Tuesday 30 April 2013

Successful Dog Training at Home - Having the Right Mindset

Deciding to own a dog comes with it many responsibilities. These include feeding, grooming, lots of love and playtime, and keeping up with required shots and vet visits. Dog training is another important responsibility that must not be overlooked. Proper dog behavior training will make life for the dog and its owner much more fun and enjoyable.

Dog training is the act of teaching your dog what is acceptable behavior in specific situations. It is effective communication between you and your dog. Dog training is about you telling your dog what you want, and your dog understanding and responding in a positive way.

Dogs can be trained at any age, but it is most beneficial to start as a puppy, the first day of arrival in your home. This will show your new puppy, from the start, what the boundaries are and can be the beginning of the road to successful dog training. A dog without set boundaries, rules or knowledge of what is expected will only continue to demonstrate unacceptable behaviors. It is your job, through dog training, to teach which behaviors are acceptable.

Some of the behaviors that often need to be corrected are potty training, unnecessary barking or whining, jumping up on your friends and family, chewing, biting on hands and clothing, digging, and aggressive behavior. The more common but also important obedience behaviors that you should teach your dog during dog training is to sit, stay, heel, lay down and walk on a leash properly.

When training your dog, it is important to understand why your dog does the things that he does. Some behaviors are breed specific. Cocker spaniels tend to have weak bladders and will pee when they are excited. Growing up I had a Cocker Spaniel named Blondie that would pee at our feet every time we came home. We quickly learned to let her greet us outside so that she could get excited and do her business. When inside, she was paper trained and would always go in the same spot. Be sure you are fully informed of the behaviors that you may face with the breed of dog you choose.

A dog that digs usually does so out of boredom. It is important to find other activities for your dog to do. I have found that playing with him more, teaching him to fetch, taking him for walks in the park or even providing a place for him to dig will make him feel less cooped up in the yard and stop his digging caused by boredom.

Dog training takes patience and consistent reinforcement of the rules and commands. The best way to train your dog and to get results is through repetition, praise and positive reinforcement. It is important not to get angry or use force as negative punishment when your dog does not do exactly what you ask of it. Dog training does not involve hitting or yelling at your dog when it does something wrong.

B.F. Skinner, one of the most celebrated psychologists since Sigmund Freud, proved that behavior that is positively reinforced will reoccur. He also showed that the best training comes when information is presented in small amounts so that responses can be reinforced (also known as "shaping"). When your dog does something correctly, be sure to use words of praise in an excited voice, followed by petting and rewards with a favorite dog treat. Your dog will be able to feel the emotion and excitement in your voice and actions. This will be the encouragement needed to achieve the positive outcomes of dog training for a lifetime.

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Monday 29 April 2013

What is the Best Dog Training Trick?

There are hundreds of dog training tricks, some are just basic commands, and others represent complex exercises. No matter what dog training tricks you intend to teach your dog, remember that the learning place mustnt have any distracting element that could get the dogs attention. Any exercise must contain many rewards as raising your voice wont make the dog understand what you want, it will just get scared. Also remember that dog training tricks require a longer time interval to be taught, as too fast learning is almost impossible for any animal. Dont leave your dog lose interest; simply stop when you feel tired or frustrated because the teaching process is too slow.

One of the best dog training tricks that everybody knows is the Hello, most of the audience will be impressed when your dog presents the paw. This is one of the first dog training tricks you can teach your pet. The following steps will help the pet learn further dog training tricks: make your dog sit in front of you, lift its paw gently and shake it easily, when you shake its paw reward it somehow. Repeat this dog training trick procedure constantly and dont let it go unnoticed no matter the results. After the dog has learned to raise the paw when you stretch your hand in front, start repeating the word Hello each time the dog presents its paw. Though it is a simple dog training trick it always brings a smile on the face of any visitor and especially children, they will simply love it instantly.

Another dog training trick is the Carry command; it is both funny and useful. Most dogs love carrying bags and though it might look like a difficult to teach dog training trick it is not. The learning process consists of three steps. First, the dog will get used to Hold things and not the ones it likes but any object. Each time it takes the object from your hand reward it. After it got used with this command try the Release order and give it a reward each time it drops the object in your hands. The last step of this dog training trick consists of teaching the dog to effectively carry a bag; this is simply learned by commanding the dog to hold an object while moving several steps. Call it and when its near you give the Release command. If you wish to find out about more dog training tricks visit www.dog-training-expert.com where you will find everything you need to know about dogs.

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Sunday 28 April 2013

A Safe Place for your Dog - Dog Kennel - Family - Pets

You need to consider about a lot of things before bring home a dog to be your pet. But the thing that all the dog behavior experts believe to be vital is the dog kennel. If you have a dog in your home then it is strongly recommended that you must have a dog kennel in your house. Dogs are after all living beings and they also feel the necessity of safe place for themselves when they feel stressed, anxious or just tired. And dogs can be easily irritated and get anxious and could show signs of aggressions such as; they could started barking and jumping and cause all sorts of mayhem in your house. So if you are smart dog owner you have to have a dog kennel.Once your dog is fully trained and happy with his new home you can move him to an outdoor or portable dog kennels.

A Safe Place for Your Four Legged Friend

It is always a good idea to start the training of dogs to live in the dog kennel when they are still puppy. The best time for this training is in the evening as at that time they are usually tired and found quite relaxed. You should put the dog kennels in a room with some items that you know your pet loves. Dogs are usually quite athletic and they love to run around the house. But this can cause problems for the owner. So you should give him something to play with like a ball, chew toy or a bone. This will hopefully keep your pet busy. You should also encourage your dog to go there whenever he likes. The dog kennel should also be used in other occasions so that your pet doesnt think it is only for times when nervous guest arrives at your house etc. because otherwise your pet may not want to go in the kennel in other times.

If your dog shows no signs of interest about the dog kennels and doesnt want to go there you should insist that it does. You should make him go in there for a couple of minutes and then let him out and praise him whenever he does so and gradually increase this process. The most important thing is that you should make this training as fun as possible and do not use this training as mean of punishment. If you lock up your dog in the kennel for some sorts of misbehavior he might start to think it some sort of prison and could develop a hatred for it.

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Saturday 27 April 2013

Friday 26 April 2013

Funny Pictures & Videos

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Laughter is a rapeutic exercise. A good way is to view funny Pictures of people, animals, and nature where you possibly can be able to forge problems coming along. The truth is these funny photos can give you an extra positive outlook in life. Druls provides daily smiles with awesome Funny Pictures, Funny Moments, Funny Video, Funny articles, Funny Game etc. Funny Pictures create a kind of humour. It doesn't matter if they are used to express an opinion, vent a frustration, or just make someone laugh.

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Thursday 25 April 2013

Try Remote Dog Training Collars, They’re Great!

Dogs are the most loved and faithful pets, occupying an important place in peoples lives and families. Humans enjoy having dogs around them, regardless of the reason that they have a dog for: protection or companionship. Due to the fact that they are excellent friends, dogs deserve to be properly taken care of.

Most people decide to train their dogs from an early age in order to make sure that the pets wont cause them any problems. Some dog owners choose to go to a dog trainer who knows his business while others prefer dog training collars. Remote dog training collars, Small dog training collars and electronic dog training collars are only some of the types of training collars that you can choose from.

Remote dog training collars seem to have created several misconceptions and as a consequence people have hesitations when using them. Some people believe that these training collars are cruel and inefficient devices, but this is not true at all. Remote dog training collars are very efficient and easy to use, being very efficient training devices. The electric stimulation that is applied by the collar is not hurtful and painful, as many people believe. The purpose of this collar is not to torture the dog, but to manage to communicate with him.
Remote dog training collars will enable you to correct the behavioral problems of your dog in a short period of time. All remote collars contain a remote transmitter, a collar receiver and collar probes, having different intensity levels. These collars are meant to reinforce the learned behavior of your dog and to correct undesired behaviors, such as incessant barking in an effective manner.

Whether you have a puppy or a big dog, the training collars represent the best solution to train your pets. Small dog training collars are recommended in the case of puppies, since training collars represent the most popular training devices. However, puppies should have at least six months before being trained by means of training collars. Small dog training collars have a significant benefic importance since it is important to train our dogs from an early age.

Dog trainers will tell you what sort of training equipment suits your puppy best. Small dog training collars will teach your puppy to become aware of his limits, while a clicker will teach your pet to obey orders by means of positive reinforcement. These two training devices can even be combined. Small dog training collars and remote dog training collars will be efficient as long as you use them properly. These collars are meant to guide your pet, to discourage disobedient behavior and not to hurt him. However, some collars may hurt your dog if they are the wrong size or if used inappropriately.

There are a couple of things that you should take into consideration when purchasing a training collar: talk to a dog trainer who can recommend you an efficient collar, take your dog to an obedience class, consult a sales specialist who knows how to advise you and take into account the size of your dog. These aspects will help you make a right decision and choose a collar that is best for your dog.

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Wednesday 24 April 2013

Prevent your Dog From Barking Excessively by Using Citronella Dog Training Collars

Barking is a normal conduct for dogs, but it can get very exasperating for you and people around you if it turns extreme. The only thing you can do is to get large dog training collars or citronella dog training collars. Dogs own an innate impulse to bark, out of the need to notify peril or to communicate with their master and other dogs around them.

When barking becomes too much, it is necessary to retrain your dog. It is possible to do this quite easily by using citronella dog training collars. Such large dog training collars bring into play a very simple principle of psychological conditioning. This essentially means that the dog associates the undesired behavior of barking with the unpleasant effect of the citronella training collars.

Sound or vibration turn on citronella dog training collars, but because of accidental jet release due to external noise, the most reliable large dog training collars are those that use both sound and vibration to determine when the dog is barking.

There are several types of training collars, but some are very controversial. There is a possibility of using a shock collar to train a dog, but people frequently look at this method as a cruel one. Although the collar does no physical damage, as the electric current it produces is small, the real debate is about the psychological damage it can produce to your pet. The controversy and painful aspect of shock training collars have determined pet owners to get the harmless citronella training collars.
These small and large dog training collars emit a harmless jet of spray near the dogs face that startles it, because it is cold, unexpected and fast. The spray can be odorless or have a citronella, mustard or lemon scent that is unpleasant to the dog.

Other kinds of large dog training collars include collars that aim the jet or spray onto the dogs neck or training collars that restrict the dogs movements only to a specific area. You can have an invisible fence around places you do not want your dog to get into, such as flowerbeds or your swimming pool.

Training your dog to stop barking or to stay only in certain areas of your yard is not at all difficult if you use small or large dog training collars. These are harmless to your dog and help it make a connection between the undesired behavior and an unpleasant sensation. The dog will soon understand that barking will cause a jet of water or unpleasant scent to burst on its face or neck.

If you want the behavior of your dog corrected, but nothing has worked, you should consider investing in a citronella dog-training collar. The price will be worth your piece of mind. You will no longer get funny looks while walking your non-stop-barking dog and the neighbors will stop complaining that your pet barks all night long without any good reason. You will be a lot happier and less stressed out and you will be able to enjoy the company of mans best friend a lot more.

You can also use small or large dog training collars to control the movements of your dog and to stop it from digging up your flowers or vegetable patch. See all the benefits of citronella dog training collars online with our online shop that describes various kinds of small and large dog training collars.

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Tuesday 23 April 2013

Dog Training: Digging Behavior and Correction

When it comes to dog training there are two differing sides of opinion when it comes to dogs and their digging habits. Firstly, many dog trainers think that a dog is a dog, and we should permit him to express his true canine nature by allowing him free reign over the yard and flowerbeds. The other dog training experts feel that a flowerbed is a flowerbed, and no dog should even think about expression his dogginess if such an expression comes at the price of a ruined flowerbed.

Most leading dog training experts favor the middle ground for training your dog. Although many dogs do love to dig, and it is healthy for them to be permitted to dig once in a while, theres a difference between allowing your dog to express their inner puppy, and allowing him to run rampant in the backyard. No dog training professional would agree that a dog should have to come at the price of a garden, and vice versa. When if comes to dog training, flowers and dogs can coexist peacefully if you train your dog correctly. If your dogs developed a taste for digging, it will just take a bit of time, and some ingenuity, on your part to resolve the dog training problem satisfactorily.

To start with, if you have yet to adopt a dog and your concern for the fate of your garden is purely hypothetical, consider the breed of dog that you would like. If you've got your eye on a specific mixed-breed dog, what aspect of his mixed dog heritage seems to be the most prominent?

Dog breed often plays a significant role in any given dog's personal opinion of digging as a rewarding and valuable dog pastime many terriers and Nordic breeds in particular (Huskies, Malamutes, some members of the Spitz family for example) seem to particularly enjoy digging.

Every dog training expert will, of course, say that when you get right down to the sum and substance, every dog is first and foremost an individual, and theres no real way to predict whether or not your chosen four legged friend is going to be a burrower or not. However, if youre trying to reduce the likelihood of an involuntarily-landscaped garden as much as possible, It is suggested you stay away from all breeds of terrier (and for those that did not know, the name means 'go to earth', after all!) and the Nordic breeds.

Why do dogs dig?

Dog training professionals often agree on the following reasons, and they are in no particular order, as to why a dog will dig:

* General Lack of exercise. Digging is a good way for a hyped-up, under-exercised dog to burn off some of their nervous energy.
* Boredom. Bored dogs will find a 'job' to do, something rewarding and interesting, to help the time pass by.
* Digging is often the ideal solution for a bored dog: it gives him a sense of purpose, and distracts him from an otherwise-empty day.
* The need for broader horizons. Some dogs are just escape artists by nature no matter how much exercise and attention they get, its nearly impossible to confine them to an area. For a Doggy-Houdini, it's not the digging itself that is the reward, it is the wonderful unknown that exists beyond the boundaries they were confined to and dogs love to explore a world of unfamiliar scents. * Separation anxiety. Often when a dog is seriously pining for your company, digging under those confining walls represents the most direct path to you. Separation anxiety is an unpleasant psychological issue relatively common among dogs but because its so complex, we wont be dealing with it in this article but keep an eye out because I will be writing about that in detail in another article.

Training the habit out of your dog

Dog training experts agree that most of the reasons contributing to your dogs desire to dig suggest their own solutions. If your dogs not getting enough exercise (generally speaking, at least forty-five minutes worth of vigorous walking per day), take him for more walks it will help you and your dog stay fit and healthy. If your dog is bored, give him some interesting and durable toys and chews to play with during your absence, and wear him out before you leave so he spends most of the day napping. As for an escape-artist dog, they might need to be crated, or at least kept inside the house where hes less likely to be able to break out of his or her confines.

For those dogs who just like to dig as a pastime in itself, though, here are a few basic dog training tips for controlling inappropriate excavation as much as is reasonably possible:

* Restrict your dogs access to the area concerned. This is the most effective thing you can do: if hes never in the yard without active supervision, theres no opportunity for digging his own personal tunneling system.
* Use a natural deterrent. Almost all dogs will shy back, horrified, from the prospect of digging anywhere that theres dog poop. Even the ones who like to eat poop (a condition known as coprophagia) generally wont dig anywhere near it as it offends their basic natural, fastidious dislike of soiling their coat and paws.
* Use natures own protection. If the continued digging is bothering you because its upsetting the more delicate blooms in your garden, plant hardier blossoms: preferably, those with deep roots and thorny defenses. Roses are ideal and a natural deterrent.
* A more time-consuming, but super-effective way of dog training is to roll up the first inch or two of turf in your yard, and lay down chicken-wire underneath it. Your dog wont know it is there until hes had a few tries at digging, but once hes convinced himself that its pointless (which wont take long), hell never dig in that yard again. As we say, time consuming but very, very effective.

Accept your dogs need for an outlet, give him a place to dig

If your dog is set on tunneling your yard into a pot marked, grassless lunar landscape, but youre equally determined to prevent this from happening at all costs, take a moment to consider before embarking on a grueling and time-consuming preventative strategy.

Setting yourself the goal of eradicating all digging behavior, period, is pretty unrealistic. It is not fair on you (since, really, youre setting yourself up for failure), and its not really fair on your poor dog either. If hes a natural-born digging machine, its just part of his personality, and he needs at least some opportunity to express that in some form.

But a lawn and a dog dont have to be mutually exclusive. The most humane and understanding thing for you to do in this case is simply to redirect his digging energy where you can live with it and he can love you for it.

The simplest dog training solution in this case is allocating him an area where hes allowed to dig as much as he pleases. Once this zones been established, you can make it understood that there is to be absolutely no digging in the rest of the garden, and you can enforce your rules with a clear conscience. As set these boundaries you know your dog now has his own little corner of the world to turn upside down and inside out as he chooses and all parties are happy.

But what if you dont have a "spare corner" of the backyard for your little digger to call his own? What if the whole thing, grass, flowerbeds, and gravel path, is just too dear to your heart? This is ok, there is a solution to this as well. You can invest in a sandbox, which you can place anywhere in the garden.

You can even make one yourself (the deeper, the better, obviously). Fill it with a mixture of sand and earth, and put some leaves or grass on top if you like for effect and get your dog interested in it by having a scratch around yourself, until he gets the idea.

Ensuring the boundaries are clear

One great dog training tip is to make it clear to him that the sandbox is OK but that everywhere else is a no-dig zone, spend a little time supervising him. When he starts to dig in the box (you can encourage this by shallowly burying a few choice marrowbones in there), praise him energetically and if he starts digging anywhere else, correct him straight away with an extended finger or hand command and state a firm "No!" or "ahh-ah-ahhhh".

Then, redirect him immediately to the sandbox, and dole out vociferous praise when digging recommences.

To really clarify the lesson, give him a treat when digging gets underway in the sandbox the close proximity between the correction (for digging out of the sandbox) and praise/reward (for digging in the sandbox) will ensure that your point strikes home and you will have dog training success.

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Monday 22 April 2013

Farmville Game Customization

The farmville game is a new game that everybody is talking about on facebook, the wide social networking site. If you have registered with facebook, you have seen farmville but may have not known what it is. You may aware people who are already familiar with this game and who have sent you an invitation for the game. If you take up their invitation to play this ever farmville online game, it is essential to know everything there is to know about the rules of the game so as to get a better chance at earning the most farmville cash.

Zynga took advantage of that uniquely broad market and altogether a friendly, addictive, simple farmville online game application where you can take care of a virtual farm. It uses the very things that made facebook popular: community development, the sense that things are always happening, and massively increased word-of-mouth advertising.

Everyone is running after farmVille hints, searching for the fastest way to become t he best farmer in the game. Aiming the level of being the best farmer has no short cut in the real sense, but you can surely follow these farmville tips and tricks to level up faster and become rich farmer and a better player.
Investing more coins should be your first motive of the game. You should also concentrate on increasing your xp points to cross levels faster than anyone else. You must harvest the most coin fetching crops. You should add more and more neighbors' to expand your farm and get more space for your animals and crops. Do not waste money on buying farmville animals and trees. There are easily available as a gifting option, hence you can just send gifts to your friends and ask them to return the favor. If you want to level up faster on farmville game, then you surely need to know these simple yet useful farmville tips and tricks about how to play the game more systematically.

Farmville neighbors are a very essential resource. Your neighbors may send you free farmville gifts, fertilize your crops plus offer you a possibility to earn from their mystery eggs, achievements and lost animals. If you help out on their farms, you can also earn coins and xp for fertilizing t heir crops. There is no denying it in farmville, you need neighbors.

The farmville strategy techniques accessible online are cool and useful, but usually they are always the same as you keep searching with a little variation here and there. And besides, they are not mind blowing tricks that will skyrocket your farmville game. There are sites who ask you for your farmville login name and password, and in exchange they give you a huge amount of coins into your account. This is the worst thing you can do because you can have your ID stolen and your account suspended or shut down.

Farmville tips and tricks allows you to play the game instead of wasting time searching the web for the next trick, avoiding illegal software and avoiding filling out numerous forms for a handful of coins. If you want to play farmville to its full potential, then the farmville strategy guide is a must.

If you are thinking about becoming a player of this game then you ca n read about a lot of farmville game tips and cheats with a farmville guide. It teaches you a lot about different aspects of the game, and helps you get the leverage you need. You will pick up secret farmville strategy when you make use of this guide and also learn how to manage your farmville game with the right tools to help you win.

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Sunday 21 April 2013

Dog Training: Tame your Pets at Ease

If you have a new puppy or dog, then you need to provide some sort of basic training for your pet. You can train your dog yourself or can get it trained through an obedience instructor. As dogs are like kids, they need proper training to mould them into obedient pets. With the required training, your dog can learn how to behave. You can be a happy owner if you have a trained dog. Dog training involves learning to communicate with a dog properly. You can train young pups within 2 to 3 weeks while for an older dog it can take about 7 to 8 weeks for training. Basic training can be started for pups when they are about 8 -12 weeks old for teaching commands and tricks. From about 3 to 6 months, formal classes can begin.

With understanding and patience, the trainer can impart efficient training to resolve the behavioral problems of dogs. For adequate training of your dog, you do not require any strong language or physical discipline. There are a number of methods for making training enjoyable for both your dog and yourself. Certain specific trainings are also available for dogs for doing tasks such as rescue dogs, guiding for the blind, hunting dogs etc.
When providing training for your dog, ensure that the place is open and quiet without any distractions. You can make the training experience an enjoyable one for both of you for ensuring that your dog stays happy, gains confidence and behaves well. The way and tone of speech is important in dog training. You need to use a friendly and happy tone for commands like 'come' and heel. Your voice can be firm and low for commands such as ' stay' and Sit down'. You need to appreciate your puppy or dog by offering some toy or food when it obeys the command. After the training class, you can take a little time to play with your pup or dog and this can develop a bond between both of you during the training. You should have good endurance to train and always should avoid harsh punishment.

Remember that food is important in dog training, as most dogs will love to eat. Some foods are tasty for dogs and it is also convenient for the trainer as bits of food can be kept in bag or pockets. Also note that giving food brings positive associations while training. You need to just know which food your dog likes. Never use food for behavior control; instead food should support a behavior. Never train the dog on a full stomach.

Keep the leash a bit loose when you walk with your dog because a tight leash could teach the dog to pull. Do not punish the dog after calling to you. Only one command should be given at any one time. Dogs cannot differentiate the good and bad deeds, as they know specific behavior to certain situations; therefore name a behavior to reinforce some control. Behavior will increase with reward.

You can also choose online dog training if a dog trainer or dog training school is not accessible. You can enroll for some online dog training classes and know all the secrets and techniques used by professional dog trainers for activity training, behavior training and obedience training.

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Saturday 20 April 2013

Guard Dog Training

A guard dog is usually trained to protect against unwanted or unforeseen visits from people or animals. A guard dog will restrain or attack an intruder if the intruder gets into the territory that the dog is guarding. A watch dog, on the other hand, would only give warning barks at an intruder coming within its range. Guard dog training may train a dog to do either of these two extremes and anywhere in between.

Popular guard dog breeds include Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherd Dogs. These breeds are very good candidates for guard dog duty due to their innate instinct to guard. Guard dogs must be brave, intelligent and committed to work. The instincts of these dogs must be carefully known to ensure they can still be controlled when necessary. After all, no one wants to be around a guard dog that's out of control.

Guard dog training takes careful planning and implementation. The drive and bite must be taught. Obedience and commands must always be enforced so that the dog knows when to guard and when to take it easy.
There are different types of guard dog training. There are also different levels depending on what needs to be guarded. Guard dog training also depends on how you want your guard dog to react to different situations he may encounter. You may train a guard dog to secure a particular area, may it be your house, place of business, property, or livestock, or simply to keep valuables secured.

Guard dog training should only be administered to a dog once he has undergone basic dog obedience training. Dog obedience training is your dog's foundation for guard duty. The better the obedience training your dog gets, the more quickly and efficiently he will be in catching on to guard dog training.

In guard dog training, it is crucial that you teach your dog to keep itself indifferent to other dogs (especially those of the opposite sex), as well as cats and mice. These distractions can cause your dog to lose focus and neglect his duty. You should also hone the dog's barking skills. Barking is your dog's way of alerting you when there is an intruder. The barking is also an attempt to scare away would-be intruders. However, if barking doesn't deter the intruder, a guard dog is trained to attack or restrain.

There are different training courses for taught in guard dog training schools, all of which are tailored depending on the amount of protection you feel you need. The simplest course of guard dog training involves testing the dog for his temperament, in addition to training him with good watch dog skills. The next level may involve drive and bite work, while the most intensive courses train the dog to protect individuals and families, and are also taught how to attack and subdue intruders.

The objective of these courses is to make your dog confident, courageous and powerful. Guard dog training also establishes in your dog a passion to protect you, your family and/or your property.

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Friday 19 April 2013

Dog Training Myths, and Simple Dog Training Solutions

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi.

MYTH #1 -- You need to use a choke collar to leash train your dog. This is just not true and choke collars should only be used by those experienced in their use if at all. Choke collars do exactly what they say -- they cut off your dog's air supply! Needless to say, it's a health hazard and you can do serious damage to your dog's esophagus!

MYTH #2 -- You need a prong (spike) collar to train "tough" dogs. This is not true just like myth #1 is not true. Prong collars have spikes that jab into your poor dog's neck every time the leash is jerked. The truth is that most people do NOT need to discipline their dogs in this aggressive way! Only experienced dog-training professionals should be using prong collars, and they know the special situations that call for it. This collar should NEVER be used by the average dog owner.

MYTH #3 -- You need an electronic shock collar to stop your dog's barking. No feeling person should imagine that this modern convenience is a humane act, and in truth it is just not necessary. It's EASY to stop a dog's barking without using something as inhumane as SHOCKING!

Studies show shock collars work on only a small percentage of dogs and it teaches the dog to be afraid of the collar! What is worse, you are creating tremendous stress and most likely serious damage to your dog's immune system!

MYTH #4 -- You need to dominate your dog by using physical force (smacking, hitting, and choking). Your dog needs to view you and the family members as the "pack leader". But this respect is not accomplished or earned by beating your dog!!!!! In the wild, a pack leader doesn't suddenly overreact and beat its pack members into the ground.

A pack leader is calm, consistent, and fair. Sure you can beat a dog into obedience. You can smack it, yell at it, and shock it to force it to obey your every command, but this abuse will not gain your dog's respect -- it'll just make your dog fearful of you and have to suffer a life of anxiety! It won't love you... and you will NOT have earned its unwavering loyalty. Your dog will be afraid of you, cower and grovel submissively every time you make a fast move in its direction and will always be looking for a way to escape your company.

Is THIS the kind of relationship you want with your dog? Of course not...

MYTH #5 -- You need to YELL at your dog, so it perceives you as tough. Yelling accomplishes little with people and even less with dogs that do not speak your language. To a dog yelling sounds like frantic barking -- which the dog will interpret as something is wrong! Good trainers can easily control their dogs with a quiet whisper, body language and hand signals.... And, of course, there are other less than intelligent and inappropriate training recommendations like throwing bottles filled with rocks at your dog, putting your dog on prozac, isolating it from the family, and tons more horrible actions directed at dogs in the name of discipline and training.

Make your dog LOVE younot SCARED of you!

You may be wondering, if negative reinforcement doesn't work, why do so many dog trainers insist you should PUNISH your dog to train it?

This is how a lot of so-called "professional" trainers make their money!

These are trainers who intimidate and force the dogs to do what they want (the William Koehler trainers) that today we regard as old school "yank and crank" trainers being kind, cruel and abusive to be accurate. The problem with yank and crank trainers is the dogs seldom like their handlers and in fact are often afraid of them, and their training produces inconsistent results along with dogs that don't like or respect their owners. If you don't have a good bond with your dog, or if your dog does not respect you as a pack leader, you will never reach consistency in training.

A modern compassionate "Hands-Off Dog Training Program" focuses on teaching YOU how to train your dog using simple voice commands, handle signals, and well-timed positive reinforcement. Free Video CLICK HERE

This type of training program gets results QUICKLY because your dog actually has fun!

This type of training can Stop your dog's WORST habit in just 6 days...Without laying a finger on your dog!

Problems such as:
1.Constantly pees on your favorite rug or couch
2.Barks out your window like crazy at people and cars
3.Growls at you for "invading" its favorite couch space
4.Jumps on you, your family, and friends
5.Plays too rough with your kids
6.Refuses to "come" when called
7.Ignores basic obedience commands like "sit"
8.Tries to dig or chew its way out of your backyard
9.Constantly begs for food at the kitchen table
... Or whatever other problems you may be having.

You can be taught how to tap into your dog's natural canine instincts and manipulate its behavior. And the best news is it will only take you 5-10 minutes of training per day so within just 6 days of starting this program, you'll have put an end to your dog's most annoying and destructive habits...

... And best of all, it'll only take you 5-10 minutes of training per day!

For the rest of the story...CLICK HERE

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Thursday 18 April 2013

Guard Dog Training Is Not For All Dogs

A guard dog is commonly trained to protect against unwanted or unanticipated calls from people or animals. A guard dog will hold back or attack an trespasser if the trespasser gets into the dominion that the dog is guarding. A watch dog, on the other hand, would just give warning barks at an trespasser coming inside its range. Guard dog training could train a dog to do either of these 2 extremes and anyplace in between.

Popular guard dog breeds include Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherd Dogs. These breeds are really good prospects for guard dog responsibility due to their born instinct to guard. Guard dogs must be courageous, levelheaded and committed to work. The instincts of these dogs must be cautiously acknowledged to ensure they can still be controlled once necessary. After all, no one wants to be close to a guard dog that's out of control.

Guard dog training requires careful planning and carrying out. The drive and bite must be taught. Respect and dictations must always be applied so that the dog knows once to guard and once to take it easy.
There are alternate types of guard dog training. There are likewise alternate levels depending on what needs to be guarded. Guard dog training depends on how you want your guard dog to react to alternate situations he could encounter. You could train a guard dog to secure a particular area, could it be your house, place of business, property, or livestock, or simply to keep valuables secured.

Guard dog training ought only be distributed to a dog once he has experienced basic dog obedience training. Dog obedience training is your dog's basis for guard responsibility. The better the obedience training your dog gets, the more speedily and efficiently he will be in catching on to guard dog training.

In guard dog training, it is all important that you instruct your dog to keep itself neutral to other dogs (especially those of the opposite sex). These distractions can make your dog lose focus and neglect his responsibility. You should likewise hone the dog's barking skills. Barking is your dog's way of alerting you once there is an trespasser. The barking is likewise an attempt to scare away would-be intruders. However, if barking doesn't deter the trespasser, a guard dog is trained to attack or restrain.

There are alternate training classes taught in guard dog training schools, all of which are tailor-made depending on the quantity of protection you feel you require. The simplest path of guard dog training calls for testing the dog for his disposition, in addition to training him with good watch dog skills. The next level could involve drive and bite work, while the most intensive classes train the dog to protect individuals and families, and are likewise taught how to attack and subdue intruders.

The object of these classes is to make your dog confident, courageous and powerful. Guard dog training likewise establishes in your dog a passion to protect you, your family and/or your property.

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Wednesday 17 April 2013

Dog Training - Training Man's Best Friend

Training Your Silky Dog:

It is essential to have a dog that knows how to follow the right rules and how to live around your house. To achieve this, dog training must be considered.

Most people think that training a dog is hard and expensive. Moreover, dog training requires a lot of patience and creativity for your dog. We have to remember that dogs may be intelligent but they can not be as intelligent as us. The article provides some of the basic things dog owners need to know so they can do the training themselves. However, to maximize the full potential of your dog, a dog trainer should be hired instead.

What are the differences between a submissive dog and a dominant dog?

A submissive dog normally:

- avoids eye contact.
- rolls on its back.
- crouches down, ears back and tail lowered.
- is comfortable on its back in your arms.

On the other hand, a dominant dog:

- maintains eye contact.
- is unwilling to move from his place on the couch.
- dislikes grooming and petting.
- is possessive of dishes and toys.

Training your silky terriers requires kindness and consistency. Silkys respond actively to praises and to rewards. In addition, they become harsh and unresponsive towards punishments and animosity, respectively.
Trainings with obedience classes can be intensely beneficial in petting your silky terriers. In many dog training schools, classes for puppies are available. Young dogs are taught to get accustomed with other dogs and people using limited trainings. However, there are areas that do not conduct formal obedience training unless the dog is at least half a year old. Always remember that a dog is never too old to benefit from training when a good trainer is available, or if the owner is fully committed to the task.

Here are the recommended ways of training silky terriers:

1. Reiteration or Repetition

Reiteration is the name of the dog training game. In here, dogs are asked to do a task over and over again to achieve mastery. Dog tricks are best learned when reiterated and reinforced through rewards.

2. Persistence
Patience is a virtue that requires you to tolerate hardships. Persistence is trying to be patient for a longer time until a goal is achieved. Apparently, dog training requires a loof persistence from the owner or from the trainer Physical and psychological aspects of the owner and/or the trainer must be sound.

3. Commendation and Emendation
Simply put, if a dog does the right thing, it should be said aloud. Otherwise, the dog should hear, "No, that's not it!" when the trick is not complete or appropriate for the command given. These words reinforce correct responses and diminish the unwanted ones.

4. Rewarding

Bits of cheese would really be good treats for dogs who responded correctly to a given command. Other food can be bought at pet sores. However, if you are able to get the respect of your pet, commands will be executed even if there are no longer involved treats. Likewise, these things reinforce warranted responses.

If your lifestyle permits being in charge of training your own pet, you can do the training as long as you have gathered enough patience and commitment by:

1. Spending time grooming your dog.

2. Having regular training times on the leash.

3. Stroking its belly and toes and rolling it on its back

4. Hand feeding some food to ensure that the pet is taking treats gently and slowly.

In asserting dominance, always practice consistency and firmness

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Tuesday 16 April 2013

Be a Responsible Dog Owner and Consider Using a Dog Training Collar!

We love dogs and we consider them to be our best friends; however, how much do we love them after barking at the slightest sound heard outside or at two oclock in the morning? There are many reasons why dogs misbehave and there are just as many owners who are discouraged when it comes to training their beloved pets. For many owners, experts in the field of dog training have developed innovative devices in the form of remote dog training collars. Online, there are plenty of attractive offers for such products and also a lot of information on the subject. Dog owners should have no problem in finding a highly effective remote dog training collars, destined to make their pets behave properly.

Of course dogs bark. It is their natural instinct to do so every time they want to express their feelings or warn their owners of potential dangers. At the same time, they might bark when they have a difference of opinions with a cat or even another dog for that matter . The truth is that they are bound to bark sooner or later, no matter how hard you try to train them. Having a dog that makes constant noise is not only upsetting for you but also annoying for your neighbours who might not be so happy with the incessant barking. This is why you should consider one of the remote dog training collars, allowing you to train your dog in an efficient and comfortable manner. You will be able to enjoy special times with your dog, finally taking advantage of him being the perfect companion.

How do remote dog training collars work and where can you actually buy one? First of all, you must understand one essential aspect: these collars may be electronic devices but they are not going to harm your dog in any matter whatsoever. Throughout the entire training period, while wearing the collar your dog will be 100% comfortable, the only difference being observed when it comes to barking. The dog will not perceive the collar as an act of punisment; on the contrary, he will understand that barking is not such a fun activity at all times. The remote training dog collar is innovative and highly effective; being placed around the neck, it controls all of your dogs intentions to misbehave. He barks too loud, you press the buttons and release a cold spray on his neck or chin; some are odourless and others have a citronella smell. Despite all the fun he had while barking, he will nevertheless stop, his attention being caught by the smell or simply by the cool feeling provoked by the spray. Featuring a 300 m range of activity and also a sound button, the dog training collar will be the best thing that you ever invested in.

The best thing about dog training collars is that there are suitable for all dog sizes and various breeds. One just has to use the Internet and find out more about the potential advantages of using such electronic devices. For example, small dog training collars are extremely useful to correct abnormal behavior of small breeds such as: Yorkshire terrier, Bichon Frise, Chihuahua and Shih Tzu. Even small dogs can present behavioral problems, barking without any apparent reason and disturbing the quiet of the neighborhood. If you want a completely safe and efficient way to stop your dog from his continuous barking, then you have definitely have to consider small dog training collars, easily to be mounted and just as easy refilled.

Small dog training collars use an electronic device to release a spray in order to attract the dogs attention from what ever he is doing. No matter if the dog goes to the garbage making a mess everywhere, if he leaves paw marks a ll around the living room or barks continuously at the new teddy bear you just bought, this device is guaranteed to correct all the problems of your pet. If you do decide to go for small dog training collars that release a citronella smell, then you are guaranteed to amaze your dog with the citric smell. Sensing the unknown smell, he will instantly forget about all his adventures and stop barking, concentrating simultaneously to identify the source. Such electronic devices are perfect for those small dogs that can sometimes be extremely annoying, disturbing not only the neighbors but even the owners.

The next time you see your dog misbehaving and barking when he feels like, consider the possibility of a dog training collar. Go online and see the differences between various training kits offered by specialized companies in the field. Read carefully about the information provided and make sure that you choose the dog training collar that best fits your pet. Do not let your pet to become master of the domain and show him who the boss is without being too pushy or strict! Remember, you dont have to resort to violence as long as you can benefit from some of the greatest innovations in the field, such as remote dog training collars.

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Monday 15 April 2013

Aerial Work Platform Training and Accreditation

Having the correct training for the powered access equipment you hire or use is essential. Not only is it an industry requirement that could result in legal issues and loss of insurance should you allow an untrained operative to use your equipment, but there is a very real and serious aspect of safety to consider when using aerial work platforms.

If you have a need for powered access equipment but do not have staff correctly trained to the appropriate standard then training can often be set up within just a few days to ensure your schedule can continue with minimal disruption. The best way to do this is to check with your local powered access rental company or provider. Many companies provide a range of powered access training services for the equipment they rent or sell. This can take place at your own site or at specialist training facilities. There should be the choice of specialised training for individual machines as well as IPAF (International Powered Access Federation) and PASMA (Prefabricated Access Suppliers' and Manufacturers' Association) training to provide your staff with the proper accreditation and certification.

There are two degrees of training that you must comply to when using aerial work platforms; general training and familiarisation training.

General training prepares an operative to use a scissor lift, boom lift, personnel lift or trailer-mounted lift. This includes both classroom/formal training as well as practical/hands-on training. One of the benefits of training at a facility is that your staff will have the opportunity to train on a wide variety of aerial work platforms and lifts to maximise their experience. General training covers the following elements:

Operation of an aerial platform under supervision and direction of a qualified person. Operation of an aerial platform for a sufficient period of time to learn proficient use of all its functions. The regulations and standards relating to each kind of aerial platform. The need to perform workplace inspections. Common hazards and how to recognise/avoid them. The proper use of equipment manuals. Operator instructions and warnings. How to carry out a pre-start inspection The importance of stability and factors that may affect this. The use of different personal protective equipment. The components of different equipment. The safe use of equipment. How to select the correct powered access equipment for each job. How to use larger machines, including the use of outriggers, stabilisers, extendable axles, envelope management systems, load-moment devices and dual capacity.

Familiarisation training prepares an operative to use a specific make and model of aerial work platform by assessment of the equipment and its instruction manual, instructed and directed by a qualified person. This may include:

Location of weather-resistant compartment to access the machine's manual. The function and purpose of all controls on the unit. The use of safety devices and specific operating elements of the machine.

Increasing your staff's knowledge of the different types of aerial work platform means that you will no longer need to outsource operation of powered access lifts or require supervision for certain jobs. Correct training also ensures that your operators are able to complete their work safely, quickly and efficiently, whether they are using a scissor lift, boom or cherry picker or personnel lift.

Don't take a risk withpowered access training - book your training course today and provide your staff with valuable skills and expertise while keeping them safe and protecting your company from legal and insurance issues.

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Sunday 14 April 2013

Exercises for Weight loss - Weight Loss Tips

There are a number of exercises for weight loss. Most of these exercises are beneficial for weight loss. There are a number of exercises that helps to weight loss.

The different levels of these exercises help an individual to control the weight. The success rate of a particular exercise depends on the rate of metabolism. There are different metabolism rate for different exercise.

Broadly, there are two types of exercises: aerobic and strength training (or anaerobic), and each one contributes differently to weight loss. Aerobic exercise burns fat calories while you are engaged in the exercise itself. On the other hand, strength training primarily contributes to weight loss by helping to increase the speed of your resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is the number of calories your body burns while you are at rest. Your RMR actually increases (i.e., burns more calories) the more muscular your body is because it takes much more energy to maintain muscles than it does to maintain fat.

Walking is perhaps the most effective exercise for losing weight. While many believe that walking is simply not challenging enough, it is in fact exactly the opposite. Walking speeds up the bodys metabolism, which continues for nearly 2-4 hours after you have stopped walking. This continued fast rate of metabolism in the body burns up fat rapidly.Walking is also the easiest exercise to do as not only can you do it anywhere, but it also does not require any special equipment.

The best exercise for fast weight loss is exercise of the cardio or aerobic variety. Ask any fitness expert and he or she will second this opinion. Anaerobic exercise, such as strength training, lifting weights, or short bursts of intense energy do not really burn fat. They are good for building muscle and for losing weight in an indirect way by forcing the body to use fat to help maintain the muscles as they expand in size.

Warm up exercises are a must. You have to prepare the body for a state of activity. It increases the flexibility of the muscles and reduces the chances of injury. Perform these exercises for 5-10 minutes. Slow walking, trunk rotations or low intensity movements are ideal. Now concentrate on muscular strength and endurance exercises. Simple weight exercises combined with push-ups and sit-ups should take care of both the factors.

Lower Body Stretch: Place your feet shoulder-width apart and put your hands behind your back. Now, bend over as if you were going to touch your toes. Hold this position for thirty seconds and repeat the movement ten times.

Bent Torso Pull: Sit on the floor and stretch your legs completely apart, but without straining. Now, bend one knee upward toward your torso. Then pull your chest down to touch your thigh on the bent leg and twist at the waist. Hold this position for ten seconds and then repeat the movement on the opposite side. Repeat this exercise ten times on each side.

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Saturday 13 April 2013

The Different Phases of Dog Training

It is a common scenario - someone, maybe a single person or maybe a family, walks into a pet store or animal shelter. They hem and haw, pet and cuddle, and make all sorts of exclamations. A few moments later, they walk out with the "perfect" dog or puppy in tow, ready to start out on their new life together. It may be a big dog or a small dog, an older dog or a younger puppy - everyone's idea of the "perfect" dog is a little bit different. However, all dogs, big and small, young and old, can benefit from dog training. Puppy potty training can take your puppy from a cute little mess to an ideal housemate and beyond.

The start: Puppy Training

The majority of training for puppies is designed to make them better household companions. For the average family pet, training will often not extend beyond this phase. Trainng your puppy to use a potty pee pad is one of the most daunting challenges for most new pet owners. For working and competitive dogs, this aspect of training is only the beginning. The most popular type of training for dogs(so popular, in fact, that many people do not even realize that it is training) includes things like training your dog to walk on the leash, house and potty training your dog, and simple commands like "sit" and "drop it," as well as basic social behaviors. It is easiest to begin puppy training at an early age, though if you acquire an older dog, you can train with him or her as well. Dogs are happiest when they know what is expected of them, and training helps to make those expectations clear. Training your dog is also a great way to strengthen the bond between dog and owner.
Competitive Dogs

The next step in training would be for competition. Some owners use dog training to teach their dogs tricks, like catching Frisbees on command, fetching items, or helping them with a freestyle routine. Other dog owners will use training to teach them to run agility courses, pull sleds, or do other activities. This level of training requires a strong bond between dog and owner, as well as a willing subject. Puppy training at this level is not something that you can do once and then go on with your life - it requires daily practice and commitment. Many of the professionals you see competing in agility trials or other competitions have been working with their dogs for years to conduct the training required.

Working Dogs

An even more stringent dog training method is required for working dogs. Working dogs assist people in a variety of fashions - they can be trained to sniff out drugs or contraband in airports, trained to assist the handicapped or disabled, or even trained as members of the police force or military. The dog training required for these dogs often takes months, if not years. Specific dogs are chosen from a young age to participate in this type of dog training, and often specific breeds are preferred due to breed characteristics. Only a few of the dogs that start on this dog training program end up being successful enough to have a career as a working dog. Training can come in a variety of styles for a variety of purposes. Even so, nearly any dog and owner can benefit from dog training.

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Friday 12 April 2013

Things to Consider Before You Go for a Dog Training Career

While a lot of people will become dog training careers because it's something that a lot of people do, there are others who actually do it because they love dogs and feel that this is a career that they want to pursue.

Are you one of those people that go for a dog training career because they heard someone saying that it's a good career, or are you someone that actually loves dogs and wants to be around them more?

Basic principles to follow

Loving dogs isn't the only motivation you should have to pursue dog training; you will also need the skills and knowledge to discipline dogs, to handle them and to understand what motivates their behavior. In most cases, people that become dog trainers have previous experience with dogs, and an understanding on how they usually handle pets.

What is your "dog division"?

If you want a career that revolves around dogs, there are two options at your disposal: dog training or p et service training. They're both highly looked after jobs, but a pet dog training career can bring you more opportunities.

Pet dog training is usually done on pet dogs, just like the name suggests. Its purpose is to help dogs become better companions for humans, both at house and in outdoor activities. Basic training includes agility training, obedience training, potty training and even training to prevent the dog from biting or barking.
If we're talking about service training, you should know that it's made specifically to prepare a dog for helping someone that has a disability or is going through some form of therapy. Other service dogs are trained to sniff bombs, drugs or to chase criminals, hunt or rescue people.

This type of training is very intensive, and the trainer needs to be well prepared in teaching the dog how to do his functions.

Canine psychology understanding

What do you want to know about a dog? How they behave, think or how they react to outside stimulus? What training actually does is making a dog modify his behavior, so they respond in certain ways. Associative conditioning is one of the fundamentals of dog training, so you should know this as well.

What about dog training education?

Like any other career, dog training needs you to have some basic skills, in this case in the area of handling and dog training. But, this isn't a career that you can learn at a university or college, so a degree is out of the question. There are schools however, and some academies, which you can go to in order to learn dog training. In most cases though, dog trainers have a natural inclination for their job.

While some have a natural feeling on how to train dogs, other have been apprentices with great dog trainers. And if you want some extra information, you should contact a dog training organization, which can offer it to you.

Comparison of working attitude with people and dogs

When you train dogs you also have to teach the dog handlers how to use them. Besides training dogs, if you plan to make a career out of it, you will also need to have some people skills, to teach the handlers.

Some dog owners don't have the patience to wait for their dogs to learn, expecting for it to be a fast and simple process. You need to be able to deal with this type of dog own ers, and to let them know how the process works. That's why you need people skills as well, not just experience with dogs.


Besides the normal aspects of training, other things you need to know are nutrition, dog hygiene and grooming.

Other fields of interest include accessories, dog competitions and training ads. You should also learn about the differences between dog breeds, as each one behaves differently.

You can be a great trainer without being a guru. You only need a number of skills that will teach you how to handle dogs.

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Thursday 11 April 2013

Service Dog Training: How to Prepare Your Dog

Assistance dogs come in a variety of types: guiding dogs, hearing dogs and service dogs. At their core, all trainings aim to do the same thing: train a dog to help people that can't do their daily tasks properly because they have some disabilities. Such dogs will help people that have problems with their sight or hearing.

Other uses for service dogs include mobility assistance and seizure response training, but it depends on what the owner needs from the dog. If you do need this type of training, the dog needs to be trained for it properly.


Self-training and program training are two of the types of training that service dogs need to go through.

The owner needs to facilitate self-training, and the same goes for any type of dog training. Getting a professional trainer that knows what he's doing is much easier, but self training can boost the relationship between the dog and his owner.

Both young and ol d dogs can potentially be good for service. In some cases, people will want their older dogs to be trained, especially in cases where the dog showed that he is suited for it. But, in most cases, people will want to use pets from dog breeds that are designed for service work from the start.
There are a number of procedures and techniques that people can use to teach a dog how to be useful for people with disabilities. You can look for tips online or you could buy books that teach you the process of service dog training. Another option is to hire a professional take care of your dog, to make sure he gets the best training possible.

While the dog would learn what he needs to do faster, since these professionals have very good training techniques, the problem is that once the dog is sent back home, the training is stopped, unless the owners how to continue it themselves. If the dog is home trained however, the training can continue.

If a breeder sells a dog that will be trained to service, he should first teach the dog basic orders, like come, sit, no and stay. Next, the owner needs to teach the dog other orders, like how he can turn off lights or open a door. Remember, this dog needs to help people with disabilities, so he needs t o do a number of things for them.

Service works is what these dogs are bred and trained to do. It can take more than a year to teach such a dog what he needs to do in any kind of situation. They also should be trained on dealing with the people that they will serve.

You can train these dogs in a variety of ways. For example, training done by prison inmates is an option in the United States. It's a method that worked well in the past, with both the dogs and the inmates benefitting from this situation. The inmates for example, learn to socialize better by training the dogs.

If someone needs a service dog, they first need to go through an evaluation process, after they fill in an application. Next, he will be put on a list, waiting for a dog that will fill the needs that he has. In most cases, you don't need to pay anything for getting a dog if you need it, but in others you will have to pay something in order to get it.

After the owner gets the service dog, he will have to learn how to deal with him and how to train him further, to do the things he needs done. This period can vary, from just a few weeks to months in some cases. After that, a period follows where the training is updated at the training center.

These dogs aren't trained just to help people to open doors or to do other things that owners can't do. They're also there to be good companions and to offer emotional support.

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Wednesday 10 April 2013

How Dog Training Improves Your Relationship With Your Dog

There are a good number of reasons why you should train your dog of which the following include some of the more obvious :

1. Housetraining: Unless you are partial to the aroma of dog poop and pee then it would certainly make sense to, at the very least, have your dog housetrained. Yup! There's no way round it, but that cute bundle of fur otherwise known as a puppy, unless taught to the contrary will quickly and happily turn your pristine house not only into his playground but also into his personal toilet. And make no mistake, this is not a problem that is going to disappear with age; any dog that is not housetrained be it a puppy or adult will soil your residence until it is taught not to!

2. Socializing: An unsocialized dog is generally an unhappy dog because such an animal finds it extremely difficult to interact comfortably with strangers or other dogs (and animals). This type of dog is characteristically nervous and h ighly-strung, which condition manifest as a dog with a hair-trigger response to aggression at the slightest perceived provocation (usually more imaginary than real) or a dog that slinks around in a constant state of fear. It matters little which errant behavior is displayed, the fact is either existence will be detrimental to the dog's well-being.

3. Bonding: A well trained dog is a happy dog. When you and your dog understand one another well your relationship is going to be that much richer for it.The only way to achieve that level of harmony in your relationship with your dog is if you both work at understanding one another; and that will only be achieved through proper training. Besides dog training should be fun for you and your pooch, especially since it challenges and stimulates your dog's mind. As frequently happens with human adolescents, a bored dog is going to be driven to destructive behavior; this is especially true in the smarter breed o f dog.

Types of Dog Training

These days there are quite a number of different dog training techniques, enough to accommodate everybody dog owner out there. Some are very popular and come highly recommended whilst others seem to be a throwback to a more primitive time and age when we didn't understand man's best friend as we do now. The following lists some of the more commonly used methods of dog training:

1. Reward Training

Currently a big favorite in dog training circles, this technique employs the use of treats to reinforce good and desired behavior patterns executed by your dog. When used correctly this is a pretty effective training technique but its downside is that it is fairly easy to abuse the system and thus nullify its effectiveness by giving your dog treats at times other than during dog training sessions.

2. Clicker Training

Clicker training is a classic Pavlovian technique th at utilizes conditional training through sensory association. As the name suggests the clicker, which is a plastic box with an inbuilt metal strip that makes the actual clicking sound, is used in conjunction with a treat or something your dog finds highly desirable to reinforce and encourage a particular behavior. In time the treat reward is removed yet the dog still associates a given behavior with the sound of the clicker and thus performs that behavior in the absence of the treat.

3. Whistle Training

Dogs have far better hearing than people and can hear frequencies that our ears cannot pick up. It is on the basis of this premise that the ultrasonic whistle functions which means that since you cannot hear it but your dog can (supposedly) it can be a little tricky getting to grips with its use.

4. Dog Whispering

Yeah sounds a bit corny doesn't it and most likely the name of this method is an obvious offshoot reference from the 1998 Robert Redford movie (starring amongst others a young Scarlett Johansson) titled the Horse Whisperer themed around a man who had an uncanny ability to communicate with horses. Anyway these days Dog Whispering is now a broadly accepted term and its training technique is based on understanding a dog' body language and the many unvocalized signals that are part and parcel of dog communication.

These four examples above are just a few of the dog training methods available and in fact there are a whole slew of collar based training methods that have not been listed here partly because some of them are archaic and barbaric such as electric collar training or prong collars.

In summary, this article barely touches the tip of the iceberg as far as dog training is concerned but the thing to remember is that utilizing dog training in the everyday life of your pooch will greatly enrich the relationship the two of you share.
Article on dog tra ining written by Kayye Nynne

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