Friday 18 October 2013

Acne Tips By And For Acne Haters

For those of you battling mild or moderate pimple breakouts, the acne tips that follow are specially written for you. Acne tips are not enough if you are suffering from severe acne. In such case you have to stop self-treating it and pay a visit to your local dermatologist to avoid further complications and future scarring.

Before getting into any acne tips, be aware of the different acne stages. Mild acne consists of relatively few and small blackheads and whiteheads around the forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks. If acne expands to the neck, chest , and back, and appear at the same time appear in great numbers or size, then you are now dealing with moderate acne.

If you begin to experience red, painful bumps besides the usual black and whiteheads, it denotes an infection, and you are no longer dealing with moderate acne, but rather with severe acne. The deeper the infection occurs, the more severe your acne is.

OK. Here they come... awesome acne tips. Th ere are 3 basic recommendations you need to follow each day in order to get rid of your hated pimples, and more importantly, to prevent them from returning again. Good hygiene, healthy eating, and using popular over-the-counter acne remedies daily combine to form deadly ammunition against your acne.

Acne tips: hygiene. It is divided in 3 areas: hair, face, and body. You also have to pay attention to your particular kind of skin, whether oily, dry, or sensitive. Wash your hair once a day and keep it away from your face specially when dealing with oily skin, which is the most common type found in acne-prone skin. Take a shower daily to maintain the body clean and use a separate towel to dry up. Keep separate towels for hair, face and body. Acne causing bacteria propagate easily through wet towels. If you have oily skin, you must wash your face 2 or 3 times every day using a regular cleanser, and also an acne scrub once a week to keep oil and dirt from accumulating and b locking pores. Do not clean you face more often 3 times daily. Dry and sensitive skin on the face requires washing but no more than twice each day, and always using a mild acne cleanser. Be sure to apply ample water-based moisturizer right after each washing.

Acne tips: topical products. When it comes to over-the-counter acne remedies you have many excellent options. Acne medications come in lotions, gels, foams, and creams with different natural or chemical ingredients in different strengths. You also have very effective cleansers, scrubs, toners, pads, peel-off or facial masks, pore strips, and light therapy units.There is not an "one-size-fits-all" acne treatment. An acne product that works perfectly for your best friend, may not give you similar results. Try different remedies one at the time for 3 weeks max. It shouldn't take longer than that for you to notice positive results on your skin. Allergy test every new remedy by applying it to a small area of the skin and waiting for any reaction during the day. Ready all labels and follow all instructions.

Acne tips: Diet. For many years it was thought that the food you eat had no effect on acne. Wrong! The latest studies on the subject demonstrate that changes in the le vels of glucose and insulin due to diet result in changes on the skin. Read about this connection in an article titled, "Acne and Diet" published in the July 2010 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD) by acne experts Alan Shalita, M.D., Whitney Bowe, M.D., and Smita Joshi, M.D. A good diet consists of reducing saturated fats, which come from animals products, like meat, fish (except salmon and sardines), eggs, milk, and cheese, or from plants like coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, and vegetable shortening. Reduce sugar, salt, white bread and white rice. Eliminate chocolates, ice cream, and coffee from your diet. Eat more fruits, vegetables (except potatoes), nuts, whole grains, essential fatty acids (from salmon, sardines, flaxseed, or hempseed oil), and drink no less than 4 glasses of water or pure fruit juice each day. Follow such diet at least until acne goes away.

Don't hate your acne, make your acne hate you by following the big 3: good skin hygiene, eating low fat foods, and using acne products daily.

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