Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Prevent your Dog From Barking Excessively by Using Citronella Dog Training Collars

Barking is a normal conduct for dogs, but it can get very exasperating for you and people around you if it turns extreme. The only thing you can do is to get large dog training collars or citronella dog training collars. Dogs own an innate impulse to bark, out of the need to notify peril or to communicate with their master and other dogs around them.

When barking becomes too much, it is necessary to retrain your dog. It is possible to do this quite easily by using citronella dog training collars. Such large dog training collars bring into play a very simple principle of psychological conditioning. This essentially means that the dog associates the undesired behavior of barking with the unpleasant effect of the citronella training collars.

Sound or vibration turn on citronella dog training collars, but because of accidental jet release due to external noise, the most reliable large dog training collars are those that use both sound and vibration to determine when the dog is barking.

There are several types of training collars, but some are very controversial. There is a possibility of using a shock collar to train a dog, but people frequently look at this method as a cruel one. Although the collar does no physical damage, as the electric current it produces is small, the real debate is about the psychological damage it can produce to your pet. The controversy and painful aspect of shock training collars have determined pet owners to get the harmless citronella training collars.
These small and large dog training collars emit a harmless jet of spray near the dogs face that startles it, because it is cold, unexpected and fast. The spray can be odorless or have a citronella, mustard or lemon scent that is unpleasant to the dog.

Other kinds of large dog training collars include collars that aim the jet or spray onto the dogs neck or training collars that restrict the dogs movements only to a specific area. You can have an invisible fence around places you do not want your dog to get into, such as flowerbeds or your swimming pool.

Training your dog to stop barking or to stay only in certain areas of your yard is not at all difficult if you use small or large dog training collars. These are harmless to your dog and help it make a connection between the undesired behavior and an unpleasant sensation. The dog will soon understand that barking will cause a jet of water or unpleasant scent to burst on its face or neck.

If you want the behavior of your dog corrected, but nothing has worked, you should consider investing in a citronella dog-training collar. The price will be worth your piece of mind. You will no longer get funny looks while walking your non-stop-barking dog and the neighbors will stop complaining that your pet barks all night long without any good reason. You will be a lot happier and less stressed out and you will be able to enjoy the company of mans best friend a lot more.

You can also use small or large dog training collars to control the movements of your dog and to stop it from digging up your flowers or vegetable patch. See all the benefits of citronella dog training collars online with our online shop that describes various kinds of small and large dog training collars.

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