Thursday 2 January 2014

Vibration Training and The Power Plate

Mention vibration training and the first thing that comes to mind is the Power Plate' a popular brand of vibration training machines. The Power Plate consists of a vibrating platform which vibrates between 25 and 50 times a minute, and is powerful enough to produce good results in regular users, especially with their strength.

Although the Power Plate is based on good scientific research into vibration training, there have been concerns over some scientists asking Power Plate to withdraw their research citations because they felt that Power Plate had not looked at the dangers of using such high intensity vibrations which are typical of their machines.

In particular, professor Clinton Rubin, a biomechanical engineer at the New York State University told Power Plate to stop using his research material as proof for the claims they make regarding their machine.

Instead, Rubin mentioned that his research actually pointed to vibration machines which were much more gentle than the Power Plate - a machine which Rubin thought was too strong. There have been many other researches who have also expressed concerns over similar machines like Power Plate.

The main concerns that scientists are airing are the problems with some machines in the Power Plate range causing problems with blurred vision, lower back pain, cartilage damage, loss of hearing and even cases of brain damage.

When asked about Power Plate, Rubin was quoted as saying:

"I think they are cavalier in dismissing the dangers of chronic exposure," he said. "I'm a scientist. I worry that people are going to use this device based on a misrepresentation of science."

If this has put you off vibration training, then there's no need for alarm. Power Plate is just one of a handful of companies whose machines are considered far too powerful to use comfortably by a standard user. Scientists have a plethora of evidence to show that vibration training is not only good for you, but highly desirable to improve strength and flexibility and for helping the elderly and the sick.

Power Plate aside, vibration trainers used at the right intensity have a whole host of body conditioning benefits which should not be ignored.

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