Saturday, 1 December 2012

Blind Date Tips - Learn For Good

In many ways blind dating is similar to usual type of dating. For example, you would ensure that the date goes nicely, so you can expect a second date later. And you need to be really cautious in any date. However, there are some significant differences, and you need to pay attention on these. Below you will find a short list of blind date tips.

One of the first blind date tips would be to dress nicely to impress. Women dig "sharp dressed man", and she will appreciate your effort and will feel very special. First impression is very important in blind dating, so make sure you dress as good as you can.

Also you need to set the date with a great woman. You should have some friends that could be interested in setting you up with a woman they know. However, don't trust friends that don't really know you. They might think that a certain woman will be fantastic for you, but in reality she wouldn't. So ask your best friends, they should help you out with this , plus they know you and your interests really well. So that is another of blind date tips.
Next in line of blind date tips is duration of the date. What I mean by that is monitoring the time you spent on a date. Hour and a half, or maximum of 2 hours will be more than enough, or you just can run out of things to talk about. And you certainly don't want to make her bored. Also, don't uncover all of your interests. You should look a bit mysterious and unknown to her. Make her really intrigued and excited, and then leave. One and a half hour is always good. It will get her curious and craving for the next date.

Already, you should be able to spot that blind date tips aren't really that much different. But critical one from blind date tips would be being yourself. That's important because woman you will date may not know anything about you. And if you are acting like someone you are not, you will get in trouble later, in next dates, when your real personality will start to show up. So don't trick your date, at any case, show real you.

And of course treat your woman well. There shouldn't be any difference between blind date and usual one. So keep your manners good, even if you are a bit disappointed with your date. And at the end just be honest and tell politely if you and her isn't a best match.

However, your friends should know who to choose for you. So most likely that will not happen.

So that is it. Just make sure to impress her with your looks and be yourself. Other than that you can follow standard dating advice. However, if you truly want to make your dates incredible, we recommend getting more blind date tips.

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