Monday, 18 March 2013

Transform Your Dog Using Basic Behavior Dog Training

An untrained dog can soon become much more than simply a nuisance when it comes to the most basic behavior dog training issues. Common sense can certainly get dog owners around some of the simpler items such as toilet training, sitting, and staying. Patience and repetition are major factors when it comes to basic behavior dog training or otherwise. What other priceless tips and tricks can make basic dog training a whole lot easier...

Reward Dog Behavior That You Wish to See Repeated

One floor that is easy to fall into is to believe that a dog understands the words we are saying. Not even the smartest dog understands English or any other language. So trying to rationalise with him/her will only cause confusion.

For example, if you were training your dog not to jump up at you or other people you wouldn't ask him/her to "get off", "get down", or "stop Jumping", that would just cause confusion for him/her. A more direct and positive statement would be "no jump", and stick to it using it repetitiously.

All dogs that are going through basic training can have a tendency to get bored easily, by making training more fun and exciting you can hold your dog's attention and get more out of him/her.

Some people chose to use clickers when dog training and clicking the clicker at the point when the dog carries out the instruction correctly, but for basic dog training this method can be a slightly daunting process for both trainer and dog.

Finding what a dog likes is usually quite easy even though likes and tastes tend to differ for each dog. Generally you will know what the dog's hot spots are or what gives him/her most physical pleasure.

There are some general areas that most dogs prefer that will get them on your side. The lowest part of their back just before the tail starts is one good spot that they love scratched gently as is their chest in between their front legs, this is a real winner. Another is to rub the ear between your fingers gently in a massaging/ affectionate manner.

Then it is the turn of treats, by finding out what makes him/her go nuts for will give you a massive upper hand. Experiment with different kinds of food treats to see which ones do best.

There are many simple means of basic dog training including the psychological approach of ignoring their affections when they want you to do something for them, this will install that you are the chooses when it is playtime etc.

Once a worthwhile source of stimulating and maintaining the dogs attention has been found it is important that this only be used when training is taking place. If the treat is given as part of a daily meal it tends to lose its power in the wanton sense.

One crucial factor to remember is repetition is the key, by continually training your dog on a daily basis will make the journey ahead together a whole lot easier, but never make it boring or allow him/her to get bored while using basic behavior dog training.

Teaching a dog or puppy anything can be made easy by learning and using the correct dog training techniques. There are plenty of Secrets to Dog Training that very few pet owners are aware of that make training your dog as easy as following A, B, C. The Best Dog Training Guide online has helped over 200,000 dog owners so far and is well worth you reviewing.

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