Sunday 31 March 2013

Signs You Are Boring Someone

7 Silent Signs That You May Be Boring Someone

I urge you to develop an essential element of Emotional Intelligence -- Have Social Awareness. This includes knowing how you're being perceived by others. Do you know when someone finds you (yikes!) boring?

As someone who speaks for a living, I can assure you that *many* people have missed some crucial signs that others have mentally tuned them out because the speaker is not aware that they're not engaging the other person. Emotional Intelligence and social awareness are critical components in cultivating social savvy and the success that comes with it.

It doesn't take a lot of intelligence nor is it an ego booster when you realize that what you think is a great story you've been telling is actually driving someone to the brink of a coma with boredom. However, with proper training and conscious effort, you will commit this social crime a lot less often and probably improve your popularity if you do something about those telltale signs of boredom as soon as they arrive on the scene. The critical point, of course, is being able to recognize boredom at its first blush.

Below are seven nonverbal signals you'll want to pick up on quickly about emotional intelligence and body language so you won't be considered boring by others:

Remember; consider the entire context of body language. Don't put too much meaning in a single gesture. Rather, notice the eyes, head, arms, body, the whole body; this allows you to "read" their messages in the proper context. With a little self- training, you'll become a master at understanding if you are boring people when you speak.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #1: Rotating the head from side to side. You know, like there's a cramp in the neck. While the side to side bob should raise your radar, rest assured that the good old nod up and down pretty much means what you think it means. The person you're talking with is with you and, assuming there's eye contact, is also agreeing with your take on the matter.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #2: Keeping hands hidden. The main reason we shake hands and military people salute, by the way, is to show that we're unarmed. Hidden hands might suggest some kind of breakdown in communication if accompanied with a severe break in eye contact.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #3: Emotional intelligence skills gathered through training will help you realize what "micro gestures" mean. Narrowing the eyes with the head turning away from you. Not only might you be boring them, but if they also shake their heads, they may be second guessing your honesty or sincerity.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #4: Eyes glazed over. Yes, it's the most obvious sign of boredom, and it doesn't take much social awareness to recognize this one. The unfocused eyes are not a good sign, especially when their facial expression fails to even come close to matching your own expression at the moment.

Those zoned out, non-blinking eyes with emotion-free facial clues tell you that, wherever their mind is right now, it's not on what you just said.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #5: Emotional intelligence training, also indicates that rubbing the ears, eyes, or nose while turning slightly away from you and even shuffling the feet can indicate that someone is bored with you. They may be trying to put a physical barrier between themselves and you.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #6: Picking at their clothes as eye contact stays persistently broken or looking around the room. Are they smoothing wrinkles that aren't there? Removing link only they can see? Inside they may be thinking when is this person going to stop talking, and do I need to fake cardiac arrest to get out of this conversation? Gently turn the talk back their way.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #7: Showing a clinched fist with tightened facial muscles. Yikes! How long have you been talking? The frustration has escalated. Quickly, before they do something drastic, let them talk!

Of course, it's impossible to assume an entire conversation behind a single gesture, and there's no reason at all for you to take offense at a single one of these signals in isolation.

Like words themselves, body language in the form of gestures must be interpreted as part of the entire communications package. What else are these people doing? Be sure to look at the whole picture before rushing to conclusions. Develop your skills in emotional intelligence training so you will become more socially aware and less socially boring.

And remember, of course, when in doubt, it's always a good idea to toss the conversational ball back in their court to keep them engaged in the conversation and minimize boredom!

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Saturday 30 March 2013

How To Earn Money Online Affiliate Programs Tips

How To Earn Money Online Affiliate Programs Tips I am going to go into great detail, about ways I have found through trial and error, of how to make an honest living online. Want to ditch your boring 9 to 5 day job? Would it be great to make an honest living from the comfort of your own home? You can be in your pajamas to earn money online. You may one day log into your affiliate marketing account and realize you have earned hundreds, if not thousands for a simple days work. I am not gonna tell you that earning money online is a walk in the park, it is not! It does take work like anything in life you have to learn how to do it properly to be successful at it. But if you follow these money making tips, you will be earning money online in no time. But the question still remains how much money can I earn? This question entirely depends on you, and what your work ethic is. Here are some tips to get you started earning some money.

Tip number one: If you are loo king to earn money online I would definitely recommend you sign up with a free click-bank account. Click bank is an online marketplace that has over 10,000 digital products for you to choose from to promote. They have been around for 10+ years, and are very well-respected in the Internet marketing industry. Click-bank vendors pay up to a 75% commission which is unsurpassed in the Internet marketing industry. Digital products are very convenient for customers, and merchants alike. As soon as the initial costs are covered through the development of the informational product, everything else is pure profit. So these merchants, can pay you the affiliate an excellent commission! There is a lot of great ways to earn money online through click-bank. I would recommend once you sign up with a free affiliate account through click-bank promote only informational products with a high gravity. A high gravity on click-bank, is telling you the affiliate marketer, that this vendors program is actually earning a lot of money online. The higher the click-bank gravity the hotter the seller. So if you are looking for an honest way to earn money online, look no further than click bank. Sign up with a free account it should only take you about 5 to 10 minutes. Trust me this is an excellent way to earn extra cash.

Tip number two: If you would rather sell physical products, not related to informational products I would recommend you sign up for an affiliate account at link share, or the pepper jam network. They are both excellent online marketplaces for potential affiliate marketers. The reason I like these two to earn money online, is because of the quality of the vendors involved. You will not have trouble making money through these two affiliate marketplaces. They have a lot of well-respected, major corporations for you to earn money through. Sign-up for a free affiliate account with one of these merchants, or maybe even Both it does not mat ter. Browse through their online marketplace, and find a couple affiliate programs with a high commission rate, to earn money online with.

Tip number three: Now that you have signed up through a couple affiliate networks, and have your free affiliate account in place, it is time to move on to your next step to earn money online. This is my best piece of advice I could give you to earn an honest living online. To make money on the Internet, you need to know what you are doing period point blank! This involves a learning process on your part, join an affiliate marketing forum such as the warrior forum for starters. The warrior forum is the number one online forum for Internet marketers worldwide. There is some great marketing minds on this forum. Browse through some of the posts, and start learning the how to-s of affiliate marketing. Ask questions, read some forum posts. My next step to earn money online would be to learn from people who are already making a great living online. This would involve reading a good e-book, or joining an at home earn money online program, that can take you step by step by the hand, and show you exactly how to be successful in your money making quest from home. Remember, knowledge is power and power is money. Spend about 25% of your time learning how to make money, and the other 75% of the time actually accomplishing your tasks at hand. Which is promoting your affiliate products. You can promote your affiliate products online through the following methods, I am going to show you how to earn some money, through these marketing methods that I personally use. Let us move on to step four!

Tip number four: Here is some tips to monetize your affiliate programs. This is a tip I recommend to every brand new affiliate, or anyone for that matter looking to earn money online. Learn the bum marketing method! This should only take you about a half-hour to learn, and it is absolutely mandatory for you to get an understanding of this concept if you want to earn money online. Even if your not an affiliate marketer, you still n eed to know and understand this concept, if your serious about generating a substantial income from the Internet. This is a free course, just Google it and read up on this concept. Okay, so now you have signed up to some affiliate marketing networks, your starting to learn to earn money online. Hopefully you read some good e-books, or joined a highly ranked course to teach you how to make money with. You have read up on the bum marketing method, and have a basic understanding of the basic concept being taught. Let us move on to step five, this is the good part! This will show you how to earn money online through classifieds, forums, articles, blog posting, and your own affiliate marketing website.

Tip number five: I always recommend new affiliates to start writing classifieds, to get a basic understanding on how to rank your classifieds high for your chosen keywords. Once you start getting your classifieds ranked on the first page of Google for the ti tle phrase you are going after you have learned the bum marketing method successfully, and should start earning some money online through the classified ads that you write. Some of my favorite online classifieds to use are US free ads, craigslist, and kijiji. Kijiji is eBay's online classified website. Do not ask me how they came up with that name laugh out loud. All that I know is they get a decent amount of traffic so take advantage of that. There are tons of other online classifieds out there to earn money with, but these are my three favorites. So feel free to experiment!

Tip number six to earn money online: Posting an article directories! Extremely important, article directories have great sticking power on the Internet. This means the articles that you write will be floating around on the Internet for years to come. They can be earning you money now and well into the future. You want to write articles based around whatever affiliate product you are trying to promote. My favorite article directories are hub pages, Ezine articles, E. how, Article dashboard, and Go articles. Remember, use an article directory such as those listed that has a high page rank. So you can rank high for your keyword phrases on the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing! Writing articles is free, and is one of the most effective ways to drive free targeted traffic to your website, blog, or affiliate ads. So you can inevitably earn a lot of money online through writing quality articles. Article writing is too powerful to ignore, so take advantage of this opportunity, and start writing some articles.

Tip number seven to earn money online: I already told you about the importance of online forums above to learn some money making tips. But there is a very important feature that you can take advantage of through forum directories. That is, most online forums out there allow you to have a signature link. A sign ature link is basically a link to whatever you want, it could be an affiliate product you are promoting, a link to your website, or a link to a blog etc... whatever you are trying to promote online, and make money through you can put a link to that product in your signature for that particular forum. Once you set up your signature link, every forum post that you make in that particular forum will show up with your signature link at the bottom. The more active you are in that forum, the more publicity you can get from your signature posts. If you have a good product in your signature posts, you can earn a few bucks just from posting in online forums, through your forum posts. So take advantage of forum postings!

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Friday 29 March 2013

Aikido Techniques

Aikido incorporates a wide range of techniques that use principles of energy and motion to redirect, neutralise and control attackers. Because aikido techniques allow practitioners to move considerably during their execution, as well as for other reasons, some believe aikido is particularly suited to multiple-attacker circumstances. However, like all martial arts claims, this is debated. At its highest level, aikido can be used to defend oneself without causing serious injury to either the aggressor or the defender. If performed correctly, size and strength are not important for efficiency in the techniques. Aikido is considered one of the most difficult of the Japanese martial arts in which to gain proficiency since it has such great demands physically and mentally.

Aikido Training

The methods of training vary from organisation to organisation and indeed even between different dojo in a single organisation but typically, a class basically means that the teacher sho ws techniques or principles and the students imitate. Training is done through mutual technique, where the focus is on entering and blending (harmonising) with the attack, not on sparring or competing with the attacker's power.

Uke, the receiver of the technique, usually initiates an attack against nage or tori, who neutralises it with an aikido technique. The uke and the nage have equally important roles. Uke's role is to be honest and committed in attack, to use positioning to protect oneself, and to learn proper technique through the imbalanced feeling created by Nage's technique. Nage's role is to blend with and neutralise Uke's attack without leaving an opening to further attacks.

Simultaneously, Nage will be studying how to create a feeling of being centred (on balance) and controlled in application of the aikido technique. Therefore, students must practice both positions in order to learn proper technique feeling.

When O-Sensei taught, all his stu dents were uke until he deemed them knowledgeable enough of the technique to be nage. Movement, awareness, precision, distance, and timing are all important to the execution of techniques as students progress from rigidly defined exercises to more fluid and adaptable applications. Eventually, students take part in jiyu-waza (free attack) and/or randori (multiple attackers), where the attacks are less predictable. Most schools employ training methods wherein uke actively attempts to employ counter-techniques, or kaeshi-waza.

O-Sensei did not allow competition in training because some techniques are considered too dangerous and because he believed that competition did not develop good character in students. Most styles of aikido continue this tradition although Shodokan Aikido started with competitions early on. In the Ki Society there are forms (taigi) competitions held from time to time.

Aikido Defence

Aikido techniques are mostly based on keeping the attacker out of balance and locking joints. Much of aikido's repertoire of defences can be performed either as throwing techniques (nage-waza) or as controls (katame-waza), depending on the situation.

Entering, irimi, and turning, tenkan, are widely used Aikido concepts, as is striking, atemi. The use of striking techniques is dependent on the organisation and, to some extent, the individual dojo. Some dojo teach the strikes that are integral to all Aikido techniques as mere distractions, used to make the application of an Aikido technique easier, while others teach that strikes are to be used for more destructive reasons. O-Sensei himself wrote, while describing the Aikido technique Ikkyo, "...first smash the eyes." (This might well refer to the fact that the classic opener for Ikkyo is a knife-hand thrust towards the face, to make uke block and thus expose his or her arm to the joint control - thus, as though moving to smash uke's eyes.)

Manipulation of uke's balance by entering is often referred to as "taking uke's centre". It is sometimes said that aikido contains only defence, and the attacks that are performed are not really aikido. From a historical perspective this claim is questionable, but many if not most aikidoka have the defence techniques as the focus of their training.

Aikido Attacks

In the early days when O'Sensei began teaching his new art of Aikido, new students were expected to be already proficient in another (generally a striking) martial art. Due to this, attacks per se are generally not focused on in contemporary Aikido dojos. Students will learn the various attacks from which an Aikido technique can be practiced.

Although attacks are seldom studied to the same extent as in arts of more aggressive nature, good attacks are needed to study correct and effective application of technique. "Honest" attacks are considered important. An "honest" attack would be an attack with fu ll intention or a strong neutral (neither pulling nor pushing) grab or hold. The speed of an attack may vary depending on the experience and level of the "Nage" (the partner who executes the throw or technique). Whether the attack is fast or slow, the intention to strike or control (if grabbing or pinning) should remain.

Aikido attacks used in normal training include various stylised strikes and grabs such as:

shomenuchi (a vertical strike to the head), yokomenuchi (a lateral strike to the side of the head and/or neck), munetsuki (a straight punch), ryotedori (a two handed grab), katadori (a shoulder grab).

Many of the -uchi strikes resemble blows from a sword or other weapon. Kicks are sometimes used, but are not usually part of basic curricula. Most aikido techniques can also be applied to a response to an attack, e.g. to a block, and some schools use this as the "basic" form of a given class of technique. Beginners also tend to work with techniques execut ed in response to a grab. Grabs are considered good for basic practice because the connection with uke is very clear and strong, and it is easier to "feel out" body mechanics and lines of force.

There is also the matter of atemi, or strikes employed during an aikido technique. The role and importance of atemi is a matter of some debate in aikido. Some view atemi as strikes to "vital points" that can be delivered during the course of a technique's application, to increase effectiveness. Others consider atemi to be methods of distraction, particularly when aimed at the face. For instance, if a movement would expose the aikido practitioner to a counter-blow, they may deliver a quick strike to distract the attacker or occupy the threatening limb.

Atemi can be interpreted as not only punches or kicks but also, for instance, striking with a shoulder or a large part of the arm. Some throws are arguably effected through an unbalancing or abrupt application of atemi. Ma ny sayings about atemi are attributed to Morihei Ueshiba, although their precise content varies considerably based on the one doing the telling.

Aikido Weapons

Weapons training in aikido usually consists of jo (short-staff) and bokken (sword) and/or tanto (knife). Both weapons-taking and weapons-retention are sometimes taught, to integrate the armed and unarmed aspects of aikido. For example, a technique done with a straight punch may be done with a tanto or jo thrust instead, or a grab technique may be illustrated as a way to draw/strike with a weapon while being grabbed.

Many schools train using versions of Morihiro Saito's weapons system: aiki-jo and aiki-ken. The system contains solo kata with jo, and paired exercises for both jo and bokken. In other lines of aikido, paired training with bokken in kata derived from old sword schools is common.

Quite a few aikido teachers have also developed weapons systems on their own, such as Mitsugi Saotome's "two sword aikido". Kazuo Chiba sensei, of the San Diego Aikikai, has developed a weapons curriculum which, while firmly based on the principles of Aiki, is not found in schools outside of the Chiba lineage. Chiba sensei, also an expert in Iaido, developed and teaches Batto-ho, "sword-drawing method," which is based on Iaido, "the Way of sword drawing" and other traditional forms of Japanese sword work. In Chiba's schools Batto-ho is studied in large part for the same reasons as weapons work with bokken and jo: for what it reveals about the roots of Aikido as a martial art.

Aikido Clothing

Aikido uses a keikogi similar to most other modern budo arts; simple trousers and a wraparound jacket, usually white. In some places a keikogi of karate cut is preferred, in others most people use judo keikogis. Keikogi made specially for aikido exist, but usually not in the lower price ranges. Many dojos insist that the sleeves are cut short to elbow length, to reduce the risk of trapp ed fingers and injuries in grab techniques to the wrist.

To the keikogi adds the traditional garment hakama, wide pleated trousers. The hakama is usually black or dark blue. In most dojos around the world, the hakama is reserved for practitioners with dan (black belt) ranks, but some dojos ask everyone to wear a hakama. Systems also exist where hakama is never worn, worn from a specific kyu rank, and others where women are allowed to wear it earlier than the men.

The belt, obi is wrapped twice around the body similar to in karate or judo. Although some systems use many belt colours similar to the system in judo, the most common version is that dan ranks wear black belt, and kyu ranks white - sometimes with an additional brown belt for the highest kyu ranks. In some dojos it is common to have the same colour belt at different levels.

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Thursday 28 March 2013

Womens Higher Education in India




Inducement of social change as one of the fundamental functions of education has been spelt out in the report of the Indian Education Commission (1964-66) thus:

"The realization of the country's aspirations involves changes in the knowledge, skills and values of the people as a whole. If this 'change in a grand scale' is to be achieved without a violent revolution there is one and only instrument that can be used Education".


Education is the nourishment of the mind with knowledge this is practiced purposefully and productively.

Education disciplines the mind, sharpens the intellect and refines the spirit. It shapes and polishes a rough unknow n diamond into a multifaceted kohinoor sparkling with scintillating brilliance. Its the development of integrated personality that unfolds itself to the highest wisdom. Its a continuous process.

The philosopher President Dr.Radhakrishnan (1948) said, "There cannot be educated people without educated women. If general education has to be limited to men or women, that opportunity should be given to women from them it would most surely be passed on to the next generation".


Higher education is defined as the education attained after the completion of 12 years of schooling. Higher education for women has gained a wider role and responsibility all over the world. Today, in the 21st century, we cannot afford to ignore the importance of higher education for women any longer. The reason for its need and urgency is that there is no biological difference in the systems of males and females. Unfortunately, this important task of higher education of women has remain neglected for centuries. Need for higher education among women assumes all the more importance or the 3rd world countries, where colonialism has remained a great force hindering education for the general masses and for the women in particular.


To provide society with competent men and women trained in agriculture, arts, medicine, science and technology and various other professions, who will also be cultivated individuals in built with a sense of social purpose.

To strive to promote equality an social justice and to reduce social and cultural differences through diffusion of education.


Higher Education may also be viewed in terms of the needs of its consum ers. The term consumer is very wide and heterogeneous. It includes young and old of both sexes. Theoretically the need for Higher Education for both males and females is the same. But its sometime argued that males and females are different in their social and cultural needs.

The basic argument which is given for women Higher Education is not that Higher Education for women is different from that of men. Our main thrust is that in the field of Higher Education, women should also be equal partners. Our past experience shows that so far Higher Education has remained restricted only to men. It should now widen its horizon and include women also. The commission on the Higher Education for women, University of Madras in 1979 rightly observed: "for Women and men college education is necessary for character formation, ability to earn, creative self expression and personal development".


Success :

a) Women are strongly motivated to succeed in the education stream.

b) The merit basis of the education system permits females to excel.

c) Prejudice against women's education has been reduced. Higher Education has come to be considered equivalent to a bride's "dowry".

d) Women's universities promote women's Higher Education.

e) Women's expectations for education based employment are high.

f) Some Higher Education courses provide scholarship facilities for women.

g) Female students have been provided with residential facilities in some areas.

Failure :

a) Female students have difficulties in access to transport facilities in general.

b) Sexual harassment as well as occasional stude nt violence hinder female students completion of higher education.

c) Marriage in many cases leads to early withdraw.

d) Gender stereotyping inhibits completion of studies.

e) Financial constraints can cause withdrawal from the education stream.

f) Part-time work to earn living interferes with studies.


The objective of the Indian Society as has been laid down in the constitution is to achieve a democratic, socialistic and egalitarian society. In such a society women are supposed to perform their roles at par with men. Their status structurally needs to be equal with men.

Broadly speaking, knowledge which is imparted through Higher Education provides skills to its practitioners. Our understanding is that by acquiring skills the women raise their status in comparison with men and also the status of the group to whi ch they belong.

In order to understand the status of women, or for that matter to understand any social issues, it is necessary to combine at least 3 perspectives viz. the perspective from policy, the perspective from statistics and the perspective from culture.

The present study is aimed at finding the various reasons for women seeking entry into higher education.

It aims at looking at the reasons for seeking entry into higher education by women from the perspective of men, teachers, parents and the women themselves.

It bring about an awareness among women as to the various avenues open to them in Higher Education and thus mark the beginning of a major process of empowering women.

To find out the problems hindering the pursuit of Higher Education by women.

Make suggestions for finding solutions to the above problems in a rational and free manner.< /p>

To suggest ways of enhancing women's entry into colleges, including professional course.

To explore areas of Higher Education where women have not yet stepped in or are a monopoly of men.

To suggest suitable measures to make higher education for women universal i.e. free of cost, time and distance effective.


The social context of educational policy has to be improved.

Family and personal counseling at the secondary education stage can be provided.

Higher education can be made skill oriented.

Nontraditional curricula for women can be established.

Recent declines in state support for non-traditional higher education has to be reversed.

Institutions can be made physically accessible i.e. Locate them near the potenti al clientele, improve transport system etc.

Higher Education Institutions have to be made more women-friendly i.e. Physical Changes, curricula changes, social changes.

Women's representation on institutions decision-making bodies can be increased.

Equal opportunity commissions for higher education institutions should be established.

The number of women teachers in co-educational institutions of higher education should be increased.

Stipends, Scholarships and fellowships can be linked to affirmative action programmes.

Women need to be recruited into administrative training programmes for institutions of higher education.

A large role for women's study centres can be provided.

Institutions of higher education should provide placement services.

Barriers to women's career entry should be removed, example: e mployers should be sensitized to the value of flexitime, day-care centres etc.

Sexual harassment in the educational environment should be addressed.

A large number of female secondary education graduates usually are not able to enter university. To accommodate that population it would be benefited to strengthen the role of vocational training institutions. Post secondary vocational training institutions should take action to promote entry of women into vocational training lines traditionally considered male preserves.

Affirmative action quotas has to be provided to promote women's admission into higher institutions, where such quotas exist, should be reviewed periodically to ensure their continuing relevance.

Where quotas are provides for specific disadvantaged groups like disabled persons, people from remote or rural areas, members of indigenous minorities, a minimum share should be reserved for fem ale members of those groups.

Distance education and open learning institutions and techniques should be promoted, particularly to extend higher education opportunities to women in rural and remote areas, which will take into account their needs.


The present study is limited only to women students seeking higher education up to undergraduate level in a few professional and non-professional colleges of Chennai city. The following suggestions are given for further investigation.

1. A similar study may be conducted among the postgraduate level or research level students.

2. A similar study may be undertaken throughout Tamil Nadu State.

3. A comparative study of factors influencing entry of women in higher education can be made between a developing and developed country.

4. A similar study may be at tempted for various issues relating higher education of women.

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Wednesday 27 March 2013

Shock Collar Dog Training The Quick And Easy Way

Dog training with a shock collar is a good way to easily and quickly train your dog. Due to the training shock collar dogs are coerced into behaving more quickly and prevent them from being distracted too long which could hinder your dog training.

Shock collars and any form of shock collar training might seem kind of cruel, but they don't actually shock the dog. The shock is more of a stimulation like when someone gets shocked by static electricity after walking over carpet with their socks on. It causes no permanent harm for the dog and is one of the most effect dog training techniques available.

To start out you want to set the stimulation level of the collar to the lowest amount that the dog can sense, we don't want to fry our furry little friend do we? (Just kidding, though it is kinda mean to have the jolt on its highest setting when it is not necessary) By sensing, I mean some kind of reaction from the dog where you can tell that they notice the stimulation, such as an ear twitch, or a slight jerk, scratching like a flea is biting them, or some other obvious sign.

The first kind of shock collar training we're going to talk about is behavior avoidance, this is the most common technique that people will use shock collars for. Next time your dog does something that you don't like, like getting into the trash can and making a mess of the trash, put the shock collar on the dog and wait for him to approach the trash can, once he gets near the trash can give him a buzz until he moves away from the trash can. Repeat this action every time the dog gets near the trash can. Now you have to be consistent with the shock collar dog training, or else the dog will learn that the collar is what is actually causing the stimulation, instead of thinking it's the trash can. After awhile the dog will get the point and will leave the trash can alone.
The next kind of shock collar training involves teaching the dog to recall. Recall is where the dog simply learns to move towards the owner when he receives the shock. This is useful for if you're outside with your dog and he becomes distracted by a car, and also helps just to keep the dog around you. Eventually the dog will learn to stick to the owner's side like glue.

To start the recall dog training whenever the dog is away from you give him some stimulation and then guide the dog towards you, either by calling him, or getting someone to push him towards you, etc. Once he moves within a few steps of you immediately stop the stimulation. Soon the dog will learn that the safe spot to be is by the owner's side, or within the immediate vicinity of the owner, and will stay there to prevent being shocked.

The last type of shock collar training, which isn't actually a training technique or anything, but it is the dog's constant reaction to the shock co llar, as he soon learns to accept the collar, and begins anticipating the shock. It's called avoidance training. Eventually the dog will learn to anticipate the shock and try to prevent it as much as possible. After this point the dog will usually do whatever it takes to not get shocked. This is good because then he will almost always try to beat the shock collar, with only infrequent reminders that it's there.

Dog training with a shock collar is a very effective method of dog training that is completely humane and saves a lot of time. It also provides you with beneficial training techniques like behavior avoidance, recall training and avoidance training. Avoidance training and recall are some things that could be quite difficult to teach to a stubborn dog using normal methods if the dog doesn't want to listen. There are more dog shock collar training techniques in the site below that I've yet to touch on, these are just basics.

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Sunday 24 March 2013

Dog Training Tips That Will Save You Grief and Time

Dog owners have many methods of training their dogs to choose from today. A number of these methods use only positive reinforcement; others utilize positive and negative reinforcement while others use incentives like treats. The difference in dog training techniques mainly lies in the specific procedures and commands that the dog is being trained. The most appropriate training technique for a dog depends on the dog owner's or the trainer's preference and the desired end result.

No matter the training method, these tips will substantially assist you understand and choose the best training technique for your dog.

Dog training Tip 1
Start the training when the dog is still as young as possible. However, it is not practical to train a dog younger than 49 days.

Dog training Tip 2
At the beginning, the training sessions should not last over 15 minutes. At advanced stages, dog training may go on for up to several hours but a begi nner dog has a short attention and interest span. Even after the dog is accustomed to the training, obedience training should not last over twenty minutes. If you suspect that the dog is losing interest, end the session.
Dog training Tip 3
End all dog training sessions on a positive note. It will not go well if you end the session with a bad note, like after you just disciplined the dog. If necessary, create a positive situation just before you end the training session.

Dog training Tip 4
Schedule the dog training sessions at a certain time of the day. After awhile, the dog will learn the timing and will even show excitement when it is almost time for the next training.

Dog training Tip 5
Use light weight leashes or leads that are about six feet long for all training sessions. Using heavy leather leashes are heavy and very distractive.

Dog training Tip 6
Consistency in the command you use to train the dog is very important. The dog gets accustomed with certain words that it takes as keywords. For instance, if you train the dog to understand "sit" to sit and "Dowd" to lie down, it would be very confusing to it to tell it to "Sit Down". Try as much as you can to avoid using negatives. The best example is telling the dog "Don't Sit". It will just grasp the word "Sit" and do what it understands by it. Other phrases that should not be used are phrases like "Please sit", "come and sit", "Sit boy" etc.

Dog training Tip 7
Play the dog's favorite game for at least 5 minutes after the training to make the dog excited about the training. This will boost a positive experience and make it look forward to training sessions.

Dog training Tip 8
Use the same volume and tone in instructing the dog. You can make a special "command tone" so that the dog can have an easy time understanding the commands each time. However, after the training, practicing with different tones, volume or even by different people will assist reinforce the commands.

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Saturday 23 March 2013

Aggressive Dog Training - How to train your dog

A few simple tips to controlling an aggressive dog.

Books related to this article: Aggressive Dog Training

With a little nudge in the right direction I hope to teach you a few little gems on how to control your aggressive K9. Unruly dogs that frighten, upset or show aggression towards people you care about, people you meet on the street or people who visit your home can bring you more problems then you know. A dog in control is begging for trouble. Later on in life the dog could become even more aggressive and possibly cause injury to yourself or others.

An aggressive dog can cause worry for the whole family, especially if there are children involved. Yourself, family and the dog deserve a better lifestyle. In the majority of cases there will be a common cause for your dogs aggression. This may be down to anxiety, stress or the need to control. If your dog displays any kind of aggression such as constant barking, abusing fu rniture, growling or snapping or disrespect this is a cause for concern. You should not be forced to live with such aggression, and their are methods to curb such aggression.

An aggressive dog is usually aggressive because it wants to protect it's owner. This kind of affection grows into a compulsive need to control. If left untreated the dogs aggression will get worse. At the same time the owner is getting annoyed at their pet and tells them off. This consequence of always reminding their dog they are bad, will damage your dogs confidence and shatter their remaining esteem which results in even worse behaviour.

If you can relate to what I've talked discussed above, it's time to stop shouting at yout dog. You need to try a different tactic ... that works. It's all down to showing your dog love, giving your dog respect, and giving your dog rewards. Sounds silly I know, but it works. I know most owners would want a loving and well balanced relationship wi th their dogs and for their dog to be obedient so I have listed below a few ways you can help improve your dogs behaviour. There is nothing hard about the training I'm going to show, but it's very important to keep up with it. Do not give in, and do not quit..
Tip 1: If your dog is wetting themselves or toileting in your home it usually a sign of anxiety when being left by their owner. Your dog needs to gain its independence again. One of the most successful ways of doing this is to shut your dog in a room for a while on its own. Start this process for doing it just for a few seconds. Continue the process until your dog is able to stay alone in the room for a longer period of time. Do not give rewards to your dog as the idea is keeping your dog calm when you leave them alone. It might be best to leave the house whilst doing this, as your dog will know your prescence if you remain in the home. Start by leaving for shorter periods of time and increasing it over time.. Do not forget to remain calm and ignore your dog. It is also a good idea for your dog to start sleeping downstairs or in another room. I hope this tip has been helpful. I sincerely wish your dog and you continue to have a good and enjoying life together.

Tip 2: If your dog is aggressive towards passers by when walking in the street, try using a restraining lead. Wether you use a choke chain or one that covers the head, your dog will learn to stay calm because with 1 tug your back in control of your dog. It is not cruel as it is used on dogs to control their behaviour and it does not hurt them. The moment your dog shows aggression towards another person or animal, just stop, and tell the dog to 'heel', turn around quickly and start walking back. Continue walking until the dog stops barking. Once the dog stops, turn back around and continue with the walk. If they are still aggressive, pull the lead and repeat the process. Eventually the dog will know what it's doing wrong and will stop. Again this takes time. Don't give up.

Tip 3: When a visitor knocks at the door, if your dog is the type to bark at the door, this tip will be helpful. When the door knocks, walk casually to the door. Nice and calm.. Open the door, greet your friend and ignore your dog if they are barking. It may be best to practice this with a family member. Important, and don't forget. Keep calm. If the dog continues to bark, get your friend to leave, but do not pay attention to the dog. Close the door and walk back into the room, still ignoring the dog. Carry on with the same process until your dog learns to stop barking. When the dog stops barking and is not chasing your friend, quickly greet him and reward him.

3 easy to follow tips, which should be simple enough to enforce. There not really secrets but its amazing how many people do not know how to control their dog. It's nothing to be ashamed of, with some knowledge you can learn. In all fairness it's not that hard once you know how.

I've trained dogs for over 8 years, and studied at university for 6. I've worked with lots of dogs in my time. I doubt there is a dog I cannot train (unless it has a naturally aggressive trait). If you would li ke to learn more, let me recommend a great read. It's called "The Secrets to Dog Training". I recommend this book to all my clients when training their aggressive dogs, and I keep a copy of the course on my laptop. I could go into granular detail about it, but its far to detailed for this article.

The Ultimate Dog Training Guide - The Secrets of Dog Training

Other Pages related to aggressive dog training
Aggressive Dog Training - How to train your dog

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Friday 22 March 2013



Special education means specially designed instruction which meets the special education and related needs of an exceptional child. It is distinguished from regular educational programme for non-exceptional children by some unusual quality, something uncommon, noteworthy. It is something special special materials, special training techniques, special equipment and special help and for special facilities may be required for special categories of children having special needs. For example,

Visually impaired children may require reading materials in large print or Braille. Hearing impaired children may require hearing aid, auditory training, lip reading, etc. Orthopaedically handicapped children may require wheel chairs, and removal of architectural barriers Mentally retarded children may need skill training.

Related service, such as special transportation, medical and psychological assessment, physical and occupational therapy and counseling may be required if special education is to be effective.


Special education can be looked in terms of WHO, WHAT, WHERE and HOW? Special education meant for exceptional children whose special needs or abilities necessitate an individualized programme of education.

Who? An inter-disciplinary team of professionals-special educators, regular classroom teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, specialist doctors bear the primary responsibility for helping exceptional children maximize their capabilities.

What? Special education is sometimes differentiated from regular education by its curriculum, that is, by what is taught. For example, teaching self-help skills or training in reading and writing Braille is an important part of curriculum for severely handicapped children(the blind) in special education institutions which is not found in regular education, the school system dictates the curriculum, but in special education the childs individual needs dictate the curriculum.

Where? Special education can sometimes be identified by where it takes place. Whereas regular education is provided in the regular classroom, special education may be provided in special class, resource room, special school or in residential school.

How? Special education can be differentiated from regular education by the method used by teachers. One special educator may use sign language to communicate with his students. Another special educator may use task analysis and skill training for mentally retarded children. Still another special educator may use multisensory approach and process training while teaching a learning disabled child.

Exceptional children require special educatio n which include three elements, and these are as follows:

Trained professionals including teachers, educationists, psychologists, physiotherapists and others are required.

Special curriculum is made for the children which suit different areas of exceptionality such as mental retardation, giftedness, deafness, blindness, orthopaedic handicap, cerebral palsy and social and emotional problems, and

Some facilities including special building features, study materials and equipment are also collected for this purpose.

NCERT: ROLE IN TEACHER TRAINING: The National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT) functions as the adviser to the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare. NCERT has earlier a department of Special education within Teacher education and Special education cells in all its four Regional colleges of Education. It is pioneer in running six months key/resources Teacher training at its headquarters and multi-c ategory training of teachers in the four Regional Institutes of Education. About 100 teachers are trained every year. The course structure includes comprehensive coverage for enabling the teachers to develop competency to handle major debilities.


The Regional Institutes of Education also run B. Ed. and M. Ed. courses with specialization in one area of Special education until recently. At the centre, several in-service programmes also being run for Principals of DIET, Special education faculty of SCERT, PIED block supervision of various times.


The following skills are to be developed for preparing teachers for Special education.

v Practical skills in observation of children both individually and in groups to help teachers sharpen their perception of variations in childrens learning and behaviour and develop their awareness of variation in childrens circumstances (home-school difficulties).

v Appreciation of the educational needs of children with developed difficulties-physical, sensory, emotional behavioural or learning the needs of their parents, and the value of the contribution which parents can make to their childrens development.

v Understanding of the practical steps necessary for meeting a childs special needs and an ability to adopt the attitude must suit to dealing with particular difficulties and to appreciate the need for modification of the school or classroom organization for the curriculum of teaching techniques.

v Appreciation of the spe cial services available to children with special needs of their familiar and of the advisory services available to teachers. This might be developed by inviting professionals for the various services to visit the college so that through discussion, the students can learn about the work of teachers in relation to other professionals, the contributions which different specialist can make, the services to expect from them, and the kind of question to put to them.

v Awareness of the range of career and professional opportunities in Special education and the availability of further qualification in special education.

According to the Secretarys Commission On Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS), a study commissioned by the Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, several core skills are essential for Special education teachers. These skills are divided into a Three-Part Foundation and Five Competencies.

The Three-Part Foundation includes Basic skills of rea ding, writing, Mathematics, listening and speaking. For special education teachers Basic skills are extremely important. Another Foundational attribute is Personal qualities. This includes self-management, integrity, self-esteem, sociability and responsibility. This is similar to two variables Social skills and interaction with others. The third foundation skill is Thinking skills. This includes creative thinking, decision making, problem solving, knowing how to learn and reasoning.


The SCANS study also addressed five areas in which special education teachers need to demonstrate competence. Being able to work with a variety of Technologies was identified as one of the five SCANS competencies. More specifically, teachers need to have the knowledge to select and apply procedures, tools or equipment to work-related situations, as well as maintain and troubleshoot if the need arises. Having an knowledge of technology is consi dered important for persons in this occupation.

The second competency listed in the SCANS study addresses handling Resources. Special education teachers need to be able to plan, organize, identify, and allocate resources such as time, money, materials/facilities and people.

A third area of competence is System skills, knowledge and understanding of social, organization, and technical systems is becoming increasingly important for todays teachers.

The fourth competency is the ability to acquire, organize, interpret and communicate information. This attribute is a combination of information Input and Mental Processes.

The last competency presented in the SCANS study is interpersonal ability.

Regular educators should inculcate the following skills and competencies in them:

Teaching Basic skills:

These include: a) Literacy skills (reading, arithmetic, writing, spelling, study skills,


b) Life maintenance skills (health, safety),

c) Personal development skills (moral behaviour, basic life issues).

Class management:

This includes developing skills in selecting appropriate techniques to manage individuals and group behaviour. It requires proficiency in techniques of behavioural analysis, group altering, guiding transitions, material arrangement and crisis intervention.

Professional Consultation and Communication:

Mainstreaming makes in imperative that regular classroom teacher develops competence in ways to consult and communicate with these professionals. Teachers should know how to collect and report the type of information that will be most useful to the specialists.


Teacher should know how to collect useful data for diagnosis and how to refer the child.

Individualized Teaching:

Teacher needs to be adept at assessing a students individual needs and in designing instruction to meet theses needs. This does not mean that each child should be taught individually. It means permitting child to pursue a preferred mode of learning.

Interactional skills:

Teacher should be able to interact successfully with the parents, siblings, children. He/she should be able to interact and collaborate with others in the school.

Orientation strategies for entry into mainstreaming:

Teachers should be able to prepare special students as well as regular class for mainstreaming. This also includes preparing parents of all children for normalization. He/she should be able to develop positive attitudes towards mainstreaming.

Identification and Assessment of children:

Teacher should be able to observe children in various settings without affecting their behaviour. Teacher should be able to identify ch ildren with special needs and assess their needs, use and interpret individual assessment measures.

Goal setting:

Teacher should be able to establish appropriate goals for the exceptional child. The goals should be realistic, measurable and also give opportunity for optimum development of potentials of such children.

Adjusting curricula:

Teacher should be able to adjust curricula to suit the ability, needs and interests of disabled children.

Use of Teaching Strategies:

Teacher should be able to plan and implement a variety of instructional techniques.

Promoting Classroom Climate:

Teacher should be able to promote acceptance of individual differences among all children. Teacher should be able to conduct class activities to encourage interaction among students.

Resource Managing:

Teacher should be able to manage resources which can be used for instruction of disabled children.

Evaluation and Monitoring:

Teacher should be able to assess the extent to which the needs of disabled children are met in the classroom evaluate the appropriateness of the resources for these children, modify his methods, materials to meet their needs.

As the regular educator has to work as a member of the team, it is important that he appreciates the role of special educator also. Based on the tasks that the special educator is required to perform following skills should be inculcated by special educators.

Special educators should possess ability to

Observe childs behaviour systematically. Assess present status and needs of special child. Develop individualized education programmes. Write report on basis, of data gathered. Interact with others to build up relationship and collaborate. Communicate results to other staff members and parents. Change attitudes and advocate for them. Carry out remedial work. Evaluate and monitor methods, materials and progress. Develop and administer therapeutic programmes. Solve problems and deal with different situations that may arise due to unique needs of special children.


In the modern era, a teacher has enumerable responsibilities as our society becomes very complex. Teacher has to play the several roles to develop special children. The most important qualities of teacher are sincerity, honesty and involvement in teaching. The knowledge of teaching, training and instruction can be effectively used by incorporating important Basic skills like learning strategies and speaking skill, Complex problem solving skills through idea generation, implementation planning and Social skills through instruction, service orientation and social perceptiveness in managing special children.

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Thursday 21 March 2013

What Pet Owners Should Know About Sacramento Dog Training Specialists

What is dog psychology? It's an innovative new method of dog obedience training in which you do not merely train the dog based on obedience alone but also train it to decide for itself what is right and wrong to do. The "balance" found in this style of dog behavior training is both towards using force and not using force to educate your dog. You must look at your canine companion as something you are "raising" not dog training. In Sacramento, Dog Psychology is launching off the ground with a lot of dog behavioral consultation centers and dog behavioral needs centers springing up to help troubled dog owners in raising their dogs. If your dog is a handful and you're done using traditional dog training methods to educate your canine, then why not try a different approach to teaching your dogs without the physical nudges to get it going. The new technique of handling your canine's behavioral needs through "Dog Psychology" is a new breakthrough system of re-educating your dog w ith actual intelligence rather than simple tricks-on-command. What many don't know are hounds (hunting dogs) having a trait these show dogs do not; creativity. This certain instinct is brought out from within the blood as all Dogs are from the wolf family and hunting is part of their true life cycle, it is with this concept that Dog Psychology birthed the "Pack Leader" idea of training dogs for their canine behavioral needs.

Usually we have problems with training our canine companions that we suffer behavioral troubles which could range from aggressiveness towards other dogs to simply not listening to us. What is happening in Sacramento concerning Dog Psychology is the way it goes with the dog's instincts rather than enforce them with the usual dog trainer style of treats and punishments. In Dog Psychology, there is the "Pack Leader" concept that teaches people of how dogs still have their old lupine mentality where they have the alpha male or in dog's cases - alpha-female. Dog's first influential role model where all authority runs through is none other than their mothers which is what the trainers try to emulate and instill into these dogs; that they are the mother. Rather than forcing dogs to eat or move when commanded, dog psychology teaches them how to think and be creative as well as educate them "when" to sit as if by preference. It brings out the problem solving capabilities of the can ines that have behavioral needs and is a useful concept in dog obedience training, without the solid commands. Canine Psychology in Sacramento Dog Trainingis being closely observed and practiced, using a slightly spiritual addition to the purely scientific concept by stating the dogs needing behavioral consultations need to borrow the positive energies from their role models to "balance" their energies inside. Sacramento is ushering the new age of dog obedience training with this very innovative style of approaching dogs Dog Psychology.

Dog Whispering is a process of playing a parent role with your dog and slowly teaching it how to move in accordance to what you teach it right and wrong such as not to sit on the couch in the living room. Dog psychology is one of the revolutionary concepts driving the canine behavioral training society away from the classical dog training methods used to give commands to dogs alongside rewarding treats or punishments, this method puts you in the controlling region of dog training through a life-long application of dominance and authority as the pack leader without even one punishment. The step to gaining this title in your household begins in a staring contest: you and your dog. The point of this whole rite of passage is to solidify your position and place with your dog as the alpha-dog of the household and this could be a scary experience at first but it will always boil down to one thing, who is boss. The game is to not back down, stand your ground no matter what it does then when it finally looks away; it acknowledges you as the pack leader.

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Wednesday 20 March 2013

Alternative Dog Training Collars

Decades ago, dog training collars used by hunting and gun dogs have different levels of static shocks and after decades of study and innovation of this technology, the static shocks are way much humane yet very effective in dog training. And there are different types aside from static shock collars too, that approaches dogs in different way also effectively train them. Vibrations, ultrasonic sound and spray like citronella, lemon or water are the alternative correction signals used which also alert and capture dog's attention to obey and listen. This article will list some effective and innovative alternative dog training collars for different kind of corrections and training for dogs.

UltraSonic Dog Training Collar. Ultrasonic dog training collars use a high-pitched tone that we can't hear, but animals can, to stop bad behaviors. The ultrasonic model actually only uses a transmitter, no collar is needed, so mailmen or neighbors can use it to correct any dog w ithin 30 feet. The Ultrasonic Remote Pet Trainer is a small, hand-held device designed to assist you in the training of your dog or cat. Ideal for correcting misbehaviors, it takes advantage of your pet's sensitive hearing in the ultrasonic frequency range, beyond the range of human beings. The Trainer has only two buttons: Positive Tone for reward and Ultrasonic Tone for correction. The system is ideal for correcting: barking, chewing, jumping up, digging, and much more. It can corrects your pet using a startling ultrasonic sound, inaudible to the human ear. This system is very easy to use yet it can affect other dogs or cats too at any location within the range but that's not the case, the system can effectively stop dog's barking at your neighborhood. The system usually includes an easy-to-follow training manual that also teaches you basic obedience training; the sit, stay, come, heel, down and break commands.

Spray Dog Training Collar. When your dog does som ething bad, you interrupt him in the act by activating the spray. This spray does not punish the dog, it just interrupts him for a moment and makes him ready for a different activity. A citronella spray bark collar is often viewed as a humane alternative to painful shock collars. The gentle spray bark collar has a small receptor designed to pick up and respond to the barking sound of the dog by releasing a spray of citronella in front of the dog's snout. Using a spray, not a punishment this device will make your dog a happy and well behaved pet. Using a remote control, a citronella spray is ejected from a device worn around the dog's neck. Simply press the button on the remote control and an inoffensive citronella spray is ejected. The spray can be triggered at a precise moment in time, so that the delay between the unacceptable behavior and the redirection stimulus is instantaneous. he calibrated spray, causes neither pain or nasty after-effects. In fact, we have noticed th at the spray has an appeasing effect on dogs. Furthermore the use of the spray is more effective to eliminate bad behavior, than techniques which involves fear or pain. Spray dog training collars are safe, ozone free, harmless to pets and non-offensive to human, too.

Vibration Dog Training Collars. A vibrating collar works much like a pager. It has 2 parts, a hand held unit for the person, and another unit that the dog wears as a collar. Vibration Collar / Vibrating Dog Collars are good for many types of Dog Training, especially for training Deaf Dogs, hearing impaired dogs, and older dogs who can be hard of hearing. Please note that a vibrating collar is not needed to train a deaf dog. It is a training tool, not a magical device that will cause your dog to respond to every signal you give him or her. It will not help your dog to learn anything you want to teach him. It simply gives you a way to get your dog's attention when they are not looking at you. Many dea f dogs have been successfully and completely trained without one. Also note that vibrating collar is not the same as a shock collar (which is a correction meant to stop a dog's misbehavior). Vibration collars can work in the same fashion. They allow you the option of communication without stimulation. Much like every other signal that you introduce to your dog (stimulation, vibration or tone) they mean nothing to the dog without the correct association. Dogs do not understand vibration without the training.

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Tuesday 19 March 2013

Dog Training – Top Reasons to Do It Yourself!

Some people often wonder why on earth they should bother about considering training their dogs all by themselves when they can pay someone who knows all there is to know about dog training. Well, there are a lot of great reasons why you should consider training your dog yourself and besides it not rocket science for crying out loud!

Top Reasons to Consider DIY Dog Training

A poorly trained dog will result in an unruly dog which can become a pretty serious nuisance and of course destructive to the bond between a pet owner and his/her dog. Successful training of one's dog is important for both the dog's safety and the quality of life for both the pet and its owner. Just think about it, will you really risk leaving your dog to be trained by any ole Okie from the Muskogee whom may not really love your dog the way you do? You need to understand that the effective training of your dog must be consistent. Successful training starts even while the dogs are still puppies. The issue with leaving the dogs to a training school is that they may be trained by a totally different dog trainer and this will of course reduce the consistency which might be pretty confusing to any dog. Whoever said that training a dog has to be boring? Effective training of a dog must be fun. You can make training your dog(s) a whole lot of fun which can be truly enjoyed by you and your dog. Dog training is known to create a lasting bond between the dog and its trainer. Since it is your pet, would you really like your dog to have a much better relationship with the trainer instead of having that bond with you? Yes, this can be pretty disastrous. This is the reason why in some cases when burglary occurs and the dogs simply look on and do not even show any sign of barking or the slightest sign of aggression this is because they know the person who entered the house. Training your dog by yourself can create a better relationship with your pet and therefore beneficial for the owner and the dogs. Okay let's admit this, dog training session can be quite expensive and its effectiveness is sometimes questionable. Shelling out money in order to have your dog trained can be pretty financially demanding for a lot of people and learning that your dog was badly trained is enough to drive any dog owner nuts. Training your dog yourself is much cost effective and if you go on to do it right, it would really bring you a lot of satisfaction and pleasure for your pet and for you as well.

Now you understand that training your dog yourself has a lot of benefits. They are good websites that you can learn a whole lot from. You can also buy training items that will help you in effectively training your dog.

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Monday 18 March 2013

Transform Your Dog Using Basic Behavior Dog Training

An untrained dog can soon become much more than simply a nuisance when it comes to the most basic behavior dog training issues. Common sense can certainly get dog owners around some of the simpler items such as toilet training, sitting, and staying. Patience and repetition are major factors when it comes to basic behavior dog training or otherwise. What other priceless tips and tricks can make basic dog training a whole lot easier...

Reward Dog Behavior That You Wish to See Repeated

One floor that is easy to fall into is to believe that a dog understands the words we are saying. Not even the smartest dog understands English or any other language. So trying to rationalise with him/her will only cause confusion.

For example, if you were training your dog not to jump up at you or other people you wouldn't ask him/her to "get off", "get down", or "stop Jumping", that would just cause confusion for him/her. A more direct and positive statement would be "no jump", and stick to it using it repetitiously.

All dogs that are going through basic training can have a tendency to get bored easily, by making training more fun and exciting you can hold your dog's attention and get more out of him/her.

Some people chose to use clickers when dog training and clicking the clicker at the point when the dog carries out the instruction correctly, but for basic dog training this method can be a slightly daunting process for both trainer and dog.

Finding what a dog likes is usually quite easy even though likes and tastes tend to differ for each dog. Generally you will know what the dog's hot spots are or what gives him/her most physical pleasure.

There are some general areas that most dogs prefer that will get them on your side. The lowest part of their back just before the tail starts is one good spot that they love scratched gently as is their chest in between their front legs, this is a real winner. Another is to rub the ear between your fingers gently in a massaging/ affectionate manner.

Then it is the turn of treats, by finding out what makes him/her go nuts for will give you a massive upper hand. Experiment with different kinds of food treats to see which ones do best.

There are many simple means of basic dog training including the psychological approach of ignoring their affections when they want you to do something for them, this will install that you are the chooses when it is playtime etc.

Once a worthwhile source of stimulating and maintaining the dogs attention has been found it is important that this only be used when training is taking place. If the treat is given as part of a daily meal it tends to lose its power in the wanton sense.

One crucial factor to remember is repetition is the key, by continually training your dog on a daily basis will make the journey ahead together a whole lot easier, but never make it boring or allow him/her to get bored while using basic behavior dog training.

Teaching a dog or puppy anything can be made easy by learning and using the correct dog training techniques. There are plenty of Secrets to Dog Training that very few pet owners are aware of that make training your dog as easy as following A, B, C. The Best Dog Training Guide online has helped over 200,000 dog owners so far and is well worth you reviewing.

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Sunday 17 March 2013

Right Skin Care Tips

The technological breakthroughs for skin care and makeup have made it easy for men and women to choose the right product for them. Skin care and makeup products abound with so many choices and the emergence of fake products created confusion as to what product is better or genuine. For this purpose, here are some skin care tips and make up pointers for both men and women which aptly describe the suitability of the product to the purpose it is intended for:

Skin Care Tips

Skin Care Tip #1- When seeking for your type of skin care, it would be best if you know the type of skin you have. Determine whether your skin is dry, oily, normal or delicate. After determining your skin type, it is now a matter of choosing the type of lotion that will give your skin the nourishment it needs to give it that extra glow.

Skin Care Tip #2- There are different lotions to choose from depending on your skin type such as bath lotion, milk bath, body lotion, baby lotion and hand lotion.

Skin Care Tip #3- Bath lotion is taken after a bath to replace the important oils that were washed off. The signs that this is the suitable lotion for you are the presence of wrinkles in your toes and fingers after staying too long in the tub. Bath lotion works well with this type of dry skin.

Skin Care Tip #4- Milk baths have ingredients which when added to regular tub of water will be absorbed by the skin. This is to help maintain the moisture of the skin.

Skin Care Tip #5- Body lotion can give that effective moisturizing effect for the whole body. It comes in different scents that are applicable to your mood and provides good protection from ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Skin Care Tip #6- Baby lotion is good for delicate skin especially for babies. The normal ingredients of baby lotion are organic materials that passed extensive testing in dermatological laboratories. Hence, they have been tested not to harm sensitive skin.

Skin Care Tip #7- Hand lotion is a good skin care for the hands since the hands are always in contact with the outside world. Hands are constantly moving here and there to accomplish various daily tasks. As a result, they are exposed to dehydration and dryness. Hand lotion is easily absorbed; hence, it is considered an essential part of skin care routine.

Makeup Tips

Attaining the proper makeup can be considered an art that is not that easy to perfect. It takes a lot of practice to get the desired makeup look you want. Here are some makeup pointers for you to consider:

1. Always apply a foundation starting from the chin on upward motion using fingertips.

2. If you have dry skin, use cotton swab to apply glycerin before applying foundation.

3. Dark shade lipstick is appropriate for protruding lower lip. It should be applied on the middle portion of the lips and lighter outline should be drawn.

4. Stale lipstick should be avoided in case you want to make some re-touch.

5. Vanishing cream is appropriate as foundation for oily skin.

6. In all cases, the foundation should be a little bit darker than your natural complexion.

These skin care tips and makeup pointers are essential for your personal hygiene if your aim is to boost your confidence. Confidence does a lot in making you feel and look good. The skin care tips and makeup pointers mentioned are applicable to self-conscious men and women to highlight their beauty and good looks.

Skin care tips and makeup pointers are mere guides but a healthy individual must at all times follow a proper diet and healthy lifestyle. Skin care tips are useless if you do not know how to manage stress. In addition, observing proper skin cleansing habits to achieve that glowing skin complexion will in time find you needing less make up to put on.

If proper skin care tips will be followed, the end result is glowing skin that defies age and the pressures of day-to-day life. Also, skin care tips if heeded at all times can help retain good looks and charm. There are numerous online resources that give updates on proper skin care as part of daily regimen. It is only a matter of finding the right skin care products to match your skin type. You can also join some forum sites to receive direct skin care tips and makeup pointers.

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Saturday 16 March 2013

Secrets to Dog Training by Daniel Stevens ????

Secrets to Dog Training by Daniel Stevens - Learn More AboutSecrets to Dog Training by Daniel Stevens

What Is It?

Secrets to Dog Training presents an unusually detailed and thorough look at how to both prevent and deal with the more common problem behaviors exhibited by dogs.As the owner of a moderately troublesome mutt Daniel Stevens, have spent a fairamount of time searching the Net for reliable resources on this topic, and I have tosay that the level of knowledge and detail contained within the pages of thiscompendium is unusually exacting for an online book.

Not only that, but again, unusually for this medium the information at hand isactually (gasp!) reliable. Yes, that's right - this one's a whole new kettle of fish.Written by a seasoned dog trainer, you can relax in the knowledge that all the tipsand advice included are tried and true, and come from Stevens' real-life experiencesas a professional dog trainer. There is also a straight-talking, easy to follow30-minute downloadable video which provides real-life examples of doggy badbehavior along with solutions and remedies to change them.

What's Covered?

There's a pretty impressive range of information packed into this guide. It's not justthe problem behaviors that are covered: the book starts off with new-owner advice(how to choose a puppy/dog, the best places to get one from, breed information,puppy/dog-proofing your home, the first vet visit, housetraining, etc) and then moveson to the more advanced stuff: behavioral problems (such as aggression,dominance, chewing, digging, excessive barking, separation anxiety, to name a few),intermediate-level obedience commands, health-related dog problems (allergies, cat/dog coexistence, fleas, heatstroke, and so on), and advanced commands and tricks.

The 30-minute downloadable video gives a great insight into a dog's quest to be thealpha dog and how you can prevent this. Its quick steps to stop bad behaviors suchas housebreaking right through to leash pulling are so simple you can start tryingthem out on your dog straight away.Particularly Good Parts.

In addition to the contents listed above, there's also a pretty impressive section ondog whispering, which in case you haven't heard of it already is a method of dogtraining based on a philosophy of clear communication and mutual respect. It's beenpopularized in recent years by Cesar Millan ("The Dog Whisperer"), and isbecoming increasingly well-known as an alternative and humane method fordisciplining and training your dog. Secrets to Dog Training has dedicated an entiresection to dog whispering: Daniel Stevens explains the background of the technique,how to utilize voice and body language to your best advantage, and how to use thetechnique to calmly, assertively, and effectively correct and train your dog. Step-bysetinstructions are included for the common commands (sit, down, come, stay,quiet, etc).

It makes for some pretty interesting reading and, after trying out the basics on my own recalcitrant pooch, I was amazed at how effective the techniques suggestedare. Highly recommended!

ILove Freebies (Who Doesn't?)

There's just something about getting something for nothing. And, although my magpie-like acquisitiveness may have led me into less-than-productive purchases in the past, in this particular case I'm happy to report that Secrets to Dog Training hasn't let me down: the freebies included with this book are not only numerous,they're actually useful(wow!)

The book itself costs $39.95. For this price, you get a complete and detailed manualon training your dog, preventing and handling behavioral problems, and a whole bunch of general-knowledge tips and advice.

You also get a handful of practical freebies: four bonus books,

1) dealing respectively with advanced housetraining how-to's and troubleshooting(including both the crate- and paper-training methods);

2) a detailed study on resolving canine aggression;

3) how to effectively groom your dog (including information on coat care for specificbreeds, dental care, and nail-clipping how-to's);

4) and finally, how to begin training your dog for security work.

As mentioned earlier, there is a bonus 30-minute downloadable video which takes ano-fuss approach to practical solutions for dog obedience issues.

Another particularly useful freebie: a personalized consultation with a member ofthe Kingdom of Pets team. If you've got an issue with your dog that you'd likesome individual attention on, you can flick them a quick email and receive apersonalized, thorough reply packed with expert advice and practical tips.

Click Here to get Instant Access to Secrets to Dog Training Now

Secrets to Dog Training: A Thumbnail Sketch

Altogether, I'm pretty impressed with this package. I've owned dogs on and off mywhole life, starting from when I was ten I would have thought that I was betterpreparedthan most to handle the quirks and caprices of my canine friends.

But since reading this book, I think my pre-Secrets to Dog Training self was(embarrassingly) perhaps a trifle more complacent than knowledgeable - I've learnedmore since reading this manual than I've picked up in a near-lifetime's worth ofcontact with dogs (do you know how to stop your dog from tugging on the leash,without using a check-chain? Well, I do but until I got my hands on a copy of thisbook, I certainly didn't!)

Several of the training techniques present a refreshingly common-sense, down-toearthapproach to dog training; others require a little more effort (take dog whisperingas an example) but yield some pretty dramatic results. I liked the way that more thanone training technique is detailed, to allow the reader to pick and choose thetechniques that best suit themselves and their individual dogs.

I have no qualms in recommending this package to anyone who owns, or is thinkingabout owning, a dog. You don't need to have a "problem pet" for the manual to beof assistance: there's information included that'll be useful to any and all dog owners.

In a nutshell: highly recommended.

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Friday 15 March 2013

Your Guide To Dog Training

OK, you made the big decision and acquired a new member to your household. Congratulations! There are a few things you will need to know prior to starting your new dog into dog training. The comments and suggestions offered here ae based on looking outside' for a do-trainer, rather than attempted this important education yourself. Nowadays, it is not difficult to find different types of dog training. These trainings vary in price and each one them has something different to offer.

Puppy Training
Puppy preschool is a dog training course meant for puppies that are about 6 weeks to 5 months old. Puppy preschool classes will generally run about 6 to 8 weeks. During this training period, your puppy is essentially taught how to socialize with people as well as with other puppies. Basic commands such as - learn how to sit, stay and come.

Basic Dog Training
Basic dog training is meant for dogs that are at least 5 months old. Generally, these classes run about 8 to 10 weeks. This is the basic course, where your dog is taught the art of walking properly on a leash, sitting, staying, coming and heeling.

Intermediate Dog Training
Intermediate dog training aims at reinforcing what your dog was taught in the basic training course, but in a more detailed form. Here the dog is trained to stay for a longer span of time, and is also taught to follow the orders given by other people.

This intermediate training generally lasts for about 8 to 10 weeks, and is intended for dogs that are no less than 5 months old. In addition, the dog must have completed its basic dog training course, or to be accustomed to the basic commands that could have been taught by the owner.

Advanced Dog Training
The next type of training course is known as the advanced dog training course. The course is quite similar to the intermediate training course, except it is even more detailed. Here, your dog is taught how to sit even without you in the view.

Advanced training is about 8 to 10 weeks long, and is meant for those dogs that have completed their intermediate training. Here, they are also trained to walk beside their owners without a leash. Moreover, it gradually prepares the dog to take the Canine Good Citizen training course.

Canine Good Citizen Training
(The Canine Good Citizen Certificate is awarded under rules established by the American Kennel Club (AKC). It is open to all dogs whether purebred or mixed breed. the specific elements are under review so please check with AKC for the latest requirements)

Phew, the final plateau! The Canine Good Citizen training for dogs is the final course. To pass this course, your dog will be taught the 10 necessary aspects.

This course is strictly meant for those dogs that have completed all the previous courses. The test is quite tough and can only be passed if the dog is really well behaved. Depending on whether your dog can pass, the course can last for several weeks.

Keeping this information in mind, you should be able to decide the dog training course best suited for your dog. However, you may seek the opinion of your local dog trainers to know more. Many trainers consult for free. So now you should be at least a step closer to introducing your dog into a training course!

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Thursday 14 March 2013

If You Want To Transform Your Dogs Behaviour Problems Fast Learn The Secrets To Service Dog Training

A clear strategy and well defined plans are the essential ingredients when implementing a program of service dogs training. Methods of training a dog for service is quite different from the basic dog training strategies which can be performed by anyone who follow them properly and get their household dog to respond reasonably in most everyday situations. The dogs need to be better trained and that training needs to prepare them for situations that aren't daily routine for most people or dogs.

The bad news here is that unless you are highly skilled and trained you can't implement service dogs training on your own. The best part is that there are programs that allow virtually anyone to study and learn about dog training enabling them to eventually train a dog for service. Of course, having a dog that just naturally picks up on training easily and is eager to learn always helps, but to be really great at training a service dog you will need a guide that teaches you all about dog behaviour training strategy, and what types of skills a service dog must master.

Finding the Information

So, how do you go from a training novice to a skilled service dog trainer? It isn't all that difficult once you track down the right service dogs training program. You can take whatever amount of knowledge and first hand experience you have working with dogs right now and magnify it tenfold or even more in a very short period of time as long as you are learning from a training program that has proven to produce top notch service dogs in the past. It is the reputation and previous results of the program that should ultimately convince you that it is worth following.

Searching online and reading reviews of different service dogs training programs is the first step to finding one that will meet all of your needs. Remember, you are searching for something that will build upon your current knowledge and which has proven to work for other service dog trainers in the past. You will be able to obtain this information from reviews.

Implementing the Information

Thi s is even more important than finding the right service dogs training program. By following instructions and paying attention to the order of training events maximum results can be achieved. Your consistenncy with the training program and implementation of the procedures exactly as they are prescribed can transform any willing dog into a well trained, responsive service dog. Dogs will pick up what you teach them with repetitive lessons and they will respond by obeying your commands.

It's a great feeling when you start to see your dog accomplishing behavioural goals and learning to meet your expectations. You see that they are happier and more joyful and the frustration that you feel with an uncooperative dog is relieved. When you know your dog is responding to your commands and trying to please you, it is a great feeling that everyone deserves to experience at least once in their lifetime!

Just remember that service dogs training is more demanding than just train ing a household dog not to urinate on the hall rug. A lot of the same dog training strategies may be implemented, but there are some other things that are more stringent and detailed when working with a dog to go into service.

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Wednesday 13 March 2013

Why Do Dog Training Aids And Tools Exist? Because They Work!

Not making good use of all the dog training aids and tools you need can be abusive to you and your dog.

The well trained dog is normally quite proud and loves to show off his skills. Without a doubt a well trained dog will always be far more content and happier than his untrained counterpart. He has his jobs and responsibilities that allow him to secure his place within the family.

Dogs really want to know and understand exactly their place within the family. They derive a sense of security when allowed to display their ability to obey and perform the jobs they have been taught to do. They also know there is normally some reward for a job well done. The reward may be a treat or even simple praise from a family member. For the dog its the reward and not what the reward actually is.

Most dogs enter family life as puppies and in reality as puppies they are easier to train. Fortunately for us there are any number of dog training aids and tools to help us with the training. These aids and tools exist because when used properly they simply work. Like any tool or aid it is the users responsibility to learn the proper way to use the tool.

There is almost nothing that can be bought for a dog that with some thought cannot be used as an aid or tool to train your dog. Dogs are not unaware of what we do. Simply by picking up the dogs leash many dogs instantly become excited because it signals to the dog that he is about to become involved in some activities with his owner. This could be a particular toy or even a sweater in the winter time that the dog recognizes.

The dog can become very excited scampering around in circles and he may even jump up on his owner. The leash shouldn't be attached until the dog sits peacefully in front of you. The dog will learn that is a part of his job no matter his excitement. It is up to us as the dogs owner to consistently and constantly teach desirable behavior to our pets.

The dog training responsibility fall on us as owners and that is the only reason dog training courses exist. Dog obedience courses are for us humans not nearly so much for our dogs. Every new or prospective dog owner owes the dog a dog obedience course of some kind. There are right ways, wrong ways, and easier ways of doing things. That is what obedience schools try to teach and why so many people attend the courses.

The dreaded "H" word. Cage or crate training is one facet of traing that is an absolute must. That is house breaking. Not being house broken is the number one reason owners get crazy mad and frustrated w ith dogs. It is the number one reason many dogs end up being homeless, cowed and afraid of people in general.

Cage or crate training is my number one on the list of dog training aids to be used for house breaking. Crate or cage training is a tool everyone should learn to incorporate into a dogs education. Cage or crate training your dog makes sense. It is not cruel or any other derogatory term one could think of.

In a matter of a day or three with just a little help from us. Puppies and even mature dogs adjust readily and happily to having their own private and secure space. The cage trained dog always knows where he can go to rest or just be out of the way. For the dog his cage represents security, safety, a place that is his alone anytime he wants or needs it.

It is imperative for us the dogs owner to be certain, to learn and know the basics of how to housebreak and control our animals. Great dogs are not born they are made by owners who make the time it takes to make a dog great. The great thing is. There isn't anyone who cannot learn basic dog training.

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Tuesday 12 March 2013

8 Solid Reasons Cage Or Crate Training Are Natural Dog Training Aids

Dog training aids are the first step to creating a wonderful companion.

For the newer owner the most often recommended dog training aids are infact dog cages and or dog crates.

Assuming you have done your research and have decided on the breed of dog that most fits your needs and maybe personality and more importantly your lifestyle. The most important thing you can do before you bring that fuzzy little puppy home is to purchase his home within your home.

Your dogs crate or cage is not just simply a home for him. The dog cage is the number one dog training aid to help you house train your new pet. Some new dog owners often believe providing their dog with his own cage is cruel. The simple fact is. It is not cruel to cage train your dog or puppy. It is actually the very best first step you can make for your new arrival.

The dog cage is a great dog training aid and tool for several reasons. It is in a dogs nature to enjoy the safety of his den. The ca ge is a great opportunity to provide a place that for him duplicates a little bit of the wild and appeals to his nature.

Cage and crate training are valuable dog training aids because.

1. By cage or crate training your dog you offer him his own space.

2. With your help his cage or crate is a place where your dog will learn he is safe and secure.

3. Just like humans dogs by nature do not want to mess where they live and sleep. Given a chance your dog will want to be away form his home and outside to do his business.

4. The dog cage left open when you are present will give your dog a place to rest or simply be out from underfoot. It is comforting for him to come and go as he needs or wishes. He is able to stretch out take a nap yet still feel he is a part of the family.

5. When properly used as a dog training aid his cage or crate will lend itself beautifully to house training your pet.

6. Cage or crate training will help keep your pet out of trouble by curtailing his ability to get into things when you are out of the home.

7. When leaving home becomes necessary cage training will help you feel comfortable doing so. No more garbage problems, Shoes are not chewed up. Carpets are not soiled or ruined. The furniture is not soiled or damaged. You will never fear returning home because you are cage training your pet. It is the correct thing to do.

8. The cage or crate is the most important single thing you can use to get you both through the house training stage gracefully.

It is absolutely important to understand cage training is not a punishment device. Dog crates and cages are dog training aids for the animal. Just as an obedience training course is a dog training aid for you.

It is up to you to learn the proper use of all dog training aids and cage training is no different.

There are many different dog training aids at your disposal. The dog cage and cage training your dog is one that will help make owning your dog a stress free and completely enjoyable experience for you both.

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