Saturday, 25 August 2012

The Most excellent Way to Send Gold Coins

Retail and selling valuable metals such as gold coins in trustworthy dealers or companies, will save you from headache as you are assured that these dealers do have their own secured mailing services.

Then again, hauling gold coins by post makes people nervous as there are horror stories of unreceived pieces or shipping errors. Following are pointers on how securely dispatch valuables through mail including your precious gold coins:

Tip Number 1 - Distinguish Your Gold Coin Value

Before you go to the post office adjacent to you, you should first discover the value of your gold coins. To check on the value of our gold coin, skim the iweb to check the present value of your coins or you may check it with a respectable coin dealer near you.

Tip Number 2 - Make Your Packing List

Making a packing inventory will help you keep your sanity notably if you are sending multiple orders. Also, it will help you in handling your items resourcefully. Include the normal information listing like your name, number to contact, email and inventory list. Make two copies. For yourself and the one you will be sending the valuables to.

Tip Number 3 - Select The Category of Delivery Mail Appropriate For Your Items

You may select flat rate box which allows you to transport anything that fits into the box for a fixed cost, anywhere in the US but it should not weigh over 70 pounds. This kind of priority mail is ideal if you are ready to ship more than two coins. But if you are hauling only one or two coins, it is better to choose the first class mail.

Tip Number 4 - Protect Your Items and Get a Coin Holder

Coins should be handled with extra care and it should be shipped in a coin holder. This will protect coins from possible scratches and damages. After securing your pieces, contain the coin holder with bubble wraps.

Place them inside the box and add description. Better if you could put the order confirmation if you have sold them online. Include also a note on how to handle the item.

Tip Number 5 - Insure Your Parcel

Inquire if your parcel is insured. Although, most registered mails include insurance, better be sure and double check.

Tip Number 6 Do Not Disclose The Items And Use Codes

When hauling gold coins or any precious pieces, you should by no means place a sign or hint on the outside of the parcel that you are sending something posh or precious. Instead of writing gold or silver, you can use the first letter of the word of the item you will be sending. If sending gold coins write G C.

Tip Number 7 Affirm the Delivery Schedule

Always confirm the schedule of delivery so that you will know when to expect the delivery to reach the recipient. Registered mails usually take slightly longer than regular mails but they are the most secured method of mailing valuables.

Tip Number 8 - Keep All Receipts and Documents

Keeping all receipts can serve as proof of sent items and it can protect your end if something untaward will happen. Furthermore, if this is your business or frequently ship gold coins, you may want to keep an online spreadsheet.

Without doubt, shipping gold coins and other valuable pieces via mail is the most convenient way of delivering pieces to your customer, family or friend. By following these easy directions, you will be assured of a secured shipping by post. Cheers!

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