Monday, 9 July 2012

SEO Tips That Works without wasting your time

SEO can get tricky and certain things that seem like they will help your rankings will actually hurt them. Even if you only learn the ins-and-outs of basic SEO, you will be far ahead of the majority of webmasters. Nowadays, the majority of the people online use search engines for finding information and products they want to buy. There are millions of searches done per day so the higher your site ranks for a high volume keyword the more traffic you will receive. A good search engine optimizer is worth his weight in gold; both as an internet marketer and as a consultant. Instead of going over the best practices, we are going to inform you about the things to avoid at all costs. For some reason, many internet marketers believe that SEO is a bag of tricks that is updated every month, in fact, it is the opposite.

The main mistake beginning webmasters make is attempting SEO with keywords that aren't narrowed down. It is a true statement that SEO requires keywords, but too many keywords can get you penalized by the search engines because they'll think you're just spamming with your site. This will drop your site with the search engine rankings, and there goes all your traffic, too. Your visitors won't like it as they only want sites that are understandable and offer the help they need.

The second mistake is ineffective internal linking. You have complete control over your internal linking and need to use that opportunity to make it work in your favor. A good linking strategy makes your site easier to brows and the search engines love it and will give your site a higher ranking. Your linking strategy can be your secret weapon that shoots you past your competition because most of them aren't utilizing it. This is an under applied SEO method that is proven to produce results. And what makes it so great is that these are permanent results, not temporary. Look at Wikipedia; even though it has a lot of external links, it has smartly inter-linked all the articles, which obviously gives the site the link juice it needs.

Don't associate yourself with unethical SEO consultants. These days it's common to find many SEO companies who are more than willing to be of service. Some of these companies are definitely worth working with since they use practical ethical SEO methods, but many others depend on unethical or blackhat SEO to get sites ranked. You don't even come to know about this until your site gets banned by search engines. So if you are looking out to hire someone for your SEO job, then go for a consultant that has a good reputation and keeps you updated with regular progress reports. Nothing should ever be hidden from you when it comes to them.

Above all, it's important to stay away from excessive flash, but if you include images make sure you're using ALT tags. If you can avoid committing these blunders, you'll shoot through the search engine ranks and you'll avoid ever being banned.

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