Monday, 11 March 2013

Dog Training To Make Your Life Easier

Dog training to make your life easier will help you to adjust and make changes when you bring home your new puppy. You and your entire family are excited about the new arrival. As a new pet owner, you will need to begin his training sessions. Dog training to make your life easier will cover the following topics: crate training, house training, rewards for showing the correct behavior and voice training tips.

Crate Training

Some owners of pets think that crate training is putting your pet in a cage or jail. It is not. Most dogs feel secure in small enclosed spaces like a den. Dog crates make excellent dens.

Here are some steps you can use to assist you in crate training your dog or puppy:

Chose a crate that's the same size as your puppy/dog. He should only have enough room to stand up, turn around and lie down. This will be his sleeping area or a place to be put when you are away and cannot be with him. If you have a large breed puppy, you may have to buy two different size crates or buy a larger one with a divider you can move as he grows. Use a single-word command for your dog to enter his crate and throw in a treat or piece of kibble. When he enters, praise him and close the crate door. Gradually increase the time he spends in the crate before you get him out. Don't forget, your dog needs time to play and eliminate. Maintain a regular schedule of outdoor trips so he won't be confined too long. As a general rule, your puppy or dog can stay in his create for several hours, depending how old he is. Take his age in months and add 1, that's how many hours he can stay in his crate up to a maximum of 8 hours. For example, a 3 month old puppy should be comfortable in his crate for about 4 hours. The problem with a too large create will let the dog eliminate on one end and sleep in the other. Do not place food or water in his crate, as this will allow him to fill up his bladder and bowel and he will have no choice but to relieve himself in his crate. Take your dog outside to relieve him on a regular basis. This will be true if he will be left alone for prolonged periods of time. Take your dog outside on a leash to the same area in your backyard to eliminate so you can praise him when he is finished. Do not forget to play with your dog and exercise him. He needs this kind of stimulation for his mental and physical wellness.

House Training

Your puppy is either housetrained or not. Unless you catch him, it does no good to punish him by dragging him to the site of his mishap. Keep your dog in your sight and if he should do something in front of you say "no", to get his attention, and take him outdoors quickly so he can finish eliminating in the appropriate area. It's your house. He has to earn his freedom through good behavior and this is your responsibility. The following are some good tips you can use in house training your dog or puppy:

Decide where your pup will eliminate either outdoors or using a dog litter. This tip will cover outdoor elimination.

Begin by establishing an eliminating spot. In the morning, clip his leash to his collar and take your dog outdoors to this spot for elimination. State commands like "Blackie, go potty" or "Blackie, hurry up". Say one command and stick with it. After he completes his duty, bring him inside for food and water. About 15 to 20 minutes later, take him outside again for elimination. Take him to the same elimination spot each time he needs to due his duty. Maintain a regular feeding, drinking and elimination schedule. The biggest mistake is rushing too quickly and being ahead of your dog. Too much freedom to quickly can cause confusion. If your dog should experience an accident or two, back up and slow down your training efforts. Marking should not be confused with housetraining problems because marking is deliberate. If you notice this behavior inside or out, you should strengthen all obedience commands at once. If you have tried all of the above tips and are still experiencing what you believe to be "Territorial Marking," consult your veterinarian. Your dog/puppy may have a bladder infection and it's always best to be safe than sorry. If your dog/puppy is not spayed or neutered, you may want to consider this procedure with your veterinarian. This has a positive effect for this type of behavior.

Even well-trained dogs have an accident. Clean the accident area with a pet odor neutralizer so your dog won't be tempted to repeat his mistake. Use these tips to help prevent indoor accidents:

Do not make sudden changes in his diet. Avoid giving your dog or puppy late night snacks. Make sure to spend enough time outdoors. When accidents happen do not get mad or physically hit your puppy/dog.

Rewards For Showing The Correct Behavior

When you are conducting your training sessions with your dog or puppy, be sure to reward him with his favorite treat when he shows the correct behavior. Treats are like a dessert. Treats should not be more than 10% of your dog's total daily diet. So you will need to plan his diet accordingly along with the treats.

Never give your dog a treat when he does not show the correct behavior as this will be defeating your purpose. One more tip, if you should have more than one pet, each one will learn at a different speed. Be sure to take this into consideration. Also, you will need lots of patience and time. In the end, it will be rewarding.

Voice Training Tips

You will need to establish a consistent schedule when training your dog or puppy. Try to maintain the same voice level when training your new puppy. Loud voices could be upsetting to your new puppy and he just might have a difficult time in learning. You don't want to have your puppy fear you. Also, when your puppy does what you want him too, always give him praise like "good dog" or "doggy", "good Blackie" and a treat. When you don't want him to do something, when you say "no" be sure it's in a different tone than all other commands. You must be firm so he will understand.

One more thing, never hit your puppy or dog. This will only make your pet to fear you and your training efforts will be very difficult. Never train your pet when you are in a bad mood. You should always be in a good, upbeat and positive mood when training your pet. Animals can sense your bad attitude.

By following these tips will help you in dog training to make your life easier and become a good pet owner which will amaze your friends when they observe the behavior of your dog every time they come to visit you.

If you should observe any unusual changes in your dog or puppy's behavior, always consult your veterinarian.

Happy dog or puppy training!

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