daily basis I was able to adjust my weight loss approach until I found the nutrition and exercise strategies that worked especially well for me.

If you want to produce similar results in your weight loss program, I recommend that you design your own weight loss plans using the strategies in this article -- and start moving toward creating irreversible, long-term weight loss success today!

Your third step toward designing your own weight loss plans is to create a nutrition approach that works especially well for you!

Once you have designed your own goal setting chart and created your own weekly weight loss chart, your next step in the design of your weight loss plan should be to custom tailor your own nutrition unique approach that you will use to reach your ideal body weight.

To create irreversible, long-term weight loss success -- the food that you consume on a daily basis should be used mostly to maintain your current weight. You can create a small calorie deficit by using the thermic effect of food sources like lean protein and natural complex carbohydrates.

One of the biggest mistakes made by the majority of dieters is that they attempt to "diet off" their fat instead of burning it off directly using an effective exercise strategy. Trying to lose body fat using conventional diets, fad diets, diet pills, and/or appetite suppressants will always backfire, because your body requires an optimum amount of food on a daily basis to function properly.

When you do not provide your organism with what it requires on a daily basis, it will force you to consume more food through different mechanisms that produce "massive hunger." When this happens you will give up your weight loss approach and start to overeat on a daily basis. When this happens -- all the weight that you lost using these "flawed" approaches and products -- will simply be re-gained!

It is very important that your custom tailored weight loss plan includes the basics and fundamentals of proper nutrition. And one of the most important elements of proper nutrition is to consume natural, unprocessed and unrefined food sources as much as possible.

When designing your own weight loss plan there are some other very important things that you must take into account. When it comes to creating permanent fat loss your daily calorie intake plays a large role in helping you to create this result. Make sure that you calculate your optimum daily calorie intake for yourself -- taking into account your current lean body mass. This is the mo st effective way to get this number right.

Choosing the right nutrient ratios is also a part of a healthy diet plan that will help your body to efficiently burn off the calories that are consumed by you on a daily basis. Nutrient ratios are simply the percentage of the calories that come from the carbohydrates, protein, and dietary fat that you consume on a daily basis.

Last but not least, an effective weight loss plan must also include the proper meal frequency and meal timming approach. Eating four average size meals, every four hours of the day, is the best way to help your body to completely burn off the calories in these meals.

Your fourth step toward designing your own weight loss plans is to create an exercise approach that works especially well for you!

The next step after designing your own nutrition strategy, should be to design your own exercise approach. This step will help you to burn off the unwanted body fat that you currently have stored inside your fat cells more effectively than any other step in your weight loss plans.

The first part of using exercise to burn off unwanted body fat should include cardio workout routines that you use on a regular basis. Cardiovascular exercise will help you to burn off the unwanted body fat directly, and is without a doubt the major secret for creating permanent fat loss. Without making cardio part of your weight loss plan, reaching and then maintaining your ideal body weight is almost impossible!

To lose unwanted body fat you must create a calorie deficit, and cardio training is the most effective way that this can be accomplished without slowing down your metabolism.

The most important thing to know about cardio, is that you can choose to either work out with high intensity for a short period of time, work out with medium intensity for a moderate amount of time, or work out with low intensity for a long time period, and accomplish the same calorie burning result.

This is very important because there is a myth when it comes to cardio training that you must burn a lot of body fat to produce long term weight loss results using a certain intensity while working out.

And the fact is that this is simply not true. The only thing that matters when it comes to creating permanent fat loss is the number of total calories burned, and not if they come mostly from burning fat or from carbohydrates as an energy source.

When you are doing cardio, you are always burning both fat and carbohydrates, the only difference is that you are burning them in different ratios depending on the intensity you are using. But when it is all said and done, what matters is the total amount of calories that you burn, period!

Weight training is the second part of creating an effective weight loss plan and should be used for maintaining your current muscle mass. Your muscle is a m etabolically active tissue and your body must spend a lot of energy (calories) to maintain it.

This means that if you lose muscle during your weight loss program, your metabolism will slow down, and what was once your daily maintenance calorie intake will become a surplus, and eventually this can lead to long term weight gain.

When you are in your weight loss phase of your program you will always lose some muscle no matter how perfect you eat, or with what intensity you do cardio training. To maintain your muscle and avoid muscle loss, weight training is simply a must.

Weight training helps to maintain your current muscle mass -- which helps to keep your metabolism elevated. Obviously this will help your organism to keep burning as many calories as possible during the day, and will help you to keep in the direction of creating permanent fat loss.

Weight training is necessary for both men and women, and the approach to weight traini ng is similar for both sexes. The only difference is the actual weight and intensity that you work out with. An effective weight loss plan will always include both cardio and weight training as part of the strategy to reach your ideal body weight!

Your fifth step toward designing your own weight loss plans is to create a single-minded focus on hitting your main target without ever quitting or giving up!

The final step in your own personally designed weight loss plan should be to decide that no matter what happens, that you will keep going until you bring your major health goal into reality. And once you reach your ideal weight, that you will do everything to maintain it for life!

Making this choice is very important, and will help you to get through the toughest parts of your weight loss program. When the going gets tough, this fundamental choice will tremendously help you to stay focused on your major health goal and at the same time to focu s where you are in the present moment.

If you create your goal setting chart and keep track of your results using your weekly weight loss chart, this will help you to always keep moving in the right direction. There is nothing that will produce the drive and non-stop motivation like simultaneously focusing on what you want to create and what you have in the present moment in relation to this desired result.

This is why it is so important to know what you truly desire to create in your weight loss program and to work on this on a daily basis.

Taking these five steps is what it will take for you to create permanent fat loss, and to bring into reality the body of your dreams! Now the choice is up to you, will you use these steps and create a lean, healthy body, or not?

A true choice is when you can choose to do something or choose not to do something. And I truly hope that you choose the first, and eventually will use these five simpl e steps toward creating your own weight loss plans -- to bring your health goal completely into reality!

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Saturday 14 June 2014

Cello Buying Tips - 3 Tips to Find What You Need

Playing any instrument requires deep passion and commitment but since you have decided to make this move you probably what that more than anything in the world and you are ready to go on a become a professional. Unfortunately, it's not just about passion, you need to buy cello; of course, you can rent it but wouldn't it be better to have one for yourself? There are many cello buying tips for you to follow and you can get them from professional sellers of other artists; the bottom line is to choose the right one since this is not a cheap pleasure.

1. Check out your budget

Let's be realistic, your budget can determine what you are going to buy and even if you are a beginner, you need to possess a really good instrument in order to express your talent. Of course, if you are just about to start taking lessons, you'll need money for that, as well. When you are considering cello buying tips, you need to put all the expenses on paper, and if it you get the chance to buy really good cello at low price, you better do so; you can improve your equipment in time. There are also options of renting the cello for the first time and even buying the used one but you must be careful if you want to do that.

2. Make some plans

Nevertheless, money is not the only thing for you to consider; you probably know what is it that you want to accomplish. You may want to play for hobby or you are very good and your have plans that you want to reach. Luckily, it is easy to find many other cello artists online and hear what they think about cello quality you need. On the other side, there are different sizes you can choose from, the full size, 3/4, 1/2 size or even smaller than that, so there must be something that fits your constitution so you can feel comfortable while playing it.

3. Choose the brand

You also need to find out if there are some brands more preferable than the others and the reason for that. If you really want to consider the cello buying tips you need to understand that the best brands are more expensive but that doesn't mean they can fulfil your needs nor make you play better. If you have a cello teacher, he will probably recommend the best and the most affordable cellos for you. The time for shopping has finally come and you need to take care of details and features that go with the cello. For example, you need to know is the bow good enough in order to reach the highest performance and what kind of case you are going to get. The best sellers will point you how to take care of your cello and who to talk to if you have any problems with it.

Before you decide to go shopping there are many advices you should consider since the cello buying tips will do you no good if you don't listen to people who are true artists of sellers. On the other side, even if you purchase the cheapest cello, the years of experience will bring you new chances to buy much better instrument.

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Friday 13 June 2014

Cello Tips and Tricks - 3 Ways to Take Care of Your Instrument

If you decided to be an artist, you will probably do is from the heart. You'll give your body and should in order to create perfect music for you and your audience. However, if you want to play cello you need to learn some cello tips and trick related not only to playing technique but to keeping your instrument last longer. Above all, instruments with strings need special care before you play, after you play and periodically if you don't plan to play it for a while.

1. Keep it safe

The first rule is to always keep the cello in the bag when you don't play it; it is recommended to find a bag that will have a strong external shell and soft padding that will fit the cello perfectly and protect it if every situation. When in the car, the cello should be fixed with the seatbelt in order to prevent the cello's neck get broken. There are no cello tips and trick that can help you if you don't keep it in the safe place all the time. The most important part of cello is probably the bow and since it's very sensitive, it needs special attention, because the head of bow is very easy to break so be careful

2. Keep it away from humidity and dangerous temperatutres

You may have a serious problem if you expose your cello to extremely high or low temperatures or humidity. The best cello cases are designed to protect the instrument from such extreme weather changes, and the string instruments are even more sensitive than other types. The humidifier must be used in very dry conditions and the temperature below zero, otherwise, you can expect to see the crack on your instrument very soon. Above all, the bow should be kept away from extreme heat and it you must clean it carefully after every use.

3. Clean it regularly

Cleaning is a very important part of taking care of your cello. The only thing you'll need is polish clothes that will be the best for removing the fingerprints and impurities on one side, and it will not damage the cello like some liquid polish. It is good to have the cello inspected once in a while to see if there are some changes or things that should be upgraded. You don't need to learn cello tips and trick to understand that it can't last long if you just play on it and nothing else.

Every single part of cello requires maintenance. When it comes to bridge, it's angle must be checked every week, it also requires strengthening once in a while, you must lubricate the string groves into the bridge and if you can afford it, the good thing is to have summer and winter bridge, as well. The strings must be replaced at least once per year, and you should have the spare ones in case they break in the worst time possible. During dry weather, the pegs may shrink and when exposed to humidity, they may get sticky, so it better not to do anything by yourself but consult the professional.

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Thursday 12 June 2014

How to Create your Own Half Marathon Training Schedule

Completing a half marathon is a great way to build fitness and have fun at the same time. It also is a good stepping stone to completing a full marathon. But you need to have a correct half marathon training schedule in place. The type of training is different to that of a full marathon which is why you really need to develop a sound half marathon training program that is going to provide you with the right training so that you will be prepared when it comes to race day.

But it is very important to take your half marathon training schedule seriously. You need to hold the highest priority for your training and not let things get in the way. The ideal half marathon training schedule is a schedule that you can easily complete each week, that doesnt interfere with other things in your life and gets you in the right physical condition to run a half marathon. So that means you have to organise yourself to make sure your half marathon training schedule fits in with your daily routine.

The best way to do this is to organise what you do on a daily basis. You need to work out the times of the day when you are most busy and the times when you arent. Once you do that you will be able to work out the perfect time for your half marathon training schedule to fit in. But once you find a time you must commit to it. You cant afford to skip sessions or put it off because you will get behind in your training. Dont let things get in the way of your half marathon training schedule and dont compromise your time. If something conflicts with your half marathon training schedule you must give top priority to your training and find another time for whatever is causing the conflict. If you organise your lifestyle fitting in your training is a breeze.
Your half marathon training schedule will be different than a normal marathon training schedule because you are not running the same distance. So you wont have to run as much mileage during your training. The same principles still apply for a half marathon training schedule though. You will need to slowly increase the amount of mileage you do each week. It is important to start off small when you are just beginning because it can be easy to get too excited and run too far too soon and end up injuring yourself. So a correct half marathon training schedule will have you slowly building up the miles until you are in the right physical shape to complete a half marathon.

Your half marathon training schedule will consist of training sessions five days a week with two rest days. These rest days are going to be on a Monday and Friday while the rest of the days will be when you complete your marathon training. A half marathon training schedule like this will have you doing your short to medium runs on week days and your long run on the Saturday.

On Sundays you will do some form of cross training. Cross training is a very important part in any half marathon training schedule because it helps to prevent over use injury and helps with recovery. Some good cross training exercises are walking, swimming or riding a bike. It is a good idea to have a half marathon training schedule that has the cross training session the day after your long run because it gives the body a break from running and helps to quicken recovery.
If you plan your half marathon training schedule carefully and stick to it you will increase your fitness and overall well being and be in perfect mental and physical shape to complete your first half marathon.

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