Thursday 31 October 2013

Models Dieting Tips - Get Thin Easy! - Health - Weight Loss

Models Dieting Tips - Steps to a Thinner You!

I am going to share with you the tricks and tips that the most famous models implement in order to shed some pounds. I spent hours to put together a list of dieting tricks practiced by the hottest supermodels.

#1 Models Dieting TipsOne tip secret I found out is to drink lots of water. Water is a very essential element while you diet. How does drinking water help with losing weight? Well, firstly, water is stored by your body. So, if you don't drink enough water, the body will start to store more water because it feels it is going through a period of drought. This will cause unmistakable bloating and leave you feeling miserable.

#2 Models Dieting TipsAn excellent secret is to upgrade your meals! What does this mean? Let me clarify. I am saying that you need to add more veggies, etc to your meal. For example, lets say you are eating a grilled chicken wrap... just a single serving amount of meat and bread don't make you feel full, am I correct? Well, what if you create a sandwich and added cucumbers, sprouts, onions, bell peppers, etc... your sandwich is bigger, you are more full, and you didn't increase your calorie intake!

#3 Models Dieting TipsJust after eating, complete 1 of these actions: brush your teeth, gargle mouthwash, or chew gum. This will help you to avoid eating more. A very large of your extra calories comes from eating additional food after you should already be done with your meal.

These Models Dieting Tips alone can easily help you shed an extra 5-8 pounds per month, on top of your regular diet program. Stick with it, and remember, a healthier you will be a happy you.

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Wednesday 30 October 2013

What's The Quickest Way To Lose A Lot Of Weight? - Health - Weight Loss

Looking for the quickest ways to lose a lot of weight? Well, I can assure you that the best ways to lose weight will have nothing to do with fad dieting, popping diet pills, or doing anything else unnatural or complicated! Read on to see what worked for me to drop an amazing 52 LBS. of irritating body fat in 8 weeks... FOR GOOD!

1.) Smart Fitness - One of the things I did to ensure that I got myself the body of my dreams as quickly as possible is that I exercised at least 3 times a week. Now, the type of exercise you do makes a HUGE difference... and I had to learn this the hard way!

The exercises that brought about significant results for me were H.I.I.T (high intensity interval training) and compound weight training.

H.I.I.T is cardiovascular exercises that you do with alternating intensity. Let's take a treadmill for an example: You'll set the speed at 3.0 and an incline of 7 degrees for 2 minutes and then a speed of 3.4 and an incline of 12 degrees for 1 minute and then repeat for up to 20 minutes. This exercise will boost your metabolism as well as your R.M.R. (resting metabolic rate).

As far as compound weight training is concerned, this is a type of weight training where you incorporate multiple muscle groups at once. Examples of this type of resistance training are bench presses, squats, dead lifts, etc. This type of weight training will build more strength and will also burn off a ton of calories.

2.) Smart Nutrition - Please don't make the second mistake I made in thinking that fad diets (low carb, low fat, low calorie, etc.) are the answer to lose a lot of weight fast! Those diets will never work properly because the body does not respond well to them. In fact, the most significant thing that happens is a severe drop in your metabolism.

Now, what I DO recommend you do is to find a diet that is based on getting 100% proper nutrition (all nutrients without restricting or starving). By doing such, you will keep your metabolism running strong, decrease hunger pangs, and get rid of those annoying cravings!

3.) Smart Eating - The last step on how I was able to drop an amazing 52 pounds of fat in 8 weeks was that the diet I went on was based around a powerful technique of eating foods in a special to trigger a massive release of fat burning hormones. This technique was all about eating more frequently through out the day, but the trick was that I was eating foods in a special way to prevent my metabolism from reaching a comfort zone. The end result was lightning fast fat loss... and it was stupid simple to do! I mean after all, all I was doing was eating normal foods... and that's it!

The reason this worked so well is because the metabolism settles down if you have a set pattern of eating every day, and once you CONSTANTLY keep breaking this pattern in a special way, then this will cause your metabolism to SKYROCKET since it is now going crazy trying to figure out what the heck you're doing!

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Tuesday 29 October 2013

Why Is It So Difficult To Lose Weight After 30.Lets see why?

Have you tried to lose weight after 30? Wasnt that more difficult than ever before? Guess what? Its even more difficult after 40! Have you ever wondered why your body reacts differently to the same regimes you apply in different stages of your life?

People that have never had a weight problem get flabbier after 30 without clear explanation. They start exercising and they dont see any improvement. They eat less, and they still dont achieve any significant change. What they dont take into consideration is the aging impact on their body.

Aging is a Reason for Gaining Weight and the Obstacle to Losing WeightThere are more than 20 theories about aging but the most researched one is the Free Radicals theory. Free radicals are atoms or molecules in which at least one electron is unpaired causing an instability (a stable atom contains a balance of paired electrons which encircle the nucleus).

This instability causes the electrons to be very reactive they bond easily with healthy molecules and damage them. According to the free radicals theory, this damage is what causes you to age and to become vulnerable to certain diseases.

The most common free radical is an oxygen radical, which occurs in the mitochondria when an unpaired electron interacts with oxygen. Mitochondria are your cellular power plants, the tiny structures in your cells that provide energy in the chemical form of ATP. This is your fuel for all your life functions. It helps your heart to pump and your lungs to distribute oxygen when you breathe.

When free radicals are formed in the mitochondria, they reduce the power of your cellular power plants to produce energy efficiently. You are not running out of energy because youre aging. You are aging because you are running out of energy. Free radicals gradually shut down your power as if you are slowly turning off a light dimmer.

Free Radicals and Energy Reduction are the Roots of Most Aging Problems Without energy your metabolic rate drops causing you to accumulate more body fat. You are losing muscle mass, bone mass, facial collagen and you are tired even when you have over-slept.

Energy reduction at the cellular level also decreases the hormone secretion in your glands. The most abundant hormone in the body is DHEA. It is known as the mother of all hormones because it is involved in manufacturing of other hormones, especially the sexual hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

DHEA peeks at the age of 20 but afterwards declines sharply so at age 45 you have 50% of your high peek DHEA, and at the age of 65 you have only 10-20% of what you had at age 20. As the mother of all hormones DHEA represents a decline in other hormones as Human Growth Hormone, (HGH), Testosterone (in men), estrogen and progesterone (in women).

Studies show that as lower your hormone level is, as higher your tendency to accumulate fat.

Weight gain after 30 is a result of a vicious cycle of aging. Aggressive free-radicals decrease energy production which decreases hormone level and your metabolic rate to levels that most diets cannot help.

Anti-Aging Can Support Weight Loss by Neutralizing Free-RadicalsThe most common way to fight free radicals is by increasing significantly antioxidants in your body. Your body produces antioxidants naturally or it gets it from food like fruit and vegetables.

Antioxidants are form of enzymes that attack free radicals by attaching to the unpaired electron and neutralize it. There are 2 kinds of antioxidants:

The first type patrols the body, blocking the formation of free radicals. The second type disarms the already existing free radical before they bind with healthy molecules.

Studies show that todays fruit and vegetables are not rich in antioxidants as few decades ago. It is impossible to get the recommended level without supplements as multi-vitamin, vitamin C, and vitamin E in the right dosages. But this by itself doesnt make the difference. No one lose weight just by taking antioxidants.

Anti-Aging Can Support Weight Loss by Boosting Energy in Your Cells You can increase your cells energy if you exercise regularly and supplement your food with energizers. Energizers are vitamins and minerals that increase the energy production in your cells. Well studied energizers are Lipoic Acid, Chromium Picolinate, Coenzyme Q-10, and others. Cardio training is the best exercise to boost your cellular energy. Cardio training is what you may know as aerobic exercise like jogging, cycling, rowing or other activities that ramp your heart rate.

Anti-Aging Can Support Weight Loss by Increasing Hormone Level and Accelerating Metabolic Rate

An expensive and still questionable way to increase your hormones is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Hormone replacement therapy must be recommended and supervised by a doctor. But criticizers recommend staying away and not messing with the side effect risks of hormones.

You can boost your hormone level significantly without a doctor and for free if you engage in resistance training like free weights, weight machines, bands, cables or even body weight.

Studies show without a doubt that resistance training stimulates secretion of HGH and testosterone. But thats not all. Resistance training has many other benefits. It helps to gain muscle and reverses the aging damage of losing muscle. The more muscles you have, the more fat you burn because mussel growth accelerate you metabolic rate.

Aging is Not an Obstacle Anymore to Weight Loss You reverse your aging damages backward and slow your aging forward when you burn fat and gain muscle. You can accelerate this process by reducing free-radicals and increase energy production using supplements. But there is no way to achieve it without special exercises that boost hormone level and nutrition that decreases blood sugar.source: /

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Monday 28 October 2013

Dividend Policy: Malaysian Public Listed Companies 2006 to 2009

1. Introduction

The study of corporate dividend behaviour has been a key research area in finance. Yet we do not have an acceptable explanation for the observed dividend behaviour of companies and the ''dividend puzzle'' still remains unsolved (Black, 1976). It is a long-standing position of well-known finance researchers that dividends are irrelevant, and they have no influence on the share price, given that the capital markets are perfect (Miller & Modigliani, 1961). Some researchers have held a contrary position that considers that since capital markets are not perfect, dividends do matter. Several empirical surveys indicate that both managers and investors favour payment of dividends. Lintner (1956) found that US companies in the sixties distributed a large part of their earnings as dividends, and they also maintained stability of dividends. Firms are always searching for an optimal dividend policy, one that strikes a balance between current dividends and future growth and maximiz es the firm's stock prices. These findings have been vindicated in different countries and at different time periods.

The focus of this research is to study how companies trading in the KLSE, an emerging market in Southeast Asia, decide their dividend payments and to examine empirically whether they follow stable dividend policies, as is generally the case in developed markets. This study provides evidence that the KLSE firms follow less stable dividend policies and their dividend payments are closely related to changes in earnings but they do not immediately omit dividends when earnings decrease.

In Malaysia, there is no standard policy or procedure governing dividend payments. As such, companies are free to decide when and how much to pay out in dividends for a specific financial business year as long as they comply with Companies Act, 1965. Section 365 of the Act states that "No dividend shall be payable to the shareholders of any company except out of profits or pursuant to Section 60." In other words, the Act requires that dividends of a company can only be distributed from the profits of the company except pursuant to Section 60 of the Act.

Since there is a dearth in the academic literature that describes the current dividend policy for Malaysian companies, this paper is set to fill the gap by examining the dividend policy for public listed companies in Malaysia. Thus, the objectives of this study are:

1. To identify the dividend-paying company and non dividend-paying company listed on the main board.

2. To observe the trend of dividend distribution of Malaysian public listed companies by looking at the dividend yield and dividend payout ratio.

3. To distinguish the characteristics of dividend-paying companies and non dividend-paying companies by analysing their financial and performance factors.

4. To analyse the relationship of financial and performance factors with dividend distribution.

5. To test the validity of smoothing hypothesis of dividend determinant for Malaysian public listed companies by analysing the relationship of dividend and earning over times which suggests that dividend decision is influenced by past and current earnings.

The rest of the paper is organised as follows: The next section reviews some important previous studies conducted abroad and in Malaysia. The third section describes the data and methodology. In the fourth section, the results are presented and the last section contains the main conclusions of the study.

2. Literature Review

Lintner (1956) for the first time uncovered that firms maintain a target dividend payout ratio and adjust their dividend policy to this target. The long-term sustainable investment and growth objectives determine the firms' target payout ratios. Further, Lintner found that firms pursue a stable dividend policy and gradually increase dividends given the target payout ratio. This implies that firms set speed to move towards the full achievement of payout. These findings suggest that firms establish their dividends in accordance with the level of current earnings as well as dividends of the previous year. Lintner also pointed out that managers believe that investors prefer firms with stable dividend policies.

A number of survey and empirical studies have been conducted in USA and other countries using Lintner's framework. In USA, Fama and Babiak (1968) and Brittain (1966) use a modified and extended Lintner model to confirm his findings. A survey of the NYSE companies by Baker, Farrelly, and Edelman (1985) supports the Lintner findings, and they conclude that the major determinants of dividend payments are future earnings and past dividends. The subsequent survey study of Pruitt and Gitman (1991) also confirms these results.

Lintner's model has been generally found applicable in a number of developed markets. It has been tested by Chateau (1979) in Canada, Shevin (1982) in Australia, McDonald, Jacquilland and Nussenbaum (1975) in France, Leithner and Zimmermann (1993) in West Germany, UK, France and Switzerland and Lasfer (1996) in UK. Dewenter and Warther (1998) compare dividend policies of firms in USA and Japan for the period from 1982 to 1993. Their results show that USA firms tend to choose stable dividend policies whereas Japanese firms prefer to omit dividends and follow relatively unstable dividend policies.

Researchers have recently started looking at the dividend policy and behaviour of companies in regulated and emerging markets. Glen, Karmokolias, Miller and Shah (1995) find substantial differences in dividend policies of companies in developed and emerging markets. They show that dividend payments are much lower in emerging markets and companies follow less stable dividend policies, although they do have target payout ratios. A study by Pandey and Bhat (1994) in India supports the Lintner findings and reveals that Indian managers confirm that companies maintain an uninterrupted record of dividend payments and also try to avoid abrupt changes in their dividend policies. Ariff and Johnson (1994) confirm Lintner's model for firms in Singapore. In Turkey, Adaoglu (2000) finds that earnings are the main determinant of dividend payments. Until 1994, companies in Turkey were required to distribute 50% of the distributable profits as cash dividends. His results show that because of regulation of compulsory distribution of profits, the ISE (Istanbul Stock Exchange) companies followed stable dividend policies until 1994, but once the companies were given the flexibility of choosing their own dividend policy, they followed unstable dividend policies. Gul (1999) provides evidence on dividend policy in Japan, and studies by Gul (1999) and Zhao (2000) relate dividend policy to ownership structure in China.

How firms determine their dividend policy has been a puzzle to financial economists for many years. Miller and Modigliani's (1961) irrelevance theorems form the foundation for modern corporation finance theory. In their seminal paper, Miller and Modigliani showed that under certain assumptions (perfect capital market, rational behavior, and perfect certainty), dividends are irrelevant. All that matters is the firm's investment opportunities. They show that under certain assumptions, the payment of a cash dividend should have no impact on a firm's share price.

According to Lease et. al (2000), some of Miller and Modigliani simplifying assumptions, especially those involving perfect markets, require modifications. Important market imperfections, which include asymmetric information, agency costs, taxes, transaction costs, flotation expenses, and behavioral factors, also exist and are necessary to be taken into considerations.

Studies of dividend behaviour of companies in Malaysia support Lintner's model. In a survey study, Isa (1992) finds that firms in Malaysia follow stable dividend policies and a number of internal and external factors govern these policies. Kester and Isa (1996) also confirm these results. Other studies confirming the applicability of the Lintner model in Malaysia include Annuar and Shamsher (1993) and Gupta and Lok (1995). Consistent with the tax imputation hypothesis, Isa (1993), in a study of Malaysian companies for the period from 1981 to 1992, finds a positive relationship between P/E ratio and payout ratio. The relation between dividend yield and P/E ratio is negative, which contradicts the tax imputation hypothesis. Isa finds a positive relation between dividend yield and payout. In addition Minority Shareholder Watchdog Group and University of Technology MARA (MSWG, 2006). They examine top 100 companies as per market capitalization on 31 December 2005. The survey ex amines the companies' behaviour on dividend distribution over a three-year period of 2002-2004. The market value of the top 100 public-listed companies ranged from RM983 million to RM41,972 million as at 31 December 2005. The survey found that most of the companies paid dividends in the three-year period. By examining the characteristic of the dividend payers and non-dividend payers, the survey proposed that profitability and liquidity are two essential ingredients for a healthy, dividend-paying public listed company. Companies with these two healthy components send out signals that they are able to sustain their dividend payment in the future.

Researchers have tried to explain the importance of dividends by looking for "imperfections" that can undermine the irrelevance position. Among these, the most important ideas are smoothing hypothesis and signaling hypothesis, which are at odds over the predictive power inherent within dividends. The role of dividends in conveying useful information about the future performance of the firms is a contentious issue in dividend policy research.

In this article I will be testing smoothing hypothesis, which suggests that the dividend decision is influenced by past and current earnings, and this hypothesis was initiated by Lintner (1956). He finds that managers believe that stable dividends lessen negative investor reactions. The reluctance to change the dividend was evident in a study carried out by DeAngelo and DeAngelo (2000). They find that for 80 New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) firms in financial crisis, managers are more willing to cut the level of dividend than to omit the dividend altogether. They also reported that the longer the company has been paying dividends the stronger is the reluctance of the managers to reduce dividends. DeAngelo et al. (1996) have also documented managerial aversion to cut and omit dividends for US companies.

3. Data and Research Methodology

This study uses data of listed companies in Bursa Malaysia sourced from Bursa Malaysia website, individual companies website, Dynaquest, Bloomberg and online worldwide stock information. Annual reports, which are obtained from Bursa Malaysia's website, have also been used as supplementary source (for instance, to get information on the main shareholder). 100 proportional stratified samples are randomly selected based on the market capitalization from companies listed on the Main Board.

For a firm to be included in the sample, several criteria had to be met. First, the firm had to be listed on the Bursa Malaysia for the period under consideration (2006- 2009). Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), closed-end fund and exchange traded fund have also been excluded from the sample. This is a current practice in empirical literatures, since it is generally assumed that the different regulatory environment of these companies would influence dividend policy (Short et al. 2002, Baker et al., 2006).

Currently there are 844 companies listed on Main Board. 116 companies are listed in the ACE Market. Total number of listed companies is 960. The main industries listed on the Bursa Malaysia are consumer products, industrial products, construction, infrastructure project, trading/services, finance, properties, plantation, technology, hotel and mining. After excluding the companies which are publicly reprimanded by Bursa Malaysia, closed-end fund, exchange traded fund, and REITS companies 100 samples selected from the Bursa Malaysia are allocated based on their market capitalization.

The 100 companies studied in this research come from industrial products (28 firms), trading and services industry (23 firms), consumer products industry (13 firms), properties industry (12 firms), finance (5 firms), plantation (5 firms), construction industry (8 firms), technology industry (3 firms), and 1 from each of hotel, mining and infrastructure industries.

3.2 Selection of Measures

The characteristics that influence Malaysian public listed companies' dividend policy are discussed first. To distinguish between companies that pay dividend and companies that do not pay dividend, dividend-paying companies are defined as companies that have at least one dividend payment over the 4-year period of study 2006 2009. On the other hand, non dividend-paying companies are defined as companies which had not make any dividend payment during the period of study.

The trend of dividend distribution of Malaysian public listed companies is observed through their dividend yield and dividend payout ratio. Dividend yield of a company's stock is the company's annual dividend payments divided by its market capital. As for dividend payout ratio, it provides an idea of how well earnings support the dividend payment and it is calculated as the ratio of dividend per share to earnings per share. The analysis of dividend yield and dividend payout ratio uses yearly observation and is carried out over the 4-year period of 2006-2009.

Subsequently, the relationship between the variables that are considered in the cross-sectional comparisons and the dividend yield and dividend payout ratio are examined using the simple analysis of correlation. Both dividend yield and dividend payout ratio are used as dividend variables.

To examine the factors that causes the variations in dividend policy across firms, several groups of variables are used. The comparisons are based both on averages for the 2006-2009 periods (to investigate their general influence on a firm's dividend policy) and on data for the single year 2009 (to ensure the consistency of the average 4-year data with the most recent single year data). The variables that are considered in the cross-sectional comparisons are:

Market to book ratios, as a proxy for growth opportunities Return on assets and return on equity, as measures of firm profitability Total revenue, as proxy for firm size The firms' beta, as proxy for firm risk Equity to debt ratio, as measure of leverage in book terms Ownership structure of these companies.

All these variables are selected in accordance with previous studies carried out by Chen et al. (2005), Collins and Kothrai (1989), Chung and Charoenwong (1991), Stacescu (2006) Grullon (2002), La Porta et al. (2000), Ghosh (2006), Gugler (2003) and Fama and French (2001).

After distinguishing the characteristics of dividend-paying companies and non dividend-paying companies, we will examine how strong are the relationship of the financial variables with dividend policy. Coefficient of correlation of the various financial variables against the dividend yield and dividend payout ratio will be calculated to determine the relationship as mentioned.

We now turn to test the validity of smoothing hypothesis of dividend determinant for Malaysian public listed companies by analysing the relationship of dividend and earning over times which suggests that dividend decision is influenced by past and current earnings. To test for smoothing hypothesis, the relationship between dividends and earning over time will be examined. We will look at the changes in dividend per share over changes in earning per share of Malaysian public listed companies over a period of 10 years from 1999-2009. Earnings per share and dividend per share are used to analyse the relationship between earnings and dividend policy. Both have been widely used in previous studies.

The result of the calculation will be used to correlate the relationship of dividend per share with the current and past earnings per share. Linear relationship of the two variables, or more specifically, how well they are related to each other, is investigated using their coefficient of correlations.

4. Research Results

This section presents the findings of the paper. Each sub-section is structured to reflect each of five objectives of the study.

4.1 Dividend Payers and Non-Dividend Payers

Dividend payer is defined as company that had at as least one dividend payment in one of the 4 years under study (2006-2009). This definition of dividend payer has been used throughout the analysis. Table 4-1 below shows the number of dividend payers and non-dividend payers in the sample, as per industry. 79% of the 100 samples are dividend payers over 2006-2009. Most industries show that there are more dividend payers over non-dividend payers.

It is common perception that there is an industry norm for dividend policy. Firms just follow the fashion or their dividend policy is governed by some special characteristic in a particular industry. The relationship of dividend payout patterns according to industry have been studied by Chin-Bun Tse (2005) based on UK listed companies featured in the FTSE as well as byI. M. Pandey 2003) in the Malaysian case . Chin-Bun Tse (2005) found no strong evidence that payout patterns are affected by industry. Both of them argue that dividend policy is very much decided at individual firm level.

Table 4-1: Analysis of Dividend Payers and Non-Dividend Payers from Main Board

And it's Industries



Dividend payer

non-Dividend payer

Consumer product



Industrial Products









Trading services



Main Board:






















4.2 Dividend Yield and Dividend Payout Ratio

Figure 4.1 below presents the average dividend yield and dividend payout ratio over the 2006-2009 period for all the sample companies. The mean for the dividend yield over the 4 years is 3.31%, and the mean for the dividend payout ratio over the 4 years is 0.40. Dividend payout ratio has a decreasing trend over the 2006-2009. In recent years, perhaps due to the financial crisis and general economic slowdown, payout ratios of all sectors have declined. The results show that a large number of Malaysian firms increase payment of dividends when their earnings increase. They are reluctant to skip dividends when earnings fall. But Malaysian firms tend to omit dividends when they suffer losses. A formal analysis employing the multinomial logit technique reveals that the dividend actions of the 28 corporate dividend policy and behavior Malaysian firms are very sensitive to earnings changes. There is a high probability of dividend increase when earnings increase. Similarly, the cha nces are high that dividends will be reduced if earnings fall. There is a very high probability of dividend omission when the Malaysian firms face negative earnings. (I. M. Pandey 2003)

On the other hand, the dividend yield shows constant trend for 2006-2007, increasing trend for 2007-2008 and decreasing trend for 2008-2009. The dividend yield shows a relatively volatile trend as its variation is influenced by both changes in dividends and movements in share prices.

Figure 4-1: Dividend Yield and Dividend Payout Ratio From 2006 2009

4.3 Comparison of Financial and Performance Variables for Dividend-Paying and

Non-Dividend-paying Companies

The financial and performance variables of growth opportunities, firm size, firm risk, leverage, and firm profitability are compared between dividend-paying companies and non dividend-paying companies. The analysis shows that there are several features that distinguish dividend-paying companies and non dividend-paying companies. The comparisons are based on the averages (mean) of the variables for 2006-2009. Table 4.2 summarises the variables that distinguish dividend-paying companies and non dividend-paying companies.

Table 4-2: Comparison between Dividend-Paying and Non Dividend-Paying



Dividend paying Companies Mean for (2006-2009)

Non- Dividend Paying Companies (Mean for 2006-2009)

Market to book ratio

(growth opportunities)



Annual Revenue

(Normalized with total assets)

(Firm Size)




(Firm Risk)




(Firm Profitability)




(Firm Profitability)



Debt over Equity Ratio




The variable used to measure the growth opportunities is market to book ratio. Over the years 2006 2009, the study shows that non-paying companies have a higher market to book ratio of 0.017 as compared 0.016 for dividend-paying companies. Higher market to book ratio indicates that company has higher growth opportunities than their counterparts. With regard to this, it is concluded that dividend-paying companies which have lower market to book ratio would have lower growth opportunities. This phenomenon can be explained, as a company has much room to grow and expand, it tends to use its resources to fuel it, rather than limiting this opportunity by paying dividend to its stockholders. This is consistent with the studies done by Stacescu (2006) and Smith (1992). Non dividend-paying companies have lower annual revenue (normalised by total assets) as compared to dividend-paying companies, although the difference is not significant (0.47 for dividend-paying companies, 0.38 fo r non dividend-paying companies). We argue that annual revenue does not differ significantly between dividend payer and non-dividend payer companies of Malaysia. Companies that do not pay dividend during 2006-2009 also carry higher betas, therefore they have higher risks. The values for dividend-paying companies and non dividend-paying companies are 0.63 and 0.77, respectively. The finding of growth opportunities, size of the companies and the firm risk are supported by the maturity hypothesis suggested by Grullon et al. (2002). This hypothesis suggests that riskier, smaller and younger firms tend to retain earnings and pay lower dividend as compared to matured, established and stable firms. The variables used to measure companies' profitability are Return of Asset (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). The study shows that dividend-paying companies have a higher ROA and ROE, amounted to 2.67 and 2.80, respectively, as compared to 1.01 and 1.51, respectively, for non dividend-pay ing companies over 2006-2009. It is also observed that dividend-paying companies have greater profitability than those do not pay dividend during 2006-2009. This finding is consistent with Fama and French (2001), Grullon et al (2002), DeAngelo and DeAngelo (2000). The debt over equity of dividend-paying companies is significantly lower than the non dividend-paying companies for 2006-2009. The mean for debt over equity for dividend-paying companies over the 4 years is 0.59 as compared to 0.76 for non dividend-paying companies. The finding is supported by Stacescu (2006), who noted that highly leveraged firms find additional debt very expensive and tried to increase their retained earnings. Thus high leverage firms tend to pay lower dividends as compared to low leverage firms.

In summary, dividend-paying companies of Malaysian public listed companies for 2006-2009 have lower market to book ratio, lower beta factor and lower debt to equity ratio as compared to non dividend-paying companies; and dividend-paying companies have higher return on asset and return and equity, and higher annual revenue as compared to non dividend-paying companies. The findings show that dividend-paying companies have lower growth opportunities, facing lower firm risk and have lower firm leverage as compared to non dividend-paying companies; and dividend-paying companies achieve higher profitability and bigger firm size as compared to non dividend-paying companies.

4.4 Relationship Between Dividend Distribution and Financial and Performance


This part focuses on the relationship between dividend yield and dividend payout ratio with the financial and performance variables as mentioned in above section for four years over 2006-2009 for dividend-paying companies.

Table 4-3: Coefficient of Correlation for Dividend Payout Ratio and Financial and

Performance Variables

Financial and

Performance Variables

Coefficient of

Correlation (average


Coefficient of

Correlation (2009)

Market to Book Ratio



Return of Assets



Return of Equity



Total Revenue



Debt over Equity






Table 4.3 shows that market to book ratio, return of assets, return of equity and total revenue have positive coefficient of correlation with dividend payout ratio over 2006- 2009. Return of assets and return of equity show a linear relationship with dividend payout ratio over the four years with 0.098939 and 0.034612 respectively. In addition, total revenue and market to book ratio also show linear relationship with dividend payout ratio over the four years with 0.0836 and 0.0040, respectively. Debt over equity and beta show negative linear relationship with dividend payout ratio over 2006-2009 with -0.166805 and -0.106292.

The analysis of single year data on 2009 shows same positive and negative results as the average data of 2006-2009. This will be further explained after we look into the relationship between dividend yield and financial variables.

Table 4-4: Coefficient of Correlation for Dividend Yield and Financial Variables

Financial and

Performance Variables

Coefficient of

Correlation (average


Coefficient of

Correlation (2009)

Market to Book Ratio



Return of Assets



Return of Equity



Total Revenue



Debt over Equity






Table 4.4 above summarises the coefficient of correlation for dividend yield and financial variable. This result is similar to the result of dividend payout ratio. Market to book ratio, return of assets, return of equity, total revenue have positive coefficient of correlation with dividend yield ratio over 2006-2009, debt over equity and beta have negative linear relationship with dividend yield.

The analysis of single year data on 2009 shows different result as compared to the average data of 2006-2009. Other financial variables except beta, debt over equity and ROA have positive linear relationship with dividend yield for year 2009. The reason why ROA has a negative relationship is that a large number of Malaysian firms increase payment of dividends when their earnings increase. However they are reluctant to skip dividends when earnings fall. This is consistent with I. M. Pandey's findings.

The results show that both dividend payout ratio and dividend yield is positively correlated to growth opportunities, profitability and firm size. This is consistent with the consensus that as a company is making a lot of profit, it distributes the profit to its shareholders as dividend. On the other hand, a company's leverage and risk tend to put a dampening effect on its dividend policy. A risky or debt-burdened company generally omits dividend. Baker (2006) has similar finding in his research on Norwegian companies.

4.5 Smoothing hypothesis: Relationship of Dividends and Earnings over time

Table 4-5: Coefficient of Correlation for Changes of DPS and Changes of Past and Current EPS

% Changes of EPS

Coefficient of Correlation

(average 10 years)

Past Year EPS


Current Year EPS


The smoothing hypothesis suggests that the dividend decision is influenced by past and current earnings, and this hypothesis was initiated by Lintner (1956). As we can see from my findings also that DPS is positively correlated with past and current EPS. Litner finds that managers believe that stable dividends lessen negative investor reactions. The reluctance to change the dividend was evident in a study carried out by DeAngelo and DeAngelo (2000). They find that for 80 New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) firms in financial crisis, managers are more willing to cut the level of dividend than to omit the dividend altogether. They also reported that the longer the company has been paying dividends the stronger is the reluctance of the managers to reduce dividends. DeAngelo et al. (1996) have also documented managerial aversion to cut and omit dividends for US companies.

There is evidence that Malaysian companies consider past dividends as an important benchmark for deciding the current dividend payment. Further, the high adjustment factors together with low payout ratios indicate that the KLSE firms frequently change their dividend payments with changes in earnings, and dividend smoothing is of a lower order. This indicates that managers of those companies try to maintain investors' confidence and use dividend as a tool for this purpose, hinting a correlation to the theory of dividend rigidity.

6. Conclusion and Recommendations

This paper examines the dividend policy for public listed companies in Malaysia by identifying the financial and performance factors that influence the dividend policy of Malaysian listed companies. It also studies the different characteristics of dividend paying companies and non dividend-paying companies. Besides that, it also tests whether the dividend policy of Malaysian public listed companies contain information as suggested by smoothing hypothesis.

I have found that there are more dividend-paying companies than non dividend-paying companies in Malaysian public listed companies over 2006-2009. This is true for all of the industries during that period. In years 2006 2009, dividend distribution of Malaysian public listed companies is shown to be volatile. The trend becomes downward after 2008 till 2009. And as the dividend payout ratio indicates a downward sloping trend. This can be explained that in recent years, perhaps due to the financial crisis and general economic slowdown, payout ratios of all sectors have declined. Our results show that a large number of Malaysian firms increase payment of dividends when their earnings increase. They are reluctant to skip dividends when earnings fall. But Malaysian firms tend to omit dividends when they suffer losses. There is a high probability of dividend increase when earnings increase. Similarly, the chances are high that dividends will be reduced if earnings fall. There is a very high probability of dividend omission when the Malaysian firms face negative earnings.

This paper concludes there are different characteristics between dividend-payer and non-payer for Malaysian public listed companies. The former are companies that have relative lower growth opportunities, lower firm risk and lower firm leverage as compared to non dividend-paying companies. They tend to achieve higher profitability and are bigger, in terms of revenue, as compared to non dividend-paying companies.

With regards to the testing the smoothing hypothesis there is evidence that Malaysian companies consider past dividends as an important benchmark for deciding the current dividend payment. Further, the high adjustment factors together with low payout ratios indicate that the KLSE firms frequently change their dividend payments with changes in earnings, and dividend smoothing is of a lower order. This indicates that managers of those companies try to maintain investors' confidence and use dividend as a tool for this purpose, hinting a correlation to the theory of dividend rigidity. The smoothing hypothesis suggests that the dividend decision is influenced by past and current earnings, and this hypothesis was initiated by Lintner (1956). He finds that managers believe that stable dividends lessen negative investor reactions. The dividend policy for Malaysian public listed companies is rigid and sticky as managers are reluctant to cut or avoid omit dividend even when the perf ormance of the companies are deteriorating.

As for limitations of this study, this study observes the dividend-paying companies and non dividend-paying companies according to boards and industries. However, it is not studied further whether there is any relationship between industry and dividend policy. It is commonly perceived that there is an industry norm for dividend policy, and the company's dividend policy might be greatly influenced by such macro factor. It is recommended that the relationship of dividend policy and industries' macro factors to be analysed in future study. I.M. Pandey (2001) could be used as a reference paper to test the relationship between industry and dividend policy.


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Nov, 1-44

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Sunday 27 October 2013

Racial Discrimination, Race Relations, Ethnic Prejudice in Equal Opportunities & Employment Laws


It is not unlawful racial discrimination to subject another to racial discrimination if it is positive racial discrimination. One, without subjecting to racial discrimination, can be liable for racial discrimination in race relations, equal opportunities, employment laws.

Race relations laws are reasonably uniform ~multi-national is the authority of Article 13 EU Directive regarding race equality in respect of, e.g., social security, social protection -any form of social advantage.

Not everywhere are race relations and racial discrimination laws identical, but, broadly speaking, racial discrimination laws are similar, and, where exists effort to better race relations and achieve racial equality, protection against racial discrimination as the basis for good race relatio ns and aspirations to racial equality, the consideration from which stem the race relations legislation as part of equal opportunities law, in seeking to reduce racial discrimination, is the same: harmonious integration of multicultural societies can only be achieved by good race relations based on racial equality -by way of the elimination of racial discrimination.

Lawful racial discrimination and unlawful racial discrimination and colour prejudice are regulated by race relations laws, e.g. the Race Relations Act 1976 under which was set up and exists the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE -the Race Relations Board) to assist ethnic minorities and help end racial discrimination and colour prejudice by promoting racial equality -now within and part of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) which deals with also other equality issues under equal opportunities legislation.

Racial discrimination related equality generally are p romoted in race relations by the non-discrimination policy expressing willingness in the interests of good race relations and intention to refrain from such discriminatory practices as would obstruct efforts to better race relations and racial equality, and, therefore, in furtherance of the desired race relations and aspired racial equality, not only is racial discrimination prohibited under the race relations legislation but the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2003 and Race Relations (Amendment) Regulations 2003 with two Orders in 2004 require public bodies to promote and other bodies to treat as part of the race relations code to practice race equality refraining from less favourable treatment by ethnic or colour prejudice or any other form of race discrimination or racist harassment or racism based abuse.

Race relations laws exist not mainly to promote racial equality by making racial discrimination a criminal offence, but to ca ter for failure to comply with the requirements of the Race Relations Act by dealing as a civil matter with disregard for good race relations and racial equality by way of entitling parties subjected to racial discrimination to seek through the courts or tribunals dealing with race relations proportionate remedies.

Remedies for racial discrimination are not only for racial discrimination or colour prejudice in employment, nor for ethnic discrimination or race prejudice against racial or ethnic groups of people -remedies for racial discrimination exist equally e.g. for racial discrimination by a shop or a bar that subjects the individual customer (of any race or colour, including white) to less favourable treatment or by a public body or by a service industry that similarly subjects a customer to racial discrimination.

Indeed, also any individual who is not claiming for racial discrimination and is not affected by any colour prejudice o r ethnic prejudice or any other kind of racial discrimination or racist harassment -nor even falls within a class under the Race Relations Act who are protected from racial discrimination, has the right in racial discrimination legislation in the interests of racial equality and good race relations to inform of any race prejudice the Commission for Racial Equality or Equal Opportunities Commission -who if given reasonable evidence that a business practices race discrimination has a duty under the Race Relations Act to investigate the alleged discriminatory practice to end any racial prejudice as well as to prevent the repetition of that race prejudice ~which it does by seeking to ensure a non-discrimination policy based race relations code of practice by that business and if not issues a race equality Non-discrimination Notice against re-occurrence of racial prejudice (that that business will be shut down if it refuses to respect racial equa lity and race relations laws -if racial discrimination does not cease).

Remedies for racial discrimination exist also for such situations in which one is subjected to racial prejudice by another who is not liable in race relations law and cannot be subjected to race equality legislation because is acting for someone else who neither authorised it nor knew of that racial prejudice and did not personally breach the Race Relations Act or the race relations code ~liability can also be vicarious under the Race Relations Act and then the latter bears vicarious race discrimination liability for the former's disregard for racial equality for any loss or injury suffered as a result of race discrimination.

Racial discrimination in law is not only about the racist who claiming cultural or colour or national or ethnic supremacy with disregard for race relations advocates racism and racial hatred against ethnic refugees or immigrants not of same r ace inciting prejudice for colour or religion or belief.
Racial Discrimination Definitions when are looked at, basically racial discrimination as prohibited by the Race Relations Act is anyone's in any situation and in any way treating one less favourably than another on grounds of, e.g., one's race or colour -because of race prejudice or colour prejudice

But racial discrimination as covered by the Race Relations Act is not limited to racial discrimination on the ground of one's race or in the form of colour prejudice ~it is equally unlawful racial discrimination if the racial discrimination is on grounds of nationality or national or ethnic origin (indeed while race equality legislation include in the Race Relations Act mainly racial discrimination related harassment -i.e. colour prejudice based harassment or race prejudice based harassment or harassment in ethnic relations [now also harassment because of nationality or citizenship prejudice], such statutory instruments as the EE (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 also extend less favourable treatment detriment to cover e.g. religious prejudice harassment or belief discrimination based harassment -also on such grounds making unlawful bullying or abuse e.g. derogatory remarks affecting respectability).

Racial Harassment can be a criminal offence -also race prejudice which is not harassment can be harassment if persistent; and racial discrimination includes the violation of one's dignity under the Race Relations Act -including by way of name-calling, as well as the creation of an environment which is hostile or degrading or offensive to one or in which one suffers intimidation ~also after the relationship has ended and also if it humiliates affecting only self-respect (taking into account in race equality lawsuits particularly also one's own perception of those as evidence of race prejudice).

Additionally, racial discriminatio n does not have to be direct racial discrimination, and one can be liable as much as for direct racial discrimination also for indirect racial discrimination -although under the Race Relations Act indirect discrimination is more difficult than direct discrimination to prove in racial discrimination lawsuits.

But what is racial discrimination has essentially to do with who can be subjected to racial discrimination -who can complain of racial prejudice, who qualify under the Race Relations Act to claim for racial discrimination.

It became necessary to define who fell into the category that under the Race Relations Act can suffer because of racial discrimination -who the racial discrimination legislation should cover and by what criteria.

Colour, race, nationality, national origin, are pretty easily definable, but not so always 'ethnicity' or 'ethnic origin' or whether 'creed' would qualify) and the courts have given guidelines on what constitutes an ethnic group, and the characteristics which qualify for classification for purpose of legal action for racial discrimination as a member of an ethnic group or of an ethnic origin include (Mandale -v- Dowell Lee, 1983) a historical and long shared consciousness of being distinguished by it which is alive and continues to be in memory, a tradition which is cultural and includes customs and manners socially, consciousness of ancestral descent and/or geographical origin, commonness of language or literature and/or of religion as distinct from those of such other groups that are neighbouring, or being within a larger group a minority group be it dominant or oppressed ~this, except in Northern Ireland, excluded religious prejudice as racial discrimination, and the need to reconsider gave rise to the Religion or Belief Regulations.

The amended Race Relations Act and Race Relations Regulations outl aw prejudice on ground of citizenship too and emphasize equality as neither to whom nor where but the principle of it ~one equally is liable for race prejudice for aiding or abetting a discriminator, being also unlawful inciting to or inducing race prejudice or race harassment).

If one is directly in relation to, solely on the ground of, national or ethnic, racial or colour, differences is subjected to racial discrimination, Direct Racial Discrimination that is called in law ~and since the party alleged to have subjected to the ethnic or race or colour prejudice is not likely to admit to disregard for the Race Relations Act by the alleged unlawful racial discrimination and the burden is on the party who alleges racial discrimination to prove it, the 'but for' test is used by the courts in lawsuits for racial discrimination before them in determining on a balance of probabilities whether one has been the subject of racial discrimination in law -this test is: would not the party alleging to have been subjected to racial discrimination under the Race Relations Act not have been treated so but for the racial difference? (If would still have been treated so it is not racial discrimination -if not, it is unlawful racial discrimination.)

But, racial discrimination often takes place in the form of what is called in law Indirect Racial Discrimination -by imposing a requirement which cannot reasonably be justified and which only members of a particular e.g. ethnic or colour or racial group are unable to comply with ~for example, refusal of employment to a Sikh on the ground of a prohibition to wear a beard or long hair, which effectively barred from consideration all job applicants who were Sikhs and whose religious beliefs include the wearing of a beard or long hair was held to be indirect racial discrimination in Britain (Panesaar -v- Nestle & Co. Ltd. 1980), and uniform considerations made lawful forbidding Islamic dress (Denbigh High School -v- Begun 2006).

The difference between indirect discrimination and direct discrimination, therefore, is simply that in direct racial discrimination it suffices under the Race Relations Act to show less favourable treatment on racial grounds of the person alleging race prejudice, whereas in indirect racial discrimination it must be shown as being less favourable treatment on racial grounds of a group of persons who in light of the guidelines the Race Relations Act applies to and that the person complaining of racial discrimination belongs to that group of persons.

While also Racial Discrimination Victimization (e.g. discriminating by way of employer retaliation and firing a worker or e.g. overlooking a worker for a pay increase, or promotion) is unlawful prejudice under the Race Relations Act, including for the reason that one is susp ected that one might complain of racial discrimination) in practice one alleging victimization arising from race prejudice may be expected in most legal action, especially in matters of employment, to have and to produce evidence of having in writing to, e.g., one's employer, complained of racial discrimination -although not necessarily of racial discrimination victimisation itself (an employee's serving on the employer at least later a Racial Discrimination Questionnaire might also help).

Action for racial discrimination normally lie to County Courts under the Race Relation Act in the normal ways of any civil action; but in matters to do with race prejudice in employment and race equality laws every employer is required to have a formal and well publicised non-discrimination policy about racial discrimination and to do so in the form of a formal written equal opportunities statement -covering also race relations and racial discrimination issues, and action for racial discrimination is in Employment Tribunals ~in either kind of action if the alleged racial discrimination involves the teaching profession or an educational establishment also the Department of Education it is expected to inform of that racial discrimination.

In Britain while in matters of race equality in employment one at no cost may complain of racial discrimination in recruitment or selection or vocational training, or of racial discrimination in the workplace, to such tribunals, one may be barred from pursuing a race prejudice lawsuit, or may face the other party's (and possibly other) legitimate and probably untaxed costs, if one pursues a racial discrimination case which is considered to be misconceived -i.e. has no prospect of success (although this might revert in the future to frivolity or vexation in the course the legal proceedings).

Lawful Racial Discrimination< /strong> is possible -racial equality laws do allow for it in, e.g., employment and race relations.

Sometimes lawfully as Positive Racial Discrimination may be practised ethnic or colour or race prejudice in promoting race equality and in the interests good race relations, e.g., by employers, in order to keep a reasonable racial balance, by intentional racial discrimination specifically recruiting from a particular colour or from a particular racial or ethnic background alone -to do so genuinely for that reason is legal racial prejudice and such positive discrimination is not unlawful racial discrimination.

This is because employers are expected by the Race Relations Act as a matter of non-discrimination policy to help promote racial equality by regular racial monitoring at the workplac e to ensure that they have a reasonable number of e.g. black or Indian employees -indeed sometimes if sued for racial discrimination they may be asked to show that ~and that is sometimes done by way of positive racial discrimination in the recruitment of their workforce.

One may not claim for unlawful racial discrimination in the case of such employment as may be reasonably classed as personal services -in cases of such employment it is not illegal to exercise racial or religious prejudice and, e.g., if a Jewish family advertise specifically for a Jewish employee as nanny and would not do a non-Jew for employment as such for their children that is not unlawful racial discrimination under the Race Relations Act but perfectly lawful racial discrimination.

Nor is it unlawful racial discrimination where employment involves a requirement that one must be of a specific race and that requirem ent is a genuine occupational qualification -such as in relation to employing only black actors to play, e.g., in Shakespeare's play 'Othello' the role of the black character called so.

And, of course, Racial Discrimination Segregation it would not be classed as if, e.g., one who often prides himself "I am a African" is separated from a disrupting colleague who needles "He don't speak proper English."

(Laws change always ascertain current law)

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Saturday 26 October 2013

7 Acne Tips And Tricks

Are you tired of those gels and creams that make your skin dry, itchy and oily all at the same time? Wondering why you're spending so much money each month on acne treatments that just don't seem to work? In the following paragraphs we'll see how acne can be effectively checked using some of the best treatment for acne, in a naturalistic way.

1. One of the most effective of acne tips for guys and girls is to exercise everyday. Exercise helps in reducing stress, which is one of the main causes of acne. At the same time, it increases the blood circulation and provides enough oxygen to the skin, which helps in clearing out the acne breakouts.

2. Antioxidants products are good in helping you to speed up cells renewal and slow down the skin aging process caused by free radicals. You can find antioxidants in products like betacarotene, Vitamin E and Vitamin C products. Betacarotene is beneficial in boosting our immune system and it will help to give a protective layer of our skin from harmful invasion of bacteria. Vitamin C is one of the most potent antioxidant products and it contains essential collagen that will benefit our skin and give you a better skin appearance. Vitamin E products helps to fight against the environmental skin damage normally caused by UV rays and sun exposure. If possible, avoid exposure to the sun to prevent further skin damage.

3. Honey mask. Try to opt for non-processed honey here, but normal honey makes an OK homemade acne facial. Just spread some honey on your face and leave it sit for 10-15 minutes. This is wonderful for moisturizing dry skin.

4. Not every method will work for every skin type, so don't give up on natural remedies until you've tried a few. If your acne scars and macules have not faded to your liking after a few months, see a dermatologist.

5. Oatmeal mask. There are several ways to prepare this, but I like to keep it simple. I just process the oatmeal to a powder in a blender, mix with some water, and let it sit until it dries. It controls blemishes and makes your skin really smooth.

6. Some people find success with tea tree oil applications, or daily use of a tea tree oil soap. This can cause excessive drying, and has a strong smell, so it's best to use it before you go to bed.

7. Certain researches have shown that a deficiency of vitamin A in the diet can actually cause acne. So include lots of vitamin A rich foods in your diet such as turkey, chicken, pork, beef, apricots, milk, pumpkin, lettuce, cheese, cantaloupes, beetroot, apples, bananas, peppers, etc. Vitamin A reduces the production of sebum and at the same time maintains and repairs the tissues of the skin. It also rids the body of various toxins, thus preventing acne in the process. Besides vitamin A for acne, another mineral that you should add to your diet is Zinc as it has antibacterial properties.

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Friday 25 October 2013

7 Natural Acne Tips To Cure Acne Fast

Acne afflicts most people at one time or another during their lives. Some of the more unfortunate among us never get rid of acne even though puberty has long since ended. Do you want to cure acne fast? These are seven natural acne tips that will help you get rid of acne in a matter of days.

1. Crush handful of mint leaves in a bowl and rub the leaves and its juice over the affected area. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash your face with cold water. This is one of the best home remedies for acne spots if you have painful, inflamed pimples.

2. Along with these body acne home remedies, you must keep a watch on what you are eating. Fatty foods, sugary foods, spicy foods often aggravate acne infection. Therefore, you must stay away for all such foods. Your diet should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and lean meat. Good amount of vitamins A, E and C is important for acne control. You can take supplements to meet this requirement but only after consulting a doctor.

3. Be discipline with your sleep schedule. If you want to eliminate those pimples on your face, you need to take some time to rejuvenate and refresh your body. Sleep is important for your body because it can help you heal your acne and repair your skin. Take enough sleep every night and do not stay awake late at night.

4. Select an acne remedy treatment cream. If possible, request a prescription antibiotic cream from a physician. The most commonly prescribed antibiotic ointments are either an erythromicin gel or clindymiacin gel. Erythromicin can sometimes burn the skin so if you have sensitive skin ask to start with the more gentle clindamyacin first. Over the counter acne treatments use either salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or sulfur as the active ingredient. Benzoyl Peroxide is the most effective acne remedy, often even more effective than prescription acne medications. Prescription and over-the-counter acne remedies can be used together, but ask your doctor on how to do so as it is sometimes recommended to use one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

5. Take one serving of plain oatmeal and cook it in the same manner as if you were eating it. Add about cup of honey and mix the ingredients properly. Let the mixture cool down and apply generously all over your face. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water. Oatmeal helps absorb excess oil from the skin and exfoliates it. Honey is another wonderful acne spot treatment, because it works like a skin toner.

6. The acidic component of lemon juice helps in cleaning up the skin pores and reduce the size of the body acne. You can apply the concentrated form of fresh lemon juice directly on the acne. But if you find it strong for your skin, then dilute it with some water. Dip a cotton ball into the juice and apply it generously over the acne and its surrounding area. wait for 15 minutes and wash off.

7. Expel your bowel every day. This is important for your health. Natural digestive process is designed to eliminate waste and toxins from your body. If you fail to expel your bowel regularly, you will accumulate more toxins inside your body that will result in new breakouts.

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Thursday 24 October 2013

Acne Tips - Stop Acne Forever And Get Rid Of Acne Problem Effectively

Face affected with acne can be embarrassing and may cause emotional disturbances. It may also lead to inferiority complex as the skin on the face gets damaged and looks ugly. One may not like to mix up with the people and socialize because of this problem. Research has shown that people suffering from acne are discouraged, demotivated and feel low and wonder how they could stop acne. So it is very important that they get quick relief from it. Teenagers are the worst sufferers and dream of acne free face so that they could mix up with the people confidently.

What are the causes of acne? Acne is caused when the hair follicles in our skin get blocked. The oil produced by hair follicles, called sebum, is normally beneficial because it helps prevent the skin from drying and limits skin infections. But when sebum can't drain, it builds up and actually becomes a culture medium for bacteria. Some Medical experts believe that Ac ne is not a external condition but representation of of an internal turbulence. Although acne is a disorder associated with teenagers but it can occur at any age of life. Acne usually appears on face, neck, back and chest.

One of the most common misconceptions about acne is that it's caused by dirt. It's not! There are some common causes of acne and misconception about them. Acne is caused by a combination of factors you can't control, like your hormonal balance and the natural pace of your skin's renewal system. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can control that may help you keep your acne in check.

Acne Prevention Treatment -
What actions can be taken to prevent acne problems and stop acne from recurring again is a matter to ponder upon. Here are some acne tips for your benefit so that you can act on and get rid of it permanently. You should never scrub skin that is affected by acne. This irritates and inflames the acne, causing more pimples and making the healing process longer. Do not ever attempt to self-treat or self-medicate. Pimple removal is something that should always be left up to a trained doctor.

Abstain from foods that may cause heat to build up in the body, like garlic, coffee, and spicy foods. To maintain healthy skin Plenty of vitamin A should be consumed, also it very important to consume zinc as it helps to heal the skin and aids in reducing hormonal imbalances. The most important thing to remember is - maintain a proper digestion and daily bowl movements. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and take high fiber diet.

Treatment -

Acne can be improved with "over-the-counter" products, or products that don't require a prescription from your doctor. There is a wide range of treatments available, and there's a good chance one of them will work for you. If you start treatment before your acne gets severe, you'll have a better chance of avoiding physical and emotional problems down the road. But if your acne gets worse or lasts more than a couple of weeks, see a dermatologist.

In most cases, the first treatment that a doctor will recommend is a topical cream. These creams, like all acne treatments, do not cure acne, but rather help manage the symptoms of the acne. The treatment that you receive will depend on the type of symptoms that you are experiencing. It will either be aimed at unplugging pores, killing bacteria (antibiotics), reducing the amount of oils (such as Accutane) or altering the hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands (such as oral contraceptives).

If topical creams alone prove ineffective, doctors will usually combine them with an oral antibiotic. The topical creams usually contain benzoyl peroxide which although effective, should be used in small doses. Doctors also prescribe doxycycline for acne cure which is also a kind of antibiotics. It was originally thought to be harmless, however studies show that prolonged use or overuse can lead to premature aging of the skin.

There are many herbal cures also available for acne treatment in the market. Herb like aloe vera for acne can be a good remedial measure, also witch hazel for acne is quite effective. It is a kind of herb which is safe to apply and is natural.

The most important thing to remember when attempting to rid yourself of acne is to work with a trained medical professional that you trust. Secondly, be patient. Even in the best of cases, acne does not clear up overnight. In fact, even when you have found a treatment tha t works, your skin will usually get worse before it gets better. Doctors usually recommend continuing a treatment for at least four to six weeks before expecting to see results. Do not be disappointed if the first treatment that you try does not work. Expect to try several different treatments before finally finding success.

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Wednesday 23 October 2013

Acne No More - Acne Tips You Won't Find Anywhere Else!

CLICK HERE NOW to Cure Acne within 2 Months!

Looking for acne tips and programs that will help you get clear skin once and for all? While many people look to common products they can find at their local store in an effort to get rid of their pimples, there are many others who are realizing the benefits of using strictly natural solutions. For example the Acne No More system by Mike Walden. Mike has years of experience in the skin care and nutrition field and has put together this program that has become popular amongst those looking for natural and side effect free acne solutions.

CLICK HERE NOW to Download Acne No More!

No matter how many years it's been since you've had acne or if your skin problems just suddenly came to be, you are better off not wasting your money on another useless and synthetic acne product. Using conventional treatments will waste your time and are pointless if you are looking for long term results instead of temporary ones. Feeling more conf ident and attractive is not as far away as you may think, this is something all Acne No More customers have experienced for many years. This program will give you unbelievable results without spending insane amounts of money. The system is content rich, organized and easy to read. If you want only the best acne tips to give you the best skin possible, be sure to check out the Acne No More system!

CLICK HERE NOW to Try Acne No More!

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Tuesday 22 October 2013

10 Acne Tips That Should Be Part Of Your Acne System

Are you looking for an acne system that actually works? Are you one of the many teenagers who have this embarrassing problem, or are you now an adult still suffering from acne? Here are 10 acne tips that are effective ways of removing your acne problem.

Easy to do acne system:

1. Leave your pimples alone. Do not pick them. This can rupture the membranes beneath your skin, causing more infection and more pimples. Also this will increase the chance of leaving scars.

2. Wash your face daily with a mild soap, but make sure you do not over-wash or use rough sponges or brushes on your face. Too much stimulation of the sebaceous glands can increase your acne. Use sulfur-based soap or benzoyl peroxide soap for oily skin.

3. Check for food allergies. Many serious conditions are caused by eating the wrong foods, and acne can come because of the foods you eat. Cut back on oily and spicy foods. Other foods recommended to be removed from your diet are sugar, fried foods, dairy products, meat, and other acidic foods. Foods that will bring relief to your acne condition are green vegetables, foods rich in zinc, vegetable juices, and other alkaline foods. Eat foods that will keep your pH balance at a proper level.
4. The body needs water, so make sure you are drinking enough water each day. Of all of the acne tips, the easiest to do is drink more water, and eliminate all liquids that have no food value, such as soda pop or any sugar drink, and alcoholic beverages. Water is needed to remove waste products, and bad drinks only add more waste to your body.

5. Women, if possible do not use any makeup. Whatever you put on your skin can plug up your pores, and also soak into your body. Use only water based makeup without any harmful chemicals. Make sure you cleanse your skin before falling asleep.

6. Stay away from all oily products.

7. Keep from constantly touching your face. Keep your hair clean and away from your face. Keep your face clean.

8. Exercise in moderation is good for your body. It stimulates the circulation of blood which helps in the removing of toxins. Anything that helps eliminate toxins is good for your skin health.

9. Remove stress from your life. The more stressful you are, the worse your acne will probably become. Calm down by listening to relaxing music, or by walking in a quiet park. Anything that will reduce your stress should help your acne.

10. Oxygen and sunshine. Every cell of the body needs oxygen, so get outside and breathe in some fresh air. The sun stimulates the body to produce vitamin D, which is necessary for healthy skin. A calming walk each day to take in oxygen and sunlight will do wonders for your skin. Keep from getting a sunburn.

These acne tips should be part of any acne system you decide to use. Whatever you put into your body, or on your body will affect the way your body functions. Your body systems need certain nutrients to work properly, and the wrong chemicals can throw them out of balance.

The old adage "you are what you eat" is absolutely true. By controlling the amounts of alkaline food you ingest you are giving your body a fighting chance through keeping the right pH balance. Find books and lists that outline which foods are alkaline and which ones are acidic.

By limiting your intake of acidic foods and increasing your intake of alkaline food with the pH balance diet you can increase your stamina, endurance, and the overall performance of your body machine.

An acne system that considers the pH balance of your body should benefit you by removing your acne.

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Monday 21 October 2013

Easy Acne Tips To Get Rid Of Acne Naturally And Fast

Have you wondered that what is the most effective method to conquer acne? I myself was troubled With a lot of acne before and today I want to discuss with you some easy acne tips to completely eliminate acne. Acne is for sure a very difficult problem but careful prevention and a good healthy diet can help us fight against acne. The most effective methods to fight against acne include a combination of prevention and better skincare.
If you have oily skin - it is best to take a medicated acne product or one in gel form. Below are a few useful tips to get you started

If you have dry skin - you will probably do better with the acne cream form and medicated products with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

If you have both oily AND dry skin (combined type) - you will probably need a combination of oily skin gels and dry skin acne creams to apply to different parts of your fact according to the skin condition there.

If you have sensitive skin - you will more than likely need less intense concentrations of either dry, oily, or combined-type treatments.

If you have skin pain because of acne - you should get personal attention from a dermatologist.
Remember being slow and steady towards the goal of elimination of acne is the best. You want to get rid of acne but protect your skin. I hope that the above article has given you a fairly good insight of what is a good way to get rid of acne through easy acne tips.

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Sunday 20 October 2013

Information On Acne Tips

Treating acne is important to millions of people. The teenagers are not the only ones to have acne. A lot of adults do have acne, too. It's understood now that the hormones of the teenagers are one of the main causes of their acne. Hence, the significant challenge is to determine acne tips to control or normalize the hormones to prevent acne.

The hormones, being released by various body parts, determine the state of your overall health. Release of excess hormones that cause acne indicates that you have poor health. Having hormone imbalance means that your body is not healthy. This imbalance may not necessarily cause acne, but in many individuals it does.

According to most doctors, diet is not the cause of acne. If the doctors were right about the food, however, they would have easily helped you clear your acne with their drugs. If they work at all, drugs can provide you with temporary relief if you use them. Drugs can also give you some unpleasant side effects.

In order to treat your acne, the first thing that you need to resolve is your diet. You are eating the wrong foods if your hormones are out of balance. You are eating the wrong foods if your colon is toxic. You are eating the wrong foods if you have a heart attack. You are eating the wrong foods if you have acne and if you need acne tips.

Altering your eating habit is the best home acne treatment. This is not a fast treatment for acne, but it is a natural way to get rid of acne. It may take a couple of months, but your acne will not come back immediately or at all, if you change your diet.

But then again, you also need to do some lifestyle changes first. If you smoke, drink alcohol or coffee, get insufficient amount of sleep, get depressed often or get upset and angry a lot, then this program will not work too well for you.

So what then are the recommended diet items and acne tips? Below are the foods you need to stop eating or perhaps substitute with a better choice. You don't really have to stop eating these foods instantly. Few people can do this. You must try to accomplish the process gradually. It is understandable though that you may find difficulty to stop eating some of these foods that you have had over the years.

* White bread is considered junk food because it brings no vitality for your body. It is difficult to digest and causes constipation. You would also be better off if you avoid fatty foods like butter, chesses, and beef. Sweet chocolate has saturated fat such as milk, butter and sugar -- they are neither good for your health nor for your skin.

* All foods in packages or boxes are junk food. These foods will use up minerals, vitamins and digestive enzymes during digestion. As they have no fiber, they cause constipation. These foods obviously have artificial flavors and preservatives.

* Milk, ice cream, hard chess cause allergies and cause mucus to form. This mucus coats the colon that allows bad bacteria and other pathogens with a nice place to live and thrive. If you cannot digest milk products, this may cause you to have acne.

* Soft drinks are the worst drink you can take. They contain lots of sugar and phosphoric acid. Sugar is considered a white poison. Soda creates so many health problems in the body that the FDA should prohibit it. Avoid using salt only because it has iodine. Iodine is known to cause acne. Excess Vitamin B12 may exacerbate or cause acne.

So there you go a diet plan and acne tips for you. It takes, of course, a lot of willpower and desire to change your diet and eventually to eliminate acne. It can be done, but do it gradually. Start changing your diet and see the amazing change in your facial appearance.

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Saturday 19 October 2013

Acne Tips - How to Get Rid of Pimples and Zits

Informative articles with acne tips to help you get a beautiful skin naturally. Follow our simple acne tips to get rid of pimples and zits.

5 Useful Acne Tips

Keep yourself clean. Wash the acne affected area 3-4 times a day and massage gently with an oil free soap. Do not scrub or scratch as it could increase the infection on your skin. Washing removes dirt, oil and dead cells from the skin and opens clogged pores in the skin. This tip for acne is really effective as it reduces the deposition of oil on the skin surface and also the possiblity of acne breakouts. After washing, gently wip it off using a clean towel and never touch your acne affected skin with unwashed hands.

Don't sqeeze the pimples. Squeezing or scratching your acne affected skin does not reduce it, instead it increases the infection and the bacteria are spread internally. This is one of the most important yet least followed acne tips!

Change your diet & lifestyle. This is one of the most difficult-to-implement acne tips and is very effecting in fighting acne. Your diet and way of living plays a great role in how your skin looks. Processed foods aggravate acne. Reduce the consumption of oily and junk food and avoid stress. Believe it or not, stress can also adversely affect your skin and be the cause for acne.

Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is a strong astringent, which strips away the top layer of skin resulting in production of more oil. Hence alcohol consumption or using cosmetic products that contain alcohol, can cause blemishes and aggravate acne. This is one of the most usedul acne tips for people who consume alcohol and the results start to show within a few days.

Shower after exercising. When you work out, your body generates a lot of heat and the heat is trapped in your skin until you take a shower. This heat and moisture can the breeding place for bacteria and micro organisms that promote the growth of acne. Hence one of the most important acne tips is, to shower withing half an hour of working out. Personal hygiene and a balanced life styles makes it easier to get a beautiful and clear skin.

More Helpful Tips to Cure Acne

Step by step acne tips. Learn to get rid of acne in a natural way. These acne tips will help you understand the causes of acne, prevention and cure of acne. Read reviews on acne products and choose from wide range of acne treatments.

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Friday 18 October 2013

Acne Tips By And For Acne Haters

For those of you battling mild or moderate pimple breakouts, the acne tips that follow are specially written for you. Acne tips are not enough if you are suffering from severe acne. In such case you have to stop self-treating it and pay a visit to your local dermatologist to avoid further complications and future scarring.

Before getting into any acne tips, be aware of the different acne stages. Mild acne consists of relatively few and small blackheads and whiteheads around the forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks. If acne expands to the neck, chest , and back, and appear at the same time appear in great numbers or size, then you are now dealing with moderate acne.

If you begin to experience red, painful bumps besides the usual black and whiteheads, it denotes an infection, and you are no longer dealing with moderate acne, but rather with severe acne. The deeper the infection occurs, the more severe your acne is.

OK. Here they come... awesome acne tips. Th ere are 3 basic recommendations you need to follow each day in order to get rid of your hated pimples, and more importantly, to prevent them from returning again. Good hygiene, healthy eating, and using popular over-the-counter acne remedies daily combine to form deadly ammunition against your acne.

Acne tips: hygiene. It is divided in 3 areas: hair, face, and body. You also have to pay attention to your particular kind of skin, whether oily, dry, or sensitive. Wash your hair once a day and keep it away from your face specially when dealing with oily skin, which is the most common type found in acne-prone skin. Take a shower daily to maintain the body clean and use a separate towel to dry up. Keep separate towels for hair, face and body. Acne causing bacteria propagate easily through wet towels. If you have oily skin, you must wash your face 2 or 3 times every day using a regular cleanser, and also an acne scrub once a week to keep oil and dirt from accumulating and b locking pores. Do not clean you face more often 3 times daily. Dry and sensitive skin on the face requires washing but no more than twice each day, and always using a mild acne cleanser. Be sure to apply ample water-based moisturizer right after each washing.

Acne tips: topical products. When it comes to over-the-counter acne remedies you have many excellent options. Acne medications come in lotions, gels, foams, and creams with different natural or chemical ingredients in different strengths. You also have very effective cleansers, scrubs, toners, pads, peel-off or facial masks, pore strips, and light therapy units.There is not an "one-size-fits-all" acne treatment. An acne product that works perfectly for your best friend, may not give you similar results. Try different remedies one at the time for 3 weeks max. It shouldn't take longer than that for you to notice positive results on your skin. Allergy test every new remedy by applying it to a small area of the skin and waiting for any reaction during the day. Ready all labels and follow all instructions.

Acne tips: Diet. For many years it was thought that the food you eat had no effect on acne. Wrong! The latest studies on the subject demonstrate that changes in the le vels of glucose and insulin due to diet result in changes on the skin. Read about this connection in an article titled, "Acne and Diet" published in the July 2010 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD) by acne experts Alan Shalita, M.D., Whitney Bowe, M.D., and Smita Joshi, M.D. A good diet consists of reducing saturated fats, which come from animals products, like meat, fish (except salmon and sardines), eggs, milk, and cheese, or from plants like coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, and vegetable shortening. Reduce sugar, salt, white bread and white rice. Eliminate chocolates, ice cream, and coffee from your diet. Eat more fruits, vegetables (except potatoes), nuts, whole grains, essential fatty acids (from salmon, sardines, flaxseed, or hempseed oil), and drink no less than 4 glasses of water or pure fruit juice each day. Follow such diet at least until acne goes away.

Don't hate your acne, make your acne hate you by following the big 3: good skin hygiene, eating low fat foods, and using acne products daily.

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Thursday 17 October 2013

The Best Acne Tip

Acne Tip for Remedies for Scars

Acne Tip 1. A mixture of sandalwood paste and black gram paste helps reduce the intensity of scars if started early. This is effective Home Remedy for Scars.

Acne Tip 2. Rubbing your skin with ice cubes helps to tighten the skin.

Acne Tip 3. You can use cucumber and lemon juice on your scars. This is another good Home Remedy for Scars

Acne Tip 4. Vitamin E oil when applied on the scarred skin may do wonders for your skin.

Vitamin E can be taken in a gel caps form, you break them open and rub them directly on your scars, or you can use vitamin E cream. Take the vitamin E pill or rub the lotion on daily. You will start to notice visible changes within a few weeks if you follow the regimen faithfully

Acne Tip 5. To prevent deepening of the scars, apply aloe Vera gel, cod liver oil or vitamin E oil.

Acne Tip 6. Applying cocoa butter is also a good remedy in getting rid of the scars.

Cocoa butter is just about the cheapest and easiest treatment for scars on your legs. You can find cocoa butter concentrate or in a creamy lotion form. To effectively remove scars on your legs, use cocoa butter concentrate several times a day. This tends to work better on newer scars than on older ones, but it is still somewhat effective on older scars.

Acne Tip 7. Rub ice cubes on the face for 10-15 minutes. It will tighten the pores.

Acne Tip 8. Apply cucumber juice on the face. Wash it off after 15 minutes to tighten the pores.

Cucumber has been known to help remove scar tissue. Simply process the cucumber in a blender until it's a paste-like consistency and apply to your scar and leave on overnight. Follow these steps for a few nights and you will see quite an improvement on the scars on your legs.

Acne Tip 9. Application of Aloe Vera gel to the fresh wounds prevents the formation of permanent scars.

Another great herbal treatment is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is great for residual scars because it acts as a bleaching agent. Over time after daily application, it helps scars on your legs slowly vanish.

Acne Tip 10. The best method of scars treatment is the application of sandalwood paste with rose water. Apply paste overnight and wash the face next morning. This is a good home remedy for scars.

Make sure you get your free copy of "Understanding Acne", this has loads of acne tips about the cause, cure and myths about acne.

What May be the Best Acne Treatment

It seems that everyone will have a problem with their skin at some point in their life. If you have managed to cruise through existence without having burst a spot on your chin then you are extremely lucky. Most of us have wondered what the best acne treatment is at some point. If you have to deal with blemishes on your skin color then the chances are they're in a visible location and you want to get rid of them.

When acne does rear its really ugly head then it is a really unwelcome companion any elongated bout is like mental torture. For a lot of individuals out there, it gets a major hindrance to their every day existence. With large inflammations about the surface area of your skin it is simple to possess a crisis of confidence. The great news is there are some treatments that can assist you to through the worst of it.

Something that is commonly used is Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid which are found in many of the more popular acne treatments you are able to purchase. With responsible use, these happen to be effective at allaying your skin surface area difficulties experienced by sufferers. Care should be taken to not overdo the application simply because the skin can actually be damaged by these chemicals.

Benzoyl peroxide is used to treat the unwanted sebum at the surface area of the skin. With sebum bursting all more than the place there's undoubtedly a lot of scarring going to take place. To help counter the scarring you will need something that may assist you to heal quicker.

If look is the concern with your acne, then getting unsightly scars after your acne is cleared is not desirable. This is why Salicylic Acid is well-liked in many creams about the marketplace today. It has been used for many years in the cosmetic industry as an anti-ageing cream. In this instance it's utilized simply because it helps because of it is ability to help skin color grow and heal quicker.

You should never ignore the fact that the real trigger of acne is definitely an imbalance of your hormones. That is why individuals tend to suffer more in their teen many years as they go via adolescence. Throughout this time, the sebaceous gland can become more than active and this outcomes in too much sebum being produced. The body's natural defenses then send lots of white blood cells towards the area and this really is the pus that we see.

There are some that say that diet includes a part to play in whether or not you suffer the acne symptoms. In all reality this really is highly unlikely and really the only connection you may have is some foods can have a small effect on hormone levels. Most professionals have a tendency to dismiss diet as a trigger and these days it is considered a bit of a myth.

Finally, one of the most obvious is the cleaning or washing of your skin. Many people think that you can fix everything wrong together with your skin color by washing regularly. The truth is that you may actually irritate your skin color more by continually scrubbing the surface. The best acne treatments have a tendency to not advise continual washing and then only having a plain and unscented soap.

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