Thursday 31 May 2012

"The Science Of Leveraging Risk For Your Network Marketing Success"

Nature can be a good teacher for any entrepreneur, especially if you are in the network marketing business. One of the lessons nature teaches us, is about taking a risk. In order for the monkey's to be able to get the fruit, evolution programmed them to have to go out on a limb.

Things are not much different in our network marketing business. In our case however there is a difference in just going out on a limb and taking an educated and calculated risk. Risk is the variable that separates the strong from the weak. If you want to step up and be noticed, if you want to take the path to network marketing success and away from mediocrity, you have to take risks.

Several of today's top money earners in our network marketing business had to "go out on a limb" and take a risk when the old way of network marketing training was no longer working. They chose to take a different path and risk losing mediocrity to achieve new success.

Of course they were told it would not work. They were told that they can't use the internet to develop automated systems to bring highly qualified network marketing leads to you. You can't do presentations on CD's and videos and make them do the work for you. You can't recruit using emails, auto responders and turbo dialers. They were told that they have to continue to make their list and hound and harass all of their friends. But by taking clever and calculated risks they prevailed.

The top MLM leaders today are and were the ones who were willing to take calculated risks. These are the front runners that by going out on a limb, learned to harness the power of the internet, and they can teach you how to do the same. Their way is how you need to invest your future for your network marketing business.

When we were young and full of vigor it was common to take a chance and swing for the fences. In our earlier network marketing business it was pretty common to say "what the heck" I'll go out on a limb and go for it. Then, we did not have the internet to be able to hedge our bets or leverage our risk through research. Today we do have the internet to guide us with our decisions (through research) and in this economy we need to make money more than ever.

There are some great new network marketing companies out there who did their research and went out on a limb to create some state of the art systems, state of the art products and services. If you are searching for the path to network marketing success and not wanting to settle for mediocrity, then you are going to have to find one of these outstanding companies who took a risk and dared to be different. A company dedicated to your network marketing success by providing all of the network marketing training and tools for you to prosper. What risk is there in settling for just "another me too product?" Another juice, another weight loss pill or shake, another energy product, another lotion, potion or cream? Better yet what is your reward? Boring!

Think about what Larry Page and Sergey Brin did with google. They were willing to go out on a limb and take huge risks when they had no money. Now that they have all this money they do not have to take risks anymore. That is called leverage. They were smart and were very calculating in their risk, it paid off for them and it can pay off for you if you pay attention.

In your network marketing business you need to asses the risks just like google, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Microsoft etc. do their risk assessment. You need to at least know a little something about what it is that you are getting into. Usually when the risk bug reaches up and bites you it is because you are in unfamiliar territory and don't even know what questions to ask. If you don't know anything about what it is that you are going to be marketing, you won't know where the trap doors are that can take you to sudden and sure failure. You won't even know if you are, or are not getting the proper network marketing training for your opportunity.

Network marketing opportunity is about eliminating risk or at least most of it. Take a lesson from Sir Richard Branson,(of Virgin fame) one of the most brash and ardent risk takers of our time. Branson of course in his ascension to multi-billionaire status had some the most colossal busts of all time. But he did it with calculating precision. The first thing in taking risk in business is "Always protect against the worst inevitability." Don't make being wrong have you end up living in a car. Never risk your main business for the sake of a new venture. In other words each business should be it's own business.

In your network marketing success it is common place today to have multiple streams of income pouring in. But you should never go out on a limb and put each of your streams at risk with the other. If one fails they all fail. Each one of your streams of income has to have its own blood flow to survive quirks or trends in the industry or economy.

If you are willing to go out on a limb, go out on a limb that has already been traveled on. Taking a risk doesn't mean re-inventing the wheel. Taking a risk simply means having the courage (and leverage) to stare down mediocrity and dare to be great with your network marketing success.

Taking a calculated risk by venturing out into the world of multiple streams of income requires specific network marketing training. Empowering you and your team with automation can have you reaping in huge rewards in record time. It always has and always will entail a lot of work. But soon you will have your network marketing training, recruiting, and future stream lined for success. Where I hope to meet you soon, at the T O P (Total Ongoing Prosperity)

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Signs You Are Boring Someone

7 Silent Signs That You May Be Boring Someone

I urge you to develop an essential element of Emotional Intelligence -- Have Social Awareness. This includes knowing how you're being perceived by others. Do you know when someone finds you (yikes!) boring?

As someone who speaks for a living, I can assure you that *many* people have missed some crucial signs that others have mentally tuned them out because the speaker is not aware that they're not engaging the other person. Emotional Intelligence and social awareness are critical components in cultivating social savvy and the success that comes with it.

It doesn't take a lot of intelligence nor is it an ego booster when you realize that what you think is a great story you've been telling is actually driving someone to the brink of a coma with boredom. However, with proper training and conscious effort, you will commit this social crime a lot less often and probably improve your popularity if you do something about those telltale signs of boredom as soon as they arrive on the scene. The critical point, of course, is being able to recognize boredom at its first blush.

Below are seven nonverbal signals you'll want to pick up on quickly about emotional intelligence and body language so you won't be considered boring by others:

Remember; consider the entire context of body language. Don't put too much meaning in a single gesture. Rather, notice the eyes, head, arms, body, the whole body; this allows you to "read" their messages in the proper context. With a little self- training, you'll become a master at understanding if you are boring people when you speak.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #1: Rotating the head from side to side. You know, like there's a cramp in the neck. While the side to side bob should raise your radar, rest assured that the good old nod up and down pretty much means what you think it means. The person you're talking with is with you and, assuming there's eye contact, is also agreeing with your take on the matter.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #2: Keeping hands hidden. The main reason we shake hands and military people salute, by the way, is to show that we're unarmed. Hidden hands might suggest some kind of breakdown in communication if accompanied with a severe break in eye contact.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #3: Emotional intelligence skills gathered through training will help you realize what "micro gestures" mean. Narrowing the eyes with the head turning away from you. Not only might you be boring them, but if they also shake their heads, they may be second guessing your honesty or sincerity.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #4: Eyes glazed over. Yes, it's the most obvious sign of boredom, and it doesn't take much social awareness to recognize this one. The unfocused eyes are not a good sign, especially when their facial expression fails to even come close to matching your own expression at the moment.

Those zoned out, non-blinking eyes with emotion-free facial clues tell you that, wherever their mind is right now, it's not on what you just said.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #5: Emotional intelligence training, also indicates that rubbing the ears, eyes, or nose while turning slightly away from you and even shuffling the feet can indicate that someone is bored with you. They may be trying to put a physical barrier between themselves and you.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #6: Picking at their clothes as eye contact stays persistently broken or looking around the room. Are they smoothing wrinkles that aren't there? Removing link only they can see? Inside they may be thinking when is this person going to stop talking, and do I need to fake cardiac arrest to get out of this conversation? Gently turn the talk back their way.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #7: Showing a clinched fist with tightened facial muscles. Yikes! How long have you been talking? The frustration has escalated. Quickly, before they do something drastic, let them talk!

Of course, it's impossible to assume an entire conversation behind a single gesture, and there's no reason at all for you to take offense at a single one of these signals in isolation.

Like words themselves, body language in the form of gestures must be interpreted as part of the entire communications package. What else are these people doing? Be sure to look at the whole picture before rushing to conclusions. Develop your skills in emotional intelligence training so you will become more socially aware and less socially boring.

And remember, of course, when in doubt, it's always a good idea to toss the conversational ball back in their court to keep them engaged in the conversation and minimize boredom!

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Three Natural Tips To Grow Taller

How to grow tall' has been a usual question for many people. Everybody would like to add some more inches to their height at the earliest age as possible. This is because many think that they will more opportunities coming their way if they were taller. And that they do not have to go through being called by funny names just because they are short. This has been a common thing in the society; shorter people are being overlooked into so many things. So, to avoid these, people find ways to at least improve their height. Some would even turn to using artificial ways just to grow taller.

But there more than using growth hormone pills or other artificial ways, natural method is still the best thing to follow. Here are some common ways to help you grow taller:

Do some stretching exercises there are some exercises that really help increase your height. These exercises are specifically stretching, swimming and sprinting. These are scientifically proven to be an effective way to add up inches to your height even you pass the age of 21. Get enough sleep and rest as older people say, if you do not sleep, you will not grow'. This is somehow true because our body needs enough time to rejuvenate and rest. A tired body could not do some stretching and have growth. With all your activities everyday, your body needs ample time to relax. Some experts say that sleeping is one of the best ways to grow taller. Try taking supplements and proper diet there are lots of supplements that can provide you with proper amount of vitamins and minerals. These are important parts of a person's diet and health. Also, a well balanced healthy diet can also provide the nutrients that the body needs to grow. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables with a proper amount of meat and dairy products can help you complete your body's required energy to grow and give inches to your height.

It is not only you who are asking for ways to grow taller; there are a lot more people out there. But relying on artificial ways to grow taller is not recommended, it is still the natural ways that can fully help you without side effects or complications. You just need to exert effort to achieve your goal in becoming taller. Natural methods and staying healthy are secrets to a good height.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday 28 May 2012

How To Grow Taller - Helpful Tips to Get Taller

If you are frustrated with your height, don't lose hope. There are thousands of people around the world that believe that they're stuck with the height they're with. There are actually several very effective ways to get taller and improve your bone health. These two factors actually have more in common than you would think.

First, let's discuss a little bit about how our bones grow. When we are babies, much of our skeleton consists of cartilage. This is why we have so many bones when we're younger than when we're adults. As we grow, much of the cartilage in our bodies shifts and ossifies, becoming hard, adult bones. Cartilage growth plates are what causes much of our growth when we're going through pubertyexercise and a good diet can help your bones lengthen considerably during this crucial time in your life.

Why is exercising when you're young important? For one thing, it releases height growth hormones, which makes you grow faster and more effectively. Just as important, though, is that it keeps your bones healthy and strong by allowing them to grow to the most of their potential.

A healthy diet is also extremely vital. Many people don't realize that when they have poor diets, they actually risk stunting their growth. When you're young, it's important to have a steady intake of calcium, protein, amino acids, and calories to ensure that you have the energy to grow and move. These nutrients are also helpful in aiding your body in replenishing itself as old cells die out and new ones take their place. Remember, your body is shifting into hyper drive during pubertyit needs all the help it can get.

If you're an adult, your exercise and diet are still important ways to get taller and stay taller. However, don't fall for advertisements that claim that stretches and exercises will actually lengthen your bones after they've already stopped growing. This is impossible. However, exercising keeps you trim and fit, which helps when you're dressing to look taller. A good diet that's rich in calcium in particular will help keep your bones strong and even prevent shrinkage when you grow older.

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Sunday 27 May 2012

Info On Growing Taller Naturally

Lots of folks among us aren't satisfied with their height and they are constantly in search of points to grow taller. The only issue with obtaining ideas from strangers is the fact that you by no means know if they perform or not. So, offered here is really a list of guidelines collected from experts in numerous fields. These suggestions can allow you to improve your level naturally with no any unwanted effects.

A correct diet plan may be the first and foremost point in any height enhancement program. You need to make sure you eat a nicely balanced diet plan that consists of the suitable amount of protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, and necessary vitamins and minerals. It could be the very best method to fuel your body's growth. That is a person on the simplest guidelines to grow taller naturally.

Health health supplements to induce development. Calcium dietary supplements make bones dense and thick. Vitamin C and Vitamin D health supplements enable t he body absorb this calcium. They play a important role in bone development. They also market absorption of phosphates and manganese needed for bone growth. Glucosamine and chondroitin dietary supplements assist develop up cartilage and bones and increase level. The dietary supplements if taken in liquid form permit quicker absorption. Alternatively you'll be able to drink them with water following a meal.
In case you like to swim, you should try to swim much more usually. Swimming is a single with the ideal workouts to boost your top normally. It stretches the muscle groups inside your entire body and, most importantly, your spinal cord. So, individuals who swim often possess a great opportunity of increasing their elevation. If you are trying to find points to grow taller, that is some thing you must make a note of.

Hanging is a person with the most effective workouts for gaining top. When you hang, your physique body weight gets pulled down due towards the gravitational force plus the excess weight of the lower torso stretches your spine towards the extent feasible. It also reduces the tension between your vertebrae. The only real issue you need to keep in mind is that your human body need to completely extend although you happen to be hanging. Carrying out it on a regular basis can allow you to gain a handful of inches of elevation. It is one particular on the most successful tips to grow taller.

Dry land swim is usually a stretching exercise that focuses on your reduced back again. You should lie around the floor together with your physique fully extended. You need to improve your left arm and proper leg and maintain your position for a handful of seconds. Then, you really should boost your suitable arm and left leg and maintain the placement for a number of seconds. In the event you do it on a regular basis, your decrease back again muscle tissues will get toned and you can grow taller by a couple of inches.

Growing taller exercises are a benefit. Pelvic shift can also be a excellent workout to stretch your spine plus the muscle tissues inside your back. Executing it on a regular basis can not only assist you to gain a couple of inches of elevation, but could also enhance your overall health.

Last but not least, you should attempt get a minimum of eight several hours of sleep every single day . This can be a person of the most important points to grow taller. Your system repairs itself and grows if you rest. Should you do not get sufficient sleep, your regular development process could get affected. So, you should always rest nicely.

For additional information and facts take a look at Ways To Grow Three Inches Taller

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Saturday 26 May 2012

How To Grow Taller With Gloxi Height Enhancer


Did you know that at any age, you can still gain about 2 to 4 inches depending on your health and your commitment to the techniques that will give you the power to add extra inches to your stature? The first key that you need to know is that there are parts of the body which can be stretched and will add up to our height in a natural way. These areas which need maximum stretch to grow taller include your spinal discs and lower back.

The spine or the spinal column plays a significant role in person whilegrowing taller. This means that you owe about 35% of your height to your spine composed of a connection of small bones present to any vertebrate. Your spinal column is made of these small bones that can move freely but connected to each other with tissues and ligaments. There are about 33 of these bones in total. Our spines are crucial parts of our body but they are protected by cushion-like pads which absorbs shock that the spines receive from time to time. These pads are referred to as in-vertebra discs.

Now, the discs have become the focus for growing taller since they can expand further even after the rapid growth period. This is the part of the spinal column which expands in the normal human growth during puberty. By continually working out these discs, growing taller can be achieved naturally at whatever age you are now. In fact, total neglect of work and exercises that can stretch these discs will lead to shrinking of it resulting to spine problems and even a shorter stature as you go older.

Stretching the spinal discs forgrowing tallerwill make the spinal bones even stronger and more flexible. Through stretching, the blood flow increases around and inside the discs which will result to its expansion and increased flexibility. With improved flexibility and elasticity, the height of a person will dramatically increase.

Hormones may become lacking after puberty but stretching can still give you a big chance in growing taller. With the right food, posture improvement, and stretching exercises, you will be able to achieve additional growth in height. The resources and guides are just within your reach. All you have to do is to follow each step and make sure that you are doing it with commitment. A healthy lifestyle will also help you attain your goals faster wherein you should cut unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking, and laziness.

Include all of the following substances in your meals. They're essential for helping your body grow to its maximum natural potential.

Vitamins- vitamins are organic substances necessary for life and essential for growth. To receive the proper vitamin intake, a well-balanced diet is recommended. However, supplements may be taken where needed but not as a substitute for food. Supplements should be taken after each square meal, or once after the largest meal for proper absorption.

Vitamin A (retinol, carotene) - it promotes growth and straids in keeping skin, hair, teeth and gums healthy, and helps build resistance to infections. Carrots, liver, egg yolk, milk, green and yellow vegetables, margarine, and yellow fruits are the best sources of vitamin A. The recommended supplement is 10,001 to 25,000 IU. However, if your diet includes ample amounts of spinach, liver, sweet potatoes, or cantaloupe, it is not likely you'll need a supplement.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) - it promotes growth, aids in prevention of beriberi and nervous disorders, aids digestion and helps heart and nervous system function properly. The bet sources for it are pork, rice, whole wheat, dried yeast, peanuts, soybeans, peas and green vegetables. Supplements of 100 to 300 mg are most common. More effective when used in B complex formulas.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - it promotes growth, aids in reproduction, promotes healthy skin, hair and nails, and helps maintain good eyesight. You can find it in milk, liver, eggs, fish, kidney, yeast, leafy green vegetables. The recommended supplement is 100 to 300 mg per day.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridadne, Pyridixinal) - it reduces night muscle spasms, leg cramps, hand numbness and certain forms of neuritis, properly assimilates protein and fat, and works as a natural diuretic. It can be found in liver, brewers yeast, cabbage, black strap molasses, cantaloupe, beef and kidney. For best results, take supplements in equal amounts with vitamins B1 and B2. If taking a B complex formula, be sure it contains enough B6 to be effective.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalarnin) - it promotes growth, increases your energy level, forms and generates red blood cells, and helps balance and concentration. You can find it in cheese, liver, kidney, pork and beef. The recommended supplement dosage varies from 5 to 100 mcg., depending on deficiency.

Note: Common deficiencies are noted in vegetarians and high protein consumers. Vitamin B complex formula should include all the B complex vitamins so far discussed plus other important vitamins vital to the growth process. Be sure to read labels and check with your pharmacist to make sure your formula includes the proper amounts of each vitamin best suited to your needs.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid, Cevitamin Acid) - it aids in healthy bones and teeth, prevents scurvy, helps treat and prevent common colds, enables protein cells to hold together, and aids blood vessel circulation. Plays a primary role in the growth and repair of body tissue cells. It can be found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, berries, cauliflower, raw cabbage and potatoes. The recommended dosage of supplement varies from 1,000 to 10,000 mg. per day.

Vitamin D (Calciferal, Viosterol, Ergosterol) - it is essential for strong bones and teeth, prevents rickets, which deteriorates bones and could cause bowed legs, knock knees and poor posture, aids treatment of conjunctivitis, and aids vitamin A. The best sources for it are milk products, fish liver oil, fish meats and sunlight. A good dosage of supplement is 400 to 1000 IU per day.

Vitamin E (Tocopherol) - it supplies oxygen to the body for more endurance, and helps prevent and destroy blood clots. It can be found in wheat germ, eggs, leafy greens, soy beans, spinach, whole wheat, and broccoli. A supplement of 200 to 1,000 IU per day is recommended. Due to chlorinated drinking water, in a large percentage of the population, vitamin E may be in great demand.

Vitamin F (Unsaturated Fatty Acids Linoleic and Arachidonic) - it aids in growth, helps prevent heart disease and cholesterol deposits in arteries. Vegetable oils, walnuts, pecans, and almonds, soybeans, linseed and sunflower oils are the best sources of vitamin F. A supplement of 100 to 150 mg is recommended. For best absorption take with vitamin E. If you consume excessive amounts of carbohydrates, you will probably need more vitamin F.

Vitamin K (Menadione) - it aids in proper blood clotting and helps prevent internal bleeding and hemorrhaging. It can be found in egg yolk, yogurt, fish liver oils, soybean, green vegetables and kelp. A supplement of approximately 300 mcg. is adequate. Due to an abundance of natural vitamin K, supplementation is not usually necessary. See a doctor before taking a supplement.

Note: Proper amounts of vitamins will differ depending on individual characteristics and diet. Certain dosages may not be suitable for all individuals and could be detrimental to your health. Please seek advice of a physician when supplementing with vitamins. All vitamins in this chapter will not be needed however,they are noted because of their ability to work well in a totally balanced diet.

Minerals- minerals are inorganic substance found naturally in the earth. They make up a large part of our bones and teeth and help regulating other body functions. Here are some of the minerals to which you should pay special attention.

Calcium - it aids for strengthening soft bones and teeth, and helps maintain regular heartbeat. Milk and dairy products, sardines, soybeans, dried beans, and green vegetables contain large amounts of calcium. A supplement of 600 to 1500 mg per day is recommended.

Chromium - it aids in growth process, and helps prevent and lower high blood pressure. The best sources for it are meat, brewer's yeast, clams, chicken, shellfish. A supplement of 90 mcg. per day is average for adults.

Chlorine - it helps keep your body limber, and aids digestion by cleansing system. It can be found in table salt, kelp, and olives. A recommended supplement dosage has not been determined. However, an average daily salt intake should be more than sufficient.

Fluoride - it strengthens bones and reduces tooth decay. It is found in fluoridated drinking water, seafoods and gelatin. A necessary amount of supplement has yet to be determined, but most people get sufficient amounts from fluoridated drinking water. Available by prescription in areas without fluoridated drinking water. Additional fluoride should not be taken unless advised by a physician.

Iodide - it promotes growth, provides energy and burns excess fat. The best sources for iodide are kelp, salt, all seafood, onions, and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil. A good amount of supplement is 80 to 150 mcg. per day for adults. Iodine aids in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland which fosters and regulates growth. Check your salt to see if it is iodized along with your vitamins or multi?mineral preparations. Too much iodine can cause a harmful effect. For additional supplements of iodine not discussed, a physician's advice is recommended.

Iron - it aids growth, prevents fatigue, helps form hemoglobin in blood, and aids for good skin tone. You can find it in liver, beef kidney, egg yolk, oysters, cereals, raw clams, and red meat. A supplement of 10 to 18 mg per day is sufficient. Check your iron supplement to see if it contains "Ferrous Sulfate" an inorganic iron which can destroy vitamin E in your system. Try to avoid this preparation. For women, whose bodies use much more iron than men's, a supplement is most likely needed.

Magnesium - it aids the cardiovascular system, aids nerve and muscle functions, and is needed for calcium and vitamin C metabolism. It is found in figs, apples, grapefruits, lemons, seeds, nuts, yellow corn and dark green vegetables. A necessary amount of supplement is 300 to 400 mg. daily. If you live in area with hard drinking water, or consume large amounts of nuts, seeds and green vegetables, you're probably getting sufficient amounts of magnesium.

Phosphorus - it aids growth and provides energy. The best sources for it are fish, poultry, eggs, meats, nuts, seeds and whole grains. As for supplements, RDA is 800 to 1200 mg per day for adults. Most diets already include adequate amounts of phosphorus or "phosphates" in them, so check before taking a supplement.

Other important minerals are:

Potassium - Sources include: citrus fruits, watercress, bananas, potatoes and green vegetables.

Sodium - Sources include: salt, shellfish, carrots, beets, bacon and kidney.

Sulfur - Sources include: lean beef, fish eggs, cabbage and dried beans.

Zinc - Sources include: steak, eggs, lamb chops, brewer's yeast and pumpkin seeds.

Proteins- everyone's protein requirements are different, depending upon your size, age and physical condition. A large, young person will require more protein than a small, older person. Proteins have different functions, and work in different areas of the body. There are basically two types of protein: complete and incomplete protein.

Complete Protein: provides the proper balance of eight necessary amino acids that build tissues, and are found in foods of animal organ such as meats, poultry, seafoods, eggs, milk and cheese.

Incomplete Protein: lacks certain essential amino acids and is not used efficiently when eaten alone. However, when it is combined with small amounts of animal?source proteins, it becomes complete. It is found in seeds, nuts, peas, grains and beans. Mixing complete and incomplete proteins can give you better nutritional value than either one alone.

Water- water is the basic solvent for all the products of digestion. It is essential for removing waste from our bodies and 6 to 8 glasses daily is considered healthy.


Eat a steady amount of food. That's why dieting is not recommended as long as you're still growing. Not eating a good quantity of food will deprive your body of the substances detailed above, therefore stunting your growth. If you want to lose weight, decrease the amount of fats, sugar and carbohydrates from your alimentation, but eat the rest of foods in good, moderate amounts. Also try losing weight through sports. After all, you can still lose weight later, but you must make the most out of your adolescence if you want to grow taller.


Schedule your meals. 4-5 hours is the time needed for insulin to disappear from your bloodstream so that growth hormone can work on building your tissue. This is the period of time that you should wait between meals. Proteins, which are absorbed slowly, should keep you from becoming hungry. Your last meal should be 3-4 hours before you go to sleep. Small amounts of protein shake are allowed right before your bedtime.



Tickle Massage.

This works best if somebody else does it for you: Massage your knee for 5-10 minutes. This should be very ticklish to some others. Massaging your knees with your hands allows your knees to release growth chemicals that helps you grow your bones.


Stretch. Stretching is the most effective form of exercising when it comes to height increase. Doing intense stretching exercises can add a few extra inches to your height, even short after your growth has stopped. For best results, you should do these exercises two times a day, after you wake up and before you go to bed. Start with easy exercises, then gradually move on to more difficult ones. Here is a list of stretching exercises, divided in three categories, from the easiest to the most difficult:

Preliminary exercises - These exercises will play the role of a warm-up, in order to prepare the body for the more difficult ones. These preliminary exercises require very little effort and should not result in tiredness or fatigue. You will also notice that the side benefits include good posture development, straightening of the spine, and stretching the body. All of these will contribute to height increase. It is recommended that you continue these exercises during the complete time you are performing the other exercises in the following chapters. Perform all of the exercises twice a day, for 7 days, before you start the regular exercises. You should be able to complete all of the preliminary exercises within 15 minutes.

Before getting out of bed each morning (and before going to sleep each evening), stretch your arms and legs to their limit. Point your toes towards the foot of the bed, point your outstretched arms towards the head of the bed, and stretch your body to its limits. Twist and turn your body in every possible direction, stretching every joint and muscle in your body simultaneously.

Still in bed, lying flat on your back, place your hands on your hips and lift your legs and lower torso into the air so that your weight is resting on your elbows and upper back. In this position, with your feet straight up, rotate your legs in the same manner as if you were riding a bicycle. Continue the pedaling motion for 60 seconds.

In the sitting position, while still in bed, allow your head to droop forward with your chin as close to your chest as possible. Rotate your head to the left, then backward, to the right, and then forward. Repeat this circular rotation of the head several times, and then rotate the head in the opposite direction several times. Extend the head as far to the left and right, and as close to the chest and back as possible. Loosen up those neck joints!

In the standing position, arms stretched out horizontally away from the body, rotate the arms in a circle approximately 2 feet in diameter. Keep the arms extended to the side, and do not bend the elbows. Rotate the arms from the shoulder joints. After several rotations, rotate the arms in the opposite direction several more times. Extend the arms as far backwards as possible during each rotation.

Stand away from all walls or other objects with your feet about 18 inches apart. Allow your head to fall loosely backwards as far as it will go without straining your neck. Raise both arms sideways, away from the body, and stretch them outward as far as they will go. Hold them there, level with your shoulders. Start the exercise by swinging your torso all the way to the left, and then all the way to the right. Keep your arms stiff and straight. Keep performing this swinging movement, to the left, to the right, then left, then right, left, right. Do it naturally and smoothly. During the motion, extend your arms as far outward as you can, and twist the body as far as you can in each direction. Repeat this exercise for 60 seconds, and then clasp your hands behind your neck, and perform the same swinging movements, left, and right, for another 60 seconds.

In the standing position, facing a wall, with your stomach and toes touching the wall, raise your left hand and reach as high up on the wall as you possibly can. Do not lift your heels. Let your fingers touch the wall as high as possible, and try to move your fingers up the wall a little further. When you have reached as far as possible, hold that position for several seconds, and slowly lower your arm to your side. Repeat the same procedure with each hand, a total of 3 times. Turn your left side to the wall, and perform the exercise with your left hand, 3 times. Turn your right side to the wall, and perform the exercise with your right hand, 3 times. Turn your back to the wall, clasp your hands together, behind your head, and raise both hands as high up on the wall as possible, without unclasping your hands, and without lifting your heels. Perform this 3 times.

Regular exercises - These exercises are designed to not only help in the continued straightening of the spine but, also in stretching the body and strength of the muscles involved. This is how you're going to accomplish your ultimate goal of more height. You will continue to perform the preliminary exercises every day in addition to the regular exercises. To avoid over exerting yourself, we advise doing only 5 out of the 15 regular exercises each day and rotating them each day. For example you would perform the first 5 on the first day, the second 5 on the second day, and the last 5 on the third day. Repeat this cycle 6 more times, for a total period of 21 days doing both preliminary and regular Exercises.

Stand erect behind a chair, feet together with hands gripping the back of the chair. Your feet should be about 12 inches away from the chair. Lift your left leg back and up as far as possible, maintaining your grip on the chair for support. Bring your leg down, and repeat the same procedure with your right leg. Perform the leg lifts slowly and stretch them out as far as possible. Repeat the leg lifts 10 times for each leg.

Lie flat on your back on a firm surface. Lift your left leg up, bending it at the knee, and touch your chin to your knee. Grasp your leg with both hands below the knee, and pull your knee to your neck. You may lift your head off the floor, towards your knee, but do not lift; your shoulders off the floor. When your knee touches your neck, hold that position for a few seconds, and then return to the original starting position. Perform the exercise with the other knee. Alternating legs, repeat the exercise 10 times with each leg. When bringing knee into chest remember to inhale so lungs are filled with oxygen. Holding that position, then exhale while returning to starting position.

Stand erect, knees and heels together with arms relaxed at your sides. Raise your arms outward and up until they meet at the highest point over your head with the knuckles of each hand facing and touching each other. As you raise your arms, lift your heels so that all your weight is on your toes. Stretch your arms and body up as far as you can. As the arms are raised, inhale and fill your lungs to full capacity. Lower your arms in the same course as you raised them, exhale slowly, and lower your heels until they touch the ground. Repeat this exercise for 1 minute the first time, 2 minutes the second time, and 3 minutes every time thereafter.

Lie down on your stomach with your hands behind your back, clasp your hands together and interlock your fingers. Arch your body so that your head, shoulders and legs are raised off the ground and maintain this position. Rock your body forward and then backward several times, and then relax. Repeat this exercise 5 times. While still on your stomach, stretch both arms out in front of you and rest them on the floor. Commence raising and stretching your legs upwards, alternating legs, without bending your knees. Do this 5 times with each leg. As in all exercises, if at any time you become very tired, stop and rest before continuing.

Stand erect with your arms high over your head and your thumbs interlocked. Stretch your body upwards vigorously without lifting your heels, and then bend far to the right. Return to the position with your arms over your head and bend far to the left. Repeat this movement to the right and to the left alternately for 10 times. Rest 1 minute, and repeat it another 10 times. Do it slowly, but keep stretching your arms and torso all during the exercise.

Lie flat on your back with your hands below your buttocks. Raise both legs off the ground, straight up. Bend your knees and lower your toes so that they touch the floor. Lift your hips off the floor, supporting your body with your hands on the floor. Arch your body so that your weight lies only on your shoulders and your toes. Lower your hips so they rest on your hands, lift your toes, straighten your legs, and lower them to the floor so that you are in the starting position. Repeat this procedure 10 times, each time trying to arch your body as much as possible when you touch the floor with your toes.

Seated in a large arm chair, stretch your feet straight out and stiffen your body so that the only points of contact between your body and the chair are at the top of the chair and at the front of the seat. Your buttocks should be resting on the front of the seat. Lean slightly forward, and at the same time bring your knees up to your chest. Use your arms to help bring your knees closer to your chest by wrapping your arms around your bent legs and pulling them towards you. Breathe normally during this exercise. Release your legs and return to the original position. Repeat this exercise 5 times.

In the standing position, feet about 18 inches apart, place your palms on the back of your thighs. Without bending your knees, slide both hands down the sides of your legs as far as you can reach. You will have to bend forward to perform this exercise, but be sure to maintain contact between your palms and your legs. The further you reach down, the more excessive the strain on the back of your knees. Do not bend them. Vary this exercise by placing your hands on your buttocks and moving them down the back of your legs, bending your body backwards to enable you to perform this movement. Perform each of these exercises, slowly, 5 times.

Stand erect with your back to the wall, feet flat on the floor. Your feet should be about 24 inches away from the wall on the first time you perform this exercise. On following days, you will increase your distance from the wall 3 additional inches each time. Stretch the arms forward, upward, and then backwards over your head until your fingers touch the wall behind you. Do not allow your body to touch the wall. If you find it very easy to touch the wall, move a few more inches away from the wall. You should have to stretch your body to enable you to touch the wall. After your fingers achieve contact with the wall, return to the original positions by bringing the arms back over the head and then down. Repeat this exercise 7 times. Keep a careful record of the distance from the wall the last time you performed this exercise so you can increase this distance by three inches each different day you perform it.

In the standing position, place your left leg far out in front of your right leg, and distribute your weight evenly on both legs. Without lifting your right leg, shift your weight forward to your left leg, bending the left knee and placing your left hand on your left knee to maintain your balance. Lean forward as far as you can, placing most, of your weight on your left foot. You may lift your right heel, but do not allow your right toes to lift off the floor. Stretch your body forward as far as possible, hold this position for 3 seconds, and return to the starting position. Switch positions of your legs, and perform the exercise by shifting your weight forward to your right leg, and maintain balance with your right hand. Perform the exercise 5 times in each position.

In the standing position, feet slightly apart, hands on hips, body straight and erect, head up. Slowly bend the knees while keeping the rest of your body straight and erect, and come to a squatting position with the knees straight ahead (not spread apart). As you slowly bend your knees, extend your arms straight ahead, stretching the arms and fingers to their fullest extent. Hold this position for a few seconds before slowly returning to the original position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight out in front. Place your feet under an article of furniture (chair, table, or sofa) to keep them from moving during the exercise. Interlock your fingers behind your neck, and start the exercise. Slowly revolve your trunk in a large circle, bringing your upper torso forward, to the right, backward and to the left, as far as possible. Rotate your body in as wide a circle as possible, and then reverse directions. Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds, rest 15 seconds, repeat 30 seconds, rest 15 seconds, etc., for a period of six 30 second units.

In the standing position, with your legs spread widely apart, raise both hands straight overhead and overlap your hands. Bend over forward and touch the floor between your legs, then return to the original position. Perform this exercise 10 times. You will notice that the wider your legs are spread apart, the easier it will be to touch the floor. As you progress in this and the other exercises, you should bring your feet closer together so that it will be more difficult to touch the floor with your fingers. If you can touch the floor with your feet close together, you should then strive to touch the floor with your palms.

In the prone position, lying flat on your back with your arms by your side, raise your arms and bring them straight back over your head until they are stretched out on the floor, pointing away from your head. Resting all of your weight on your outstretched arms, your shoulders, and on your heels, slowly raises the back, hips, torso, and upper legs off the floor. Stretch your body up as high as you can. Hold that position for a few seconds, and return to the original position. Perform this exercise 5 times.

In the standing position, feet spread slightly apart, hands behind the neck with your fingers interlocked. Bend the body forward from the waist, without bending the knees, and try to bring your head down between your legs. Of course, it will be impossible to bring your head all the way down, but stretch your body as far as possible without straining yourself. Do not remove your hands from behind your head. Use your hands to help push your head down further. When you have reached as far down as possible, return to the starting position. You will perform this exercise with more ease after one or two weeks. Perform this exercise 5 times.

Advanced exercises




Raise your seat while cycling.


Play sports like basketball or volleyball, which involve jumping a lot.


Hang off a bar while wearing ankle weights.




Jump rope.

Front Snap Kick - the first kick is the basic front snap kick. It's very simple. Keep both feet facing forward in a comfortable position, with a slight bend to the knees for balance. Raise your knee until the thigh is parallel to the floor. While doing this, the ankle should be flexed downwards and your toe should be pointed towards the floor. Next, quickly snap your foot outward with your toe pointing outward. Once that is done, quickly return your toe to its previous downward pointing position and lower the foot onto the ground. That is one repetition. The kick will be quick. It doesn't matter how high off the ground you kick - our focus here is simply on executing the quick snapping motion of the lower leg. Each kick will last approximately less than 1 second. Perform 20 kicks per leg then switch to the other leg and repeat. That is 1 set. Rest for 1 minute between sets then repeat the process again for a total of 3 sets.

Straight Leg Kick - the second kick is a straight leg kick. The best way to explain this is to pretend that you are punting a ball. Keep both feet facing forward in a comfortable position, with a slight bend to the knees for balance. Unlike the snap kick, you will NOT bend your knees while performing this kick. Keeping your leg straight, raise your leg quickly as if you were punting an imaginary ball. Raise your leg as high as possible with your toe pointing outward and upward. I find it helpful to imagine that there is a target in front of me at about eye level that I am trying to kick with my foot. Quickly lower your leg to starting position and place your foot on the floor. That is one repetition. Once again, the kick will be quick. Your goal is to keep your leg perfectly straight and kick as high as possible. Each kick will last approximately 1.5 seconds. Perform 10 kicks per leg then switch to the other leg and repeat. Rest for 1 minute between sets then repeat the pr ocess again for a total of 3 sets.

Perform kicks. Repeated kicking helps lengthen the shin and thigh bone. Ever noticed how kick-boxers have longer than average legs? It's the same principle as far as baseball pitchers too. Pitchers usually have a pitching arm that is 1-2 inches (2-5 cm) longer than their other arm. Same principle. Repetitive stress forces the bones to lengthen due to the stress. There are only 2 kicks you will have to do in this program. Perform 3 sets of both kicks each day. Shoes are optional.



Sleep 8 to 10 hours a day. Most of your growing takes place while sleeping, because that's when most HGH is released. Not getting enough hours of sleep will stunt your growth.


Keep your body as straight as possible while sleeping. your spine must be as straight as possible. Lie on your back with your arms and legs stretched toward the foot of the bed. Do not exert any effort or pressure to stretch your limbs. Allow your body to be completely relaxed. You may let your head turn to the right or left and bend your arms if it is more comfortable to you. The important thing is to keep your body (torso and legs) as straight as possible. This position may prove to be uncomfortable for the first few nights, but your body will soon become accustomed to this manner of sleeping and before long you will discover not only extra inches but, also a. more comfortable sleep.

Kick the 'pillow habit'. This is a very common mistake made by most of us because we are led to believe that a pillow allows for a more comfortable night's sleep so, through habit, we become attached and generally accept this as the most comfortable way to sleep. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The use of a pillow is an incorrect form of sleeping and should be avoided. While lying on your back with your head resting on a pillow, your neck is bent forward in a very unnatural position. In this position, your head is being pushed forward and your back is arched, also a very unnatural position. If you suffer from frequent neck or back pains, in the majority of cases you can probably blame it on your pillow or mattress.


Make sure your mattress is firm and capable of giving your body full support. This is to aid in keeping your spine as straight as possible while sleeping. A soft or sagging mattress will tend to bend the spine and curve the torso in a sinking effect, which must be avoided. A good mattress will support the whole body, which will keep it in a straight posture setting - a must for obtaining greater height.



Correct your posture. Many people rob themselves of extra height because they fail to realize that a good posture is essential for maximum height increase. Correct posture involves more than just standing straight and erect. You must train each part of your body to maintain its proper position. You must learn how to hold your head, your pelvis, your legs, sit correctly, walk correctly, plus numerous other do's and don'ts to assure you of achieving every possible inch of height.


You're taller in the morning than in the evening by up to a full inch. This is due to decompression of spine discs, after you lay in horizontal position for many hours (like when you sleep). After standing up for a few hours, you will lose that height. So, when measuring yourself, it's recommended to count your evening height as your 'official' height, because measuring in the morning can be deceiving. Also, try to measure yourself at the same time of the day.

Also recommended as preliminary exercises are physical recreation activities such as walking, jogging, tennis, swimming, bicycling, handball, baseball, soccer and any type of activity involving muscle exertion. Your body is a machine, and if you do not use it regularly, the working parts will become "rusty" and inoperable. To look your best, to feel your best, and to be able to do your best, you must exercise regularly. That is man's nature, and modern technology can't change it.


There are no magic formulas or secret compounds that will help you grow. Don't buy eBooks which will offer no more information that you cant read here for free.

Your growth is determined largely by genetic factors. If your parents are both small, there isn't much chance of being tall (unless you have another relative who is tall). However, the advice in this article will still help you reach your full height.

Growth determines how you can manage the balance of proteins, nutrients, exercise, etc. in your body.


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Friday 25 May 2012

Vitamins That Make You Taller - Vitamins That Help You Grow Taller

Vitamins That Make You Taller

Vitamins are not only critical and necessary for the human general health, but essential for height growth. You can acquire the vitamins that help you grow taller, of which Vitamin A and Vitamin D are two representatives, by eating a well balanced diet, which is also a natural and safe way. Supplements or foods with added vitamins can also be considered if needed.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A can be found in carrots, liver, egg yolk, green and yellow vegetables, margarine and yellow fruits. It helps to not only promote growth and strengthen bones and teeth, but also make skin healthy and shine the hair. The immune system also benefits from Vitamin A. Vitamins That Make You Taller
Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps to improve the absorption of Calcium and Vitamin A, which strengthens the bones, into the bones and teeth. Bone diseases like rickets and eye diseases such as conjunctivitis can be prevented with enough intake of Vitamin D.

Vitamin D can be found in salmon and sardines which might be rare in your recipe. Milk added with Vitamin D can also be found on the market. But a little tip with little effort can give you enough store of it. The sun rays enable the skin to produce Vitamin D. Two or three times of direct sun exposure for ten or fifteen minutes per week would give enough Vitamin D for an adult.

Vitamin A and D are two of numerable vitamins that help you grow taller. Others, such as Vitamin Bs, E, K, are all that should not be neglected when you are preparing your diet. Such Vitamins are so important a factor for growth in height that you should try to intake as much as possible. Vitamins That Make You Taller

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Thursday 24 May 2012

How To Improve Your Height - Increase Your Height Today With These Grow Taller Tips Regardless of Your Age

How To Improve Your Height

Ever hope that miracles will occur so that you will grow taller overnight?

If you are still going through puberty, that's great. There are still so many things you can do to increase your height, especially when we are talking about natural methods like exercise and diet. How To Improve Your Height

But what if you are already way past puberty? What if you are already over 25 years old? Well, there is no need to worry or despair. Most importantly, don't lose hope because there are still several options available to you.

First, let's talk about the growth process of a human being. Still remember the days when you are young?

For babies, the composition of their bones is very different from adults. For babies, a lot of their bones consist of a flexible substance which we call cartilage.

During growth, much of these cartilage starts to fuse and becomes solid adult bones. That is why as babies, we have more bones than adults.

Once we hit puberty, the growth plates at the end of the longer bones will actually begin to lengthen gradually. This is a reason why you see abrupt growth spurts in teenagers who are going through puberty.

In fact, I still remember friends who are extremely short during their childhood days. However, eventually, they shot up tremendously in height and are now taller than ever.

If you are still in your golden period of puberty, then a good diet and exercise program can be extremely helpful and beneficial. Not only does it help improve your health, you will also grow taller as a result. How To Improve Your Height

So what kinds of nutrients do you need?

Well, amino acids, proteins, calories and calcium are all very important nutrients for your body growth. Of course, you shouldn't forget vitamins and other minerals that are essential for good health.

Regular exercises during puberty help in the release of growth hormone, which is without a doubt a critical factor that determine how much height you can gain during this period.

Even if you are over 25 years old and way past puberty, exercise is still useful.

First, exercise keeps you healthy. Most importantly, it helps you to maintain healthy bones. Healthy bones are essential for your height. Without healthy bones, you might even shrink in height, which is definitely not what you want.

In fact, there are certain exercises that can help to correct your posture, which is effectively a way to help you grow taller naturally.

If you are not that keen in natural ways to grow taller, you can make use of some fashion tips to help you appear taller than you really are.

For example, it is probably better to chose black clothing than white ones. Darker clothing makes you look taller as they will not draw attention to your waistline. How To Improve Your Height

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Wednesday 23 May 2012

Ways Get Taller Naturally - The Best Way to Grow Taller Risk Free

Ways Get Taller Naturally

People who are not satisfied with their height have just one question on their mind - how to grow taller naturally. The answer to this question is not as hard as most people think. With the right kind of diet and proper training, you can certainly increase your height by a few inches.

One of the main reasons why people want to know how to grow taller naturally is that they are aware of the side effects of artificial height enhancement procedures. There is no way you can put your health at risk to get taller. So, it is not really surprising that a lot of people have realized the importance of growing taller in a natural manner without resorting to artificial methods. Ways Get Taller Naturally

If you want to grow tall, you should first start eating properly. You cannot get taller or healthier by eating junk food and drinking sugary colas all the time. You should eat a well balanced diet that contains all the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to grow properly. A protein rich diet, in particular, can be helpful for people who are looking to increase their height. It is important to avoid consuming large amounts of carbohydrates and fats, as they can stunt the normal growth of the human body. These are some of the important facts you need to keep in mind if you want to know how to grow taller naturally.

Exercise is another factor that plays a very important role in your growth. If you want to get taller, you should concentrate on doing stretching exercises that straighten and decompress your spinal cord and stretch the muscles in your body as opposed to normal workouts that are designed to improve your strength and make you look muscular. So, in a sense, the answer to the question 'how to grow taller naturally' can be summed up in just a couple of words - stretching exercises.

Swimming, running, pelvic shift, alternate leg kick or dry land swim, and hanging are some of exercises that can increase your height. Since none of these exercises involve lifting weights, the chances of injury are very, very low. This is why these exercises are considered safe even for children.

Proper diet and proper training are two factors that determine your height. Now that you know the answer to the question 'how to grow taller naturally', start eating properly, exercise regularly, and add a few inches to your height. Ways Get Taller Naturally

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Tuesday 22 May 2012

Grow Taller Naturally After Puberty - Ways How to Grow Taller Naturally After Puberty

Grow Taller Naturally After Puberty

Height is a very sensitive issue in modern society. It is a symbol of health, wealth, status, sex appeal and so on. People who are short sometimes feel inferior and depressive about their issue, but if you are on of them - do not panic!There are some ways you can increase your height and increase height even after puberty. In this article you will find some tips that will teach you how to increase height at any age.

Grow Taller Tip #1

First of all you have to understand that there will be no growth if your body does not have the energy which it can use to increase height. You must consume a balanced diet consisting of milk, meat, proteins, fish, different kinds of food and possibly vitamins if you feel that some of them are missing in your daily diet. Ialso recommend drinking fish oil and staying away from caffeine.

How to Grow Taller Naturally Tip #2

Be sure that you get plenty of sleep so your body can produce hgh (human growth hormone) which will help you increase height. And by plenty I mean at least 8 hours a day. Preferably 9 or even 10 hours. Not more though. Be sure that your sleep is interrupted. If needed, get a pair of ear plugs, so you can sleep calmly. If you are having problems falling asleep, try to eat a teaspoon of honey before bed. This usually helps improve sleep and is healthy, too! Try it! Grow Taller Naturally After Puberty

How to Grow Taller Naturally Tip #3

Third tip to increase height is healthy lifestyle. No smoking, no drinking and especially no drugs!Stress can also be a cause of lesser secretion of human growth hormone and growth spurt interruptions. You want all of the energy in your body to be directed towards secreting human growth hormone for you to increase height, so unnecessary stress is out of the question. Be sure to be fit and exercise a lot which gets us to our next point.

Height Increase Tip #4

The last, fourth height increase tip is exercise. Usually the most useful exercises that help a person grow taller are swimming, cycling with a raised seat and basketball or volleyball. These exercises include stretching of various body parts which directly helps you to increase height and exercise also helps to produce more human growth hormone.

Ialso recommend doing daily stretching exercises at home. This will both make you fit and help you grow taller. Grow Taller Naturally After Puberty

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Monday 21 May 2012

Want to know how to grow taller? Find out here!

Do you find your self asking the question: how can I develop taller? Several others ask the exact same question. It is accurate that i am like you. Ridiculed and teased simply because I was shorter than most my exact same age, I have continuously suffered becoming the victim of criticism and insult. Relations of mine would even frown their faces telling me to just acknowledge the conditions simply because becoming "short" is inside our genes. Prior to, I needed to surrender but I realized that there are still hope for fellas like me. So with finger crossed, I go via the whole process.

After months of performing the right routines, I found a great improvement on my height. I utilized to be short, but now I am just as tall as individuals around my age. Even though I can't say that I was easily renewed into a tall lady whom could ultimately earn it as a cover of a journal but the little distort within my existence is adequate towards keep me happy. If you question how you can develop taller, review what I did below:
The initial thing I did is to ascertain the grade of nutritional vitamins, proteins, vitamins, and calcium I invest on every day. All of these are important in your diet plan in order to develop taller. Eating lot of fresh frutis and greens will give much more energy to develop taller.

Amongst the best meals to consume when I want to boost my supply of calcium and protein are milk, eggs, and fish. In order to develop taller, higher protein meals such as these can be consumed. Let me be clear, nevertheless, that I was eating a wide selection of meals in addition to those I have just mentioned. Make it a point that you put these nutrients into your diet plan but by no means focus on them by yourself. By eating nutritious foods each working day, it is feasible to improve the chances of growing taller.

Since there are meals that should towards be devoured, there are also individuals in the direction of shun away from since they possess the opportunity of congestion calcium from becoming absorbed via the body. I was a smoker back again then, so I have to stop because I found out that this can impede me from getting the height I want. It was hard quitting the habit but I have to go via all the tension simply because I know that it is my only ticket for success. Taking excess of salt, alcoholic drinks and coffee is not great for health. They can prohibit the body from obtaining the correct vitamins.

Be dangerous come seal your expect to counter the question: how can I grow taller by bringing rid of these unnecessary meals and routines out of your existence. Of course it is possible. All you need to do is to consider the first step forward.

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Sunday 20 May 2012

How To Grow Taller Naturally Today?-Grow Taller Easy Tips

Are you looking on how to grow taller naturally today?Did you know that you can indirectly affect your body only through your daily diet? If you start changing your diet, you can add not only your body height but get benefit from your growth hormone, and also in learning how to be more natural you can improve your bone health.

A balanced diet is essential to be given priority if you are willing to make changes to your bone. You need to get enough nutrients in foods and beverages that are rich in nutrients such as calcium. Lack of these substances can indeed cause bone growth to slow.

Apart from the nutritional substance called calcium is also important in helping to increase your height naturally. This is because when your body grows, new cells are constantly growing and replacing cells that die. This is the same as well as what happened to your skin, organs, and especially your bones. Lack of calcium in the body can cause your bones become weak and the risk of bone decay would be higher. Calcium, abundant in milk generally, it is very good for the growth of healthy bones and good for your health.

Another ways on how to grow taller naturally are proteins and amino acids. Proteins and amino acids have many interests. By eating foods rich in amino acids and proteins relating, indirectly allows the muscles of the body, bones, and organs to mature and grow. Therefore, logically foods with these nutrients will help your body system to increase the height of the body.

Calories dangerous? Not if we get the content not excessive for tho se who want to increase height naturally. Actually, calories are also important for your body because it is a source of energy and can also help your body's growth. Your body can function properly if you have a steady intake of calories.

Want to learn more on how to grow taller naturally? Get more tips on my website

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Saturday 19 May 2012

Great Tips to Activate Your Career Luck

Having serious ambitions? Desiring to make it big in your career? Or simply just want to find a suitable and good job to start your career right now? You can definitely use Feng Shui to give your ambitions a boost. Good career feng shui usually manifests in the form of increased opportunities.

Be prepared to become a much busier person. It is important to realize this, otherwise you could well feel hassled by the sudden new scope your working life now takes. If you are a passionate about your work and are driven to push yourself further in your career, you will benefit tremendously when you activate your career luck.

Your hard work will start to reap dividends. Powerful bosses will notice you within your work space, and extra responsibilities will be heaped upon your shoulders. You will start to operate in a different league.

I remembered back in the days when I energized my career luck. It took off like a cheetah that I did not know if I was coming or going. That was the year when I made so many quantum leaps in my career, it scared me. So when you start energizing your career luck, do be prepared to be surprised.

Nonetheless, everyone wants to have prosperity in their career and by tapping on the wisdom of feng shui, it can really enhance your career luck and brings you to the next higher level of your career.

The CAREER CORNER is the NORTH of any residential building or personal space. Thus to get the most out of career feng shui, you should use feng shui methods to energize the NORTH corner of both your home, as well as your office.

Remember that at home, if the north corner is your bedroom, do not do anything inside the bedroom. Instead you should focus on activating the north corner of your living room.

However, if the north corner of your home is where you have the toilet, the consequences are inauspicious for the careers of residents. Try your best to close the toilet, and if you can, do not use it. If you were to ask me what should you do if you really cannot demolish or close the toilet, my best solution to you is to place a big boulder inside to press down the bad chi caused by the toilet.

One sure effective way to activate your career luck is to have a small aquarium filled with guppies in the NORTH wall or corner of both your living room at home, and in your office. Your aquarium should not be two feet lengthwise or less. I strongly recommend guppies because these small fishes are hard little creatures with stunning tail fins. They create very good yang energy because they swim vigorously. Simply get a whole school of guppies or other lively active fish and watch them swim strongly, creating strong career luck for you and your family!

On the other hand, you can also place turtles at the North corner of your home. A turtle is considered one of the most powerful symbols of good luck under the study of Feng Shui. My best advise is that a terrapin turtle should be placed in an aquarium in the northern corner of the house or office. The turtle is also considered as a protector and symbol of good luck and the happier and more active your turtle is the more your career luck will be activated.

However other considerations need to be kept in mind while placing any water body in your space and therefore Feng Shui also considers the general layout of the house and your personal kua number before suggesting any Feng Shui career tips.

The use of wind chimes can also increase your career luck tremendously. It is especially beneficial to a pe rsonw ho is running his own business. The business owner will benefit froma metal wind chime in the Western direction while an eight rod metal wind chime in the Southeast can represent wealth for the home and work place.

One important thing that you should take note when using wind chime is the material of the wind chime and the number of rods that is used. The direction to place the wind chime should also be chosen with great care.

Feng Shui career tips or even other aspects of implementing Feng Shui for any area of our lives should be carefully studied and only then applied to our lives. It is best to understand the principles and rules of applying Feng Shui before you start to activate your own career luck with feng shui.

If Feng Shui can be the key that unlocks the door to success, why wouldn't you grasp this kind of opportunity?

For more Feng Shui Tips and Guide, visit

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Friday 18 May 2012

The Top Seven Proven Small Business Marketing Tips to Grow Your Small Business

Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Flood Marketing, LLC

These Powerful Small Business Marketing Tips Are Guaranteed to Dramatically Increase Your Sales!

If you are like many entrepreneurs, you are looking for small business marketing tips that not only work, but work consistently. If you're ready to take the your small business to the next level, you need to look at marketing differently.

This may seem obvious but, over 97% of the time, your small business marketing should have one of two goals: 1. Result in a sale. 2. Result in a lead or prospect.

The other 3% of the cases include your community service marketing like memberships in Rotary, Kiwanis and organizations to which you belong.

Marketing Shouldn't be a Mystery!

Small business owners often see marketing as a mystery and don't know what works for their business. Not knowing what to do leads to either copying competitor's poor marketing or their falling prey to media and agency reps who often know less about marketing than them! The reps are taught to tell you, the small business owner, the goal of your marketing is to build your brand.

The ground is littered with failed small businesses who fell for this brand-building fallacy. Don't misunderstand me here. I strongly believe in advertising as a pillar of your marketing system but you must view all your marketing as an investment, not as a trial to see what works if people know your name.

Another Small Business Marketing Tip:

Look at advertising as you would a sales ep. Would you hire a sales rep to build your brand and "get your name out there?" If they never close and sale and you're losing money, do you keep them on board? Of course not! You don't keep them around longer or pay them more money. You make a change.

Do you see the analogy? Your sales people and advertising are both marketing investments. Why continue advertising that doesn't generate profits?

Remember that everything in your business is part of your marketing. You either move clients and prospects towards or away from a buying decision. When you look at everything you do as part of your marketing investment, you begin to consider how to leverage it in every possible way to increase profits.
7 Powerful Small Business Marketing Strategies That Will Grow YOUR Business!

1. Develop a powerful (USP) that gives prospects a compelling reason to buy from you now. Your USP must scream a powerful reason to do business with you. It motivates your clients to send friends in droves to buy your product or service! This small business marketing tip has built small companies into empires! Remember the little pizza company that guaranteed fresh hot pizza in 30 minutes or less - Or it's free?

Make an outrageous and exciting claim that shows that you are better than anybody else and the best thing for a prospect can do is buy from you now!

2. Learn selling and customer service skills. Advertising legend Clyde Bedell taught us "That all good selling is service." Service and sales go tightly together. When you cross-sell, you provide a tremendous service. You save clients the time and aggravation of having to search elsewhere to complete the purchase.

Marketing legend Dan Kennedy sums up this concept beautifully by saying "People are walking around holding an umbilical cord and saying, "Tell me what to do." Your clients and prospects need and value your recommendations and will follow them so make a habit of providing them!

3. Capture client and prospect information and create a database. Take a moment to ask yourself the last time a retailer or restaurant asked you name or asked you to return. In general, it is NEVER! Your business will be one of less than 5% of companies that make any effort to build a powerful bond with your clients.

4. Use your database to keep in touch. Send thank you notes. (Super car salesman Joe Girardi is in the Guinness book of records for selling more cars than anybody. His secret? he kept in touch with tens of thousands of clients using thank you notes and greeting cards.Give them a reason to return by sending special discount coupons, invitations to "Platinum Client Days"." Always thank them for their past business and give them a special offer as a reason to return and always have a deadline for your offer. 5. Start a newsletter, which is THE most powerful small business marketing tip to build a fence around your clients. The added advantage is that you are marketing to those most likely to buy - Current and past clients!

6. Create a referral and reward program. Unfortunately, most people are afraid to ask for referrals even thought clients are happy to give them. The easiest strategy is to simply ask for them and reward people who send you new clients. It can be as simple as giving coded coupons to a client in your store. For each one that is redeemed, the referring client gets a gift. Many professionals are a lot more strategic and have arrange special meetings with their clients for the sole purpose of getting high quality referrals. If you are living up to your USP, clients will gladly refer others! You must realize that if you are providing quality products and services, it is your right to ask for referrals.

7. The final small business marketing tip is so powerful that you must insure you have the capacity to handle the additional business! Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances leverage the goodwill and relationships other businesses have built with their clients.

Identify non-competing businesses that serve a client base similar to yours. Approach the owner and propose a joint venture or strategic alliance in which you are going to endorse their business to your list and vise-versa. As mentioned earlier, consumers are constantly asking "Who should I buy this product or service from?'

This powerful small business marketing tool leverages the trust you and your alliance partner(s) have built with their clients and, when properly structured between two good companies with quality products and services, is as close to a guaranteed success as you will ever get.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday 17 May 2012

Signs You Are Boring Someone

7 Silent Signs That You May Be Boring Someone

I urge you to develop an essential element of Emotional Intelligence -- Have Social Awareness. This includes knowing how you're being perceived by others. Do you know when someone finds you (yikes!) boring?

As someone who speaks for a living, I can assure you that *many* people have missed some crucial signs that others have mentally tuned them out because the speaker is not aware that they're not engaging the other person. Emotional Intelligence and social awareness are critical components in cultivating social savvy and the success that comes with it.

It doesn't take a lot of intelligence nor is it an ego booster when you realize that what you think is a great story you've been telling is actually driving someone to the brink of a coma with boredom. However, with proper training and conscious effort, you will commit this social crime a lot less often and probably improve your popularity if you do something about those telltale signs of boredom as soon as they arrive on the scene. The critical point, of course, is being able to recognize boredom at its first blush.

Below are seven nonverbal signals you'll want to pick up on quickly about emotional intelligence and body language so you won't be considered boring by others:

Remember; consider the entire context of body language. Don't put too much meaning in a single gesture. Rather, notice the eyes, head, arms, body, the whole body; this allows you to "read" their messages in the proper context. With a little self- training, you'll become a master at understanding if you are boring people when you speak.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #1: Rotating the head from side to side. You know, like there's a cramp in the neck. While the side to side bob should raise your radar, rest assured that the good old nod up and down pretty much means what you think it means. The person you're talking with is with you and, assuming there's eye contact, is also agreeing with your take on the matter.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #2: Keeping hands hidden. The main reason we shake hands and military people salute, by the way, is to show that we're unarmed. Hidden hands might suggest some kind of breakdown in communication if accompanied with a severe break in eye contact.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #3: Emotional intelligence skills gathered through training will help you realize what "micro gestures" mean. Narrowing the eyes with the head turning away from you. Not only might you be boring them, but if they also shake their heads, they may be second guessing your honesty or sincerity.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #4: Eyes glazed over. Yes, it's the most obvious sign of boredom, and it doesn't take much social awareness to recognize this one. The unfocused eyes are not a good sign, especially when their facial expression fails to even come close to matching your own expression at the moment.

Those zoned out, non-blinking eyes with emotion-free facial clues tell you that, wherever their mind is right now, it's not on what you just said.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #5: Emotional intelligence training, also indicates that rubbing the ears, eyes, or nose while turning slightly away from you and even shuffling the feet can indicate that someone is bored with you. They may be trying to put a physical barrier between themselves and you.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #6: Picking at their clothes as eye contact stays persistently broken or looking around the room. Are they smoothing wrinkles that aren't there? Removing link only they can see? Inside they may be thinking when is this person going to stop talking, and do I need to fake cardiac arrest to get out of this conversation? Gently turn the talk back their way.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #7: Showing a clinched fist with tightened facial muscles. Yikes! How long have you been talking? The frustration has escalated. Quickly, before they do something drastic, let them talk!

Of course, it's impossible to assume an entire conversation behind a single gesture, and there's no reason at all for you to take offense at a single one of these signals in isolation.

Like words themselves, body language in the form of gestures must be interpreted as part of the entire communications package. What else are these people doing? Be sure to look at the whole picture before rushing to conclusions. Develop your skills in emotional intelligence training so you will become more socially aware and less socially boring.

And remember, of course, when in doubt, it's always a good idea to toss the conversational ball back in their court to keep them engaged in the conversation and minimize boredom!

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Computer Forensics Training Provides Exciting Career Opportunities

Until a few years back, crime was associated with things such as burglaries, car theft, and so on but with the new age of computers and internet technology, crime has evolved. In fact, the issue of crime pertaining to computers has become such a serious problem, many colleges and universities now offer special computer forensics training.

With computer crime reaching all-time highs, working as a specialist in this field is a great career option. If this were something you find interesting, you would discover that you could look at any number of colleges and universities and find that computer forensics training is a part of the standard curriculum.

These programs are designed to provide you with all the expertise needed so you could perform in-depth research and capture data to find computer hackers and other criminals. With this, these individuals could be successfully prosecuted. Computers play vital roles in businesses around the world and of every size an d industry so learning how to protect companies, along with personal computers is vital. Computer forensics training is challenging but also exciting.

Once you earn your certification or degree, you would have the qualifications and skills to detect data hidden deep on hard drives, and even locate files that were deleted or encrypted. Best of all, all you would need to do your job is know the subtle hints to look for, little things left behind on the computer?s hard drive.

Using appropriate software programs and tools, your computer forensics training would take you far in a career that would be highly beneficial to companies in recovering vital information. When looking at the various colleges and universities offering computer forensics training, you would find they are much the same although slight differences exist. The completion time for earning your certification or degree would also vary, depending on the school of choice.

Regardless, once you begin your new career, you would find it to be rewarding. Yes, this type of career does require you to gain special knowledge and going through school is a commitment of time, but with computer crimes being such a serious issue, you can be sure your abilities would be needed. Depending on the level for which the computer forensics training is performed, requirements may differ greatly. While for some cases, knowledge of the Windows Operating System is enough, for others, very professiona l computer training is required.

Thus, only applicants with a BA in computer science may be accepted for computer forensics training. Some levels of training are less demanding, and knowledge of security systems and Windows administration experience may be enough. Some computer forensics training programs even provide toolkits at the completion of the courses for those who get certification.

Without doubt, career opportunities are varied and in excess so after going through computer forensics training, you would have your choice of where to work. In addition, the earning potential for such careers is exceptional. You would even have a choice of computer crime types. With your certificate and/or degree, you could work on a national or international level, protecting any number of corporations that need help with security problems specific to the computer and proprietary information.

Remember, building a career with your computer forensics training is exci ting and you would have multiple avenues to consider. As you enter the world and begin to put your skills to work, you would feel gratified knowing you are doing something good. Just remember that while computer forensics is adventurous and a career that does make a difference in fighting crime, it typically involves long hours of work.

Having the opportunity to protect companies while putting criminals in jail, makes the time and money spent going through computer forensics training worth it.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Where Can I Make Money On The Internet-Try 1 Of These 8 Ways

Trying to figure out where to make money on the Internet is a problem for most people. In this article I will give you 8 ideas on where you can make money on the Internet so you can decide which is best for you.

1. Start with affiliate marketing. Affiliate programs are free to join and there are people making money all over the world. You can use the affiliate website or implement other strategies to more effectively sell your affiliate products to make money.

2. Start an MLM business. Try to find one that offers products that are mostly Internet based. This is a good way to build a worldwide business faster. If you enjoy social networking finding prospects is easier to do in programs such as Twitter and Facebook.

3. Start your own blog. You can set this up for free using blogging platforms such as WordPress and Blogger.

You can also add Google Adsense and other affiliate products to your blog very easily. Blogging can be fun if you start a blog writing about things that interest you.

4. Do email marketing. Build a mailing list in a targeted niche and sell affiliate products to it. As your list grows so will your income. This is a hands off way to make money in the future once you have a large list of purchasing customers.

5. Start a blog writing business. There are millions of blogs that need content added to them and you can make money writing these articles. You can turn this into a full time income if you enjoy it.

6. Write ebooks and sell them at ClickBank. This is an affiliate network that will also have affiliates waiting to sell your ebook for you. If you enjoy writing, and want to make a lot of money, this is one good way to do it.

7. Sell PLR products. Join a private label rights membership site and get new products to sell every month. This is also a good place to learn how to sell these products as you develop them and make them more unique from what everyone else is selling.

8. Sell stuff on eBay. You probably have things laying around your house you could sell on eBay. Many people turn this into an Internet business of their own.

There are certain things you can do such as affiliate marketing and drop shipping to come up with new product. You can also develop products of your own or find things to sell at garage sales and flea markets.

These are 8 ideas on where you can make money on the Internet. Finding something that you would want to do is not hard, and making money is possible for anyone online today.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday 14 May 2012

Making Money through eBay, Affiliate Marketing, Blogging and other Work from Home Internet Opportunity Programs

Did you know that there are more than a hundred ways to earn money via work from home Internet opportunity programs? Advancements in technology through computer software and Internet marketing tools have really opened doors and brought about alternative ways in making money online.

From taking online surveys and data entry positions to affiliate marketing and money blogging, it can be overwhelming to choose which market you can venture into. Then again, experts mention that for most people, it may take two or more methods before you finally see the perfect niche for you. There is no harm in experimenting different ways, especially since most of the resources on the net are free and readily available.

Making money through EBay ==>

EBay is one of the most popular sites when it comes to buying and selling items. With the thousands of transactions made every single day, t here is no limit to the amount of income you can generate from selling products.

Making money through Affiliate Marketing ==>

Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to earn lots of money online. The only thing is it is not easy to venture into something like this, you need to be really good with what you are doing and you need to go that extra mile to succeed in this field.
What's great about Affiliate Marketing is the fact that there's no need to set up a website or a blog and there's certainly no need to shell out money. However, you need to be able to provide consumers with well-researched articles and you need to be able to help them choose the products they want to buy. Of course, like any other business, you need a good marketing plan to succeed and reach the level of income you want.

Making money through Blogging ==>

These days, more and more people have realized that blogging is one of the easiest ways to start a business on the net. With a small capital, you can set up an impressive web page over time. If you will learn how to monetize your blog properly, you will soon generate decent income even if you don't have the time to update it anymore.

To set up a blog, you can just use free sites that can host your blog for you like Blogg er and WordPress. You can also set up your own blog using your own domain name. To generate serious income, you may need to shell out a few dollars for your domain name and web server. You don't need to worry because many people have proven that the benefits you can get from blogging do outweigh the costs (more or less $20 a year).

Then again, you cannot have a blog without something to blog about. You need to come up with a good subject for your blog. This is not something to get stressed about; you can talk about anything ranging from your hobbies and favorite movies to the recent scoop about your favorite celebrities or the latest high-tech gadgets.

In order for your blog to generate money, it needs to be seen by people. Suggested ways include submitting your blog to different social bookmarking sites; putting back links in your blogs and posting them on various social networking sites; writing free articles with a resource box (for the back links) and submitting them to article directories; joining Internet forums and putting a signature at the end of your posts; or simply monetizing your blog through Google Adsense.

Aside from setting up your own blog site, you can also get paid posting blogs. Good examples are Pay per Post, Review Me and MyLot. You can also insert affiliate links in your blog posts; you can offer ad spaces on your blog; or you can also sell your blog when you get tired of blogging. There are really so many ways to profit from blogs.

There you have it, the three best ways to make money online. For other work from home Internet opportunity programs, you may try Forex trading, Web content/article writing and Google Adsense as well as ClickBank. The list also includes MLM or network marketing, E-Books selling, Twitter-ing and becoming a paid premium blogger for other sites. The list goes on. With the wide range of choices, it is up to you to discover how you can earn money by max imizing the use of Internet marketing tools to your advantage.

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