Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Gret SEO Tips that drives you to the targeted traffic

Google is the world's premiere search engine and currently is accounts for about 70% of the total online searches. Many people throw up a website for different reasons and believe that is the end of it. The internet holds more information than any other one of man's inventions, so this calls for a complex yet easy to navigate structure. That's where search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing come into play.

SEO or search engine optimization will increase the chances of your site appearing when someone searches for a word relating to your site. Sadly, the vast majority of people screw SEO up, along with their site's ranking. There are some common mistakes that many people make so we decided discuss three of them here.

One of the reasons why many SEO beginners commit mistakes is because they expect instant results. If you are patient then you have found an excellent method to work with. The outcome of sticking with it will be a boatload of traffic.

If you want to get your site in front of tens of thousands of people you must be ready to go the extra mile. You must be ready to build links, create unique content and put in the time to have everything in place, then you can simply forget getting ranked for any keyword. The second mistake is ineffective internal linking. This is another area where you have complete control over the outcome and you should take full advantage of it.

This method is so powerful because the search engine will reward your web pages if you have a good linking strategy going on. Instead of focusing on sending your visitors away you should concentrate on linking all of your related pages together in a logical fashion. Honestly, you probably won't find another SEO technique that will give you such all around good results. And what makes it so great is that these are permanent results, not temporary.

A perfect example of a good internal linking structure is Wikipedia; notice how they have all of these links that send you to a page with a similar topic? Search engines put more relevance over content that is formatted a certain way, and most site owners don't know this. Webmasters put in the effort to create a masterpiece out of their site but in this process they forget to add relevant content to their site. You should learn to create content for SEO correctly because it counts.

Try to add at least 300 to 400 words of content on the pages of your site with 3% - 5% of keyword density. Also, include your keyword once in the post's title. Too many keywords in your content will get your site penalized. In conclusion, successful SEO is a combination of multiple elements. Don't fall for the promises made by 'blackhat' SEO tactics that say you'll see instant search engine results, especially since none of those techniques will benefit you in the long term. Try to focus on using Whitehat SEO techniques that are more reliable in terms of improving your search engine rankings, bringing in plenty of targeted traffic and won't get you banned for your efforts.

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