Tuesday, 27 November 2012

How to measure for your own blinds

If you want to install blinds in your home and are looking to cut costs wherever you can, you can save hundreds of dollars by measuring your windows yourself. If you're going to measure your windows yourself, you need a good tape measure and an exacting mind if you measure incorrectly, the blinds company will not be held responsible for your blinds not fitting. Here are some tips for measuring your own blinds.

Have another person assist you while you're measuring. They can hold one end of the tape measure or roman blind, or help you write down the measurements as you read them off. Having a second person acts as a check in case you accidentally get something wrong.

Most companies won't fit blinds made from measurements supplied by the customer. If you're measuring your own blinds, you will probably have to fit them yourself, so make sure you've chosen a blind you're comfortable fitting and that you understand exactly how the mechanism works in the window.

Also, be aware that many guarantees placed on blinds by manufacturers will be made null and void if you install your own blinds.

There are four types of measurements for blinds: inside fit, outside fit, three-dimensional fit and extended bracket fit. Your manufacturer should provide instructions for each. Follow the instructions carefully and give exactly what is asked. If you're unsure about an instruction, call the manufacturer and speak to a representative.

Give the company all your measurements in writing, either in a letter, an email or a fax. For extra security, type them out to ensure your handwriting isn't mistaken. Many companies will allow you to quote measurements and choose colours and styles from swatches online. This can be handy if you live far from a retail outlet.

Most companies strongly recommend their own measure and quote service, as this guarantees your blinds will be a perfect fit. Some companies even offer this service free. However, if this service doesn't fit with your plans, or you live too far away, or prefer to do the work yourself, it's not an impossible task to measure and hang your own blinds.

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