Monday, 1 April 2013

The Truth About Dog Training Collars

New developments in dog training collars give dog owners more options than they had in the past. Choker chains used to be the standard dog training collar. Now, there are dog training collars specially designed for different training needs.

Some new dog training collars are more effective than others. One type of dog training collar sprays citronella in the dog's face when the dog owner presses a button on a remote control.

The citronella is aversive to dogs. The citronella dog training collars are often used to stop the dog from barking or doing other undesirable behaviors.

Some types of dog training has specific needs that can be met with dog training collars designed for that type of dog training. One example is the training collars used for sporting dogs. Dog training collars for sporting dogs are electronic and operated by a remote control. The dog owner can activate the collar and send signals to the dog when the dog is out of ran ge for verbal commands. These types of dog trainining collars are usually called shock collars.
Dog barking is a common dog behavior problem. Some dog training collars to stop dog barking activate automatically when the dog barks. These are commonly called Bark Control Collars. Bark control collars are available with both electronic shock or citronella, citrus or unscented spray.

Many types of dog training collars are designed for specific needs of the dog. Vibrating collars were designed to assist in training dogs that are deaf or have hearing loss. The dog owner can activate the vibrating collar at the push of a button on a remote control.

Vibrating collars are used to get the attention of a deaf dog. The dog owner trains of dog to look at the dog owner when the collar vibrates. Once the dog owner has the dog's attention, the dog owner can use hand signals to give commands to the dog.

Choker chains are still use, but usually only with dogs who are resistant to training. Pinch collars are another type of dog training collar us ed for dogs that are stubborn or strong-willed.

These types of collars can be an effective if the dog owner knows the correct way to use them.

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