Saturday, 4 May 2013

Positive Dog Training Techniques

There are many different dog training techniques that are out there today. Many people often don't realize that dog training courses often utilize different dog training techniques.

Some of these dog training techniques work better than others.

Whether you are going to a dog training course or if you are doing the dog training yourself... wouldn't you rather know which dog training technique is the best?

If you answered yes to that question then you should know that positive dog training is the best technique to use.

Positive dog training is quickly becoming the preferred method of dog training. If you would like to learn more about positive dog training techniques, please read on.

Positive dog training techniques involve using only praise and positive reinforcement.

This means, positive dog training rewards your dog for good behavior or when it performs a command correctly.

The rewards used in this type of dog training can be treats, kind words, a pat on the head, etc. It has been found that dogs respond much better to positive dog training.

Positive dog training techniques never involve hitting, spanking, scolding, or punishing your dog in any manner. Dogs do not do well with any form of negative dog training.

Now we will go over some examples of positive dog training techniques. Let us say that you are beginning your dog training by teaching your dog to sit. When your dog sits, reward it with a treat and tell it what a good dog it is.

Another example of positive dog training is to use praise and treats when your dog goes to the bathroom when and where it is supposed to. Dogs will soon learn to relate to doing this when and where it should because it gets rewarded for it.

Thus your dog will be potty trained much faster. When using positive dog training, your voice should always be happy and pleasant. Dogs will want to do as you ask when they get rewarded by any positive means.

This is why positive dog training works much better than any other type of dog training.

Now that you understand what positive dog training is, you may wish to start some of these techniques yourself. You can find dog training courses that use positive techniques and you can also utilize these techniques on your own.

With positive reinforcement, praise, and rewards, your dog is sure to learn much faster and be happier doing so. You will then be happier as well and you will also find that the dog training will go much easier.

With that in mind, you can truly see how positive dog training techniques will give you positive results

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