Wednesday, 16 January 2013

DO Affiliate Marketing Forums Help Rookies?

Do affiliate marketing forums help rookies to further their education in Internet marketing? I have found that training programs or training schools coupled with a community forum are invaluable. You become privy to the knowledge and experience of the members of the school that you also belong to. Forum with members that are willing to help each other regardless of monetary gain will greatly shorten the learning curve of your subject.

When I started in internet marketing, I didn't think I needed to belong to any kind of training school because I believed I could learn it on my own. This soon proved to be an expensive and bad mistake. Everything that glitters is not gold nor is everything you read on the internet proven to be the truth. There is so much scam found selling the next get rich quick opportunity that a new comer, if not careful will start buying every eBook or system. They will claim to make you rich in days with no work involved.

There is no system out there that can fulfill wealth overnight and just working two hours a week. If I am wrong leave a comment at the end of this article proving you can and I will revise my belief. I belong to a training school called, Wealthy Affiliate University. This school teaches you that it is possible to make good money on the internet, but that it takes dedicated work. The forum has members that are making their living from the internet and are still giving back to the community. If you have questions you can even PM the owners of wealthy affiliate and they will help you. I have never asked a question in the forum with out getting several members to respond and give me the correct answer.

Being a member of a forum has many advantages to a rookie starting out:

You can see what the other members need help with. You can pick the brain of the more successful and experienced members You can make friends with other members and possibly create an Joint Venture Learn how other members would solve your problem

Trying and failing in the online marketing career has made me a believer that you must have a connection with marketers that are successful. If you need advice from an eye doctor why would you go to a plumber? Don't go to a self proclaimed Guru that will take your money and leave you still broke.

Do affiliate marketing forums help rookies? The answer is maybe. It depends on the training or school and the members in the forum. Forums that are not affiliated with a training school may help you but cannot be specific to your individual topic or training. I recommend WAU for they have all the tools, tutorials, teachings, and the best community forum you can find. I appreciate all the help I have received from the members of WAU forum. I would not be as far along as I am if not for the forum.

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