Thursday 31 January 2013

How to Teach The Dog to Obey Whistle Commands with The Proper Training - The Concept Behind Dog Training Whistles and Their Use in Training Dogs

If you have ever been to a farm, you might have heard the shepherds communicating with their dogs by whistling to them. While some do have herding dog whistles, most of them rely on their lips to do the job. However in the mainstream community, this might not be a viable solution, unless you want really angry neighbors, who are annoyed by your constant whistling. Moreover yelling or whistling at the dog might be futile in areas with high traffic and loud noises. Dog training whistles have evolved from our need to train the dogs, to listen to our commands. Invented by Francis Galton in the 1880s, the dog training whistles, also referred to as Galton's whistles, are a great tool to get your dog's attention. There is a huge array of dog whistles available, from the plastic ones to the metal dog whistles. The choice on the type of whistle depends on the dog breed and how energetic the dog is. While some have peas and others do not, there are others which combine two whistles i nto one, to have dual frequencies for producing different dog whistle sounds. So for all those people wondering how do dog whistles work, here is a look at the principle underlying dog training whistles.

How Do Dog Whistles Work?

The dog whistles are based on the concept of the dogs being able to hear higher frequency of sounds than humans. While the optimum frequency range for humans is around 2000 Hz with the maximum frequency extending to 20,000 Hz, dogs can hear sounds at a much higher frequencies. While the optimum frequency for dogs is around 8000 Hz, the maximum frequencies can range to 48,000 Hz. The technical explanation of this is that a dog's inner ear vibrates or resonates to the high frequency sound waves, but our ears do not. A dog whistle frequency is therefore optimized to produce sounds above 20,000 Hz, which though inaudible to a human ear, can be easily heard by the dogs even in places with loud noise. These silen t whistles are made in such a manner that when air is forced down the cylinder and out of the hole with the sharp edge in the middle, a high frequency sound is transmitted. Based on the length of the cylinders, the pitch of the whistle varies. So while the shorter cylinders produce a higher pitch, the longer the cylinder, the lower is the whistle's pitch. Most of these dog whistles are ideally one inch or less.
Training the Dog

So we have established that the dogs can hear the sound emitted by the dog whistle. However there are no magical powers that will pull your dog to the sound or make it respond to the whistle commands. Most of the times your dog will just ignore the dog whistle sounds, if it is busy smelling things outside or is involved in a fight with other dogs. If you want the dog to respond to the sound you have to provide the appropriate dog training. It is observed that a dog which responds to the voice commands of a dog trainer is easier to train, to obey whistle commands. Just like a verbal command, these whistle commands rely on sound cues to train the dogs.

The first step in this process is to pick up a set of whistle commands, to act as cues. For example two short toots can be associated with 'stop' or a long toot could be associated with the command 'sit'. To help the dog learn, pair up the whistle command with a voice command. So for the 'sit' whistle command, give the verbal command followed by the whistle sound that the dog learns to associate the command with it. The idea is to incorporate it for all the other commands and to keep it simple, making it easier for the dog to remember all the commands. Additionally, there are many types of whistles which produce various tones, which can be associated with a particular command.

The dog whistles have the advantage of being more consistent than human voice commands and are excellent tools for clicker training. Remember that different types of dog whistles are available, to suit the deaf and the older dogs with hearing loss. You should keep in mind that these whistles can cause damage to your hearing, so be careful as to how often and where you use them.

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Wednesday 30 January 2013

How Punishment Operates in Dog Training - Difference Between Positive and Negative Punishment, and How Positive Trainers Punish Their Dog

Punishment is a controversial subject in dog training, though it is widely used by both traditional and positive trainers.

The most common punishment is positive punishment. It consists in stopping an undesired behavior by adding an unpleasant thing or situation. Therefore, leash tugs are positive punishments.

On the other hand, negative punishment consists in stopping an undesired behavior by removing a pleasant thing or situation. Thus, you would be applying negative punishment if you remove a food treat or a toy from your dog's sight.

Positive punishment is widely used by traditional trainers and seldom used by positive trainers. Negative punishment is mostly used by positive trainers and seldom used by traditional trainers.

Typical positive punishers in dog training are: a pinch from the prong collar, an unpleasant and perhaps painful sensation when the choke chain closes, the "No" command, water squirts on the dog's face , loud sounds produced by objects thrown near the dog, electric shocks produced by electric collars and electric fences, etc.

Typical negative punishers in dog training are: ignoring your dog, a food treat removed from the scene, a toy removed from the scene, the end of a game, the end of a walk, stopping the walk when the dog pulls the leash, etc.

Although punishment is so widely used to train dogs, even in positive training, most trainers are not aware of its risks and limitations. Both positive and negative punishments could produce collateral adverse effects which include stress, anxiety and a reduction of learning abilities. Besides, when used too often, punishments could also lead to shyness and/or aggression. Of course, negative punishment tend to have less (or at least less intense) adverse effects.

Another disadvantage of punishment is that it has no long term effects. While you can use punishment to stop your dog from doing an un wanted behavior, this does not ensure that the behavior's frequency will be reduced. Punished behaviors tend to be maintained when the punishment is not applied frequently. That is the reason why prong, choke and electric collars are used even on dogs that have already being trained.
Despite the short term span of punishment, punished behaviors' frequency seems to be reduced in dogs that have been trained in such way. However, this usually is an erroneous interpretation because those behaviors don't appear when the punisher (maybe the trainer) is present. Then, after the punisher has been removed, the frequency of those behaviors tends to increase again.

It is very easy to see what I explained in the previous paragraph. Just look for a traditional trained dog which has not been trained by his owner. The dog will work perfectly when the trainer is present but stop working when the trainer is absent. Therefore, you can infer that the dog experiences some kind of anxiety when the trainer is present, because that man is somehow associated with punishment.

This does not mean that traditional trainers are cruel or violent. Of course there are stupid and cruel guys who call themselves trainers, but most traditional trainers can tra in dogs that obey happily and without fear. However, to achieve this level of training while using punishment and negative reinforcement, you must be very experienced. It is not easy to become a good traditional dog trainer.

A similar situation occurs when using negative punishment. For instance, you can stop your dog from jumping on you just by ignoring him when that behavior is displayed. However, it takes just one reinforcing episode (giving attention to your dog when he jumps on you) to take back the unwanted behavior. Even worst, it is very likely that the jumping behavior will be strengthened by that reinforcing episode, so you will need much more time to retrain your dog.

Ok, at this point it seems that this article is just an anti-punishment propaganda. Please believe me, it is not such thing. Punishment could be useful to train animals, which has been proven by scientific studies on experimental psychology. However, it could also have really big drawbacks.

So, if you are thinking to use punishment to train your dog, please don't rely only on reading about it. Call an expert and ask him/her to teach you the proper way to use punishments. And please don't believe the false statement that "choke chains, prong collars and electric collars are not punishing devices, but corrective ones". They are punishers. Therefore, if you are going to use those devices to train your dog, learn it from an expert.

On the other hand, you have a lot of alternatives to train your dog without punishment. There are several proven methods to stop your dog from doing unwanted behaviors without using punishment: training an incompatible behavior, putting the unwanted behavior on command, reinforcing every behavior except the undesired one, changing the motivation, etc.

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Tuesday 29 January 2013

Dog Training Ways Employed to Learn How to Train a Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentinos (Argentine Dogo or Argentinian Mastiff) are a breed of dogs that have been especially bred for their ability to hunt and protect. When fully grown, they stand at a height of 23 inches (or more), and are white, muscular and robust. Their coats are plain white and any markings on the same are taken as flaws. These dogs are used in areas of military, hunting, rescue and for police assistance. They are known to be quite territorial and they have a strong instinct to protect what is theirs. Dominance by any other dog does not go well with this breed and they ensure that they are the alpha leaders. Yet Dogo Argentinos have a unique quality and in that they have been trained to be ferocious hunting dogs, or watch dogs, but when with a family, they can be trained to be gentle. Though this breed of dogs are not the first choice that families usually make for pets, there are several adept dog handlers who prefer this breed. In this following article we will be dealin g with the varied ways of how to train a Dogo Argentino.

Dogo Argentino Training Tips

There are several Dogo Argentino training methods that can be used. In a way, it helps if you adopt a puppy, because that becomes easier to accomplish. Here are some of the ways of how to train a puppy. There are certain basic pointers that have to be kept in mind.

Style of Training
It is important to understand the training style that has to be used when learning how to train a Dogo Argentino. The key is to be consistent and patient. One cannot expect any positive results if one does not keep at it. The same instructions have to be given over and over again. Another important factor that has to be kept in mind is to be absolutely patient. While the usage of a firm and stern voice is required, make absolutely sure that you do not physically harm the dog. Never beat or hit the dog, because this can make him aggr essive and rebellious. You need the dog to listen to you and that can be achieved with patience, not physical punishments. This method is used for learning how to potty train a dog as well.
Setting Boundaries
It is very important that you train the puppy right at the onset about the kind of behavior that is acceptable and that which is not. For example if you don't want the puppy to get onto the furniture or your bed, then this has to be instructed to them in the beginning itself. While different ways may work just as well, one of the most effective ways that is known to work is to use a firm voice and instruct the dog that you do not want it to climb the sofa. This is done by holding the front paws of the dog and stopping it whenever it wants to climb the furniture and following it up with a firm 'No'. This will help condition the dog that this is not acceptable behavior and with time, the dog will know that it cannot climb onto the furniture.

Socializing is an important trait of the dog training sessions and is needed to be made an important part of the Dogo Argentino training metho ds as well. The dogs need to socialize so that they come in contact with the people and learn that attacking them is not acceptable. For this, taking them to the parks or the beach becomes important.

Exercising is another very important factor that has to be brought into training a Dogo Argentino. This breed requires a lot of physical activity to keep fit. If they aren't allowed the same, they will start getting restless and aggressive. Exercising is important for their health and appetite as well.

Professional Classes
Most people are of the opinion that enrolling the dog in professional obedience classes is a necessary prerequisite. These classes undertake varied lessons that have to deal with the dog's behavior and traits.

These were some of the ways that can be employed to learn how to train a Dogo Argentino. Training a Dogo Argentino might seem like a difficult task when you first start out on it, but if you employ these techniques and keep at it, you'll have a well behaved dog by your side real soon. And that is what we want, correct?

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Monday 28 January 2013

Home Dog Training Secrets Review

Home Dog Training Secrets Review

Owning a dog can be one of the greatest joys in life - but only if your dog is well behaved. As much comfort and companionship that comes from owning a dog, there can be a lot of frustration and problems if your dog is a troublemaker.

If you've ever had a dog that misbehaves you know the anger and helplessness you feel when your dog:

- Tears up the furniture when you are away during the day.

- Barks endlessly into the night keeping you and your family awake.

- Acts aggressive toward people and other dogs while outdoors.

- Begs for food and attention while you are eating dinner.

The list of behavioral problems goes on and on - and they can all make for a bad pet owning experience.

There are many factors that can go into having a "bad" dog - but fortunately there is a simple solution to virtually all dog behavior problems. Having a well trained dog IS wi thin your reach and best of all you can take steps in your own home to train your dog and have a better pet.

Most people avoid formally training their dogs, to their detriment. Dogs are trainable creatures - no matter what their age - and many dog owners miss out on the incredible bond that can exist between a dog and its human master.

can give you the insight, guidance and specific steps that you can use to train your own dog, in your own home. Many people think that they need to hire a professional and pay thousands of dollars in order to have a well behaved dog, but nothing could be further from the truth!

Even if you have a tough relationship with your dog right now - you're the best person to train him or her! You're the one who spend time with your dog. You're the one that feeds your pet. You're the one that's there. That gives you expert level knowledge about your specific pet - and positions you as the best trainer in the world for yo ur specific dog.
All you need are the step by step instructions that you'll find inside

There are lots of dog training products out there on the market - it's true - but you won't find anything as comprehensive and complete as this program.

You'll learn about the inner workings of your dog's mind so you'll know exactly how to trigger their innate instincts and thousands of years of tendencies so you can create the dog you've always wanted.

Dogs learn in a very specific fashion - and that's something that many home dog training products miss out on. Without helping you understand the way that your dog thinks, you're left with a bunch of instructions and tactics but no real understanding of how you can reach out to your dog and get the results that you want.

The key difference between this program and others is that it helps you not only understand the *what* of dog training but the *why* as well. When you understand the why, you'll be able to adapt the techniques specifically for your dog and your unique situation.

The foundation of good dog training is creating a strong relationship with your dog, and Home Dog Training Secrets provides you with dozens of ways that you can spend time bonding and connecting with your dog. The more you two bond on this level and communicate, the more success you'll have with your training.

By taking advantage of your dog's wolf pack instincts and using the tips and techniques in this guide, you'll be able to reverse bad behavior and create a better pet. You'll learn keys to praising your dog, training with treats, creating rituals that your dog will come to expect and how to use a leash in the proper way.

In addition to these basics of dog care, you'll also learn advanced training techniques that you can use with your dog. You can train your dog to go to the bathroom on command - which is a terrific technique to use if you only have a limited tim e to let your dog relieve itself or you need to get back inside fast. You'll also learn the keys to teaching your dog to wait at the door - this alone can prevent one of the biggest problems people have when visitors arrive at the door. Another advanced technique is getting your dog to take their medicine - which can be lifesaving if your dog has a serious medical condition.

In addition, you'll get insights on the most important dog health issues - picking a vet and selecting the right foods for your dog. Far too few pet owners understand the importance of feeding your animal the right food and having the right medical care. It can make the difference between having your best friend around for 10 years and having it around for 15 years. The health training manual also includes important information on grooming your dog and making its coat shiny, healthy and more lustrous.

All this and more is covered in the 16 unique training manuals. You'll learn the s ecrets to selecting the right toys for your dog and how to get your dog to behave around children. You'll also learn how you can go on a "stress free" vacation with your dog without worrying about behavior problems while you're out and about.

It doesn't matter what type of problem, what type of breed or how old your dog is - your dog IS trainable. Using the step by step instructions in this course will take you from frustrated dog owner to master in charge of his pet.

Owning a dog is a true joy - and with this course you'll have all of the key components that you need to have a happy, healthy and obedient dog.

There is so much more to owning a dog than giving it food and shelter - with this course you'll be able to get the specific skills that you need to have the pet you've always wanted.

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Sunday 27 January 2013

Effective Dog Training for Obedience

Dog training for obedience is a continuous process. Dog obedience training for obedience is basically a program that requires active involvement of both the owner and the dog. The whole dog training teaches them how to communicate with each other effectively. In case you do not know, dog training for obedience is vital to building a strong and close relationship with your dog. To achieve that, house training your dog is the most effective and quickest way to accelerate the dog training for obedience of your dog.

Proper dog training for obedience is built on the principle of proper and strict reinforcement of discipline. Dogs are naturally social creatures and are able to live in packs. As such, they are not loners and they are inclined to conform to social hierarchy or authority within the pack of dogs. Likewise, because of this, they are ready to listen and obey your commands. But dog obedience training is effective and easier for you if you know what you are doing. Otherwise, a lot of times, your dog training efforts become futile and counter-productive.

One common goal in dog training for obedience is to train your dog to respond to your command willingly and quickly every time you issue it. Dog obedience training is basically communication between you and your dog so that your dog understands how you want it to respond to you. At times, you will realize that training your dog is more about training yourself the owner. This is because your attitude, patience and effort towards dog training for obedience are so critical to the training success. One more tip for you is that dog training for obedience is an ongoing process.
The ideal dog obedience training method is using a consistent reward and punishment system as dogs respond well towards this especially when they are young puppies. Dog obedience training starts first with sit and come training. Make sure that it pays attention to your commands and not get distracted. Your dog needs to know that you are serious about the training and command. Do not merely threaten to punish it. Carry it out consistently so that he/she senses you are serious about the dog training session. The same goes for rewarding your dog for executing each command. Other basic dog obedience training techniques include training your dog to stay and keep down.

Dog training for obedience of course includes other more advanced commands such as off leash training. You will find a fair bit of information online. On top of these, you can find a good dog obedience training school for your pet. But be sure to use only Certified Pet Dog Trainers as they are professionally trained to handle most dogs.

Dog training for obedience is something you should begin from the very day your pet dog arrives at your doorstep. It is not something you can procrastinate or delay as your dog would quickly form its habits. It can become difficult down the road to change and correct any dog behavior problems like excessive barking, chewing etc as they stay longer at your home. Remember that dog obedience training is an excellent way of communicating and building friendship with your best friend. It also ensures he/she is under control and safe for the whole family.

Dog training for obedience need not be tedious and challenging. Find out more useful tips through the recommended websites at my dog obedience training website.

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Saturday 26 January 2013

Protection Dog Training - Vicious Animal or Family Pet?

I was recently in a social setting where I was asked about my dog, Rocco. Rocco is my Rottweiler who has undergone extensive protection dog training. We were engrossed in a discussion about his training and capabilities when we were overheard by another person.

Oh, you shouldnt train your dog to do that stuff. That makes them vicious, was her statement injected into our conversation. I was initially a bit taken-aback and annoyed; not only was her comment unsolicited but it was based on a lack of knowledge. As I thought about it more, however, I came to realize that this is a common style of thinking. There are many misconceptions about protection dogs and protection dog training. Let me dispel some of the myths of protection dogs and talk about protection dog training at its root to combat some of the more prevalent misinformation.

First, let me do a bit of defining. There are many terms thrown around that are often interchanged incorrectly.
Attack Dog- A poorly trained, typically anti-social, and fearful creature. Ineffective except for looking tough.
Guard Dog- A dog that is trained to guard an area. Guard dogs are often used on estates, warehouses, or open areas that need guarding. Guard dogs may or may not be good with people and may or may not have obedience training.
Police Patrol Dog- A dog that is trained to work chasing down criminals. They are trained to be used on the offensive.
Protection Dog- A dog that is trained to be used first and foremost as a defensive deterrent. A protection dog is trained to show aggression on command and turn off on command. A protection dog is trained to attack on command or if the aggressor is not deterred by the show of aggression. A protection dog has high levels of obedience training.

So now let me return to the original statement. Does training a protection dog make him vicious? I understand why many people would assume this. After all, you are training a dog to show aggression, bite a person, and do what is necessary to combat a human. Protection dog training does not, however, make a dog vicious.
There are several styles and methods for protection dog training. At its root, however, there are two instincts, or drives, that protection dog trainers harness time and time again to achieve results. Lets examine them.

Prey Drive
Prey drive is a drive that most dogs possess, not just protection dogs. A Labrador retriever chases a tennis ball because of prey drive. The local mongrel chases a car because of prey drive. Essentially, prey drive is a dogs desire to chase and capture a fast moving object. Nothing vicious about it. A good protection dog trainer will harness this drive to teach a puppy to chase a rag. As the puppy grows older he graduates from a rag to a tug. From a tug the trainer teaches the dog to bite a sleeve or a dog training bite suit. All the while the training is approached as a game. As a fun way to use energy and satisfy drive. Basically, the decoy, or guy wearing the bite suit or sleeve, is not viewed as a bad guy but as a partner in a fun game. As training progresses, a good trainer will train the dog to discount the presence of equipment and view the person as the prey object. All of this training is done on command only. As training progresses the dog is taught to only respond when he hears the dog training command from his owner. This ensures for safety and control.

Defense Drive
All creatures have some sort of defense mechanism. Dogs have three ways of dealing with an aggressor: fight, flight, or avoidance. In protection dog training a good trainer will utilize a dogs defense drive to build on what he has learned with prey drive. The trainer will show the dog that in certain situations a person is a threat and can be dealt with using the skills taught in prey drive. In this way, prey drive and defense drive work together. In essence, a dog is taught that when given a command that the aggressor is a real threat and he should use his skills to fight the threat. As with prey drive these skills are taught only under command and with high levels of control and safety.

There are not many dogs capable of this level of training. A dog that can accomplish this is a strong and very confident dog. This level of confidence is what often makes protection dogs safe and good with people. They are so confident that they dont view people as threats unless told to under command by their owner. Protection dog training often bolsters this confidence as these dogs learn the power that they have and their innate abilities.

So are these dogs vicious? Absolutely not. Their natural drives have merely been harnessed to teach them new skills. I like to compare a well trained protection dog with a well trained soldier. Is a soldier more of a danger because of his training? Many would argue that he or she isnt. The advanced levels of training turn a soldier into a person who is extremely confident. A soldier is capable of being a loving and caring family member in one setting and tool of battle in another. Just because a soldier is capable of using weapons under one setting does not make that person vicious.

Confidence is the opposite of fear. Fear is what causes many problems both in dog and human alike. When you combine the confidence and high levels of control in a well trained protection dog, I contend that you have a dog that is safe to be around and definitely not vicious.

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Friday 25 January 2013

Dog Training: Common House Training Problems

In terms of dog training, house training is one of the areas of dog ownership and one of the most common dog training problems that is most subject to misunderstanding, confusion, and just plain dread boy dog owners and even dog training experts.

In today's dog training article we are going to examine and learn how to deal with two of the most common problems surrounding the issue of house training your dog:

- Submissive and excited urination

- Scent marking behavior

Common house training problem #1: Submissive and excited urination

What is it a 'submissive urinator'?

A 'submissive urinator', in dog training terms, is a dog that urinates on the floor and himself (and sometimes on you or any guests you may have!) in situations of extreme excitement or stress, like when you return home at the end of the work day or when the dog is being told off for some bad behavior.

Why does this happen?

Puppies are the most usual candidates for submissive/excited urination, but it is also not uncommon to see this behavior in adult dogs as well. Usually, these are highly sensitive and timid dogs, and/or ones from a shelter/with a history of abuse (often these last two go hand-in-hand and one of most common things we see as dog training professionals.)

When does it happen?

Situations which are likely to trigger an excited/fearful dog to urinate:
- Greeting time after a prolonged absence of owner
- Play time where a dog gets too excited
- The arrival of guests (particularly unknown guests)
- Stressful situations at home, eg arguments involving owner
- During a behavior correction such as youre telling him off
- Sudden and unexpected loud noises such as thunder or fireworks

What can I do about it?

Luckily as dog training experts will tell you, it is not difficult to prevent your dog from doing his submissive or excited urination.

Firstly and most importantly, you should take him to the vet to make sure there is no unknown medical reason for the issue (such as diabetes or a hidden bladder infection.)

Next, its time to take use good dog training techniques to control the problem:

- Try to limit his intake of water to help him control his bladder more effectively, this is very important. Dont restrict his water intake over a prolonged period of time, but if you know there is a situation coming which would normally result in a loss of bladder control, for example, you have guests coming over, or are planning on a play session soon, take his water bowl away for a period of time (maybe half an hour to an hour) before the event.
- When greeting your dog, keep it calm and mellow. The more excited he is, the harder it is for him to control his bladder, so dont encourage him to get worked up: ignore him for the first few moments, or give him a very neutral "hello", a quick and gentle pat, and then go about making yourself at home.

- Its important that you DO NOT punish or harshly correct your dog for this behavior. It is not something that he can easily control, and hes certainly not doing it on purpose. Punishing a dog for this behavior can cause emotional distress and lead to more problems for you and the dog in the long run. When you catch him in the act, you can interrupt him (a firm "No!" followed by praise when he stops should suffice) but dont punish him. Keep your cool, and try to be sympathetic: he doesnt mean to do it, after all!

- If he urinates out of fear (submissiveness) when scolding him for another offense, try to take the stress levels down a notch by keeping a firm, authoritative, but not angry tone. Remember, youre dealing with a sensitive, highly-strung dog: if you get angry or worry him further, the problem will worsen.

Common house training problem #2: Scent marking

In dog training terms 'Scent marking' is where a dog 'marks' his or her territory with urine. Technically this is not actually a house training problem, since its based on the dog training issues of dominance and territoriality rather than insufficient house training. A dog can be perfectly house trained but still feel the need to mark inside the house.

However, because since the problem centers around the unwanted presence of urine in the house it seems logical, in a way, to link this problem with house training. Since this is one of the most widespread problems among dog owners, we as dog training professionals thought it worthwhile to include some practical advice.

Scent marking and lack of house training: how to differentiate between the two

Your dog is most likely scent marking their territory, rather than genuinely relieving himself, if:

- The amount of urine produced is relatively small, and tends to be directed against vertical surfaces such as doors, walls or furniture.

- If your dog is an unneutered male and at least five or six months old. Unneutered dogs are much more territorial than neutered ones. If you have an unneutered dog in the house, you can pretty much expect a certain amount of scent marking as he defines his own areas. It should also be noted that unspayed females also mark, but it is much less common. Spayed and neutered dogs can also exhibit marking behavior, but its relatively rare but should not be discounted.

- It makes little difference how often he is taken outside for a toilet break

- He frequently targets items that are new to the house such as new possessions, guest clothing/footwear, etc that do not carry some form of his scent

- You live in a multi-dog household and there is conflict between two or more of the dogs. In this case it is a dominance issue between the two and they may both mark.

- There are other, unneutered or unspayed pets in the house

What to do about the problem?

From a dog training perspective the first thing you need to do is spay or neuter your dog(s) as soon as you possibly can. If you can do this early enough, ideally, at six months of age, this often halts marking altogether. If this is not possible or if your dogs been marking for a prolonged period of time, he or she may continue to do so after being spayed or neutered, since a pattern of behavior will have been established.

Ensure you clean soiled areas thoroughly. Use a non-ammonia based cleaner, because it smells just like pee, and stay away from vinegar too, it smells similar to pee as well. Oxi-Clean mixed with warm water is particularly effective on these areas and there are also plenty of commercial cleaners designed specifically to lift pet stains and odors, which you can buy from pet stores and some supermarkets.

Because dogs tend to re-mark the same places, youll need to redefine the places that you know he's marked to prevent repeat offending.

Many dog training experts will recommend the following ways to do this:

- Feed him next to or on top of the spot
- Play with him there
- Groom him there
- Put his bed over or next to it
- Spend time there yourself: hang out with a book or sit down and work

Finally, one particular aspect of dog training that is often overlooked is if there is rivalry between dogs in the household. In this case you will need to take steps to resolve it. Any conflict is likely to be hierarchical in nature (a 'power struggle'), which means that all you have to do to stop the tension is pay attention to which dog seems to be more dominant than the other one (which one eats first, gets the toys he/she wants, 'stares down' another dog), and reinforce this position to establish the hierarchy.

So how do you do this? From a dog training perspective it is relatively simple. First, feed the dominant dog first. Pet him/her first. Give him/her a toy before anyone else gets one. This makes it clear to all dogs in the house which one really is the dominant dog. When this hierarchys been recognizably established, territorial and dominant behaviors like scent marking often vanish overnight.

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Thursday 24 January 2013

7 Dog Training Tips to Should Know Prior to Starting Dog Training

Dog training is very important if you would like to ensure that you and your new pet will be able to live in harmony. Dog training can correct or modify a number of the dog's natural behaviors, making the dog much more suited to life being taken care of in your home. There are a number of different ways available to train your dog and by following these 7 basic dog training tips, you will find that the training goes smoothly and is fun for both you and your dog.

1. If you are unsure of how to train your dog, seek help.
Individuals that would like to train their dog often have no idea how dog training is conducted or how the personality of their dog will factor into the training process. There are a number of different books and reference materials available to help a person train their dog, and if the owner is still unsure or uncomfortable with the training methods, they can ask a professional dog trainer for assistance and additional dog training tips.

2. Negative reinforcement is the least effective training method.
One of the dog training tips that most dog training professionals wish more people knew is that using negative reinforcement or punishment to train the dog is the least effective way to get the dog to obey you, but is the most effective way of making the dog fearful or aggressive towards you and others.
3. Making dog training fun also makes the training more effective.
Another one of the most important dog training tips to remember is that dogs love to please and are eager to learn in all stages of life, so making the dog training fun for the dog not only makes the training more enjoyable but also makes the lesson easier to learn for your dog.

4. Don't be afraid to use small treats as rewards.
Giving the dog a small treat for a job well done will not hurt the training process and will make the training more enjoyable for the dog. The treat chosen as the reward should only be given during the training process and on the successful completion of the task the dog was asked to do.

5. Research training products extensively before deciding which to purchase.
There are a large number of different training products on the market today and some of these products are intended for a specific use, not for general obedience training. Some of the products will have features that are not necessary to the training that you are trying to conduct, while some others may have features that will make your training sessions easier.

6. Dog training takes time.
Just as you didn't learn how to read in a day, your dog will not master a command or a trick within the space of a day. It takes time for a dog to remember and execute a desired behavior after it has been introduced to them, so this important dog training tip is to give the training time to work and the dog time to understand what you are asking him to do.

7. If at first you don't succeed, try again.
This last tip of the important dog training tips is that if your dog fails to understand a training method or a command, try a different teaching method. Just like different people learn in different ways, different dogs learn in different ways as well.

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Wednesday 23 January 2013

A Guide to Dog Training

Before starting dog training, it is best that you know your options well. These days you can find many types of dog training, in many different places. These trainings vary in price and each one them has something different to offer.

The first type of dog training is known as puppy preschool. This is a dog training course meant for puppies that are about 6 weeks to 5 months old. These puppy preschool classes generally last for no more than 6 to 8 weeks. In these training sessions, your puppy is essentially taught how to socialize with people and as well as other puppies. Here your puppy also begins to learn how to sit down, stay at a place, and how to come.

The second type of dog training course is meant for the dogs that are at least 5 months old. This type of dog training is known as the basic dog training. The duration of these classes is usually about 8 to 10 weeks. This is the basic course, where your dog is taught the art of walking properly on a leash, sitting, staying, coming and heeling.
The third type of dog training course is known as the intermediate dog training. This dog training aims at teaching the dog mostly the same things that are taught in the basic training course, in a more detailed form. Here the dog is trained to stay for a longer span of time, and is also taught to follow the orders given by other people.

The intermediate dog training generally lasts for about 8 to 10 weeks, and is meant for those that are no less than 5 months old. It is essential for the dog to have completed its basic dog training course, or to be accustomed to the basic commands that could have been taught by the owner.

The next type of training course is known as the advanced dog training course. Here, once again, the course is quite similar to its previous one, i.e., the intermediate dog training course, except for the fact that this time it is more detailed. Here, the dog is taught how to sit even without you in the view.

This training course is about 8 to 10 weeks long, and is meant for those that have completed their intermediate training. Here, they are also trained to walk beside their owners without a leash. Moreover, it gradually prepares the dog to take the Canine Good Citizen training course. The Canine Good Citizen training for dogs is the last course. To pass this course, your dog will be taught the 10 necessary aspects.

This course is strictly meant for those dogs that have completed all the previous courses. The test is quite tough and can only be passed if the dog is really well behaved. Depending on whether your dog can pass, the course can last for several weeks.

Keeping this information in mind, you should be able to decide the dog training course best suited for your dog. However, you may seek the opinion of your local dog trainers to know more. Many trainers consult for free. So now you should be at least a step closer to introducing your dog into a training course!

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Tuesday 22 January 2013

The Importance of Dog Training for a Happy, Balanced Pet-owner Relationship

First Principles

Teach respect, a dog has to be taught to respect its owner. You have to be his leader and not let him be yours. As you communicate with your dog he learns to understand you, he will forever be willing to please. Once the dog knows you are his leader, he will be a happy follower by teaching your dog the basic training commands and discipline.

It is next to impossible to have a normal, well-behaved, even-tempered dog without discipline and some training. Once a dog is trained he is a better pet and greater companion, and he himself will be happier for knowing that his owner is pleased with him. There are many books devoted to discipline and training and free online resources for dog training than ever imaginable! There are also many great obedience-training classes for low cost to no cost, one for example is PetSmart and I highly recommend this form of training, it helps your dog or puppy learn to socialize as well as get his basic obedience training from a professional source, helping you and your dog learn together. You must be willing to accept the fact that if your dog fails the course and becomes a dropout, it is entirely your fault not the dogs. He is a willing subject, it is your complete responsibility to ensure you and he complete all training classes and continue to adhere to the lessons learned.

Any sincerely interested dog owner can train their dog, and it can be a most rewarding educational experience for both. Patience and consistency is the key to successful training, at times you will have to be firm, but gentle and always, always give praise for each and every one of his positive efforts.Basically dog training is built on reward, repetition, reprimand and again praise. Although it can be too early to begin training, it is never too late. Most puppies form a strong attachment to an individual which may persist or wane, and there is often a phase of disobedience and defiance. Discipline is needed during this crucial period, but it must be with patience and never overbearing or intimidating. Don't listen to the old clich "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". There is nothing further from the truth, I don't for one moment believe that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, he can be taught new tricks and all the basic commands whatever his age.

It is bound to be a more difficult to break old habits like barking, chasing cars, sleeping on furniture etc., and can be resolved with proper training aids, such as no-bark collars, sonic bark control devices, citronella spray collars, indoor radio fences, and scat mats, if all other resources have been exhausted to resolve these and various other undesirable habits develop or exist. You and your dog must be relaxed before you begin any training session. He can and will know when you are tense or uncomfortable, he can't learn while he is tense or timid and if your dog or puppy is showing signs of stubbornness or defiance they may be more resistant to teaching, but don't give in, stay firm, consistent and have a routine, all animals are creatures of habit, so stay with the training. In essence complete relaxation is essential for both dog and trainer, also, make lessons fun for both you and your dog. He will learn much faster, and give you a greater reward for your trainin g efforts, vise-versa.

Getting To Know Your Dog or Puppy

To train your dog or pup to the best advantage for both, you must get to know their personality, for example there are sensitive or shy dogs who squeal at the slightest noise with disciplinary action and the merest jerk of a training lead, grooming comb or word of discipline, causing you to hurt his feelings and mistrust. Take caution and try to understand this dog or puppys personality, this is vital to their mental health and needs to be taken in a very slow, easy manner. If a stronger, more aggressive training method is used with this type of personality it cannot be reversed, and will ultimately result in a very scared, confused pet. Then there is the more assertive type dogs, they may need a stronger form of training and attention spans may need to be focused on, "Fearless" Fun loving, and go for it types of dogs always pushing himself at you for your attention, he jumps on your guests, slobbers on them, forces his "Here I am" on you, your guests, children or the elde rly. This personality may or may not need a more aggressive training method, depending on the breed and the owner's training abilities.

Make the Lessons Fun

Dogs get bored with long training sessions. If you work them for over 20 minutes at a time, they will lose interest and stop listening to you. For a younger dog or puppy, 5 to 10 minutes is long enough for one training session. But do it frequently, and again with, praise or training reward treats.

Basic Dog Training Commands

(1) Leash Training: This is the first and foremost of all dog and puppy training. Say you need to take your pet to the Veterinarian for a check up...this cannot be done without a well leash trained dog or puppy. Work with your dog or puppy daily DO NOT: pull, drag or force your dog to follow the leash, take it easy.....let them walk to you, stop...say "Good Dog" Reward them with a treat, and let them sit, then, pet, praise them. Give them time, always be patient, they will respond soon to your leash training, it is so very important not to scare them while leash training!!!! They will never feel safe with you!!

(2) Heel: You teach your dog to walk on you left side without pulling in front of you; he always walks beside you, comfortably, easily and will never pull at the leash. When he tries to walk in front of you, you jerk back on the lead and say the word "Heel". Use this command with easy, gentle commands, do not "Yank" on the lead, be very, very gentle or this will cause your dog to become scared and try to bolt and make the "Heel" command frighten your dog, therefore, reversing your training and all trust established with your dog or puppy. Please always use good sense and respond to your dogs action or "Reaction" to "Leash and Heel" Training.

(3) Sit: Pull the leash straight up and while pushing down on his hindquarters, saying the word "Sit". Most dogs learn this very quickly.

(4) Down: You don't want your dog or puppy to jump on people, especially, elderly guests, children or anyone else that is coming to visit your home. Your dog needs to learn this after he is confident with his leash training. Grasp the leash or collar just under the dog's neck and while gently pulling in the downward motion as you say, "Down"

(5) Stay: This is a very important command, as it can save your dog from a situation were harm or injury may occur, and this can be beneficial to the both of you. This command can save you or your dog from being hit by cars, or any other dangerous situation, this can your dogs life. To teach the "Stay" command put your dog in a sitting position and talk a few steps away, and if he attempts to come to you, firmly say "Stay" and stop walking, ask your dog to sit, and start again, keep repeating this procedure until he stays, this may take some time, remember keep the lessons short, and be consistent.

(6) Come: Be sure to do this with a leash or long lead. First put him on the "Stay" command, use the word "Come" and give the leash a light tug toward you, when he responds a comes to you give him praise and or a reward treat and repeat this lesson until your dog is responsive to the command, then you can remove the leash or lead and repeat the lesson. This is one of the easiest lessons dogs learn very quickly. With all said and these simple, easy to follow training guidelines, you should have a long and happy relationship with your dog or puppy. Note: Never give up, be patient, consistent and always praise!!!! Love your dog like he loves you.


"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.....You are his life, his love, and his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy ofsuch devotion. "

Author unknown:

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday 21 January 2013

Dog Training Discover Some of the Wonderful Benefits of Dog Training

Dog training introduces a very critical key to content, intelligent, pet. Dog training isn't a skill; numerous trainers and facilities devise an training process. Dog training comprises more than just a party antic, it makes up an essential training to sustain your dog safe and sound. A Benefit from owning a disciplined dog is that he will respond to you once you call him. Without training your dog he will never realize what you're attempting to say to him. With dog training you'll be able to anticpate how your dog will respond to certain scenarios. Training your dog will also give your dog a more euphoric lifespan for both of you. You can love each others fellowship since he will behave kindlier and you'll not have to discpline him as frequently. Without dog training your dog will never interpret what you require him to perform. You will be able to translate how to communicate efficaciously with your dog after you've both finished dog training. You'll no longer be giving him puzzling instructions because you'll recognize what phrases to utilize to have him to interpret most effective. Dog training will in addition to teach you a lot of techniques on how to approach each situtation with your dog. The problems that can be worked out by training are numerous, but it does demand time to figure out each one. Without giving time to train your dog the right way you'll have a punishing time getting him to listen to you.Right counseling is necessary to get your dog trained right. Remember people are experts in these fields of study for a reason and that's to assist you and your dog. To properly train your dog you must be able to affirm your dominance over him. You have to be able to asset this dominance so that he recognizes that you are the superior. While dog training will help out your dog some of the times you might think he's to aged. However, recollect even aged dogs can pick up novel ideas. While training your dog may appear discouraging it's not that difficult for people to do. While training does involve a couple of moments of time daily you'll learn to delight and savor these moments and hope they never depart. Without the ongoing training work for your dog he could easily blank out some of his instructions that you instructed him and begin carrying on again. The time that you spend training your dog will permit your bond with him to get firmer than ever before.

Dog training introduces a very critical key to content, intelligent, pet. Dog training isn't a skill; numerous trainers and facilities devise an training process. Dog training comprises more than just a party antic, it makes up an essential training to sustain your dog safe and sound.

A Benefit from owning a disciplined dog is that he will respond to you once you call him. Without training your dog he will never realize what you're attempting to say to him. With dog training you'll be able to anticpate how your dog will respond to certain scenarios. Training your dog will also give your dog a more euphoric lifespan for both of you. You can love each others fellowship since he will behave kindlier and you'll not have to discpline him as frequently. Without dog training your dog will never interpret what you require him to perform.

You will be able to translate how to communicate efficaciously with your dog after you've both finished dog training. You'll no l onger be giving him puzzling instructions because you'll recognize what phrases to utilize to have him to interpret most effective. Dog training will in addition to teach you a lot of techniques on how to approach each situtation with your dog. The problems that can be worked out by training are numerous, but it does demand time to figure out each one.

Without giving time to train your dog the right way you'll have a punishing time getting him to listen to you.Right counseling is necessary to get your dog trained right. Remember people are experts in these fields of study for a reason and that's to assist you and your dog. To properly train your dog you must be able to affirm your dominance over him. You have to be able to asset this dominance so that he recognizes that you are the superior. While dog training will help out your dog some of the times you might think he's to aged. However, recollect even aged dogs can pick up novel ideas. While training your dog may a ppear discouraging it's not that difficult for people to do. While training does involve a couple of moments of time daily you'll learn to delight and savor these moments and hope they never depart. Without the ongoing training work for your dog he could easily blank out some of his instructions that you instructed him and begin carrying on again. The time that you spend training your dog will permit your bond with him to get firmer than ever before.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday 20 January 2013

Why Dog Training Is So Important For You And Your Dog

Now that you have your new dog, or you have been thinking that your dog's behavior isn't really as good as it should be, you need to have an understanding of why dog training is so important for you and your dog. Dog training and dog obedience training isn't really a hard thing to do, because the number one thing your dog cares about is your happiness. If you are happy with your dog's behavior, your body language tells your dog how happy you are, and he is happy too. This point is the number one thing people forget when they are dealing with a "bad dog"...a dog's number one goal is to please you.

Dog obedience training is definitely something you can do yourself. As the dog's owner, you have the best relationship possible with your dog, and she will respond best to you for her pet dog training. It isn't necessary to hire and pay a "professional" dog trainer hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars to teach your pet dog obedience. There are plenty of dog training books, online dog training courses, and dog training tips available to you that will allow you to teach your dog obedience for well under a hundred dollars or so.

Many people believe that puppy training is the most important thing, and that you "can't teach an old dog new tricks". This couldn't be further from the truth. You can teach your dog obedience at any age, and in the case of an older dog, you will probably find that you have to train yourself more than you do your dog. Home dog training, when you are not working with a puppy, is just as much about breaking yourself of bad habits, as it is your dog's behavior. Your dog follows your lead, so to speak, so you have to train yourself too.

Regardless of your dog's "problem", or bad dog behavior, there is a resource out there to correct it using home dog training methods. If you follow everything to the letter in the dog training book or dog training course you are using, you can easily get the desired result or change in your dog's behavior. This will make you happy, and as a result, will make your dog happy. You will be surprised at the change in your dog just from you cu tting back on your anxiety level about your dog's behavior.

It may seem like a chicken or egg first situation, but it really isn't. Dog training is just a matter of telling your dog what you want him to do, and when she sees your pleasure ,she will correct her dog behavior.

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Saturday 19 January 2013

How To Earn Money Online Affiliate Marketing Beginner Tips:

How To Earn Money Online Affiliate Marketing Beginner Tips:

I am going to go into great detail, about ways I have found through trial and error, of how to make an honest living online. Want to ditch your boring 9 to 5 day job? Wouldn't it be great to make an honest living from the comfort of your own home? You can be in your pajamas toearn money online. You may one day log into your affiliate marketing account and realize you've earned hundreds, if not thousands for a simple days work. I'm not gonna tell you thatearning money online is a walk in the park, it's not! It does take work like anything in life you have to learn how to do it properly to be successful at it. But if you follow these money making tips, you will be earning money online in no time. But the question still remains how much money can I earn? This question entirely depends on you, and what your work ethic is. Here are some tips to get you started earning some money.

Tip number one: If you're looking to earn money online I would definitely recommend you sign up with a free clickbank account. Click bank is an online marketplace that has over 10,000 digital products for you to choose from to promote. They have been around for 10+ years, and are very well-respected in the Internet marketing industry. Clickbank vendors pay up to a 75% commission which is unsurpassed in the Internet marketing industry. Digital products are very convenient for customers, and merchants alike. As soon as the initial costs are covered through the development of the informational product, everything else is pure profit. So these merchants, can pay you the affiliate an excellent commission! There is a lot of great ways to earn money onlinethrough clickbank. I would recommend once you sign up with a free affiliate account through clickbank promote only informational products with a high gravity. A high gravity on clickbank, is telling you the affiliate marketer, that this vendors pro gram is actually earning a lot of money online. The higher the clickbank gravity the hotter the seller. So if you're looking for an honest way to earn money online, look no further than click bank. Sign up with a free account it should only take you about 5 to 10 minutes. Trust me this is an excellent way to earn extra cash.

Tip number two: If you'd rather sell physical products, not related to informational products I would recommend you sign up for an affiliate account at linkshare, or the pepper jam network. They are both excellent online marketplaces for potential affiliate marketers. The reason I like these two to earn money online, is because of the quality of the vendors involved. You will not have trouble making money through these two affiliate marketplaces. They have a lot of well-respected, major corporations for you to earn money through. Sign-up for a free affiliate account with one of these merchants, or maybe even Both it doesn't matter. Browse t hrough their online marketplace, and find a couple affiliate programs with a high commission rate, to earn money online with.
Tip number three: Now that you have signed up through a couple affiliate networks, and have your free affiliate account in place, it's time to move on to your next step to make money online. This is my best piece of advice I could give you to earn an honest living online. To make money on the Internet, you need to know what you are doing period point blank! This involves a learning process on your part, join an affiliate marketing forum such as the warrior forum for starters. The warrior forum is the number one online forum for Internet marketers worldwide. There is some great marketing minds on this forum. Browse through some of the posts, and start learning the how to's of affiliate marketing. Ask questions, read some forum posts. My next step to earn money online would be to learn from people who are already making a great living online. This would involve reading a good e-book, or joining an at home earn money online course, that can take you step by step by the h and, and show you exactly how to be successful in your money making quest from home. Remember, knowledge is power and power is money. Spend about 25% of your time learning how to make money, and the other 75% of the time actually accomplishing your tasks at hand. Which is promoting your affiliate products. You can promote your affiliate products online through the following methods, I'm going to show you how to earn some money, through these marketing methods that I personally use. Let's move on to step four!

Tip number four: Here's some tips to monetize your affiliate programs. This is a tip I recommend to every brand new affiliate, or anyone for that matter looking to earn money online. Learn the bum marketing method! This should only take you about a half-hour to learn, and it's absolutely mandatory for you to get an understanding of this concept if you want to earn money online. Even if you're not an affiliate marketer, you still need to know and understand this concept, if you're serious about generating a substantial income from the Internet. This is a free course, just Google it and read up on this concept. Okay, so now you have signed up to some affiliate marketing networks, you're starting to learn to earn money online. Hopefully you read some good e-books, or joined a highly ranked course to teach you how to make money with.You've read up on the bum marketing method, and have a basic understanding of the basic concept being taught. Let's move on to step five, this is the good part! This will show you how to earn money online through classifieds, forums, articles, blog posting, and your own affiliate marketing website.

Tip number five: I always recommend new affiliates to start writing classifieds, to get a basic understanding on how to rank your classifieds high for your chosen keywords. Once you start getting your classifieds ranked on the first page of Google for the title phrase you are going after you ha ve learned the bum marketing method successfully, and should start earning some money online through the classified ads that you write. Some of my favorite online classifieds to use are Usfreeads, craigslist, and kijiji. Kijiji is eBay's online classified website. Don't ask me how they came up with that name laugh out loud. All that I know is they get a decent amount of traffic so take advantage of that. There are tons of other online classifieds out there toearn money with, but these are my three favorites. So feel free to experiment!

Tip number six to earn money online: Posting an article directories! Extremely important, article directories have great sticking power on the Internet. This means the articles that you write will be floating around on the Internet for years to come. They can be earning you money now and well into the future. You want to write articles based around whatever affiliate product you are trying to promote. My favorite article directori es are hubpages, Ezinearticles, E. how, article dashboard, and go articles. Remember, use an article directory such as those listed that has a high page rank. So you can rank high for your keyword phrases on the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing! Writing articles is free, and is one of the most effective ways to drive free targeted traffic to your website, blog, or affiliate ads. So you can inevitably earn a lot of money online through writing quality articles. Article writing is too powerful to ignore, so take advantage of this opportunity, and start writing some articles.

Tip number seven to earn money online forums: I already told you about the importance of online forums above to learn some money making tips. But there is a very important feature that you can take advantage of through forum directories. That is, most online forums out there allow you to have a signature link. A signature link is basically a link to whatever you want, it co uld be an affiliate product you are promoting, a link to your website, or a link to a blog etc... whatever you are trying to promote online, and make money through you can put a link to that product in your signature for that particular forum. Once you set up your signature link, every forum post that you make in that particular forum will show up with your signature link at the bottom. The more active you are in that forum, the more publicity you can get from your signature posts. If you have a good product in your signature posts, you can earn a few bucks just from posting in online forums, through your forum posts. So take advantage of forum postings!

Feel free to share this article on your website, or blog!

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Friday 18 January 2013

Starting Your Own Online Affiliate Marketing Business Complete Steps To Take

Starting Your Own Online Affiliate Marketing Business Complete Steps To Take

I am going to go into great detail, about ways I have found through trial and error, of how to make an honest living online. Want to ditch your boring 9 to 5 day job? Wouldn't it be great to make an honest living from the comfort of your own home? You can be in your pajamas to Earn Extra Cash Online. You may one day log into your affiliate marketing account and realize you've earned hundreds, if not thousands for a simple days work. I'm not gonna tell you that earning money online is a walk in the park, it's not! It does take work like anything in life you have to learn how to do it properly to be successful at it. But if you follow these money making tips, you will be earning money online in no time. But the question still remains how much money can I earn? This question entirely depends on you, and what your work ethic is. Here are some tips to get you started earning some money.

Tip number one to make money online: If you're looking to earn money online I would definitely recommend you sign up with a free clickbank account. Clickbank is an online marketplace that has over 10,000 digital products for you to choose from to promote. They have been around for 10+ years, and are very well-respected in the Internet marketing industry. Clickbank vendors pay up to a 75% commission which is unsurpassed in the Internet marketing industry. Digital products are very convenient for customers, and merchants alike. As soon as the initial costs are covered through the development of the informational product, everything else is pure profit. So these merchants, can pay you the affiliate an excellent commission! There is a lot of great ways to earn money online through clickbank. I would recommend once you sign up with a free affiliate account through clickbank promote only informational products with a high gravity. A high gravity on clickbank, is telling you the affiliate marketer, that this vendors program is actually earning a lot of money online. The higher the clickbank gravity the hotter the seller. So if you're looking for an honest way to earn money online, look no further than click bank. Sign up with a free account it should only take you about 5 to 10 minutes. Trust me this is an excellent way to earn extra cash.

Tip number two: If you'd rather sell physical products, not related to informational products I would recommend you sign up for an affiliate account at linkshare, or the pepper jam network. They are both excellent online marketplaces for potential affiliate marketers. The reason I like these two to earn money online, is because of the quality of the vendors involved. You will not have trouble making money through these two affiliate marketplaces. They have a lot of well-respected, major corporations for you to earn money through. Sign-up for a free affiliate account with one of these merchants, or maybe even Both it doesn't matter. Browse through their online marketplace, and find a couple affiliate programs with a high commission rate, to earn money online with.

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Tip number three: Now that you have signed up through a couple affiliate networks, and have your free affiliate account in place, it's time to move on to your next step to earn money online. This is my best piece of advice I could give you to earn an honest living online. To make money on the Internet, you need to know what you are doing period point blank! This involves a learning process on your part, join an affiliate marketing forum such as the warrior forum for starters. The warrior forum is the number one online forum for Internet marketers worldwide. There is some great marketing minds on this forum. Browse through some of the posts, and start learning the how to's of affiliate marketing. Ask questions, read some forum posts. My next step to earn money online would be to learn from people who are already making a great living online. This would involve reading a good e-book, or joining an at home how to earn money online program, that can take you s tep by step by the hand, and show you exactly how to be successful in your money making quest from home. Remember, knowledge is power and power is money. Spend about 25% of your time learning how to make money, and the other 75% of the time actually accomplishing your tasks at hand. Which is promoting your affiliate products. You can promote your affiliate products online through the following methods, I'm going to show you how to earn some money, through these marketing methods that I personally use. Let's move on to step four!

Tip number four to earn money online: Here's some tips to monetize your affiliate programs. This is a tip I recommend to every brand new affiliate, or anyone for that matter looking to earn money online. Learn the bum marketing method! This should only take you about a half-hour to learn, and it's absolutely mandatory for you to get an understanding of this concept if you want to earn money online. Even if you're not an affiliate marketer, you still need to know and understand this concept, if you're serious about generating a substantialincome from the Internet. This is a free course, just Google it and read up on this concept. Okay, so now you have signed up to some affiliate marketing networks, you're starting to learn to earn money online. Hopefully you read some good e-books, or joined a highly ranked course to teach you how to make money with.You've read up on the bum marketing method, and have a basic understanding of the basic concept being taught. Let's move on to step five, this is the good part! This will show you how to earn money online through classifieds, forums, articles, blog posting, and your own affiliate marketing website.

Tip number five to earn money online: I always recommend new affiliates to start writing classifieds, to get a basic understanding on how to rank your classifieds high for your chosen keywords. Once you start getting your classifieds ranked on the first page of Google for the title phrase you are going after you have learned the bum marketing method successfully, and should start earning some money online through the classified ads that you write. Some of my favorite online classifieds to use are US free ads, craigslist, and kijiji. Kijiji is eBay's online classified website. Don't ask me how they came up with that name laugh out loud. All that I know is they get a decent amount of traffic so take advantage of that. There are tons of other online classifieds out there to earn money with, but these are my three favorites. So feel free to experiment!

Tip number six to earn money online: Posting an article directories! Extremely important, article directories have great sticking power on the Internet. This means the articles that you write will be floating around on the Internet for years to come. They can be earning you money now and well into the future. You want to write articles based around whatever affiliate product you are trying to promote. My favorite article directories are Hubpages, Ezinearticles, E. how, Articledashboard, and Goarticles. Remember, use an article directory such as those listed that has a high page rank. So you can rank high for your keyword phrases on the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing! Writing articles is free, and is one of the most effective ways to drive free targeted traffic to your website, blog, or affiliate ads. So you can inevitablyearn a lot of money onlinethrough writing quality articles. Article writing is too powerful to ignore, so take adva ntage of this opportunity, and start writing some articles.

Tip number seven to earn money online: I already told you about the importance of online forums above to learn some money making tips. But there is a very important feature that you can take advantage of through forum directories. That is, most online forums out there allow you to have a signature link. A signature link is basically a link to whatever you want, it could be an affiliate product you are promoting, a link to your website, or a link to a blog etc whatever you are trying to promote online, and make money through you can put a link to that product in your signature for that particular forum. Once you set up your signature link, every forum post that you make in that particular forum will show up with your signature link at the bottom. The more active you are in that forum, the more publicity you can get from your signature posts. If you have a good product in your signature posts, you can earn a few bucks just from posting in online forums, thro ugh your forum posts. So take advantage of forum postings!

Feel free to re-publish this helpful article on your Website, or Blog. Just be sure to leave everything intact.

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Thursday 17 January 2013

Affilliate Marketing Forum - WOW Take Alook Inside The BEST ONLINE internet marketing course Forum Available

Affiliate Marketing Forum there are actually 100's of them,But how do you know what they offer and which ones are the best? Well I am going to take you inside wealthy affiliates forum and give you a look behind the scenes.The review is on my personal experiences as I am a member over there, and who to tell the story better than myself.
I'm Deborahmaree,the best reviews in my eyes should be written by someone who is actually a member, not someone who has glazed over a couple of stories on the internet and decided to write an article about it.

Affiliate Marketing Forum - Why I Signed Up .If you are curious to why I joined an affiliate marketing forum, I will briefly explain. I actually joined by chance, I had been going in circles chasing my tail for almost a 12 months getting no where, making NO money.

I wasted heaps of money on those get rich quick blue prints, so much I finally gave up. Then accidentally I stumbled on an affilia te marketing forum in the search engine, now I will cut a long story short by telling you I got sucked into signing up.

Well Initially I thought I was sucked in, my thoughts today are completely different. I am blessed that I found Wealthy affiliate marketing forum as this was exactly what I needed.

Affiliate Marketing Forum - Exactly What Happens Immediately After You Sign Up At Wealthy Affiliate University. After you sign up you are guided over to the members forum, it is huge there are 1000.s of members.You are asked to introduce your self, then you are advised to get familiar with the training program and how things work.
Affiliate Marketing Forum - Introduction In To The 8 Weeks Training Program.
Once you set up you space and do a quick blog to tell others about yourself you then go into the training program.

The training is formatted in a step by step manner on how you should learn online marketing. You go at your own pace and you do not move on till you have passed that course. The training is second to none you will learn every thing from A-Z and not a thing left out. 8 weeks are recommended, but hey you may be a quick learner.

Affiliate Marketing Forum - Using The Forum To Learn Gain Further Knowledge
Once you finish the 8 weeks training course you have enough knowledge to start your own business, but you will find you need addition help to get the ball rolling.

This is where the forum comes in, you look up a categories, say you want to know how to set up wordpress, you go into "everything wordpress" post y our question and then like magic there it is, the answer. You never go without help, what ever you ask it will be answered, and sometimes instantly if someone is online when you are.

Affiliate Marketing Forum - How Will You Benefits By Being A Member Of Wealthy Affiliates
WOW, where do I start, ok not only will you get every conceivable training available about online internet marketing, it is all FREE ONCE YOU JOIN.

You can build websites in under 60 sec, 3 steps process, cuts down time and knowledge it is idiot proof.

Your hosting is FREE, that saves you a fortune.

There are job opportunities where you get payed to do jobs that you are good at. Etc you may know how to write GREAT articles so you post a job. You get paid

There are many incentives you can strive towards, Vegas is 1, you can win a trip to Vegas all expenses payed.

You are always kept up to date on google and new news on in ternet marketing, this is something you need to keep up with.

You get to use all the new tools for free, there are heaps of them. This makes your research so easy, and cuts down on time.

You get to use wealthy affiliates banners and pre build websites, commonly known as feed sites. Just buy a domain and forward it to a pre made website complete with targeted content. You do not need to write a thing, it doesn't get much better then that.

Oh, and there is free niche software, and free keywords, GOD everything is for free there is so much to look at.

Affiliate Marketing Forum -Conclusion.
If you want to learn to make money online wealthy affiliate university is the ONLY forum I would join. So are you ready to take a FREE guided video tour inside the best online internet marketing course available?

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Wednesday 16 January 2013

DO Affiliate Marketing Forums Help Rookies?

Do affiliate marketing forums help rookies to further their education in Internet marketing? I have found that training programs or training schools coupled with a community forum are invaluable. You become privy to the knowledge and experience of the members of the school that you also belong to. Forum with members that are willing to help each other regardless of monetary gain will greatly shorten the learning curve of your subject.

When I started in internet marketing, I didn't think I needed to belong to any kind of training school because I believed I could learn it on my own. This soon proved to be an expensive and bad mistake. Everything that glitters is not gold nor is everything you read on the internet proven to be the truth. There is so much scam found selling the next get rich quick opportunity that a new comer, if not careful will start buying every eBook or system. They will claim to make you rich in days with no work involved.

There is no system out there that can fulfill wealth overnight and just working two hours a week. If I am wrong leave a comment at the end of this article proving you can and I will revise my belief. I belong to a training school called, Wealthy Affiliate University. This school teaches you that it is possible to make good money on the internet, but that it takes dedicated work. The forum has members that are making their living from the internet and are still giving back to the community. If you have questions you can even PM the owners of wealthy affiliate and they will help you. I have never asked a question in the forum with out getting several members to respond and give me the correct answer.

Being a member of a forum has many advantages to a rookie starting out:

You can see what the other members need help with. You can pick the brain of the more successful and experienced members You can make friends with other members and possibly create an Joint Venture Learn how other members would solve your problem

Trying and failing in the online marketing career has made me a believer that you must have a connection with marketers that are successful. If you need advice from an eye doctor why would you go to a plumber? Don't go to a self proclaimed Guru that will take your money and leave you still broke.

Do affiliate marketing forums help rookies? The answer is maybe. It depends on the training or school and the members in the forum. Forums that are not affiliated with a training school may help you but cannot be specific to your individual topic or training. I recommend WAU for they have all the tools, tutorials, teachings, and the best community forum you can find. I appreciate all the help I have received from the members of WAU forum. I would not be as far along as I am if not for the forum.

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Tuesday 15 January 2013

Different Network Marketing Business Opportunities

In this article I want to talk about two different network marketing business opportunities you can join. As opposed to identifying specific companies I want to deal with how you approach finding network marketing business opportunities based on these two things.

1. Physical Products

2. Virtual Products

Many people are familiar with the Amway Corporation. Many companies have reinvented themselves and changed to online business models. I bring them up because they are one of the forerunners of multi marketing almost 50 years ago.

Their business is built around physical products that a person consumes on an ongoing basis. These are recognized as core products, with some companies growing them to billions of dollars worth a year. They are extremely well-organized and have manufacturing facilities in various countries around the world.

When it comes to building a network marketing business with physical products this is still one of the best oppor tunities. However you are limited in your ability to build a worldwide business because products must be shipped. Most network marketing business opportunities run into problems when it comes to shipping products and dealing with different currencies around the world.

Virtual products are things such as website hosting, membership sites, information products, domain names, social media such as video and audio, and so on. These products require no shipping and can be instantly accessed by anyone who has an Internet connection.

Currently there exists many affiliate marketing business opportunities dealing with virtual products online. These make a great business opportunity because you can build a worldwide business without ever shipping any products.

As more people come online looking for ways to make money virtual product network marketing business opportunities have become very appealing.

One constant that is necessary regardless whether you choose t o deal with a physical product or a virtual product is your ability to network with others. Even if you choose to do it as strictly as an Internet marketing business you still must sell products and enroll people into your business opportunity.

However you can automate many of the functions to do this such as prospecting, sorting, sponsoring, training, retailing, and so on. Therefore the most important thing is that you become attached to the product itself. This is the key thing to determining what type of network marketing business opportunity you want to join.

As you can see making money with these two different network marketing business opportunities is possible for anyone to do. It becomes a personal choice based on the company that you wish to join.

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Monday 14 January 2013

Why Do You Love Your Network Marketing Business Opportunity?

I certainly am a person who believes there are many different ways to make Money on the Internet today. One of the most popular right now is starting a network marketing business. Whether you are looking at starting a business of your own, or are already involved in one, here is a neat little exercise you can do to sell yourself on the value of a network marketing business opportunity.

Take out a sheet of paper and write down everything you love about your network marketing business opportunity! If you are able to come up with a lengthy list you are probably in the right network marketing business for you.

However if you are struggling to come up with multiple reasons that you love being in your network marketing business, then you may need to consider switching companies.

Here are a few things that are probably going to be on every person's list.

1. The products are the best on the market! The key to longevity in network marketing is representing q uality products that provide value at an affordable price. If you are sold on the products you representing then you are in the right network marketing business.

2. The company is fantastic. Every network marketing business opportunity is only going to be as good as the company backing it up. You should feel comfortable the company has a solid reputation and will continue to be around in the future.

3. The marketing materials are of the highest quality. Today image is everything and you need quality marketing materials to sell and sponsor with. This should include an easy to navigate website, banners and graphics, videos, audio, email messages, blog articles, and so on.

4. The compensation plan is one that allows you to make money in multiple ways. This should include paying you well for personal sales.

It also should allow you to create a residual income on the efforts of the people in your downline. Ultimately most people stay involved in a network marketing business because of the money. Therefore the compensation plan should be as good as anything on the market today.

5. You enjoy networking with your upline and with your downline. Network marketing is a business built on networking and the people you're in business with are extremely important.

In conclusion hopefully this is five things you have on your list about why you love your network marketing business opportunity. You certainly can create a longer list and hopefully you will do so.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday 13 January 2013

Your Network Marketing Business Opportunity Depends On This One Thing

If you are looking to join a network marketing business opportunity or you have just invested in one then the very life and success of your business will depend on learning this one skill and this one skill alone. So many people fail within the industry and never achieve the financial freedom that leads to the time freedom they are so desperately craving. Read on to succeed.

The one skill that you need to master and learn, that's the good news you can indeed learn it, will ensure you are one of the three per cent who succeed with a network marketing business opportunity. It's a skill that is so obviously needed that it is mentioned in the actual title of the industry you are involved with or about to be involved with. Yet this skill is not possessed by many people when they come into the industry and they make no effort to learn the science behind the skill and effective ways of implementing it into their business.

What is the skill?

Marketing, pure and simple. If you become a master marketer you will succeed, no doubt about it, in fact you will be able to walk into any business opportunity and succeed right from the off. Learning marketing is the one thing that will allow you to have floods of people coming to you wanting to either purchase your product or join your opportunity, maybe even do both.

With your network marketing business opportunity if you master marketing you will never have to cold call and you will never have to annoy your friends and family to join you in your business.

If you take a close look at the training that is provided within most network marketing companies it extends to making a list of friends and family and pitching those people, or "puking" on those people would be a better description. Your friends and family don't want your opportunity; if they did they would be out actively looking for your business opportunity. If you carry on pitching or attempting to pitch to people who don't want what you offer you will start to encounter an awful lot of rejection.

To truly succeed with your network marketing business opportunity, become a student of marketing. Define your target market as tightly as possible, what is there exact profile? Look to study marketing techniques both online and offline and implement them into your business. Take a look at people who are doing well both online and offline and outside of your company, what are they doing to become successful, don't just take your company training as an absolute and the only way in which the business works.

If you make the effort to learn marketing and implement the skills into your business you will become the hunted and not the hunter as people will come to recognise who you are what it is you have to offer, in essence it is about positioning your brand so effectively that you no longer need to compete.

If you wish to learn how to market online in order to reach masses of people with your business message in short amounts of time and get into profit fast check out the link below.

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Saturday 12 January 2013

Network Marketing Business Opportunities - Top 5 Myths They Never Told you

Okay, you go to Google type in a key phrase related to network marketing business opportunities or something like a program you know or whatever. What pops up on screen? Most likely the very same writers are actually parading their very own programs related to network marketing themselves.

Plus, as a bonus I am going to reveal to you bits and pieces about the new rave that is going around town such as the internet network marketing revolution. This is going to blow you out of your mind.

If you are looking for review about some network marketing business opportunities, then you can search elsewhere.

If you are looking for a solid truth and unbiased review about this industry and all it's related topics, then read on. That is what I can offer you now with top 5 myths about network marketing business opportunities:

Top Myth #5: You Are Working On A Residual Income

Even in the new evolution of most network marketing business opportunities, you will be bombarded with various statements such as "do it once, get paid forever". Obviously, this is a very misleading statement and you should be cautious when someone declares that without proof.

The nightmare begins when you have sponsored someone and the greatest challenge is to be able to serve that person. 3 out of 4 network marketing business opportunities are functioning via monthly member fees to generate "residual income".
What happens then if that member you sponsored just decided to jump ship? Not a good sign for your income stream.

Top Myth #4: Your Automated Website And Blah, Blah, Blah

It's quite amusing really. Whenever you see some potential program out there giving you an automated website and system there is definitely something that's missing. It is the element of work. Not that I'm against working less and earning more.

The thing that really ticks me off is the promise that is fed to you about how a website and a system can be duplicated. Just remind yourself this, "A system can be duplicated, people can not". You still need to work the system.

Top Myth #3: You Do Not Need Experience To Start

This is one of my favourites. Here's the hard truth. Are you ready? 97% of all network marketing business opportunities feed on new recruits. While someone without experience can join in too. You usually need to learn how to expand your network (hence, the name network marketing) in order to grow your team.

The upper hand always belongs to the veterans because they know what to do and where to get people to join his team. I'll get back to you about this near the end for a solution. Stay with me.

Top Myth #2: Build Relationship, Not A Business

Okay, this one is partially true. While I build relationship with my subscribers the key is to think of your business like a business! Honestly, you'd be better off earning quick profits rather than feeding a bunch of adult babies whining about their lives.

Business is key to your financial well-being and your closest relationships should be spent with your family, not on counselling your team members. They joined the opportunity out of hope, not you. Be a business person.

Top Myth #1: Never Give Up, Motivate Yourself

Do you really think you can motivate yourself? The truth is, it is not easy. Especially when you look in the mirror and knowing that you cannot put food on the table later during lunch for your family. Or that nice vacation you've been dreaming about goes out the window.

Reality check, you do need some immediate cash to support yourself. Not drowning in financial debts while holding on to those hot network marketing business opportunities out there. Results are bottom line and you have to realize this.

In closing, let me drive home that while network marketing business opportunities are using the Internet now their compensation structure is still quite the same. You're better off making instant up front profits rather than waiting for your team volume to grow. After all, it is the reason why you are reading this, right? Think about it.

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