Saturday, 28 July 2012

Three Easy Do-It-Yourself Skincare Tips

When it comes to taking care of your skin, it can sometimes be confusing with all of the different skincare products that are out there, and the many differing skincare routines that exist. However, that does not mean that there are not some fabulous ways that you can easily care for your skin on your own; and without breaking the bank. Perhaps these simplified at-home and do it yourself skincare tips can allow for you to enjoy healthy and glowing skin.

Look into AHA Peels: AHAs, which is the shortening for Alphahydroxy acids, are great at-home chemical peels that you can use on your skin that will truly make it shine. You can find some very affordable AHA peels online, usually that come in whole kits that include the peel, the neutralizer and some cotton applicators. You can use these peels once per week to remove dead skin cells and to unclog your pores and remove dirt and debris.

Tea Tree Oil is amazing: Also called melaleuca oil, this is a great natural oil extract from a riverside plant. It can work wonders for you skin in many different ways. Tea tree oil aids in defeating bacteria that can cause breakouts, and is commonly used in shampoos to treat dandruff. It's also been shown to be beneficial in treating a wide array of common skin ailments, too. Many people dilute a few drops in water and use it as a spray mist on their skin daily.

Sunscreen is your best friend: No matter what time of the season it is, cold or warm, the sun can wreak havoc on your skin. Even if it is cold outside, the sun's harmful UV rays can still burn your skin, cause premature aging and even contribute to the formation of free radicals, which contribute to skin cancer. A simple application of SPF 15 or higher rated sunscreen daily can protect your skin.

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