Sunday 6 July 2014

Get the Most Out of your Marathon Training Program

A good marathon training program is what will be the difference in you completing your first marathon successfully or not. It is important to try and get everything you can out of your marathon training program so that you are fully prepared for your first marathon.

You want to be mentally prepared for your marathon training program. You should look at it as an exciting time of your day where you will be working hard to achieve your goal. To help keep motivated you should look forward to your training sessions and head into them with enthusiasm and a positive frame of mind.

It is important to remember that your marathon training program is the most important thing that is going to get you to the starting line and more importantly it is what is going to get you passed the finishing line. So it is important that you treat your marathon training program seriously and with respect. Training for a marathon isnt something you can do whenever you feel like it. That is the whole point of having a marathon training program because it is designed to get you into the right physical shape to complete your first marathon.
If you skip sessions you will be training unevenly, as each session is different you are going to fall behind in a particular area and that is something you cant afford to happen when you are training for your first marathon. Stick to your marathon training program and dont make compromises. Some people say its hard to fit it in when they have so many other things going on in their day. That is very understandable, which is why you start organising your daily routine before you start your marathon training program so that you have prepared ahead of time. You should sit down and work out exactly what time of day you will be able to complete your marathon training program and make sure it doesnt conflict with anything else. That way nothing will come up unexpectedly and you wont be tempted to put your training off until another time.

To get the most out of your marathon training program physically you want to prepare for each session. It is important to get a good nights sleep every night because you will need to give your body a chance to recover and the best way the body can recover is when you are sleeping. Also you dont want to be slow and sluggish before your training sessions because you wont perform to your full potential which will hamper your overall marathon training program and waste time. So it is important to make sure you are well rested and your body is fresh and ready to go.

Another important thing to remember about your marathon training program is that you have to stretch and warm up correctly before you start training. Too often people go out there and start training without warming up correctly and end up injuring themselves and their marathon training program is put on the shelf. It is easy to skip the warm up and get straight into it but you must take the time out to warm up and stretch properly because not only will help you get more out of your marathon training program but it will help prevent injury.

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