Thursday, 11 April 2013

Service Dog Training: How to Prepare Your Dog

Assistance dogs come in a variety of types: guiding dogs, hearing dogs and service dogs. At their core, all trainings aim to do the same thing: train a dog to help people that can't do their daily tasks properly because they have some disabilities. Such dogs will help people that have problems with their sight or hearing.

Other uses for service dogs include mobility assistance and seizure response training, but it depends on what the owner needs from the dog. If you do need this type of training, the dog needs to be trained for it properly.


Self-training and program training are two of the types of training that service dogs need to go through.

The owner needs to facilitate self-training, and the same goes for any type of dog training. Getting a professional trainer that knows what he's doing is much easier, but self training can boost the relationship between the dog and his owner.

Both young and ol d dogs can potentially be good for service. In some cases, people will want their older dogs to be trained, especially in cases where the dog showed that he is suited for it. But, in most cases, people will want to use pets from dog breeds that are designed for service work from the start.
There are a number of procedures and techniques that people can use to teach a dog how to be useful for people with disabilities. You can look for tips online or you could buy books that teach you the process of service dog training. Another option is to hire a professional take care of your dog, to make sure he gets the best training possible.

While the dog would learn what he needs to do faster, since these professionals have very good training techniques, the problem is that once the dog is sent back home, the training is stopped, unless the owners how to continue it themselves. If the dog is home trained however, the training can continue.

If a breeder sells a dog that will be trained to service, he should first teach the dog basic orders, like come, sit, no and stay. Next, the owner needs to teach the dog other orders, like how he can turn off lights or open a door. Remember, this dog needs to help people with disabilities, so he needs t o do a number of things for them.

Service works is what these dogs are bred and trained to do. It can take more than a year to teach such a dog what he needs to do in any kind of situation. They also should be trained on dealing with the people that they will serve.

You can train these dogs in a variety of ways. For example, training done by prison inmates is an option in the United States. It's a method that worked well in the past, with both the dogs and the inmates benefitting from this situation. The inmates for example, learn to socialize better by training the dogs.

If someone needs a service dog, they first need to go through an evaluation process, after they fill in an application. Next, he will be put on a list, waiting for a dog that will fill the needs that he has. In most cases, you don't need to pay anything for getting a dog if you need it, but in others you will have to pay something in order to get it.

After the owner gets the service dog, he will have to learn how to deal with him and how to train him further, to do the things he needs done. This period can vary, from just a few weeks to months in some cases. After that, a period follows where the training is updated at the training center.

These dogs aren't trained just to help people to open doors or to do other things that owners can't do. They're also there to be good companions and to offer emotional support.

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