Thursday 24 October 2013

Acne Tips - Stop Acne Forever And Get Rid Of Acne Problem Effectively

Face affected with acne can be embarrassing and may cause emotional disturbances. It may also lead to inferiority complex as the skin on the face gets damaged and looks ugly. One may not like to mix up with the people and socialize because of this problem. Research has shown that people suffering from acne are discouraged, demotivated and feel low and wonder how they could stop acne. So it is very important that they get quick relief from it. Teenagers are the worst sufferers and dream of acne free face so that they could mix up with the people confidently.

What are the causes of acne? Acne is caused when the hair follicles in our skin get blocked. The oil produced by hair follicles, called sebum, is normally beneficial because it helps prevent the skin from drying and limits skin infections. But when sebum can't drain, it builds up and actually becomes a culture medium for bacteria. Some Medical experts believe that Ac ne is not a external condition but representation of of an internal turbulence. Although acne is a disorder associated with teenagers but it can occur at any age of life. Acne usually appears on face, neck, back and chest.

One of the most common misconceptions about acne is that it's caused by dirt. It's not! There are some common causes of acne and misconception about them. Acne is caused by a combination of factors you can't control, like your hormonal balance and the natural pace of your skin's renewal system. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can control that may help you keep your acne in check.

Acne Prevention Treatment -
What actions can be taken to prevent acne problems and stop acne from recurring again is a matter to ponder upon. Here are some acne tips for your benefit so that you can act on and get rid of it permanently. You should never scrub skin that is affected by acne. This irritates and inflames the acne, causing more pimples and making the healing process longer. Do not ever attempt to self-treat or self-medicate. Pimple removal is something that should always be left up to a trained doctor.

Abstain from foods that may cause heat to build up in the body, like garlic, coffee, and spicy foods. To maintain healthy skin Plenty of vitamin A should be consumed, also it very important to consume zinc as it helps to heal the skin and aids in reducing hormonal imbalances. The most important thing to remember is - maintain a proper digestion and daily bowl movements. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and take high fiber diet.

Treatment -

Acne can be improved with "over-the-counter" products, or products that don't require a prescription from your doctor. There is a wide range of treatments available, and there's a good chance one of them will work for you. If you start treatment before your acne gets severe, you'll have a better chance of avoiding physical and emotional problems down the road. But if your acne gets worse or lasts more than a couple of weeks, see a dermatologist.

In most cases, the first treatment that a doctor will recommend is a topical cream. These creams, like all acne treatments, do not cure acne, but rather help manage the symptoms of the acne. The treatment that you receive will depend on the type of symptoms that you are experiencing. It will either be aimed at unplugging pores, killing bacteria (antibiotics), reducing the amount of oils (such as Accutane) or altering the hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands (such as oral contraceptives).

If topical creams alone prove ineffective, doctors will usually combine them with an oral antibiotic. The topical creams usually contain benzoyl peroxide which although effective, should be used in small doses. Doctors also prescribe doxycycline for acne cure which is also a kind of antibiotics. It was originally thought to be harmless, however studies show that prolonged use or overuse can lead to premature aging of the skin.

There are many herbal cures also available for acne treatment in the market. Herb like aloe vera for acne can be a good remedial measure, also witch hazel for acne is quite effective. It is a kind of herb which is safe to apply and is natural.

The most important thing to remember when attempting to rid yourself of acne is to work with a trained medical professional that you trust. Secondly, be patient. Even in the best of cases, acne does not clear up overnight. In fact, even when you have found a treatment tha t works, your skin will usually get worse before it gets better. Doctors usually recommend continuing a treatment for at least four to six weeks before expecting to see results. Do not be disappointed if the first treatment that you try does not work. Expect to try several different treatments before finally finding success.

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