Monday 30 April 2012

Dog Training at Home - Yes You Can Train Your Dog at Home and Save Money

If you carry out the right kind of dog training at home it can prove a very rewarding experience not only for you but also your pet. Especially if you are someone who is willing to dedicate as much time and effort as you can to make your pet adjust to its new surroundings. Not only is a disciplined dog much easier to control but dogs that have been trained with love will reward their owners with their undying attention as well.

So how do you go about training your dog at home so you have a well disciplined pet that is a joy to be with? Below we offer some tips for dog training at home that you may find very helpful.

Tip 1 - Make Sure You and Your Dog Have Fun

Remember dogs like to play and even when you are training yours then they should not be denied having a little fun. However make sure that you are firm but gentle when giving your pet commands. Also ensure that the commands you use as short words and make sure that you repeat them often and in the same tone of voice.

Owners who are able to establish trust with their dog will find that their pet respects them far more and so they are more willing to learn new things.

Tip 2 - Do not Let Others Train Your Dog

If you do the dog training at home yourself then this will help you to build a much stronger bond with your pet. Again the stronger the bond between you and your dog when teaching them to do as you tell them will be easier as they are going to be much more willing to do as you request.

Tip 3 - Keeping Training Time to a Minimum

When it comes to dog training at home you need to be aware that these animals do not have very long memory spans. If you try to train your dog for too long or make the lessons too boring then their focus on what you want them to do will quickly begin to wander. So of course teaching them to understand the most basic commands and do as requested becomes even more difficult.

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Saturday 28 April 2012

Bodybuilding - Training At Home

BodyBuilding - Training at home

Training at home is a solution when you are very very very busy. Because there is no other serious reason not training at gym. However some people may have some other serious reasons which are worth considering, but in normal case we go to the gym.

Training at home has its pluses.

1. Save time and money. When you train at home you do not need to loose time driving to the gym. For some it may take 30 minutes for other more or less but the fact is fact. So if you have very tight schedule and each minute for you is worthless (however it should be so for everyone) then training at home is the solution for you.
All you need is to buy some equipment. You will not spend a lot of money as for basic training you do not need many things. If to opt for minimum then you will buy:

- 1 classic barbell.

- 2 demountable dumbbells.

- 1 Flat Incline Decline Bench.

- Stands which will be used for squats too.

- Weight plates.

When I say save money I mean money you pay for the gym. Surely this depends from country to country, somewhere the gym subscription costs more somewhere less. When you buy equipment you pay once.

2. No one is disturbing you. When you train at home even if you have a partner no one can disturb you. The music is on and you just keep doing sets after sets. When I train in my garage training duration is always reduced compared with gym.

Surely home training has its minuses too.

1. Less motivation. When you are in the gym and around you are guy who trains hard and have serious reasons why they are in the gym you just get motivated and train harder.

2. Lack of new information. Talking after training or before with guys from the gym you always learn new things, let it be new bodybuilding forum, steroids blog or just new super-sets information.

If you know other pluses and minuses of home training, let's discuss them in forum.

(C) MusclesProd.Com

Using this article withour source indication is not permitted

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Wednesday 25 April 2012

Dog Training at Home

When we talk about dog training at home we think of the rewarding feeling of being able to develop an animals skills, but there is a lot of work and effort involved in the process too. Dog training at home begins with potty training and continues with complex tasks and commands. However, before you start dog training at home youll have to find some professional information on dog health and care. The very basic sit and hello are among the first tricks of dog training at home, followed by the leash walk as an essential part of the process of dog socializing.

Many pet owners choose to turn to professional videos that teach them dog training at home. There are usually two types of approaches to dog training at home and in general: the collar treatment and the reward-based program. Studies conducted in recent years have shown that dog training at home by using very positive methods is likely to create social and highly reliable animals, that not only will listen to your commands but will always been on guard when it comes to the safety of your family. Dog training at home may not have the professional background but it surely has an emotional touch.

Once you start dog training at home dont limit to teaching the dog how to raise the paw or sit when ordered. You can take dog training at home a little further and show the animal how to play fetch. It begins by using one of the pets favorite toys, but it has to result in the animals ability to bring any object. No matter the purpose of dog training at home, keep in mind that reward is the magic key to get to your dogs mind. Every time it performs an action, the dog will need encouragement to continue; therefore an affectionate moment is welcome and appreciated as much as some goodie treat.

Dog training at home takes a lot of time and energy, and many people find it a true challenge. However, time should not be a problem as long as you can turn to your animal and lavish a little attention on it. You can even practice fetch during a commercial just like any other commands learned during dog training at home. If you dont want to have your dog on the sofa with you, you can always order it to move, and the animal would respond. This is the very practical side of dog training at home. By all means avoid bullying the dog or raising your voice, as such manifestations develop aggression or fear.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Basketball Training At Home - Important Report !

If you are curious about a unique basketball training at home then by all means listen to what i have to say - it is sure to change your current understanding of the sport of basketball. What if we told you that you can quite quickly elevate your skills in the game by an astounding 30%? Even better, it is possible to do it through special exercises on your personal computer. Even if you are a nonbeliever, or might think it's just not possible, scan the information that follows - you are sure to be amazed.

Before going any further, it is necessary to understand a significant piece of information - in the game of basketball it is not about who is more skilled at dunking or jumping, but about who makes better decisions and fewer mistakes on court. The expertise to figure out what your opponent is planning, or when to attempt a fast break, a steal, or other moves, is linked to your cognitive or thinking abilities, in a nutshell: brain skills. Most people mistakenly consider these athletic abilities as something athletes are predisposed to, when in actuality, they are not "natural instincts," but rather entirely learnable brain skills.

Even in the case that you just need to know more about a unique basketball training at home, or if you are a junior-high, high-school, or a college player - it's very possible to better your overall game level and statistics by "training" your brain. A panel of experts has come up with a unique software system that enables you to do that; founded on the idea of a "video game", all one has to do is "play" it for brief sessions of 20-30 minutes, once or twice a week, for just a few weeks - the outcome is astonishing. Coaches from all around the united states (memphis and uconn, to name two) have reported amazing results through the use of, with individual athletes and even entire teams, this excellent program.

Before you learn more about a unique b asketball training at home, it is a good idea to "play with" this precious "secret" training system. Thanks to this new program, the hope of making it big on the basketball court for many ambitious players has never been realer or more reachable; players who have tested this software reported an impressive upswing in their game after using the software for no more than a month.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday 23 April 2012

Bangladesh Freelance Job Trainer need House to Rent to organize freelance training in homely atmosphere in Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Sylhet, Cox

Bangladesh freelance job trainer to seeking few house to rent to organize freelance job training in homely atmosphere in allover Bangladesh including Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Sylhet, Cox's Bazer, etc. To minimize the training fee to make it affordable few jobless poor people, the less house rent per month and advance payment against house rent is the better.

Bangladesh freelance job trainer needs house to rent far freelance training: Bangladesh freelance job trainer is seriously seeking for small economy house to rent. It to required to organize freelance job training. The trainer works to keep the cost as less possible. He wants to make the training fee less. It is because to make the training affordable to jobless poor people. It is required in allover Bangladesh. Fr example Dhaka Chittagong, Khulna, Sylhet, Cox's Bazar is mentioned. The trainer works to make the training in homely atmosphere. Besides house rent per month advance against house rent amount should also be less. The benefit will go to students indirectly.

House Rent Arrangement with Landlord for freelance training: Besides monthly house rent and advance against house rent other types of house rent arrangement may be made between Bangladesh freelance job trainer and the land lord. It may be like a partnership of training fee. All these special arrangements are thought not to make the cost higher to benefit students. Any freelance students who are landlord as well can contact the trainer for any arrangement. Benefits three parties including landlord trainer and student. Earn my freelance training in homely atmosphere is expected by all the means.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday 22 April 2012

Most Important Equipment for Boxing Training at Home

When you're ready to start boxing training at home then you of course need to know what boxing equipment you have to purchase. However, when you're on a budget, or when you're short on space, you can't buy every single piece of boxing equipment.

To solve the problem, here's a piece by piece list of the most crucial equipment for successful and effective workouts. Basically, if I was strapped for cash but wanted to start training with boxing workouts at home, I'd start buying equipment at the top of the list and work my way down.

1. Heavy Bag: The heavy bag is the quintessential piece of boxing equipment that we are all familiar with. You can get ones that hang from the ceiling or you can get free standing versions as well. Typically, hanging bags are of a higher quality and are more versatile but it isn't always possible for everyone's situation.

2. Boxing Gloves: It shouldn't come as a surprise that a pair of boxing gloves is essential for boxing trai ning at home. Unless you plan on sparring, you can purchase a relatively cheap pair gloves specifically trained for bag training.

3. Hand Wraps: Your hands are your tools for your boxing workouts. You need to take the utmost care in protecting them, or else your workouts are going to painful and short lived.

4. Round Timer: So many people overlook the basic round timer and it's such a shame, because it's an absolutely great tool for your boxing workouts. You can set up rounds of different lengths and be alerted with warning buzzers, and also receive rest intervals just as if you were in a fight or sparring session.

5. Full Length Mirror: I can't stress enough how great a floor mirror is for boxing training at home. You can get your shadow boxing done, and you can really watch and correct your technique.

6. Speed Bag: The speed bag is a fantastic tool for you to train your hand speed, coordination, timing, reflexes and arm stamina. You'll build up strength in your shoulders, wrists and arms as you fine tune your hand eye coordination and overall boxing skill.

7. Pull Up Bar : The pull up bar is an all purpose tool that can help you pack on strength and lean muscle mass without bulking up too much. You can use pull up bars to pack on strength in your back, core and arms all at once.

8. Medicine Ball: A medicine ball is a very versatile piece of equipment. You can do a huge variety of abdominal exercises, and you can also build up your toughness. Additionally, you can get creative and do a wide range of exercises with a medicine ball to work your shoulders, chest, legs and core.

When you're ready to start boxing training at home, the above is what you need to consider. Start at the top of this list and work your way down, and you'll get a full range of essential boxing equipment to complete your at home boxing workouts.

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Saturday 21 April 2012

Women's Self Defense Training At Home

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Women's self defense training at home isn't as hard as it seems. There are multiple programs on the internet that you can find and use. The main difference in training at home and training in a dojo is that you don't have many people to help train you.

The best way to train is to have a training partner. Weather it be your husband or boyfriend, or a like minded friend, find someone to train with. Reading a book isn't going to be much help if you don't practice it!

Invest in some pads, that way you can get used to striking with full force and you don't have to worry about hurting your partner. Head gear, kick pads, and punch pads should be enough for you to get started. You might also want to get a heavy duty punching bag that can hang from a tree or ceiling.

After you and your partner are comfortable with combatives (punching, kicking, striking) you should move on to defenses. Practice defending yourself against chokes, bear hugs, and strikes. Learn to see what side of the body the strike is coming from. Don't get hurt! That is the most important thing here!

After you have covered the basics of defense, it will be time to move on to weapons defense training. You can find fake guns and knifes all over the internet. A real attacker is rarely not armed with something; knife, gun, big stick. Anything can be used as a weapon against you.

The most important thing in all is is to stay safe while training as effectively as possible. Stress yourself to become use to it. All sorts of chemicals fly through your brain when you are attacked, if you can learn how to calm them and yourself, you will learn to stay calm when a real attack happens. Please don't get hurt, remember, be safe while training as effectively as possible! While you are doing this training remember that womens self defense training at home can keep you alive!

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Friday 20 April 2012

About Your Weight Training at Home

Weight training at home can be rewarding and highly convenient. Or it can breed guilt as you keep missing your workouts...

First plan you workouts, get motivated, and evaluate your exercise equipment needs. Then you're off and running (or rather, lifting ;-) and getting real benefits!

Schedule It

First off, schedule regular workouts. Just because you're at home doesn't mean you'll always, "Just get to it later..."

In the beginning, pick a simple schedule and stick to it. Integrate it into your day and block off that time to weight train at home. (EX: After dropping the kids off at school, set aside 1 hour just for your workout.)

And as always, keep track of your workouts so you can see that you're improving. Or that you keep using the same weights and reps and need to kick it up a notch...


Getting motivation to do your weight training at home is another sticking point, but here's a few tips that should make it easier and much more enjoyable:

Awesome Music!
Turn on some music at home that pumps you up! A movie soundtrack, your favorite CD, or Beethoven's Fifth - Whatever it takes to get you ready to go!

Training Buddy!

Get a buddy who's also exercising at home and compare notes. You'll keep each-other motivated, and give each-other a hard time if you slack off.

Something Awesome or Tasty!

Promise yourself that if you workout for a week, you'll buy yourself something special. To eat, to wear, whatever. Give yourself something to look forward to.

Expensive Machines and Equipment?

In the beginning, just say no! Elaborate home weightlifting equipment isn't what you need if you're just starting out.

If you've been working out regularly before and have done some workouts at home, then you can take the plunge. But if you're new to working out as well as weight lifting at home, you don't know if it's your thing yet.

Instead, w ork out for a few weeks at home doing body-weight workouts, jogging around your neighborhood, or borrowing a friend or neighbor's weights. That way, you can find out if exercising at home is something that you can fit into your schedule & have the motivation for.

So you won't have guilt, home exercise weight-sets, and dust gathering at home. You'll know you have the drive to do weight training at home and any money you spend on weights will be an investment in you body and not just your home decor.

Short Term Goal

Have a short term, measurable goal when you first start weight training at home. Give your workouts at home a good, honest trial for a short time and see how it works out.

Commit to doing your workouts for just 1 month, or 30 days. That's enough time to find out whether lifting at home is your thing, or not.

And it feels great hitting a goal, large or small.

Getting Start ed

So, look around and choose how you want to start your weight training at home. Find a borrow your friends weights, take a trial month, turn on the theme music from Rocky and go for it!

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Thursday 19 April 2012

Life Insurance High Point NC - 33 Secret Tips To Not Get RIPPED OFF

Hey there, it's Tripp, better known as the Life Insurance Whiz.

So I see you're hunting for "life insurance high point". Before you make another click, run over to and snag my FREE, easy to read, 16pg report exposing "33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off".

Because chances are, up until now, you've been overwhelmed with...

-Thousands of websites trying to entice you with cute family photos and unrealistic offers.

-Companies trying to duke it out with who's got the lowest quotes...who's been around for 800 years.

Your brain is probably shutting down from information overload. As a matter of may have been tempted to throw in the towel on the whole dang thing!

Well, this report of Life Insurance Insider's Secrets is going to make your life a WHOLE LOT EASIER.

You see...over the years I've learned that those things just don't impress people anymore. When they're searching for "life insurance high point", what they're really looking for is someone that's REAL and relatable to give them the straight up facts, without just trying to make a quick buck off of them.
And unfortunately, I've witnessed first-hand just how rare that is to find.

That is until now.

Introducing my latest report: "33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off"

This Easy-to-Read 16pg FREE REPORT Uncovers:

What are the Different Types?
...Most people get these confused, which could cost you BIG

Things to Consider
...These will cause you to stop dead in your tracks and FACE THE FACTS

Yeah, But Do I Really Need It?
...A simple formula to prove whether you really need it or not

33 Secret Tips to Not Get RIPPED OFF
...Secrets tips agents don't freely tell, that you must know

Who is Tripp?
...Who I am and why you should listen to me

In My "Not-So-Smart" Days
...What I use to do wrong and how it now benefits you

The Inside Scoop
...Some dirt on why insurance agents are so darn pushy

What Makes Me "The Whiz"
...10 Things that put me head and shoulders above the other guys

What Happens Next
...Okay so you're strapped with knowledge on what to watch out for. NOW WHAT?

So ditch those thousands of boring company websites that are stealing your time and that you probably don't even understand anyway, and head over to to snag your copy of the real of charge.

Meet you there!


iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Life Insurance Raleigh NC - 33 Secret Tips To Not Get RIPPED OFF

Hey there, it's Tripp, better known as the Life Insurance Whiz.

So I see you're hunting for "life insurance raleigh". Before you make another click, run over to and snag my FREE, easy to read, 16pg report exposing "33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off".

Because chances are, up until now, you've been overwhelmed with...

-Thousands of websites trying to entice you with cute family photos and unrealistic offers.

-Companies trying to duke it out with who's got the lowest quotes...who's been around for 800 years.

Your brain is probably shutting down from information overload. As a matter of may have been tempted to throw in the towel on the whole dang thing!

Well, this report of Life Insurance Insider's Secrets is going to make your life a WHOLE LOT EASIER.

You see...over the years I've learned that those things just don't impress people anymore. When they're searching for "life insurance raleigh", what they're really looking for is someone that's REAL and relatable to give them the straight up facts, without just trying to make a quick buck off of them.
And unfortunately, I've witnessed first-hand just how rare that is to find.

That is until now.

Introducing my latest report: "33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off"

This Easy-to-Read 16pg FREE REPORT Uncovers:

What are the Different Types?
...Most people get these confused, which could cost you BIG

Things to Consider
...These will cause you to stop dead in your tracks and FACE THE FACTS

Yeah, But Do I Really Need It?
...A simple formula to prove whether you really need it or not

33 Secret Tips to Not Get RIPPED OFF
...Secrets tips agents don't freely tell, that you must know

Who is Tripp?
...Who I am and why you should listen to me

In My "Not-So-Smart" Days
...What I use to do wrong and how it now benefits you

The Inside Scoop
...Some dirt on why insurance agents are so darn pushy

What Makes Me "The Whiz"
...10 Things that put me head and shoulders above the other guys

What Happens Next
...Okay so you're strapped with knowledge on what to watch out for. NOW WHAT?

So ditch those thousands of boring company websites that are stealing your time and that you probably don't even understand anyway, and head over to to snag your copy of the real of charge.

Meet you there!


iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Life Insurance Lynchburg VA - 33 Secret Tips To Not Get RIPPED OFF

Hey there, it's Tripp, better known as the Life Insurance Whiz.

So I see you're hunting for "life insurance lynchburg". Before you make another click, run over to and snag my FREE, easy to read, 16pg report exposing "33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off".

Because chances are, up until now, you've been overwhelmed with...

-Thousands of websites trying to entice you with cute family photos and unrealistic offers.

-Companies trying to duke it out with who's got the lowest quotes...who's been around for 800 years.

Your brain is probably shutting down from information overload. As a matter of may have been tempted to throw in the towel on the whole dang thing!

Well, this report of Life Insurance Insider's Secrets is going to make your life a WHOLE LOT EASIER.

You see...over the years I've learned that those things just don't impress people anymore. When they're searching for "life insurance lynchburg", what they're really looking for is someone that's REAL and relatable to give them the straight up facts, without just trying to make a quick buck off of them.
And unfortunately, I've witnessed first-hand just how rare that is to find.

That is until now.

Introducing my latest report: "33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off"

This Easy-to-Read 16pg FREE REPORT Uncovers:

What are the Different Types?
...Most people get these confused, which could cost you BIG

Things to Consider
...These will cause you to stop dead in your tracks and FACE THE FACTS

Yeah, But Do I Really Need It?
...A simple formula to prove whether you really need it or not

33 Secret Tips to Not Get RIPPED OFF
...Secrets tips agents don't freely tell, that you must know

Who is Tripp?
...Who I am and why you should listen to me

In My "Not-So-Smart" Days
...What I use to do wrong and how it now benefits you

The Inside Scoop
...Some dirt on why insurance agents are so darn pushy

What Makes Me "The Whiz"
...10 Things that put me head and shoulders above the other guys

What Happens Next
...Okay so you're strapped with knowledge on what to watch out for. NOW WHAT?

So ditch those thousands of boring company websites that are stealing your time and that you probably don't even understand anyway, and head over to to snag your copy of the real of charge.

Meet you there!


iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday 16 April 2012

Life Insurance Richmond VA 33 Secret Tips To Not Get RIPPED OFF

Hey there, it's Tripp, better known as the Life Insurance Whiz.

So I see you're hunting for "life insurance richmond". Before you make another click, run over to and snag my FREE, easy to read, 16pg report exposing "33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off".

Because chances are, up until now, you've been overwhelmed with...

-Thousands of websites trying to entice you with cute family photos and unrealistic offers.

-Companies trying to duke it out with who's got the lowest quotes...who's been around for 800 years.

Your brain is probably shutting down from information overload. As a matter of may have been tempted to throw in the towel on the whole dang thing!

Well, this report of Life Insurance Insider's Secrets is going to make your life a WHOLE LOT EASIER.

You see...over the years I've learned that those things just don't impress people anymore. When they're searching for "life insurance richmond", what they're really looking for is someone that's REAL and relatable to give them the straight up facts, without just trying to make a quick buck off of them.
And unfortunately, I've witnessed first-hand just how rare that is to find.

That is until now.

Introducing my latest report: "33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off"

This Easy-to-Read 16pg FREE REPORT Uncovers:

What are the Different Types?
...Most people get these confused, which could cost you BIG

Things to Consider
...These will cause you to stop dead in your tracks and FACE THE FACTS

Yeah, But Do I Really Need It?
...A simple formula to prove whether you really need it or not

33 Secret Tips to Not Get RIPPED OFF
...Secrets tips agents don't freely tell, that you must know

Who is Tripp?
...Who I am and why you should listen to me

In My "Not-So-Smart" Days
...What I use to do wrong and how it now benefits you

The Inside Scoop
...Some dirt on why insurance agents are so darn pushy

What Makes Me "The Whiz"
...10 Things that put me head and shoulders above the other guys

What Happens Next
...Okay so you're strapped with knowledge on what to watch out for. NOW WHAT?

So ditch those thousands of boring company websites that are stealing your time and that you probably don't even understand anyway, and head over to to snag your copy of the real of charge.

Meet you there!


iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday 15 April 2012

Test email for your blog

This is a test email for your blog. This should show up on your Blog if your settings are correct. If not please review the settings.

-Sent via email

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Life Insurance Roanoke VA - 33 Secret Tips To Not Get RIPPED OFF

Hey there, it's Tripp, better known as the Life Insurance Whiz.

So I see you're hunting for "life insurance roanoke". Before you make another click, run over to and snag my FREE, easy to read, 16pg report exposing "33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off".

Because chances are, up until now, you've been overwhelmed with...

-Thousands of websites trying to entice you with cute family photos and unrealistic offers.

-Companies trying to duke it out with who's got the lowest quotes...who's been around for 800 years.

Your brain is probably shutting down from information overload. As a matter of may have been tempted to throw in the towel on the whole dang thing!

Well, this report of Life Insurance Insider's Secrets is going to make your life a WHOLE LOT EASIER.

You see...over the years I've learned that those things just don't impress people anymore. When they're searching for "life insurance roanoke", what they're really looking for is someone that's REAL and relatable to give them the straight up facts, without just trying to make a quick buck off of them.
And unfortunately, I've witnessed first-hand just how rare that is to find.

That is until now.

Introducing my latest report: "33 Secret Tips You MUST Know about Life Insurance to Avoid Getting Ripped Off"

This Easy-to-Read 16pg FREE REPORT Uncovers:

What are the Different Types?
...Most people get these confused, which could cost you BIG

Things to Consider
...These will cause you to stop dead in your tracks and FACE THE FACTS

Yeah, But Do I Really Need It?
...A simple formula to prove whether you really need it or not

33 Secret Tips to Not Get RIPPED OFF
...Secrets tips agents don't freely tell, that you must know

Who is Tripp?
...Who I am and why you should listen to me

In My "Not-So-Smart" Days
...What I use to do wrong and how it now benefits you

The Inside Scoop
...Some dirt on why insurance agents are so darn pushy

What Makes Me "The Whiz"
...10 Things that put me head and shoulders above the other guys

What Happens Next
...Okay so you're strapped with knowledge on what to watch out for. NOW WHAT?

So ditch those thousands of boring company websites that are stealing your time and that you probably don't even understand anyway, and head over to to snag your copy of the real of charge.

Meet you there!


iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software