Wednesday 27 November 2013

How to Find the Best Marathon Training Schedules to Complete your First Marathon

When you first decide to complete a marathon you need to find what marathon training schedules work best for you. You need to find something that is going to fit your needs and is going to be easy for you to implement. There are a lot of marathon training schedules out there so it is important you find something that is going to help you complete your first marathon.

There are many different types of marathon training schedules and some focus on particular areas more so than others. But what you have to do is find the marathon training schedules that focus on what to do to complete your first marathon. Training for your first marathon requires a lot of knowledge because you are a beginner and dont know what its all about yet. So you need to focus your attention to the marathon training schedules that are designed for beginners.

When you are a beginner you need to know the basic principles of marathon training such as start small and build up each week. You need to know how many days a week you should be training and exactly what you should be doing on these days. The marathon training schedules that are designed more advanced runners are not going to cover all that information, they are going to cover more advanced topics such as how you can improve your marathon time and break your personal record.
The marathon training schedules that you will want to focus on will involve detailed step by step training programs for you to follow. Things like what type of foods you should be eating will be covered. Information on how to increase the food intake while you are training and how to manage your weight during your training period. Marathon training schedules that focus on everything a complete beginner would need to know about running a marathon such as mental preparation, recovery and injury prevention are the types of marathon training schedules you should be looking for.

Some good marathon training schedules to follow would be to train 5 days a week and have two days of rest. You would train on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturdays and have Mondays and Fridays as rest days. Your long run would be on Saturdays and your short to medium distance runs would be on the weekdays. Marathon training schedules like this are great to follow.

Also you want to look for marathon training schedules that not only focus on the physical training side but all the other things you need to take into consideration when training for a marathon. Eating correctly before, during and after your marathon are very important things you need to know so you want to find marathon training schedules that cover that area as well.

There is also mental preparation, a marathon is a very mentally draining event even for the most advanced marathoner so it is vital that a beginner knows how to mentally prepare for a marathon. Marathon training schedules that cover the mental side are fantastic and you should try and get your hands on them. Recovery is also another aspect you cant afford to leave out, many people trying to complete their first marathon often fail because they dont know how to recover correctly and end up injuring themselves.

So you want to find marathon training schedules that cover the physical training side as well as the mental preparation, nutrition and recovery. These are the best types of marathon training schedules for the beginner and will help you to complete your first marathon.

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