Thursday 28 February 2013

40 Easy Exercise Tips to Help Lose Belly Fat

Start simple.

I mean, the goal of losing 10 pounds can be daunting. So before I share these 40 Simple Ways of trimming up the tummy, hear out an opposing message:

Not a single one of these tips has the power, in itself, to shave inches off your belly. Even when you do a dozen of them every day by the way, they are simple enough to be able to do that you will still not see the inches just disappear. [Fair Warning]

When your saw the word "Easy" in the title of this report, your mind probably told you, "Ha! Who are they joking." Your body yes, your body talks your body has unknowingly told your mind that it's HARD to lose belly fat.

Your (weak) mind just agreed with it. Thus, your initial thought is something like, "Yep, it's NOT EASY to lose belly fat." Yet, you are here because you want to believe it can be done. That is your true (strong) mind. And that is precisely what this list of tips is really about.

That's why every single one of these 40 Tips is ACTUALLY and fantastically easy to do on purpose. Let me tell you why.

Each one contributes not just a weight loss benefit but a mindset benefit. The doing of each one confirms in your mind, as one pebble in a pond, that winning the belly battle is doable. You will develop a healthy mindset with each little exercise. You sense progress in yourself, thus you build momentum and confidence to move your body faster toward the goal.

The word "move" is used with double-meaning. Physically move, of course, is self-evident. Yet more: to mentally move is the vital link here. The fact that you are reading this is proof your mental attitude is now engaged in action.

Each tip contributes not just a weight loss benefit but a mindset benefit. The mental and the physical support each other. Losing belly fat is as much mental as it is physical. Do these exercises. Follow these tips. They can readily fit into your everyday life. Thus, they are effective. By consciously watching your body weight and naturally keeping good health habits, you will improve your mental capacity. As your mental habits improve your physical habits do, too.

Together. The battle over belly fat is won as a joint effort, with the mind and the body cooperating.

So, remember: Start simple. Pick the tips you like. Begin with a few of them. Build your physical AND mental capacities as you go.

Now, let's go lose some belly fat!

40 Easy Exercise Tips to Help Lose Belly Fat:

1. Do short 10-minute workout sessions. Three times a day. Blocking out 30-minutes for aerobic workout seems impossible at first. So, do it in tablets of time. For example, instead of sipping another cup of coffee in the break room at work, take 10 minutes to walk around the block or up and down a few flights of stairs.

2. Join a fitness club with flexible hours. Not one with hours that seemed forced. When others there are slightly more fit than you, you feel challenged to extend yourself more. The key to membership is finding a club which has hours that mesh with yours.

3. Do chores that count for fitness. Burn your calories just by doing everyday chores with vigor. Raking leaves, sweeping the garage, mowing the lawn, washing the car, dusting the house, or running a vacuum, folding laundry. All count as moderate exercise, particularly, if you do them with gusto.

4. Park far away and take the stairs. Skip the elevator. Walk across big parking lots. Just make it a little harder to get where you're going. Make it a fun thing, too. Enjoy the "getting to your destination point." Walk between stores, if possible, when doing errands. Research shows that taking 10,000 steps a day improves physical fitness.

5. Plan a fun weekend activity. Bicycling. Softball. Bowling. Canoeing. Group aerobics class. Hiking with family. Could by by yourself. Could be on a team sport. The key: something you totally enjoy. Mix it up. Carve out time on your weekends to pursue it.

6. Make love to your spouse thrice weekly. An hour of sex can burn 500 calories. Sex is great exercise. It's free and fun, too. It takes energy from both a physical and psychological perspective to do it well. Sex improves cardiovascular health, boosts self-esteem, and helps you sleep better, all needed to maintain a healthy weight.

7. Go outdoors with family. Play catch with your son, weed the garden with your wife. Plan a hike together. Walk the dog. Visit with a neighbor. A way to relax the mind, to warm up relationships, and to do the work of burning off calories.

8. Use social gatherings to initiate activities. Group walks provide peer motivation. Board games stimulate fun and laughter (see #38). Going to coffee shops or shopping together may induce more walking.

9. Make a daily morning routine. Get up 15 minutes earlier. Hydrate yourself right away. Go outside to walk around the block. The cool morning air stimulates your body, and you will find your energy level does not slow down again. You are officially awake and ready for the day.

10. No Dumbbells? Use plastic jugs. Fill them with sand or water for an easy workout. Strength training is an important part of anyone's fitness routine. Ideally, you should work all your major muscle groups at least two days per week. Experiment with the size and fullness of the bottles until you find a weight that's right for you.

11. No Stair-Stepping Machine? Climb stairs. Climb the stairs at home, in apartments, when visiting big buildings. Go up at a quick pace. Try double steps for leg lifting. While walking down, hold the abdomen in.

12. Get a workout partner. Someone to share accountability. A friend raises the excuse bucket. You help motivate each other to keep a regular workout schedule, because you won't want to let down your buddy. You can encourage each other and share tips on what works and what doesn't to make your workouts more effective.

13. Get a resistance band for arm curls, squats. These are long, wide rubber bands. Yo can find them at sporting-goods stores. They are inexpensive, portable, and a great way to add strengthening practice to your home workout. They come in different tensions and are used for many different moves.

14. Do Step-Ups. Step Up aerobics are a great way to burn calories at home. A 200-pound person can burn 333 calories in 15 minutes. Use a household step stool or even a balcony stair. Make sure it is 4-6 inches high and doesn't slip when you step on it.

15. Watch workout videos. Available free online, on Netflix, or from public libraries. Great for motivating yourself in the privacy of your home. You can schedule them on your own time. You get a professionally led, regimented workout, often with high energy music. Very motivational to say the least.

16. When watching TV, do marching or leg lifts during commercial breaks. The good feelings that you get from these small bouts of exercise may encourage you to make room in your day for a longer home-workout routine.

17. Skipping rope. Have high ceilings or driveways. Skipping enhances flexibility while improving your reflexes, balance, and posture. It tones your muscles in arms, legs, and abs. It speeds your heart rate like that of a runner, so it requires a lot of energy to maintain a good fitness point.

18. Join a dance group. Square dancing. Ballroom dancing. Salsa. Dancing conditions the body, builds stamina, strengthens and tones legs, relieves stress, helps you release toxins via sweating. Provides cardiovascular conditioning. Physical benefits aside, dancing has a way of brightening up a person's day.

19. Go to a fitness center. Employers know that a fitness center in the workplace can lower health-care costs and stress at work, while at the same time increase productivity and morale. Many excellent centers exist across the country. They give needed structure in a friendly, supportive environment. If you've never been to one, decide to breakthrough, by finding a friend who does for encouragement.

20. Wear headphones while doing exercises. Motivational tapes. Moving music. Energy songs. Though no scientific study outlines the weight loss benefits directly, indirectly it benefits you by keeping your mind up. Words of inspiration and song can uplift your spirit to keep you motivated to keep moving your body.

21. Increase in small increments. Start with a low doable number of sit-ups, say. Do them religiously each day for a week. After a week, add two. Do that amount for a week. Repeat, by adding just a few each new level. 25 weeks later, where will you be? Wow! Think of it. Start at doable. Increase weekly. Thus you grow.

22. Work with a personal trainer. Even a few sessions can be worthwhile. They benefit you by creating a specific exercise routine, giving you proper technique and form, and helping you stay on track to achieve your goals. You get different points of view and new exercises. Though it is a serious commitment of money and time, no less.

23. Take a break from the gym. Go to a tennis court. Pick up your golf clubs. Go swimming at the local pool. Vary your regimen to juice up your motivational muscles. Don't settle for a routine. It will wake up your senses and give you new thoughts.

24. Consume caffeine 45 minutes before your workout. It can make your workouts vigorous, thus burn more calories. Caffeine may reduce your desire to eat. It stimulates thermo-genesis, one way your body generates heat from digesting food. Remember though, specialty coffees are high in calories and fat.

25. Take up yoga. Without the calorie-burning power of aerobics, yoga is a phenomenal way to put you in touch with your body. The buzzword is mindfulness. To change your lifestyle, to change the way you think about food, to get over destructive eating patterns, yoga gives spiritual connection to your body to help make those changes.

26. Volunteer. Science backs up the idea that volunteering is good for your own physical and mental health. It's a benefit of helping your community, the environment, or other worthy causes. Couple of ideas: Teach intramural sports for youngsters. They'll get you motivated. Or walk dogs for the animal shelter.

27. Skate weekly. Ice skating or roller-blading is a fabulous full-body movement for legs, buttocks, abdomen, and back. To achieve the best results, skate 3 times per week.

28. Mop the floor. You'll be moving your shoulders and twisting to your waist and abdomen. Work the exercise especially with your side and waist. Some similar movements apply when vacuuming.

29. Knead your belly. Using massage lotion after bathing, make circles on the area of your belly in a clockwise direction going out from the belly button with two fingers, then back inwards counter-clockwise. Knead your belly, while imagining heat inside the belly area. This "chi" actually burns or metabolizes your fat away. Don't laugh.

30. Stand and sit up straight. Perfect posture is important for your health. It can instantly make you look 10 pounds lighter and feel confident. Slouching puts undue strain on your muscles. Keep reminder notes around: "Practice Perfect Posture."

31. Do belly dancing. Okay, alone at first. Your belly button is both sexy and a healthy spot. Do it a favor. Face the mirror for technique. Belly dancing gives you improved posture and muscle toning, maintains flexibility, helps prevent lower back problems, tones and firms arms and shoulders, helps with weight loss, reduces stress.

32. Drink up water. Water increases your metabolism to burn calories 3% faster. Thirst and hunger sensations are triggered together. A slight dehydration initiates thirst, which may be mistaken for hunger, causing you to eat when the body is actually craving fluid. Drinking water prevents overeating at meals.

33. Listen to your body. Women, especially, train yourself to go to the bathroom. Don't be so rushed as to ignore your body's signals. If you dismiss them, you prep yourself for bloat-inducing constipation. Adhering to the quiet messages from this profound machine called your body will train you to listen when it tells you enough has been eaten, too.

34. Chew thoroughly. Feel bloated and gassy after eating? When you do not chew your food well, you do not complete digestion, because digestion starts in the mouth not the stomach. When your food is not chewed properly, you do not receive all the nutrients from your food, leaving body cells starved, making you want to eat more.

35. Eat slowly. While you are slowing down, you might find that you learn to stop eating sooner. You might notice that you are full and don't need that extra bite. Besides, you will taste your food, the textures, the flavors, the smells in richer abundance. Eating fast makes you prone to swallow air, which helps develop a potbelly.

36. Give up the gum. Chewing on gum causes your mouth to produce a steady stream of saliva. This is a waste of energy otherwise used for essential metabolic activities. Most chewing gum is sweetened with aspartame. Long term use of aspartame has been linked with diabetes. Chewing also forces you to swallow more air.

37. Take supplements of calcium D-glucarate and B-complex. Both vitamins help you excrete estrogen, the hormone which can lead to a smaller middle. Excess estrogen causes the body to retain fat around the waist.

38. Relax already. Your body under stress produces extra steroids and cortisol, hormones that send fat directly to the midsection. This affects your digestion and causes constipation. Tell yourself that 20 minutes of the day belongs to you alone, and then do something that gets your mind off things and is soothing on the body.

39. Take a walk after lunch. Not immediately. Let the digestive system work first for about thirty minutes. Walking instantly directs your blood to your limbs and not to your stomach. This is not good for digestion. After a short rest, then go for a leisurely stroll. Not only is it good for your health but also keeps you sharp.

40. Laugh. No joke. Laughing increases the heart rate 10 percent to 20 percent. Ten to 15 minutes of laughter could increase energy expenditure by 10 to 40 calories per day, which could translate into about four pounds a year. Watch a comedy sitcom at night. Laughing also tones the transverse abdominus that helps flatten your midriff.

As you know, none of these 40 Tips by themselves will fundamentally change your game to lose belly fat. What they do, however, is help you change your lifestyle one step at a time.

It is a mindset shift that takes place. You still have to learn more, do more, exercise more, and eat better foods. The little things practiced here begin to add up to a momentum of powerful change.

You have already decided that you will feel better, look better, and do more by reading through these tips. Now. Pick one. And do it. It's time to gain a mindset momentum and lose some belly fat.

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Wednesday 27 February 2013

Dog Training Advice 6 Basic Tips

Dog Training Advice, Tip 1, Remember Your The Boss

Training your dog can be a worthwhile endeavor but before you start, there are some things you need to know in order to make training easier and more pleasant for both you and your dog.

The very most important thing you must always remember is that you are the boss! This is very important dog training advice. By nature dogs are pack animals and adhere to a strict hierarchy with every pack having a "leader". In order to train your dog properly (and easily), you need to establish yourself as the leader early on in your relationship.

Dog Training Advice, Tip 2, Show Your Leadership With Your Actions

The next bit of dog training advice I will give you is. Some dogs may be more aggressive than others, some more dominant, some are more easy going but no matter what your dogs personality, you must be firm in your commands. Don't let your dog get the upper hand or he will start to think that he is the leader. Now, I don't mean that you need to be physically abusive to your dog - far from it. You need to show your leadership with your actions.

Dog Training Advice, Tip 3, Don't Expect Your Dog To Behave Like A Two Year Old During Training

Another piece of dog training advice is to consider that while your dog understands you at about the same level as a two year old, he is not a human. In fact, your dog has many differences from humans that cause him to interpret your commands and act much differently than a 2 year old child would. So, do not expect him to behave like your 2 year old during training.

Dog Training Advice, Tip 4, Be Consistent When Training Your Dog

The dog training advice here is when training your dog, you need to be consistent. Set aside about 45 minutes or a half hour every day to work on training. You can start training your dog as young as you want but don't be discouraged if you have an older pet as training can be done at any age.

You want to start training your dog with the basics. The sit command is a good place to start as getting your dog to sit is the basis for many other commands. Work on this one command every day until your dog has it down cold, then move on to the next command.

During training, you want to be firm. Always use the same word for each command and say the word clearly. Never punish your dog when he does not do what you want but, instead, use positive reinforcement when he DOES do what you want. Punishing or scolding will only confuse your dog so have patience when he is not behaving the way you want - the best thing to do is ignore him and he will soon learn that he only gets the reward when he performs the desired action.

Dog Training Advice, Tip 5, Try To Work On Training Everyday At First

The good dog training advice, I can give you here is. Try to work on training every day at first. As your dog learns more and more commands, you can slack off a bit, but training should always be a part of your relationship with your dog. It can be fun and rewarding for both of you to keep learning new behaviors and taking the training to the next level.

Dog Training Advice, Tip 6, Make Training Fun

Dog training is a task that takes, consistence, persistence and patience but your efforts will be well rewarded with a well behaved dog as well as a stronger bond with your 4 legged friend. Training your dog properly insured not only his safety, but the safety of those around him and it can also be a lot of fun for both you and your dog! Making it fun is the best dog training advice you can have.

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Tuesday 26 February 2013

4 Tips For Successful Obedience Dog Training

New dog owners, and even previous dog owners, often forget one of the most important things to being a dog owner, obedience dog training. It's important to know that you can begin dog training at any time and with any dog of any age, so don't fret it's not too late to start your dogs training.

Why Obedience Dog Training Is Important:

An untrained dog is a hassle, stressful, and can be an overall pain to deal with. More often than not, owners who improperly train their dogs, or owners who do not train their dogs, end up dropping their dog off at the pound or giving it away. This is a sad end to what could have possibly been a wonderful and loving relationship.

Dog training allows dogs to learn the rules of the pack, it builds confidence with you and your dog, and it gives you the sense of security of knowing your dog is behaving well at home while you are not there. Obedience dog training sets boundaries, builds self-esteem, and lets your dog know that you are the leader.

Puppies Can Learn Commands As Early As 3 Months:

Age is an important factor when it comes to dog training. Starting off early with a puppy is always the easiest but not always the case. If you have a small puppy then you're one step ahead. Of course the first thing your puppy should learn is potty training. Once you've built a strong foundation with potty training you can start teaching your puppy a few basic commands such as Sit, Stay, Come.

Your Older Dog Can Learn Commands Easily:

Many people believe in the old adage "You can't teach and old dog new tricks" but in reality it's just the opposite. Older dogs are just as capable of learning tricks and commands as puppies are. The key to obedience dog training is consistency and persistence. If you try for just one day to teach your dog to sit and then never attempt again, of course he will never learn how to sit!

Even if your older dog has many bad habits you can still break him of those habits in a short amount of time, all you need is consistency, persistence, and sometimes a little patience. With older dogs it is important to first build a pecking order. Your dog needs to learn that you are the leader of the pack, once these roles have been established training will come more easily.

Consistency and Persistence:

It's important that you remain consistent in your training. Teach your dog one command for each trick, don't yell at your dog for chewing on your brand new shoes if you've given him old shoes as a toy in the past. Dogs can become easily confused and so when training it is important to remember that consistency is the key to success.

Persistence is to remain persistent. Training for one or two days here and there is not going to a lead to successful obedience dog training plan. Dogs have short attention spans and it is important to keep training sessions just a few minutes long. Because of this it is also important that you continue to train your dog on a daily basis.

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Monday 25 February 2013

Dog Training Advice- The 1 Dog Training Mistake You Should Avoid

Greetings Puppy and Dog Lovers! This is Allan with some dog training advice and I thank you for being the one who is training your dog. If you are not the one training your dog you really should be. Why? Because it is so much more fun, exciting, effective and cheaper than dog training classes or professional trainers. Some people consider dog training to be lessons for the dog. What they do not realize is that it is lessons for them as well. As the owner you are also learning a lot about your pup.

Dog Training Advice- Common Dog Training Pitfall

Here is what happens: John Smith gets his new doberman and names her Candy. He wants to train her so he looks for training methods. He follows a guide that states they have the one training method that will train any breed of dog. This is good right? WRONG! Huge mistake. Not good dog training advice. There is a lot of misinformation being spread about a one magic bullet training method that works for all dogs. There are over 400 breeds of dogs. There is no way that all these different personalities of dogs can respond to some one universal method. This just does not exist. Well, Sort of. Let me clarify.....
When you first start to train your dog, you should start with basic training. Now basic training methods are fundamental and can be applied to all dogs. These methods are just the general foundation that you build when training your dog and these methods apply to any and every dog. An example would be the positive reinforcement method. This is a fundamental method where you train your dog by praising and rewarding him or her with treats when they complete a task or display good behavior!

However the basic methods are just that the basics. They are not enough. In order to properly train your dog to be obedient, housebroken, well behaved around people and other dogs you need advance training methods that are specific to the type of dog that you have. For example a Dalmatian is considered one for the most aggressive dogs among all dog breeds. In order to control and subdue that aggression you need advance behavior training methods that work for dalmatians. Metho ds for say Labrador Retrievers would not be as effective since they are one of the most non-aggressive of dog breeds.

Please let this information marinate. I have many friends and family members that went and adopted a dog because they looked cute and then attempted to just train it with just basic training methods. Their dogs sit alright. But their furniture, shoes and pretty much anything in the household has been chewed on including the family and occasional visitors :o). So I hope you found this dog training advice useful! Take care and say hi to the pooch for me.

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Sunday 24 February 2013

Which Dog Training Collar Should You Choose?

Which Dog Training Collar Should You Choose?

The choice in dog training collars on the market today is huge, so many choices offering the ultimate cure that times have never been harder for someone trying to choose the right product to suit their dog.

Dogs are unique but suffer from a variety of behavioural issues, fortunately these can be grouped into a few common misdemeanours such as jumping up , excessive barking, recall problems etc. As a company that offers free specialist advice and help with choosing the right dog collar, we talk to hundreds of people who have an issue that they would like to resolve.

Some of these customers have spent many hundreds of pounds on conventional training lessons or with animal behaviourists to no avail, many of these people are desperate to find a solution as they fear they could lose their dog if these problems are not addressed. Unfortunately the market is littered with many cheap foreign imports that do not conform to UK legislation and carry no warranty or guarantees. To prove this point just go onto Ebay and check out the number of remote dog training collars that are sold for a few pounds, the majority of which do not conform.

Every day we get calls from people that have purchased a cheap alternative and now regret this move, buying a quality dog training collar will mean dipping deeper into your pockets but if you get it right you can have peace of mind, a product that has a 2-3 year warranty and a product that conforms to UK legislation. It is also important to point out that some of these cheap imported dog training collars are unfair to use on your dog as the levels of correction are set unreasonably high. I recently spoke to a customer who had purchased a collar with 100 levels of correction and no beep tone or warning button on the device. This is ridiculous as the dog wouldn't have any opportunity to learn.

At Easy Animal we researched all the collars available before deciding which collars to sell, we extensively tested these remote dog collars both on ourselves and also on dogs, as a company we only wanted to be associated with the brands of dog training collars that were fair, reliable, effective and legal. We now have what we consider to be the best brands available, having turned down quite a few companies that wanted us to sell their range.

Firstly all the brands that we sell are RoHS approved which they must be to meet current UK legislation, to meet this criteria costs manufacturers a lot more to develop the products in line with this criteria hence most cheaper collars will almost certainly not be RoHS approved.

To ensure that customer's expectations are met from a performance point of view, all the brands we sell have a 2 year warranty at minimum and some have a 3 year warranty. This is important as these are electronic products often working in difficult terrains and weather conditions, and of course even the best products can and do malfunction. Having a reliable remote training collar is essential if your dog is chasing a scent and hurtling towards a busy main road!

When you are training a dog, consistency and continuity is of paramount importance, there is little point buying a training collar for it to fail and then interrupt all the good work you have put in. The warranty gives you total peace of mind that very quickly you can have a new trainer delivered promptly to maintain your training programme with your dog.

At Easy Animal we want you to choose the right collar; we want you to be happy with your purchase so we offer you totally free advice and help in buying the right dog training collar. We believe that all dogs are unique and every situation is different, also it is worth pointing out that what works on one dog will be totally the wrong product for the next dog. We sell collars to dog trainers, and we talk daily to dog trainers about training methods so we feel that we have the experience and knowledge to be able to point you in the right direction.

So which are the best collars? These fall generally into two main categories spray and static pulse collars and we have had good success with both types, spray collars of which there are only a few choices generally don't operate any further than relatively close range 100-300m. Spray training collars can be a little more problematic as the process of having a spray nozzle means that technically it becomes an issue to keep this clean, also the seals around the spray can dry out so they are prone to more problems than static ones. Having said that they have huge support from the dog world and can often be seen on dog training programmes on television like Dog Borstal'.

Static dog training collars can be seen as more controversial but are widely recognised within dog training circles as more effective than spray trainers. Whilst this is a generalisation, it is far to say that these static pulse collars create much discussion about whether they are harmful, unfair or cruel. When I hear people making these claims I always point out that when these are used in the correct manner they can be used extremely effectively, but of course the responsibility is very much in the hands of the person holding the remote control. As an example a car driven erratically and dangerously by one person can equally be driven carefully and safely by the majority. We sell many of these static pulse remote collars for owners of deaf dogs for recall issues and on a low setting the dog only experiences something similar to someone tapping him on the neck.

At Easy Animal we always advise customers to use the static collars in a measured way starting off by setting the level very low and gradually increasing the levels until by observing the dog you can tell that they are getting a mild sensation. This level of static is very low and in fact in most cases just has to be at a level to interrupt the dogs trail of thought. Obviously for more wilful and stubborn dogs the settings may well be set on a higher level. Static collars with small increments and a gentle increase over a number of levels is certainly better than large increments. Many of the collars we sell have a nick button or short stimulus together with a button for longer levels of stimulus, ALL the collars we sell however have a beep tone which is fundamental to the training process as it is used as a warning signal to the dog and gives the dog an opportunity to respond, it is this important element on a training collar that allows the dog to learn and become traine d. Please never buy a collar unless it has this function.

The brands that Easy Animal sell and have total faith in are Canicom, PetSafe, Innotek and Sportdog. All these brands sell good quality training collars, in future articles we will go into more detail and start to give you a totally independent view on all these collars explaining in detail the pros and cons of each collar. For further details please do not hesitate to contact us at the following address:

Easy Animal Ltd, Unit B2, Whitebridge Lane, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LQ Tel 01785 919507

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Saturday 23 February 2013

Are You In Need of Dog Training?

Do you have a dog that is desperately in need of some good dog training? If this is the case, you should look at all of the options that are available for the different types of problems that your dog is exhibiting. These problems could include training your dog to go to the bathroom outside, training the dog when they are still young, training the dog to be obedient or just teaching your dog to do tricks.

One of the big problems some dogs have is going to the bathroom inside of the house. If your dog goes to the bathroom inside of the house, it would be good to get some dog potty training. This type of dog training will help your dog understand that they should be going to the bathroom outside. This is usually taught during puppy training because it helps for a dog to learn early that he or she needs to go to outside when they go to the bathroom. The later a dog starts dog potty training, the harder it will be to get them to go to the bathroom outside.

You may also need dog training to help your dog to become more obedient. This is usually achieved using dog leash training. This type of training involves the use of a leash on a dog and when the dog does something they are not supposed to do, the trainer gives a sharp but short tug on the leash. This helps the dog to understand that what they are doing is wrong.

Dog training is also used for fun things such as teaching dog tricks. If you have a dog that you believe is very talented or if you want you dog to become talented, you can either train your dog yourself or you can bring the dog to a trainer. You might teach your dog to do basic tricks or you might teach your dog to do things that are harder for most dogs to do. If your dog is talented enough, you can bring them to dog shows where they can perform their tricks in front of judges who will decide if your dog is better at performing than other dogs. If you want to bring your dog to competitions, teaching dog tricks is a good way to make your dog more noticeable.

There are many different types of dog training available for dogs such as dog potty training, puppy training and obedience training. All of these types of training are important when owning a dog. These might be things that you will need a special trainer for or they might be things that you can teach your dog to do on your own. If you are having problems with your dog that you can not solve on your own, you will most likely need to take the dog to a trainer that has special knowledge on how to train dogs to do certain things. These things are necessary to make sure that your dog knows how to behave.

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Friday 22 February 2013

Dog Training Supplies

A well trained dog is something every dog owner hopes to have one day. Unfortunately, having a well behaved dog takes time and discipline. Fortunately, there are tons of dog training supplies out there to help you master the art of dog training. With a little patience and the right tools, you can have a well behaved dog in no time.

Before purchasing any dog training aids, it is important to make attainable goals for your dog. You must realize that in order for your dog to succeed, it is up to you. A good dog trainer knows that remaining calm and level headed at all times is necessary. You must remain consistent throughout training and be sure to follow up with positive reinforcement. Dogs love to please their owners and receive lots of attention; positive reinforcement helps to show your dog how easy it is to please you by following through with the correct behavior.

Once you have the right mindset to begin training your dog, dog training supplies can make your training even easier. One of the most popular training aids is the collar. There are numerous collars on the market to help you with all sorts of behaviors. A collar is a basic tool that almost every dog already wears and can easily be changed if something with more control is needed. For those dogs that are hard to handle on a leash, a harness collar might be a good investment. Many dog owners are fans of the training collars once the dog has learned a certain behavior. Once the behavior has been learned, a training collar will correct the behavior if the dog reverts to the old, unfavorable behavior.
A crate is the most beloved of all the dog training supplies. A crate helps housetrain a dog. An accident in your house is every dog owner's worst fear. Dogs are curious by nature, especially when left unattended. Crates are places you can place your dog in when you are not at home so they do not get into anything or have an accident. Dogs know not to use the bathroom where they eat or sleep by nature, which is how crates help potty train dogs, too. If a dog eats and sleep in their crate, they generally will learn to hold their bodily functions in until they are let out.

Dog gates make great dog training aids since they quickly teach your dog boundaries. By putting up a gate, dogs learn that the area behind the gate is not an area they are allowed to be in. Believe it or not, dogs love boundaries and find them easy to adjust to. Like children, dogs view boundaries as a way of learning what is expected of them.

The market today is flooded with dog t raining supplies to suit every owner, dog and training method. No matter what you believe in as far as training methods, there are sure to be supplies out there to help you and your dog in your training experience.

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Thursday 21 February 2013

Dove Cresswells Dog Training Online Review - Any Worth?

In case you need to obtain a dog obedience training video clip system so you'll be able to train your dog at property , how do you understand which 1 will be the very best? There are numerous alternatives, so I wondered about that myself. Soon after checking a few of the very best applications I could locate, my preferred 1 is Dove Cresswell's Dog and Puppy Training Online.

Dove Cresswell is renowned for becoming the "dog coach towards the stars". Since she actually understands what she is performing, she continues to be hired to train dogs for a lot of films and tv productions. In the event the amusement market utilizes her for his or her pricey assignments, you understand that her strategies should genuinely operate excellent.

Dove's video clip training system is damaged in to seven straightforward to adhere to modules. The modules progress inside a logical way, beginning with home training your new puppy. Following you find out how you can train your puppy probably the most simple of dog obedience workouts. You are going to find out the proper strategy to get began early with training your puppy, to ensure that it grows in to the wonderful pet that you simply usually desired.

Check out Dove Cresswells Dog Training Online from This WEIRD Link.
Dove's properly developed plan follows the all-natural progression with the phases that your dog will go by means of as he matures, so Dove will train every lesson in the time your puppy is most prepared for it. Dove's method functions utilizing only constructive training techniques-no yelling or hitting or harsh punishments are utilized.

Dove teaches you the best vocal tones to make use of as well as the right perspective and physique language you should have to be able to talk together with your dog inside a way that he can comprehend. You are going to obtain a glimpse into dog psychology and just how you are able to use your new discovered knowledge of a dog's perspective as being a device to obtain much better training outcomes. By studying these right strategies, you are going to in flip steer clear of creating pricey errors that might or else wind up hurting your dog training efforts.

You'll find out some various strategies of training for yo ur numerous workouts, in situation your dog does not react easily to 1 design of training. Dogs, becoming like men and women, every find out somewhat in a different way than one another, so your training requirements to become relatively versatile sufficient to attain even a tougher to train dog.

Additionally to an excellently offered video clip dog training system, Dove also provides some much more incentives for her buyers. Apart from free of charge e-mail consultations to assist you receive any specific dog training or conduct difficulties sorted out, Dove also provides a number of bonus eBooks.

The bonus eBooks incorporate:

one. An e-book instructing you the top method to get your dog to fetch.

two. An e book on actively playing Soccer together with your dog. My personal dog loves Soccer-as a goalie she is excellent.

three. An e-book on taking part in "Hide'N'Seek"-another genuinely enjoyable sport to play along with your dog. My dog finds me regardless of how much absent I hide-incredible.

four. An e book about Dog Sports-more and a lot more organized dog sporting occasions are turning into really well-known with dog proprietors.

four. An e book about earning your dog's respect (becoming the Alpha dog) and attention-necessary for greater training outcomes.

five. A report about how you can decide on the proper kind of dog food for the pet. It turns out that a whole lot of industrial dog foods are only not extremely nutritious or healthy for our dogs.

six. A report on the very best kind of toys for the doggy.

Dove's system is entirely assured, so if you're not totally pleased with her Dog Training Online movies, you'll be able to get your funds again without difficulty in any way.

Download Dove Cresswells Dog Training Online From This SECRET Link.

I extremely suggest Dove Cresswell's Dog Training Online video clip system for training your dog, specially if you're an individual who learns much better from observing and listening, than from studying a e-book.

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Wednesday 20 February 2013

Article Marketing Tips and Tricks for successful search engine optimization (SEO) process

Article can help search engine optimization (SEO) process as a guaranteed method. So article marketing tips and tricks are very important to make a website optimized. How article marketing tips and tricks help search engine optimization(SEO) process. There are many type of of works for SEO. Some of them are done into the website that are called on site SEO like setting meta tags including title, Keyword, description etc.The other type of SEO is off site SEO. That are done out of the website that needs for SEO. Among them there are many process like directory submission, forum promotion, social media site submission, article submission, press release submission etc. In all types of submission there are link of the website that need SEO. In article marketing the marketer writes article and submit it to article directory. The article includes the link of the website that is in the process of SEO.
Although all submission make backlink to the website to be optimized, but link from article make the website more optimized then link from any other types of websites. An article is a detailed information source for a particular topic. The article describes the topic in details. Search engine always want to offer most related information to the searchers. So they try to list more information source in the beginning of nsearch. Most of the time searcher only visit the websites in the beginning of search result. So if your website is not in the beginning of result there are chances that your website will not be visited by the searcher. So if you want your website to show in the beginning of search result then you need to do article marketing.
Again if you do not know then there are chances that you are not getting result of even after doing article marketing.
So learning article marketing tips and tricks are very important for SEO process. Here are few of the tips an d tricks: 1.Check whether your link is working properly. In many article directory your link will not work, If you just put the another text link code in HTML. In those directories you need to select keyword and click link icon and put the url address to work it exactly.
2. Avoid excess keyword in the article. Most of the article directories will accept article even if you use excess keywords. But some will not accept like . Even many will accept, still avoid excess keyword for better seo process.
3. Put all your details including phone in author resource to make you easily available to article reader prospective customer.

If you follow above three tips and tricks your article marketing success is guaranteed.

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Tuesday 19 February 2013

Baseball, Title Ix and Jackie Robinson: It's All About Discrimination

The baseball world recently celebrated "Jackie Robinson Day." On April 15, 1947, Jackie Robinson became the first African-American to play Major League Baseball when he stepped onto Ebbets Field as a member of the Brooklyn Dodgers.

Many commentators have lamented the fact that 60 years after Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier, today, only 8.4% of Major League Baseball (MLB) players are black. In fact, MLB has been going backwards. The current percentage of black players is the lowest in more than 20 years. Just over a decade ago, in 1995, 19% of MLB players were black.

No one disputes that the numbers of black professional baseball players is declining, the controversy is over why.

One article I read recently attributed the decline to baseball's legacy of segregation and racism. The writer argued that because of its history, baseball fails to "capture the imagination" of today's young black athletes.

Others have argued that inner-city black athletes face various economic challenges that limit their access to baseball fields, equipment, etc.

All of these arguments have some merit to them. But, ultimately, they fall short because other sports, like football and basketball, share baseball's legacy of segregation and racism. Yet, black participation in those other sports has continued to grow.

Last week, a co-worker sent me an article about Title IX by Hubert Mizell of It hit me like a thunderbolt that Title IX is the most obvious reason there are so few blacks in pro baseball.

The way Title IX has been interpreted and implemented, it effectively restricts the number of baseball scholarships colleges and universities offer. In fact, most schools, even major schools like the University of Florida, do not offer any "full-ride" college baseball scholarships at all.

I was shocked when I found that out.

Obviously, without a scholarship, many, many young black athletes cannot afford to go to college and play college baseball or, later, professional baseball. Naturally, young black athletes will gravitate towards football and basketball; sports that offer more scholarships. Over the past generation, this shift has become pronounced.

Title IX was enacted by the Congress in 1972. The law, itself, is not controversial at all. It simply states that "No person in the United States, shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
So, Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. It applies to discrimination in athletics. So far, so good. The problem comes in the interpretation of the law.

In 1979, The U.S. Department of Heath, Education, and Welfare (this was before we had a separate "Department of Education") issued a policy interpreting Title IX. The policy provided that, in order to comply with Title IX, a college or university must pass one of three tests. The college or university must show that it:

1. Provides athletic opportunities substantially proportionate to student enrollment; or,
2. Demonstrates a continual expansion of athletic opportunities for the underrepresented gender; or,
3. Provides full and effective accommodation of the interest and ability of the underrepresented gender.

Many schools try to comply with Title IX by passing the third test. The problem is that this test is very subjective. How do you prove you are providing "full and effective accommodation of interest and ability.?" You can take surveys to get some gauge of interest. But, in the end, if a school relies on the third test, it will be vulnerable to a law suit by someone who thinks it has not complied.

Some of the larger, financially strong, schools comply with Title IX by meeting the second test. They "demonstrate a continual expansion of athletic opportunities for the underrepresented gender" by adding a women's sports team. Every time a school does that, it is "good to go" for about five years. But, adding new sports is a money-losing proposition and smaller, less affluent, schools can't afford to do that. At least, not forever.

So, ultimately, all schools will want, or need, to comply with Title IX by meeting the first test. And, it is this first test that has really caused the problems.

If a school has a Division I football team, it can award up to 85 football scholarships (per NCAA rules). The school can also award up to 13 scholarships for it's men's basketball team. Of course, to compete in these sports, at the Division I level, the school will have to award these 98 men's athletics scholarships.

Women now make up a whopping 58% of college enrollment. So, to pass the first test, and award scholarships "substantially proportionate" to student enrollment, the school has to award about 110 scholarships to women just to equal the scholarships provided for men's football and basketball.

And, when you add in other men's sports it becomes impossible to meet the "substantially proportionate" test without severely cutting scholarships in other men's sports or dropping some sports altogether.

So, that's exactly what schools do. When you look at sports like Tennis, Golf, Track and Field/Cross Country, Swimming/Diving there are more scholarships awarded to women than men in each of these sports. Even in basketball men's college basketball teams get 13 scholarships; women's teams get 15.

Wrestling is one of the biggest sports at most high schools. There is a large base of college wrestling fans. But, thanks to Title IX, there are few college wrestling scholarships.

James Madison University is the latest school to announce it will be dropping 10 sports; 7 men's teams; 3 women's teams in order to meet the "substantially proportionate" test of Title IX.

You might say: "well, they should just get rid of football." The problem with that idea is that football is the only college sport that makes money. Men's basketball about breaks even (if the school is lucky). No other college sport pays for itself.

This means the college will likely lose money on every other sports team it adds, including every women's sports team. Football is the bill-payer for many of these sports at many schools. So, getting rid of football is not the answer.

So, what does all this have to do with Jackie Robinson and the lack of black professional baseball players today?

Here's what.

Because of the way Title IX has been interpreted and implemented, college baseball programs are only allowed 11.7 scholarships. Since about 30 players are on a college baseball team, normally, no one gets a full scholarship.

So, baseball is becoming, increasingly, a sport for the relatively affluent. The reason is simple. You have to be able to afford to pay for college to play college baseball.

By contrast, in football and basketball, almost everyone on the team has a full scholarship.

For a young, black athlete, football and basketball offer a much more likely scholarship opportunity. It's not surprising, then, that black athletes have gravitated toward football and basketball and away from baseball. It's common sense.

It's ironic that, Title IX, a law intended to limit sex discrimination in athletics has morphed into, perhaps, the most significant cause of sex, race and class discrimination in college athletics today.

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Monday 18 February 2013

Sex Tips for a Happy Married Life and Increase Low Sperm Count

Check the colors of the room; the colors be supposed to not be dull. Room with total white shades or total violet shades are spiritual colors and should not be used in couple rooms. Couple should not occupy northeastern rooms.

Especially for maintain love in married life there should be no single identity in the couple room like no single duck, butterfly, bird, deer etc one should always get a pair.

For more information please visit

Stress is big enemy for sex in married life, avoid stress create activities from the bedroom, like computers, office like atmosphere in the bedroom avoid office work in bedroom.

If we analyze steady vaastu we should see the orders underground water tanks, pillars erect in building structure etc.

Have you ever wondered "what is the secret to a long and happy marriage?" Our collection of tried and true marriage counsel tips will help you answer that very question!

These secrets to a happy marriage come straight from the horse's mouth -- those who are happily married!

Putting on your sexiest lingerie to seduce him works best after your husband's come back after a long day at work.
Since he's accustomed to considering you in your usual after-work attire in the kitchen or doing what you usually do, greeting him in bed a racy outfit will get things going.

Let him ogle you for a while before you jump on him and get clothes started. Those pants will come off in a jiffy.

Before we read any further, it is vital for us to note sex is an important part of a married life and private encounters with closed doors between the couple are best promoted by each one of them.

One of the couple may have a greater desire to have sex more often than normal, while the other one may face less of leaning but the secret of satisfying married sexual life is all about equilibrium.

For some women, seducing their man is not an easy task by any standards. This is one of the biggest reasons why sex life often gets troubled after marriage.

Women can play a big role in reinventing sexual life after marriage to make sure t hat the charm and excitement factors are always there. Putting on sexiest lingerie is often the easiest way to bring down those pants in a hurry.

Sex Tips for a Happy Married Life

1. Make time for love and romance. Time can certainly slip away from you and you can put love making on the back burner, figuring you'll get to it when things calm down. If you're like most people, you have to make time for what's significant in your life.

If intimate time with your partner is important to you, make time for it

2. If you don't feel like making love, say so, but be honest with your partner and yourself why you don't feel like it. Sounds simple but from time to time it isn't. Very often, physical ailments-real or imagined-are allowed interfering with being intimate.

3. Focus on each other and not on the kids or your work. Clear your mind from extraneous thoughts, worries and fears when you come together for love-making.

If it isn't possible to do that, tell your partner that you need some time and then take a walk to clear your head. You may need to talk about some difficulty or clear up some issue with your partner.

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Sunday 17 February 2013

Five Great Sex Tips for Women

Understanding a woman's sexual pleasure can be difficult, for both men and even women themselves. After all, many women fail to achieve orgasms through sex. These tips are for men and women who really want to enhance a woman's sexual pleasure.
Remember a woman's whole body is her sex organ. For men, sexual pleasure is generally limited to one area (and I'm sure you know where that is!). But for women it is very different. Their whole body is filled with nerve endings that create a sexual response. Spend some time seeing which part of your female's body responds to touch. Some women have even reported having an orgasm just by being kissed or touched on their neck or nipples!
Try an inner leg massage. The whole area - from the toes to the tops of the thighs - are very sensitive for a woman. Have your partner lie on her back with her legs relaxed and slightly apart. Start at the toes and work your way upwards, paying particular attention to the ankles, knees and inn er thighs. See where she tingles the most!
Find the G spot. The G spot is a small area (about the size of a coin) about two inches inside the vagina on the outer wall. If you put your index finger inside her and make a stroking motion towards you (as if beckoning someone - you should be able to feel it). It may feel slightly rougher than the surrounding tissue. Stroking it or pressing firmly with one hand while you stimulate the clitoris is one way to really intensify a woman's orgasm. There are also some vibrators and dildos designed to massage the G spot which can be very effective.
The 'neck to nipples' technique. The area between a woman's head and breasts can be extremely sensitive. Use your hands, mouth and even your hair to explore the area thoroughly. Kissing and gentle nibbling can and to the range of sensations. Few men spend enough time in this area, yet it is one of a woman's most sensitive zones.
Stimulate her brain. The brain is perhaps a woman's most overlooked sex organ. Imagine that you are making love to her mind. By being playful and flirty you will arouse her emotions, a strong component in a woman's desire for, and pleasure of, sex. Women love 'dirty' talk; if you're shy try texting or emailing, or leave a voice message on her phone. Women are much more emotionally driven than men, so if you can connect with her emotions you will truly be a masterful lover in her eyes.These tips are written for women as well as men. Communicate them to your lover and incorporate them into your sexual relationship.
Want more better sex tips? Get a new sex tip every day from a leading sex expert delivered free to your email. Visit
Michael Andrews is a well-known therapist, author and counselor specialising in couples' relationships, especially sexual relationships. He is the Director of the Love Sex Institute and produces the Great Sex Tip of the Day at http://www.greatsextipoftheday .com

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Friday 15 February 2013

3 World-renowned Sex Tips to Make Her Climax

I'm wondering if you would take advantage of learning how to make the woman that you are with climax in ways that you never thought possible or if you would simply pass up the opportunity.

Have you ever thought about how amazingly different your life would be once you learn a variety of different ways to make her climax.

Well guess what, in this article, you will discover 3 world-renowned sex tips that have been proven to make her climax and more than that leave you both sexually satisfied once you open up to the truth of your sex life.

3 World-renowned Sex Tips to Make Her Climax!

Sex Tip #1 Try a Sex Toy Together While sex toys can seem intimidating if you haven't used them before, once you try a few you will quickly discover the power that they have to enhance her pleasure as well as yours. To start off with try something simple like a blindfold or body feather and they move on to more exciting and stimulating sex toys from there.

Sex Tip #2 Make a Change to Your Sex Routine Whether you like it or not odds are you and your partner have found yourself stuck in the same sex routine more than likely because it is easier and safer than trying something different. To liven up your sex routine and get out of the sexual rut you might find yourself in consider changing up at least one thing in your routine and can be as simple as having sex in the morning instead of night.

Sex Tip #3 Tell Her What You Intend to Do Then Do It This sex tip can be very powerful as long as you do it correctly which means telling her in your deepest and sexiest voice what you are getting ready to do to her and then do it. In other words, you are making statements of facts and not asking for permission in regards to everything you plan on doing to her in the moment.

There you have it three world-renowned sex tips that you will quickly discover have the power to make her climax in ways that all women want to experience orgasmic bliss.

In fact, when it comes to giving her the most amazing orgasms that you can imagine you will want to consider applying a high quality female stimulating gel underneath the hood of her clitoris as this will enhance her sexual experience in ways that will leave her on the mountain-top of orgasmic bliss for far longer than you would expect.

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Thursday 14 February 2013

Sex Tips for Men -3 Amazing Oral Sex Tips Give Her Mind Blowing Orgasms

It's no secret that women enjoy receiving oral sex just as much as anybody else.

However, whether she is willing to admit it or not sometimes if a man doesn't know what he is doing no amount of oral sex in the world is going to make her orgasm.

That's why you will be glad to know that in this article you will discover three amazing oral sex tips that will give her the kind of mind blowing orgasms every woman wants; trust me these are the kind of sex tips for men that you really want to learn.

Sex Tips for Men -3 Amazing Oral Sex Tips Give Her Mind Blowing Orgasms

Amazing Oral Sex Tip #1 Foreplay beforehand makes cunnilingus even better While, for most men if your woman went down on you immediately it wouldn't take long for you to rise to occasion. For women, it takes them time to warm up to erotic experiences which is why heavy foreplay before actually performing cunnilingus on her is going to help send her into orgasmic bliss sooner rather than later.

Amazing Oral Sex Tip #2 Lightly Blow During your cunnilingus session lift your head and then slowly and lightly blow your hot breath on her down there. Not only will she enjoy the sensations that it creates it will also allow you to have a break for your tongue.

Amazing Oral Sex Tip #3 Use Your Fingers A common mistake many men make when going down on the woman that they are with is simply using their mouth and tongue forgetting that you can also use your fingers as well. You can use your index finger to lightly graze up and down her vaginal folds, or slowly rub circles around her clitoris. Also, when you have her highly aroused her clitoris should be visible to your eyes which means you can use your fingers to gently squeeze or tug at it as well.

Hopefully you have already begun to see how amazing these oral sex tips can be in regards to making her have the most mind blowing orgasms that you can imagine.

And as if that wasn't enough you will also be glad to know that to really give her the sexual experience of a lifetime before performing oral sex on her simply apply a high quality female stimulating gel (that contains L-Arginine in it) underneath the hood of her clitoris and then feel the excitement and intensity that it creates.

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Wednesday 13 February 2013

Finding Sex Tips to Help Spice Things up in the Bedroom

Finding sex tips can seem like a tough task. You might be too nervous or embarrassed to ask friends about it, and it can be an awkward subject to bring up with family. You may also be hesitant about searching online after all, typing "sex tips" into a search engine will result in millions of hits with wildly varying subjects. Most relationships at some point could use a little spicing up though, so where do you turn for answers and ideas?

The fact of the matter is that there are lots of good resources out there for sex tips. Yes, there is a lot of questionable content online when dealing with the sensual, but there is also a lot of helpful advice from people just like you. You are not the only person to have a normal interest in trying to add a new spark in the bedroom, and many people are happy to share their knowledge and experiences with others. In fact, the relative anonymity of the Web can help people that would normally be too shy to talk about sex open u p to others and provide advice and assistance that they would not have been able to do in person. You might be surprised about the things you can learn and tips you can receive, and how even little things can go a long way towards reigniting the passion in the bedroom.

There is also a large amount of literature out there dedicated to just this subject. Many esteemed professionals and respected counselors have written books on how to fan your partner's flame. There really is a vast amount of information available on the subject. After all, sex is something that nearly everyone enjoys at some point in his or her life, so it should be no surprise that you are not alone in wanting to find out how to make it even better.
If you do have friends that you think would feel comfortable talking about the subject, do not be hesitant to bring it up. Odds are they have the same questions you do and would welcome any opinions or ideas that you may have. Sex is a natural part of a healthy relationship, and talking about it should be no more taboo than talking about any other subject.

Modern society is coming around to that fact as well, and frank discussions about sex are a lot easier to find than they were even a decade ago. The Internet, of course, has taken that discussion global and allowed people of different cultures to weigh in on the topic to provide a little cultural perspective to the issue. Branch out when you are looking for sex tips if you are trying to find some advice to shake things up, then looking for advice from people just like you may not be the most productive use of your time. Take advantage of this global connector that is the World Wide Web. Seek out opinions, advice and tips from people of other cultures and lifestyles. See how sex is handled in a different part of the world, and what people do in other countries to add some excitement to their intimate lives. Of course, you do not actually have to try anything that you are uncomfortable with, but your search for new sexual ideas should be broad enough that you at least have a wide variety of tips to consider.

Another important thing to remember in your search for sex tips is that you have advice and opinions to offer as well. People are generally a lot more open and willing to share with someone that is contributing to a conversation. If you are talking to a friend, you will find that they will be much more forthcoming with the advice if you offer some ideas of your own. It will also help ease the tension that may arise from talking about a sometimes uncomfortable topic. If you show that you are comfortable with it, it may make them feel easier too.

When it comes down to it, there are a great number of resources out there to find sexual advice for one that is willing to accept that sex is a natural, healthy activity and that it is perfectly okay to seek advice from others on the topic. Do not sell yourself or your partner short by allowing your shyness to keep you from seeking out tips that could improve the intimate time you spend together.

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Monday 11 February 2013

Overcome Your Own Prejudices when Seeking Sex Tips

The single biggest obstacle most people face when trying to find sex tips is their own prejudices towards the subject. Sex, while a natural part of most healthy relationships, is still considered a taboo conversation topic for many people. Getting over this hurdle is the first step towards finding advice and tips to help add a spark to your sex life.

There are many reasons that you may feel uncomfortable talking about sex. For some, the subject is simply avoided whenever possible. Few people are really comfortable talking about sex with family members and not without reason no one really wants to acknowledge the fact that their parents have sex. The simple fact that you are here, though, is a strong indication that it probably happened at one point or another. Accepting that it is a normal part of a relationship can help free you to find sex tips from other people. While you do not necessarily need to seek out family members' advice regarding the issue (for ma ny, that would never be a comfortable conversation), it is important that you get over any bias towards the issue that the unspoken ban on the topic may have caused. While it may not have been a frequent topic in your family, this does not mean that sex is not a natural part of life to be discussed with others.

Family is not the only group that can bias you against finding sex tips. Depending on the culture you grew up in, sex may or may not have been an accepted topic in society. European society, for example, is in general far more open to the idea of sex than, say, the United States. There has been much debate over the seeming double standard of allowing depictions of violence and not sex on television and in mainstream media in the United States. Wherever you may stand on the issue, if you grew up learning that sex is something to keep secret and not to be talked about in mass forums, then you may have trouble bringing the topic up in conversation. You must re alize that curiosity about sex is natural and others just as normal as you have the same concerns and questions. Most people would be happy to have a few new tips to try out. Getting over the cultural taboo of even talking about sex is important in starting your search for advice.
The Internet is also a huge influence on people who are seeking advice to spice up their sex life. As a mass forum that provides anonymity and a complete lack of censorship, it is also a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, the Internet is famously home to every kind of unsavory piece of the human experience. This can make looking for anything regarding sex online feel inappropriate, as the results coming back to you from a search on the topic may make you feel like you are doing something wrong. Many people try to hide what they are doing when they search for sex tips for just this reason, even though their intentions are perfectly normal and healthy.

On the other hand, the anonymity and openness of the World Wide Web provides people with almost unlimited perspective on the topic that was impossible to find before its existence. Never before could a person from Japan have an open, frank discussion with a person from Wyoming on the issue of sexual advic e with such ease. When you accept the fact that there is nothing wrong with openly discussing sex, you will find that there are many others just like you who are willing to share their knowledge and advice.

Of course, your opinions and tips can also be helpful to others. Sharing what you know about sex so that others may benefit from it is a great way to begin an exchange of information. Even better, this will encourage others to provide feedback and different perspectives on what you have to say. They may also know of more resources that could be useful to you, which will save you the hassle of having to search blindly around the Web. By leading you directly to helpful resources, you also avoid the less reputable sites that can come up when searching for sex tips online.

By maintaining an open mind and realizing that discussing sex is an important part of maintaining a healthy, normal sex life, you will find that there are many safe, respectable resour ces available to you.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday 10 February 2013

The Free Sex Tips Community

There are lots of online line sex tip resources that list sex tips, but usually they seem a bit lame sex tips, or you've done them, there not naughty enough, you don't fancy them and they don't turn you on, or it's illegal in this country.

We aim to bridge this gap with a communal sex tips community and mailing service whereby anyone can add a sex tip to the database. Each sex tip submitted should be adaptable to cater for Beginner couples, Randy couples and the Outrageously Naughty couples.
Anyone wanting to receive the naughty sex tips on a biweekly basis should join the Sex Toy Testers Sex Tips mailing list at the link at the bottom. A new sex tip will be emailed to you every fortnight on Friday, just in time to lives up your weekend.

The naughty sex tip will arrive with suggestions for all three categories, and you can choose which most appeals to you. Because one week you may like the beginners couples sex tip and a month later you may fancy trying an outrageously naughty sex tip and really have sex swinging from the chandelles! Pick and choose what ever takes your fancy, and if none appeal, write to us and tell us why and maybe submit a tip of your own.

The sex tips mailing service is completely free and you can unsubscribe at any time. The first sex tip will be sent out on Friday the 6th of January 2007, so spicing up your sex life could be your new years resolution. Why not sign up today, and while your about it, tell us a top trick that you and your lover used which really hotted up the moment and got you both going. Don't worry, we would never reveal your identity.

Get involved, receive free sex tips and spice up your sex life.

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Saturday 9 February 2013

Sex Tips and Tricks - 7 Hot Steamy Ways to a Hot, Sexy Evening!

Want some hot sex tip and trick to please your lover? Wondering exactly how to do it with terrific orgasms? You are not alone! At last, your lover is available to you tonight. The house will be empty. Even the neighbors are out of town.

You have the great time for a positive sexual experience. Both of you are in the mood but you want the experience to be extraordinary. But how will you go about making the night the most special? Relax! We have seven proven effective sex tips and tricks ready for you!

Sex Tip No: 1

Firstly, the trick to having good sex is to do with an empty stomach. If you are having dinner, make an attempt to have sex before eating. You want to be both hungry in mind and in body. Give yourself a little snack, take on a glass of wine and talk to your partner.

Really spend the time to get to know what your sex partner is thinking of. Then go to the bedroom for sex, avoiding the heavy meal and lethargy that often follows. You can get some energy with your small snack and save the gorging on dinner after you are sated in bed.

Sex Tip No: 2

Try this interesting surprise better sex tip. Send your partner out on a quick or easy errand and when he or she is gone, place a string or ribbon to the inside of the doorknob. Let the ribbon flow all the way to the bedroom where you will be waiting there for your lover. If you try this sex trick, chances are your lover will love the romantic surprise you give her!

Sex Tip No: 3

Besides the above sex tip and trick, remember to buy a new sex toy. Make it the one your partner will really love. Tie it up with a bow and put it under their pillow. Also think about trying out a new sexual lubricant for either of you to try or both.

Sex Tip No: 4

Consider trying a heightener. This is a product that does the sex trick of increasing the circulation of the genital organs. Increased circulation makes for increased sensitivity to touch and stimulation. Drugstores often have these kinds of products available to you. It can be used for a man or a woman for better sexual experience.

Sex Tip No: 5

Put on clean sheets, take a nice hot shower and ask your partner to join you in the shower. The sex trick is to soap each other up, touching each other all over so that you can have some nice foreplay in the shower.

Then dry each other off and take the next steps in bed. Some couples prefer to have sex in the shower itself. This is one of the great sex tips and trick you might want to consider heightening your orgasms.

Sex Tip No: 6

Be more vocal. Tell your lover exactly what you want to have them do to your body and then let your lover do the same and tell you what they want done. Being a better sex trick is to increase your sexual excitement, don't be afraid to make noise through groaning or calling out your lover's name. When you make sounds, you are heightening both your and your partner's sense of arousal.

Sex Tip No: 7

Have a shared sexual fantasy. If you haven't ever done this, try starting with a fantasy starring each other. Have a scene where you are naked on a beach or lying on a deserted island.

Many lovers find that their love life has gone stale or even sour. Use the above sex tip and trick to spark your love life back again so that you can enjoy the love scene together. When you have the time and the privacy to do it, use one or more of the above sex ideas to find new ways to be pleasurable with one another.

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Friday 8 February 2013

Top 5: Mens Skin Care Tips for Healthy, Youthful, Perfect Skin

Mens skincare is a taboo topic sometimes because some insecure men think it is "gay" or "girly" to take good care of their skin, or have been brought up that way. This could not be further from the truth. Not only will you get more attention from women if you have perfect skin, your confidence will increase tenfold because of it. I will guide you through the basics of mens skin care. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions, I will answer them on a personal basis.

Mens Skin Care Tip #1: Best Protect Your Neck! Wearing Sun protection

While many people have heard this, too many mens skincare experts ignore it: wear sun protection. The sun will be the death of your skin if you do not protect it. Radiation can cause chromosome damage which can lead to skin cancer. It's much better to take the two minutes to rub some sunscreen into your face, than regret not doing so for years because you got melanoma. An easy way to remember to put on sunscreen is t o use a moisturizer/sunscreen combination lotion for application after you wash and shave your face.

Mens Skin Care Tip #2: It's all about the routine

For many, the shower first thing in the morning wakes them up and gets them ready for the day. This is why you should take the time to wash and shave your face. After you get in the shower, wash your face with a non-irritating face wash (non-irritating usually means no active ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoil peroxide - if it burns or makes your face feel "cool", it's irritating). Preventing irritation is key to preventing adult acne and is an important part of mens skin care. After you get out of the shower, dont scrub your face with the towel to get it dry... just gently pat it off.

Mens Skin Care Tip #3: Time to Shave

After you dry your face, it's time to shave. Shaving for us men is the equivalent to women exfoliating. It removes the top layer of dead skin and helps skin to regrow and renew itself. It is also the aspect of mens skincare that will make your face radiant and smooth. Many people shave after getting out of the shower because the hot water softens the hair which makes for an easier shave. Use a non-alcohol based after shave, and let it dry off for a minute. Next, Gently apply a moisturizer or sunscreen moisturizer, being sure not to rub too hard as this will irritate the skin.

Mens Skin Care Tips #4 and #5: Diet and Exercise

Another neglected aspect of mens skincare is diet and exercise. Like any other organ in your body, the skin depends on nutrients and bloodflow to thrive. Proper diet allows your skin to absorb a full range of vitamins and minerals as well as proteins to repair itself quicker.

Have great skin and get in shape with diet and exer cise

Try to eliminate simple sugars or starches (white bread, pasta, soda, candy); these cause insulin to spike which can cause breakouts. Also, try to gradually replace saturated fats with healthier fats like monounsaturated or polyunsaturated, omega-3s (fish oil) are even better for mens skincare because they have profound anti inflammitory and skin healing properties.

Exercise keeps your hormones balanced properly, as well as cause your heart to work harder, which cleans out toxins from the skin and other organs like the liver, that affect skin appearance. Also be sure to drink plenty of water every day.
As you can see, there is more to mens skincare than meets the eye. I have only scratched the surface. If you are interested in learning more about mens skincare, visit Mens Skin care Tips Online

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Thursday 7 February 2013

Knowledge And The Relevance Of Yoga Poses

Although yoga is not a high-impact exercise, it can provide strength as well as suppleness to the body but you can cause injury to yourself if the poses are not correctly done. Through an in-depth knowledge, you can avert possible injuries.

The correct breathing techniques as in other form of exercises are essential to yoga postures to avert unnecessary injuries. The most glaring is to withheld your breathe in between changes of yoga positions. Yoga is similar to weight lifting, you need to inhale and exhale while doing the poses and holding it only when you are done with the exercises.

Normal yoga poses are unlike those that you found in television where they contort their body to make you squirm as yoga postures are done with little strain. Do not overstretch yourself and if you are uncomfortable with the poses, do not carry on as you might be heading for a serious injury.

Yoga should be done at a certain pace as you will want to be with the flow and keep your muscles tension free. Going through the yoga positions too fast is not healthy as it will strain your muscles and hurt yourself.

Practicing from a qualified teacher rather than through self learning such as self-help books or self taught videos are better as you can then the yoga poses correctly, thus avoiding hurting yourself. It can be done at a gym or one-to-one coaching. A knowledgeable yoga teacher can assess your skill level and offer the right supervision saving you a lot of times and unnecessary headaches.
As yoga is very healthy and beneficial, it is better to learn the postures correctly from the beginning. Asanas or yoga positions can be difficult if not carry out correctly. After picking up from a qualified yoga teacher, you can then supplement through self-help books and self-taught videos. The yoga book by Dharma Mittra called the Asanas:608 poses is one of the most complete book.

Video is more comprehensive than book as there are movements to guide you instead of interpreting from the pictures. With video, there is voice to guide you so you can learn all the poses with minimal misunderstanding.

The advantages that you can derive from a qualified yoga teacher is that the yoga poses is performed before you so there will be no ambiguity and at the same time, he/she can rectify your mistakes instantly. With yoga teachers, they can design the courses to suit you and even for those with special needs such as pregnant women. As well as, you can use the yoga classes to network with friends thus increasing the joy of attending practices.

Generally picking the right postures is essential to yoga so that you can enjoy the full benefits of it. The numerous yoga postures are listed below:
1. Sukhasana which is a fundamental yoga pose. This type of yoga will assist in focusing and breathing technique as well as building the lower back and hips
2. Dog and Cat which is another basic pose and it is actually two dissimilar poses.
3. Sethu Bandhasa, also known as the bridge is done by lying on you back and with your knees upward and hands by the side.

For beginners, yoga can educate you on the relevance of our day to day movements such as sitting, lying down, crouching or even stooping. With certain changes, basic yoga are like those positions that you do daily without noticing and there are many benefits to gain.

As beginning yoga has been endorsed by medical society for its mental and physical benefits, physicians usually recommend it to their sick patients as it encourages curing and respite from the illness.

You can progress from beginning to more difficult poses by certain adjustments. Yoga is adopted from observing the many daily movements and they can give you the full benefits of the workouts that you won't be able to get from it otherwise.

Yoga poses is progressive, you can pick up the more difficult poses gradually and with supervision from a qualified yoga teacher, you will be able to pick the correct poses. As yoga is also a mild and developing exercise, it can be done irrespective of your age. With more confidence, you can then go on to pick up more difficult poses.

While doing yoga poses, you can feel the improvement in your joints as well as look better and an improved self esteem. What you need is consistency and self discipline to follow through all the poses.

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Wednesday 6 February 2013

Silver Jewelry Cleaning Tips in urdu

There are several methods that can be adopted for silver jewelry cleaning. However, while selecting the method you must take into consideration the degree to which the jewelry has been tarnished. You can make use of either commercially available silver cleaning products or you can prepare a silver jewelry cleaning solution at home and use it to remove the tarnish. If you are still wondering how to clean silver jewelry, here are a few silver jewelry cleaning tips that you could use.

Silver Jewelry Cleaning Tips- Commercial Products for Silver Jewelry Cleaning
There are a lot of commercial silver jewelry cleaning products available which include silver jewelry wipes, silver jewelry cleaning cloths, silver jewelry soap, silver polish, silver jewelry dip, ultra-sonic silver jewelry cleaner, silver jewelry cleaning kits, etc. If the silver jewelry has been tarnished to a large extent and appears very close to a black color, then it is best to use the ultra-sonic silver jewelry cleaner along with the sonic cleaning liquids to remove the tarnish. Other products can be used for regular silver jewelry cleaning or for a mild to medium tarnish.

Silver Jewelry Cleaning Tips- Homemade Products for Silver Jewelry Cleaning
There are a number of homemade products that you could use for silver jewelry cleaning and these can be made easily by using simple ingredients. One such homemade jewelry cleaner recipe for silver jewelry is mentioned below.

Materials Required
1/4 cup salt
1/4 cup liquid dish soap
1/4 cup baking soda
Aluminum foil
A large pot

Line the inside of a large pot with the aluminum foil on all sides as well as the bottom. Mix the salt, liquid dish soap and baking soda in half gallon of water and pour it into the pot. Then, place the silver jewelry in the solution and place the pot on low heat for a few minutes. Turn off the burner and let the jewelry sit in the solution for a few more minutes. Strain out the solution from the pot using a strainer and rinse the jewelry under cold running water. Make sure you wash off the solution well from the jewelry, especially the salt. Then, place the jewelry on a clean, soft towel to dry. Dispose off the aluminum foil carefully.

Toothpaste for Silver Jewelry Cleaning
Using white toothpaste for silver jewelry cleaning can give excellent results. White toothpaste should be used for the purpose of silver jewelry cleaning. Firstly, you will need to dampen the silver jewelry to be cleaned. Then, take a generous amount of the white toothpaste and apply it to an old soft kid's toothbrush. Gently brush the toothpaste onto the silver jewelry for a minute or two, then rinse it and dry with a clean, soft towel.

You will need to be very careful about the stones in the silver jewelry while silver jewelry cleaning. Make sure you do not put any porous stones into the cleaning solution as it may damage the precious stones. Make sure you store your silver jewelry in jewelry boxes rather than storing them in paper, cotton or unlined wooden boxes. Most importantly, remember to clean the tarnish off on a regular basis to avoid too much of it building up on your silver jewelry.

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