Sunday 24 November 2013

The Complete Half Marathon Training Guide for Beginners

Ok so lets start from the top. Why do you need a half marathon training guide in the first place? Obviously you have decided to run a half marathon but is that all you are going to do? Is that your biggest goal or just a smaller goal leading up to a bigger goal? Either way you still need to be in the right shape physically to complete the 13.1 miles that a half marathon contains. So you need to have a correct half marathon training guide in place if you are going to succeed.

You need to have a half marathon training guide to follow when you are training for a half marathon because you need to train your body to be able to perform under the types conditions it will face when running a half marathon.

A half marathon is a nice distance because it allows everyone the opportunity to gain some running experience. If you are a beginner you can look to the half marathon as your next step forward in your running career or if you are an experienced runner you can use the half marathon as a part of your overall marathon training. The half marathon training guide is not as extensive as a full marathon and many people enjoy it because it is less time consuming and doesnt take as long to recover from.
Having a half marathon training guide is very important if you want to run a half marathon because a half marathon carries the same excitement and atmosphere as a full marathon does, the only difference is that the day doesnt go for as long. But you still need to have a proper half marathon training guide in place so that you dont fall short of the mark. A half marathon is a great way to predict your full marathon pace. A general rule of thumb is to double your half marathon time and add 10 minutes to it to predict your full marathon time. Having the right half marathon training program can help you develop a strong marathon training program down the track if that is something you would want to do.

Your half marathon training guide will make sure you are correctly prepared for your half marathon. But you should consider getting yourself in good shape for your training. You are going to be doing a lot of running according to your half marathon training guide so it is a good idea to fit yourself with a good pair of running shoes. Running shoes are the single most important piece of equipment you are going to need when running so having a quality pair is essential to you sticking to your half marathon training guide and completing your first half marathon.

Another important factor in a half marathon training guide is the amount of recovery between each session. You will want your half marathon training guide to include 3 rest days a week where you can fully recover and refresh your body so that you are in good condition for your next training session. Recovery is important, if you dont allow enough time for your body to recover you can burn yourself out and can even cause injuries. Recovering properly will allow you to successfully complete your half marathon without any problems.

A good half marathon training guide will cover the amount of mileage, the recovery, the nutrition and hydration as well as what to do on the day of your half marathon. Most half marathon training guides will have you training for 12 weeks before you complete your first half marathon. This is a good schedule to stick to as you can build up your mileage and be in the right shape to cross the finishing line with ease.

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