Thursday 26 September 2013

The Key Self Improvement Tip For Starting Out

Data and tips on and about self improvement proliferate all over the internet and in every book store on the planet. Nevertheless any material on self improvement irrespective of its repetitive manner or originality is still notable. Raising awareness and improving the lot of humanity typically requires a bit of repetition anyway, so it is not the intention here to condemn a positive message or subject.

Easy self improvement tips could be defined by some as being somewhat of an oxymoron as self improvement is hard for many individuals at the best of times. Lets initially put the question out there and ask what actually is self improvement?

Self improvement undoubtedly states that whatever is being improved is done from inside, or by, the person. Self improvement denotes or suggests a proactive step by the individual to alter something about themself or their situation. Its not unusual for a person to be completely bewildered by the very concept of sel f, let alone how to access it, as introspection is a relatively new process for them.

Success and functioning in the modern world particularly, are measured by key performance indicators and outcomes that have little time or interest for the self. In a nutshell its apparent to see that in todays fast paced demanding world that performance is measured and is all about demonstrated or quantitative outcomes. Where does self improvement get measured when using this methodology? Clearly society has not really valued this, as if it did, the discussions around how to assess it wouldn't eventuate.
This is exactly the point being presented here. Beginning the self improvement process takes courage and a steely resolve. It amounts to beginning a voyage where acknowledgement and reward in a traditional sense are not part of the internal world or paradigm. Thats not to say some things do not get accepted as clearly both you and others will see the results. All parties involved may not necessarily recognize how to rationalize them however!

So the mindset required for getting self improvement tips into action is one that is focused mainly on personal recognition of results. It is an inside job focused on process goals - not outcome goals. Just remind yourself that this is called 'self' improvement and not 'others' improvement. Once you accomplish this you then open yourself to the free infinite possibilities that exist in life.

Thats the foundation or starting point. Self improvement then, like anything done in life, is an inside job. Once you know where you are headed and what direction you are coming from, it is a much clearer and effective process. The focus should be firmly on both your process and outcome goals backed up with a determination and real committment to accomplish them.

So where are those easy self improvement tips spoken about earlier in the article? This is where you need to read the words again and discover that the easy self improvement tips promised are in fact all throughout the article. The task is to see the value in the process before focusing on the outcomes. The self improvement tip that is the primary intention of this article is to start at the beginning and focus on the journey of life and not just the outcome.

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