Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Article Marketing Tips and Tricks for successful search engine optimization (SEO) process

Article can help search engine optimization (SEO) process as a guaranteed method. So article marketing tips and tricks are very important to make a website optimized. How article marketing tips and tricks help search engine optimization(SEO) process. There are many type of of works for SEO. Some of them are done into the website that are called on site SEO like setting meta tags including title, Keyword, description etc.The other type of SEO is off site SEO. That are done out of the website that needs for SEO. Among them there are many process like directory submission, forum promotion, social media site submission, article submission, press release submission etc. In all types of submission there are link of the website that need SEO. In article marketing the marketer writes article and submit it to article directory. The article includes the link of the website that is in the process of SEO.
Although all submission make backlink to the website to be optimized, but link from article make the website more optimized then link from any other types of websites. An article is a detailed information source for a particular topic. The article describes the topic in details. Search engine always want to offer most related information to the searchers. So they try to list more information source in the beginning of nsearch. Most of the time searcher only visit the websites in the beginning of search result. So if your website is not in the beginning of result there are chances that your website will not be visited by the searcher. So if you want your website to show in the beginning of search result then you need to do article marketing.
Again if you do not know then there are chances that you are not getting result of even after doing article marketing.
So learning article marketing tips and tricks are very important for SEO process. Here are few of the tips an d tricks: 1.Check whether your link is working properly. In many article directory your link will not work, If you just put the another text link code in HTML. In those directories you need to select keyword and click link icon and put the url address to work it exactly.
2. Avoid excess keyword in the article. Most of the article directories will accept article even if you use excess keywords. But some will not accept like . Even many will accept, still avoid excess keyword for better seo process.
3. Put all your details including phone in author resource to make you easily available to article reader prospective customer.

If you follow above three tips and tricks your article marketing success is guaranteed.

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