Friday, 13 July 2012

SEO tips if you intent to find ccustomers, clients or gain any form of attention

Many new marketers and webmasters are not really aware of how exactly SEO works. Even if you only learn the ins-and-outs of basic SEO, you will be far ahead of the majority of webmasters. Today, almost everybody does research online on products they are interested in.

In fact, some marketers have become very wealthy by focusing on SEO as their main way of getting traffic to their landing pages. With the knowledge that you will get more traffic the higher you rank on the first page should be enough of a reason to learn SEO. One of the best ways to succeed with SEO is to learn what not to do. No matter what anyone may tell you or try to sell you; SEO is based on solid principles and not on all of these new tricks and loopholes that you see appearing each month.

Expecting instant results with SEO will lead you to making a lot of unnecessary mistakes. If can't stay patient until the big payoff then SEO might not be right for you. The outcome of sticking with it will be a boatload of traffic. If you want to get your site in front of tens of thousands of people you must be ready to go the extra mile. There is no secret technique to get on the first page, the same fundamentals apply that have been the same for a few years, good keyword research, onsite SEO, fast loading, quality link building, and unique content.

ATL tags must be on all the images on your site. Alt tags are the description of the picture you get as it loads.

You should also know that ALT tags in your images help you get a higher place within the searches. When it comes to optimization, this is often forgotten about. That's why ALT tags should be made using keywords so that readers and search engines both can know what your site is about.

In order for your web pages to rank high you must start formatting your content in a certain way. You may have heard the saying "content is king," well, I don't know if it is true or not but having relevant and correctly formatted content on your site can make or break your SEO efforts. The content on your site plays a big role in your site's ranking. Try not to add any individual posts to your site that are less than 300-400 words and your keywords should number between 3-5 inside every 100 words of content. It is common SEO practice to include the main keyword of your content inside of the page/post title, also. Avoid any form of keyword stuffing in your content as it can harm your ranking.

In conclusion, successful SEO is a combination of multiple elements. Blackhat techniques may offer instant solutions to get your site ranked and bring in the traffic, but none of these are long term. Work on whitehat SEO methods that will bring you long term results that should see a steady increase in constant traffic to your site.

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