Thursday, 13 September 2012

Top 10 Tips for Selling Your Home

Tip 1 Before you put your home on the market it is a good idea to do some research beforehand. The quickest and easiest way of doing this is through looking as a few property classifieds in your local newspapers or by going online. This way you can gather information regarding what prices houses similar to yours are selling for currently.

Tip 2 - It is important that you find yourself a good agent to sell your home for you. Rather than going with the first one you come across spend time doing a little research into each one. Dont be afraid to ask friends, family members and work colleagues if they can recommend someone to you. The other choice is to sell it privately through the property classifieds, but if you do you need to be aware of the right procedures to follow first.

Tip 3 - It is important that you first put yourself in the shoes of any potential buyers of your property and make a list of its positive features. Then think of ways that you can enhance these further and so ensure that you get a more positive reaction from those that come to view it.

Tip 4 Getting your house looking great inside is crucial but you need to make sure that the house looks great outside as well. Remember the first thing that is going to be making an impression on any prospective buyers of your home is the front area. So make sure that this area is kept clean and tidy at all times.

Tip 5 Although you may like the lived in feel to your home if you want to sell it then you need to make sure that you show it to its full potential. If you need to remove as much clutter as you can from your home and put it into storage until the sale has been completed. If there is too much in any room it can make them look much smaller than they really are.

Tip 6 Getting those little jobs done that seem like a waste of time and money to you can actually stop you from getting the price you want when selling your home. So spending a little could end up making you a lot more than you originally expected. No one wants to buy a home where they are going to have to spend money on making it liveable for them especially in todays economic climate.

Tip 7 Although you dont think your home needs it repainting the main rooms in your home in neutral fresh colours is a good idea. This way the prospective buyers will be able to see the rooms more clearly and get a feel for whether their own belongings will fit into them.

Tip 8 - It is important that before every viewing you make sure that your house is clean and tidy. This is especially important if you have pets as although you may not be able to smell the odours potential purchases will.

Tip 9 Spend time on staging the rooms to show them off to their full potential. By doing this you can actually get rid of those pieces of furniture that are not required and either sell them or put them into storage. As you do this make sure that the focal point in each room stands out so if you have a wonderful looking fireplace make sure that it is not hidden behind ornaments or sofa.

Tip 10 The final 10 top tips for selling your home that you may find useful to use is to put the coffee machine in prior to any potential buyers arriving. It may seem a silly thing to do but the smell as they come into your home makes it more warm and inviting and certainly gives them the feeling of how loved the home has been.

Hopefully you will find that the tips we have provided above extremely useful and should get you on your way to selling your home at the price you want.

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