Friday, 12 April 2013

Things to Consider Before You Go for a Dog Training Career

While a lot of people will become dog training careers because it's something that a lot of people do, there are others who actually do it because they love dogs and feel that this is a career that they want to pursue.

Are you one of those people that go for a dog training career because they heard someone saying that it's a good career, or are you someone that actually loves dogs and wants to be around them more?

Basic principles to follow

Loving dogs isn't the only motivation you should have to pursue dog training; you will also need the skills and knowledge to discipline dogs, to handle them and to understand what motivates their behavior. In most cases, people that become dog trainers have previous experience with dogs, and an understanding on how they usually handle pets.

What is your "dog division"?

If you want a career that revolves around dogs, there are two options at your disposal: dog training or p et service training. They're both highly looked after jobs, but a pet dog training career can bring you more opportunities.

Pet dog training is usually done on pet dogs, just like the name suggests. Its purpose is to help dogs become better companions for humans, both at house and in outdoor activities. Basic training includes agility training, obedience training, potty training and even training to prevent the dog from biting or barking.
If we're talking about service training, you should know that it's made specifically to prepare a dog for helping someone that has a disability or is going through some form of therapy. Other service dogs are trained to sniff bombs, drugs or to chase criminals, hunt or rescue people.

This type of training is very intensive, and the trainer needs to be well prepared in teaching the dog how to do his functions.

Canine psychology understanding

What do you want to know about a dog? How they behave, think or how they react to outside stimulus? What training actually does is making a dog modify his behavior, so they respond in certain ways. Associative conditioning is one of the fundamentals of dog training, so you should know this as well.

What about dog training education?

Like any other career, dog training needs you to have some basic skills, in this case in the area of handling and dog training. But, this isn't a career that you can learn at a university or college, so a degree is out of the question. There are schools however, and some academies, which you can go to in order to learn dog training. In most cases though, dog trainers have a natural inclination for their job.

While some have a natural feeling on how to train dogs, other have been apprentices with great dog trainers. And if you want some extra information, you should contact a dog training organization, which can offer it to you.

Comparison of working attitude with people and dogs

When you train dogs you also have to teach the dog handlers how to use them. Besides training dogs, if you plan to make a career out of it, you will also need to have some people skills, to teach the handlers.

Some dog owners don't have the patience to wait for their dogs to learn, expecting for it to be a fast and simple process. You need to be able to deal with this type of dog own ers, and to let them know how the process works. That's why you need people skills as well, not just experience with dogs.


Besides the normal aspects of training, other things you need to know are nutrition, dog hygiene and grooming.

Other fields of interest include accessories, dog competitions and training ads. You should also learn about the differences between dog breeds, as each one behaves differently.

You can be a great trainer without being a guru. You only need a number of skills that will teach you how to handle dogs.

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