Saturday, 2 February 2013

Dog Training Products Used to Modify Your Dog's Behavior

Everyone likes to be appreciated for good behavior. Why should our pet dogs be an exception then? Well they surely aren't. Praises and dog training treats are tools that work great for positive dog training. However, there are certain rules that should be kept in mind while using training treats for dogs so that instead of the owner getting the right kind of response from his pet dog, he doesn't get manipulated by the canine in doling out a treat for every time he wants to get a response.

Dog Treat Training - Important Points

Positive reinforcement training through dog treats is something that dog trainers commonly resort to. Yes, the technique is just as simple as it sounds. But there are certain guidelines that need to be followed before your sweet puddle starts ruling your household with an iron paw. Those guidelines are:

Time Your Treat: The treat should be given within a few seconds of achieved reaction. Otherwise your pet may not be able to associate it with his response that is being appreciated.

Keep Your Commands Short: Dogs won't understand long sentences. Don't say "Fudge I know you are a good boy. I want you to sit for me now." All that you would draw from Fudge is a blank stare. Keep your commands short like sit, stay, come and so on.

Be Consistent: Everyone in the family must use the same command otherwise your pet may get confused. Instead of getting positive behavior you would ha ve the pet behaving in a completely opposite way. Not that it is his fault or that he is doing it on purpose. He's just not getting the right cue from you.

Come Off the Treat Gradually: Start off with treating your dog four out of five times. Them come down to three, two and one. Let the the affair finally be an occasional treat. This aspect of dog training is very important to prevent your dog from getting used to treats. This also reduces the chances of the dog getting frustrated once this dog training product is abruptly stopped from being used.

Dog Training Treats

Dog treats are just one of the rewards that a pet owner can give his dog to modify his dog's behavior. But just as for dog treat training there are certain guidelines, there are some points to be considered while selecting puppy treats for your pet. Here is what you need to know about your dog training treats.

Soft Treats: You definitely don't want your pet to sit and keep chewing the treat. If the pet dog treat is hard and chewy then your dog's attention would be more on finishing off his treat rather associating it with his positive behavior that is being rewarded.

Small Treats: Dog training treats should be small so that they can be eaten quickly. Just because you want to reward your pet with something extra for a really good job, doesn't mean that you get a big dog training treat. This would again take his attention off from linking the reward with positive reaction as a hard and chewy treat would. Rather give him a couple of small dog training treats for his good job.

Tasty Treats: Different dogs have liking for different tastes. Identify the taste that your dog is most fond of. Dogs usually like strong tasting dog training treats. There are quite a few brands at the local pet store. However, don't compromise on healthy dog treats while choosing the ones with strong flavor.

Colorf ul Treats: Wondering what does color have to do with your dog training treat? Well a lot. In fact more so for professional dog training as the floor in these centers are usually dark in color. The dog treats should be bright so that the canines can easily see them when the treats are given to them.

Variety in Treats: Wouldn't you get bored if you were given a burger or a slice of pizza every time for a job well done? Same is with your canine friend. Have a variety of dog training treats at hand so that these keep motivating your pet for every desired behavior.

Natural Pet Treats: In our bid to shop for easy dog treats we often tend to put our dog's health at risk. Giving him leftovers from the dining table may work fine occasionally. But this occasional act may be harmful for little dogs as this may cause dog obesity in them. Hence, if it is possible give your dog natural pet treats. This could be made from natural ingredients at home itself.

Dog training treats have been used by dog trainers for years now. Reward is something that every animal understands and it can be easily used to modify your dog's behavior.

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