Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Different Network Marketing Business Opportunities

In this article I want to talk about two different network marketing business opportunities you can join. As opposed to identifying specific companies I want to deal with how you approach finding network marketing business opportunities based on these two things.

1. Physical Products

2. Virtual Products

Many people are familiar with the Amway Corporation. Many companies have reinvented themselves and changed to online business models. I bring them up because they are one of the forerunners of multi marketing almost 50 years ago.

Their business is built around physical products that a person consumes on an ongoing basis. These are recognized as core products, with some companies growing them to billions of dollars worth a year. They are extremely well-organized and have manufacturing facilities in various countries around the world.

When it comes to building a network marketing business with physical products this is still one of the best oppor tunities. However you are limited in your ability to build a worldwide business because products must be shipped. Most network marketing business opportunities run into problems when it comes to shipping products and dealing with different currencies around the world.

Virtual products are things such as website hosting, membership sites, information products, domain names, social media such as video and audio, and so on. These products require no shipping and can be instantly accessed by anyone who has an Internet connection.

Currently there exists many affiliate marketing business opportunities dealing with virtual products online. These make a great business opportunity because you can build a worldwide business without ever shipping any products.

As more people come online looking for ways to make money virtual product network marketing business opportunities have become very appealing.

One constant that is necessary regardless whether you choose t o deal with a physical product or a virtual product is your ability to network with others. Even if you choose to do it as strictly as an Internet marketing business you still must sell products and enroll people into your business opportunity.

However you can automate many of the functions to do this such as prospecting, sorting, sponsoring, training, retailing, and so on. Therefore the most important thing is that you become attached to the product itself. This is the key thing to determining what type of network marketing business opportunity you want to join.

As you can see making money with these two different network marketing business opportunities is possible for anyone to do. It becomes a personal choice based on the company that you wish to join.

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