Wednesday 2 October 2013

Ejaculation Etiquette

Women are lucky in that they can have an orgasm pretty much anywhere and don't have to worry about leaving behind any telltale substances. Men, on the other hand, know that the end result of their pleasure includes a mess to clean up. This means that you should have an ejaculation etiquette plan that includes where it goes, where it doesn't go, how it's cleaned up, and how it's disposed of. Much of this is dependent on your partner's likes and dislikes, so make sure to get an idea of where she draws the line when it comes to your climactic fluids.

Here is the AM breakdown of ejaculation etiquette based on location and situation. Also included are hints about what you absolutely should never do when it comes to ejaculation etiquette.

>>>>>>>>>>Click Here To Visit The Ejaculation Tips Website.

Inside her

If you're having sex without a condom (which should only be done with a girl you're confident won't give you an STI), you'll likely end up finishing inside her. Make sure to get her permission, and understand the birth control situation before coming inside her. This option lifts most of the cleanup responsibility from you since your ejaculate is now literally up in her business. She will likely excuse herself to go to the bathroom and clean up there. There is a possibility that some of your stuff could leak out before she makes her way to the bathroom. In this case, the onus is back on you to clean up your mess.

Etiquette reminder: Don't tell her that you won't ejaculate insider her and then do it anyway.

In a condom

When using protection, the condom should be removed immediately after you ejaculate, before you lose your erection. This will prevent any sperm from escaping and slopping all over her or the bed. Tie the end off so nothing leaks out and place it in the garbage -- not the toilet or the floor.

Etiquette reminder: Don't ask her to take the used condom off for you. That's your responsibility.

In her mouth

The ejaculation etiquette involved in oral sex is a little more complex. First of all, you have to determine whether or not she wants to swallow. Once this is established, it's nice to let her know when to expect your orgasm so she can either prepare to swallow and avoid gagging or switch to a different method of stimulation, like using her hand, to finish you off. You don't have to make a big announcement of it. A simple, "It's time," would do, or you could agree on a subtler signal that you're about to erupt.

Etiquette reminder: Don't hold her head so she has no choice but to swallow. That's a good way to never get a blow job again.

On her ass/breasts

Some men like the idea of ejaculating on a woman's breasts or butt, and some women think it's sexy too. Again, this should be established beforehand, because it's possible that it could gross her out and that would be bad ejaculation etiquette. If she digs it, then go ahead.

Etiquette reminder: Don't rub it in afterward. Don't spread it around with your hands and don't collapse on top of her so the mess is squished between your bodies.

On her face

Coming on her face is a tricky issue. Some women really get off on the idea, but plenty of others think it's disgusting, and some even find it degrading. So, it's essential that you get her permission before you shoot anywhere near or on her face.

Etiquette reminder: Do not get any in her eyes. Avoid her hair as well, if possible.

climax control

If you follow AM's ejaculation etiquette, you can avoid plenty of awkward and potentially gross post-sex cleanup routines. You'll also have a better chance of keeping your girlfriend happy, which means you'll have more opportunities to practice your etiquette rules in the future.

>>>>>>>>>>Click Here To Visit The Ejaculation Tips Website.

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