Monday, 22 October 2012

Tipping Or No Tipping?

Everyone knows what tipping and no tipping required mean. Tipping is kind of tradition that widely implemented in restaurants , hotels, or on the cruise ships, especially, in USA. This good deed is a form of appreciation given to those who delivered fine service. Some companies of cruise ships, however, have applied one of the policies regarding with tipping system to help the passengers and the crew members recognizing what they have to do. Those policies are tipping required and no tipping required. Some prefer tipping system, and some like no tipping system better.

Well, out of those contexts, in my opinion, tipping or no tipping is a matter of one's personality and tradition. If someone has a such good personality, recognizing the feeling of humanity, listening to the voice of heart, and loving to share ideas and belongings, and knowing how important "take and give" be implemented in our daily life, I am sure someone will be with a great pleasure to tip somebody else.

"Take and give" is a key to make mind and emotion balanced. The people will go well with balanced mind and emotion. If we like to take only, don't like to give, absolutely, we'll be in unsteady emotionally. If we like to give only, don't like to take, it's also no good. We'll soon run out of power emotionally. So, it's better "take and give." We receive a good service, we should give a good tip. If we receive an excellent service, we should give an excellent tip. But what we have to do if someone gives us a poor service. To make it balanced, we give someone a poor tip. But never get rid of paying tip, even only a quarter. That 's the unwritten rule.

Actually, there is no strong or legal rule that obligates the people to tip. Even though the company emphasizes the customers to tip, but in some cases, if the customers are unhappy with the service delivered by the server, they can still skip out of paying tip without being guilty.

So, if we do the good deed, we should gain the good respect. If we deliver excellent service, we should gain excellent tip. Then, what happens if the excellent service has been delivered, but the tip has not followed, is this fair?

You are the one who know the answer.

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