Thursday, 14 February 2013

Sex Tips for Men -3 Amazing Oral Sex Tips Give Her Mind Blowing Orgasms

It's no secret that women enjoy receiving oral sex just as much as anybody else.

However, whether she is willing to admit it or not sometimes if a man doesn't know what he is doing no amount of oral sex in the world is going to make her orgasm.

That's why you will be glad to know that in this article you will discover three amazing oral sex tips that will give her the kind of mind blowing orgasms every woman wants; trust me these are the kind of sex tips for men that you really want to learn.

Sex Tips for Men -3 Amazing Oral Sex Tips Give Her Mind Blowing Orgasms

Amazing Oral Sex Tip #1 Foreplay beforehand makes cunnilingus even better While, for most men if your woman went down on you immediately it wouldn't take long for you to rise to occasion. For women, it takes them time to warm up to erotic experiences which is why heavy foreplay before actually performing cunnilingus on her is going to help send her into orgasmic bliss sooner rather than later.

Amazing Oral Sex Tip #2 Lightly Blow During your cunnilingus session lift your head and then slowly and lightly blow your hot breath on her down there. Not only will she enjoy the sensations that it creates it will also allow you to have a break for your tongue.

Amazing Oral Sex Tip #3 Use Your Fingers A common mistake many men make when going down on the woman that they are with is simply using their mouth and tongue forgetting that you can also use your fingers as well. You can use your index finger to lightly graze up and down her vaginal folds, or slowly rub circles around her clitoris. Also, when you have her highly aroused her clitoris should be visible to your eyes which means you can use your fingers to gently squeeze or tug at it as well.

Hopefully you have already begun to see how amazing these oral sex tips can be in regards to making her have the most mind blowing orgasms that you can imagine.

And as if that wasn't enough you will also be glad to know that to really give her the sexual experience of a lifetime before performing oral sex on her simply apply a high quality female stimulating gel (that contains L-Arginine in it) underneath the hood of her clitoris and then feel the excitement and intensity that it creates.

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