Thursday, 25 October 2012

Notting Hill College: Success through Partnership

If you're looking to start or develop your own enterprise in the field of continuing education, you would do well to consider Notting Hill College and the business openings this growing institution offers. Whether you're a fledgling entrepreneur or established course provider, the College fosters an array of opportunities for mutual business development that should not be overlooked. Notting Hill College is a British based institution specialising in further education and vocational training. Since its inception in 2004 the College has rapidly expanded its global reach thanks in no small part to its unusually successful franchising network. In this and other areas the key to NHC's remarkable rise seems to be its genuinely people-centred ethos, which enables it to embrace policies that are mutually beneficial for the mother organisation and its partners and franchisees. The College is more than just a business however, and its people-centred attitude is reflected in its pro grammes, methodology and materials. Joining the College's network of Partners, Agents and Accredited Course Providers is therefore a truly cooperative venture. Perhaps the most promising of the openings that Notting Hill College offers is what it dubs its Unique Business Opportunity. Aimed at potential partner centres, this venture represents a short-cut into the higher echelons of three lucrative and intrinsically trans-national training fields: language training, teacher training and business and soft skills training. Partners are expected to deliver Notting Hill College courses from one or more of the above fields, using syllabi and course materials exclusive to the College. In addition to access to these core training resources, NHC Partners are also provided with substantial support in setting up and running their centres that goes far beyond the usual technical guides and corporate identity manuals. Rather, franchisees are assigned a dedicated Business Development Mana ger who is available to provide technical, marketing and other support in person when necessary. The whole process is made refreshingly easy thanks to the online systems Notting Hill College already has in place for the benefit of its network. These include a Learning Management System for students, an Online Operational System for the use of NHC Partner Centres and an Online Administration System for Master Franchisees. Collectively these online systems drastically reduce the resources required to manage training centres efficiently and effectively so that they meet the high standards of customer service that the College has already established for itself. It goes without saying that NHC Partners also benefit from association with the College as a market-leading training provider with a flawless reputation, growing stature and mounting accolades for innovation. This takes the form of direct promotion via links on the College's main website a virtual hub for potential learn ers worldwide as well as the more subtle influence of branding and design. Another venture worth considering, especially for established training providers, is accrediting your courses for credit transfer into Notting Hill College's Master of Arts in TEFL. Again this enables you to buy into the College's global reach and internationally respected status. Moreover, it gives your students and potential students access to a cutting-edge higher education teacher training programme that fills what has until recently been a striking gap in the TEFL market. Notting Hill College is an organisation that is clearly going places and in the spirit of twenty first century global partnership, it's not closing the door behind it but opening doors for others to follow. Perhaps the most compelling thing about the College, though, is that it has maintained the integrity of its aims and methodology whilst hosting such a broad range of training solutions under its umbrella. Students of busines s will agree that such strongly articulated aims are gold dust in respect of the limitless potential opportunities today's global market affords.

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